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Unit 1 Food and HealthI. Long passage1 . B2 . E3 . C4 . A5 . A6 . H7 . G8 . K9 . J1 0 . I II. careful readingPassage 11 . B2 . B3 . D4 . A5 . CPassage 21 . D2 . C3 . B4 . C 5 . BSummary1 . worth2 . Fake Candy Bars3 . Packs a higher nutritional punch4 . Satisfies your taste buds without environmental or ethical worries Unit 1 Food and HealthIII. Banked ClozePassage 1A. 8 1 . AB. 7 2 . CC. 1 1 3 . ND. 1 4 . LE. 1 2 5 . JF. 1 5 6 . DG. 3 7 . OH. 2 8 . II. 1 3 9 . GJ. 4 1 0 . FK. 5L. 1 4 M. 6N. 9O. 1 0 III. Banked ClozePassage 2A. 5 1 . JB. 7 2 . NC. 1 2 3 . GD. 6 4 . IE. 1 4 5 . MF. 4 6 . KG. 1 7 . BH. 2 8 . AI. 1 3 9 . FJ. 8 1 0 . DK. 1 5L. 1 0M. 1 1N. 9O. 1 3 III. Banked ClozePassage 3A. 3 1 . OB. 1 5 2 . IC. 6 3 . GD. 1 4 . AE. 2 5 . MF. 9 6 . CG. 5 7 . DH. 1 1 8 . KI. 7 9 . HJ. 4 1 0 . LK. 1 3L. 1 4M. 8N. 1 2O. 1 0 IV. Translation1 . Here is the latest goal for food marker: perfect the art of imperfection. 2 . It wasnt as easy as it sounds since the meat still needs to fit neatly into a package and add up to a certain weight.3 . It is essentially one of the most long-standing and consistent nutritional recommendations in the United States, going back 5 0 years. 4 . Some schools and health experts condone the behavior that kids always drink flavored milk. 5 . One effective way of improving teens eating habits is to shop and cook with them, and organize family outings that keep them physically active.6 . A healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and plenty of regular exercise for everyone should be family undertaking. Unit 1 Food and Health Paragraph translation1 . Studies show that the juice contains very low levels of arsenic, a cancer-causing agent found in everything from water to soil to pesticides. The FDA had monitored arsenic in apple juice for decades and has long said the levels are not dangerous to consumers, in particular small children who favor fruit juice. But now, the agency is putting in placing a strict standard on how much arsenic is acceptable in apple juice, limiting the amount to the same level currently permitted in drinking water. Unit 1 Food and Health Paragraph translation2 . Low-fat foods are supposed to reduce the amount of calories that people eat, and in an absolute sense, they do. A cup of low-fat milk contains fewer calories than a cup of whole milk. But Ludwig and Willett note that there isnt much evidence to support the idea that drinking lower-calorie beverage in general leads to lower-calorie intake. Low-fat foods and drinks may not be as filling, so consumers may end up compensating for the lack of calories and eating or drinking more. Scientists found that kids who drink low-fat milks are actually more likely to be overweight alter on. Unit 1 Food and Health 3 . Based on a large sample of teens and parents, the scientists find that kids whose parents talk to them about eating by focusing on the childrens weight or size and telling them either that they are heavy or may get fat if they continue to eat the way they do, are more likely to adopt unhealthy eating behaviors such as going on extreme diets, fasting, using laxatives or picking up eating disorders like binge eating. But kids whose parents focus only on how to eat healthy and avoid judgmental statements about their weight are less likely to have eating problems. Unit 1 Food and Health Unit 2 Global GamesI. Long passage1 . G2 . B3 . I4 . J5 . B6 . H7 . G8 . E9 . F1 0 . D Summary1 . general2 . second3 . Rome4 . facilities5 . elite athletes with a wide variety of disabilities from all over the world II. careful readingPassage 11 . D2 . B3 . C4 . A5 . DPassage 21 . D2 . B3 . C4 . A 5 . D Unit 2 Global GamesIII. Banked ClozePassage 1A. 7 1 . AB. 2 2 . HC. 1 2 3 . KD. 4 4 . LE. 5 5 . DF. 3 6 . EG. 8 7 . MH. 1 1 8 . GI. 1 4 9 . IJ. 1 5 1 0 . NK. 1L. 9 M. 6N. 1 0O. 1 3 III. Banked ClozePassage 2A. 9 1 . BB. 5 2 . MC. 6 3 . ED. 2 4 . CE. 7 5 . DF. 1 3 6 . OG. 1 1 7 . KH. 1 0 8 . AI. 1 5 9 . GJ. 1 2 1 0 . LK. 4L. 8M. 1N. 1 4O. 3 III. Banked ClozePassage 3A. 1 1 . GB. 6 2 . EC. 9 3 . ID. 1 5 4 . OE. 5 5 . AF. 1 2 6 . KG. 4 7 . CH. 3 8 . HI. 7 9 . MJ. 1 4 1 0 . BK. 2L. 1 0M. 8N. 1 3O. 1 1 IV. TranslationSentence translation1 . It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law. 2 . As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence. 3 . His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties.4 . Air and water are indispensable to life.5 . Some men believe that women are inferior to men. 6 . Only then did he realize his mistakes. Unit 2 Global Games Paragraph Translation1. The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. The summer and winter games are each held every four years. The original Olympic Games were first recorded in BC 776 in Olympia, Greece. Olympics are one of the largest media event. In Sydney in 2000 there were more than 16,000 broadcasts and journalists. It is estimated that there are 380 million viewers watching the games on television. However, the development of Olympics is one of the greatest problems the Olympics face today. Unit 2 Global Games Paragraph Translation2. Chinas sports have undergone several thousand years of development. But they were not regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949, when the Peoples republic of China was founded. Now a nationwide network for physical culture has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. With the concerted efforts of sports workers and athletes, gratifying achievements have been made in physical culture and sports in the past 50 years. Unit 2 Global Games Paragraph Translation3. China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The sport of football originated from ancient Chinese Cuju. Cu means the kick with foot. Ju refers to a kind of ball made of processed cowhide. Cuju is a special ball game and entertainment in ancient China. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now you will understand why our women football team is so good. Unit 2 Global Games Unit 3 Custom and EtiquetteIII. Banked ClozePassage 1A. 7 1 . MB. 9 2 . HC. 2 3 . DD. 3 4 . JE. 1 2 5 . GF. 4 6 . BG.1 4 7 . NH. 1 3 8 . CI. 6 9 . AJ. 5 1 0 . OK. 1L. 1 0 M. 8N. 1 1O. 1 5 III. Banked ClozePassage 2A. 1 0 1 . HB. 8 2 . EC. 2 3 . CD. 1 4 . JE. 1 5 5 . OF. 1 4 6 . NG. 5 7 . LH. 6 8 . FI. 9 9 . GJ. 1 1 1 0 . AK. 1 3L. 7M. 1 2N. 4O. 3 III. Banked ClozePassage 3A. 2 1 . HB. 1 0 2 . AC. 5 3 . DD. 1 2 4 . BE. 1 3 5 . CF. 1 5 6 . OG. 8 7 . FH. 3 8 . KI. 1 9 . EJ. 1 1 1 0 . LK. 9L. 6M. 7N. 4O. 1 4 Unit 4 Popular ScienceIII. Banked ClozePassage 2A. 1 1 . IB. 4 2 . EC. 7 3 . MD. 2 4 . AE. 5 5 . GF. 6 6 . LG. 8 7 . CH. 3 8 . OI. 9 9 . FJ. 1 2 1 0 . DK. 1 5L. 1 4 M. 1 0N. 1 3O. 1 1 III. Banked ClozePassage 3A. 8 1 . EB. 6 2 . HC. 3 3 . LD. 5 4 . DE. 1 1 5 . CF. 1 6 . MG. 2 7 . BH. 4 8 . NI. 7 9 . JJ. 9 1 0 . FK. 1 0L. 1 5M. 1 2N. 1 4O. 1 3III. Banked ClozePassage 1A. 7 1 . IB. 4 2 . DC. 1 3 . CD. 3 4 . BE. 6 5 . EF. 2 6 . FG. 5 7 . GH. 1 0 8 . HI. 8 9 . OJ. 9 1 0 . NK. 1 2L. 1 1M. 1 5N. 1 4O. 1 3


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