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高考英语专题复习 情景交际用语 情景交际用语 高考中的情景交际题是在特定的语言环境中 考查考生运用语言的能力,但由于受到中西 方文化不同思维方式的影响,或只单纯地考 虑语法规则而忽视礼貌得体原则,结果往往 选错答案。结合比较历年高考试题,将常见 的情景交际用语归纳如下: 情景交际用语高考常考查的五大类: 一、 “ 没关系;不要紧;没问题;别提 了 ” 类 二、 pleasure类 三、 all right 类 四、 “ 祝愿;祝贺 ” 类 五、 Go ahead, Help yourself Here be类 Test 1: -Would you mind my coming and having a look at your new garden? My little sons curious about roses you grow。 -_。 Youre welcome。 A. Yes, I do B. Never mind C. Yes, please D. Not at all 一、“没关系;不要紧;没问题;别提了 ” 类 Never mind意为“没关系;不要紧;不用费 事”,常用于以下几种场合: 1)当别人向你 致歉 时; 2)请对方 放心 或 安慰 对方时 注意:由于受字面意思的影响,很多学生把 Never mind用于对 DoWould you mind 的否定回答。 对 DoWould you mind 表示“不介意”时常用 No, not at all; of course not; certainly not; No, please; No, go ahead等;表示“介意”的回答为 You had better not; Youd rather not; Im afraidnot ; Im sorry, but 等。 Forget it 意为“没关系;不要紧;别提 了”,通常用于以下场合: 1)当别人向你 致歉 时; 2)不同意对方要求的 委婉拒绝 No problem意为“没问题;成”。通常 用于对别人的 请求 表示同意。类似的表达 还有: All right; OK。 It doesnt matter相当于 No matter,意 为“没关系;不要紧”,通常用于对别人 道歉 的答语。 高考链接: 1. -I dont have any change with me。 Will you pay the fare for me? -_。 A. Thats fine B. Nothing serious C. Never mind D. No problem 2.-Im terribly sorry。 I broke your glass. -_ A Thats right B Bad luck C Sorry D You can forget it 3.-Im sorry I broke your mirror。 -Oh, really ? _。 A Its OK with me B It doesnt matter C Dont be sorry D I dont care 二、 pleasure类 Its a pleasure to do 意为“很高兴做 ” , 相当于 PleasedNiceGlad to do。 Its a pleasure=A pleasure=My pleasure, 意为“ 不用谢;没关系 ; 这是我乐意做的 ”,通 常是对 thank you 的回答。 With pleasure=YesCertainly,意为“ 当然 可以;愿意效劳 ”。类似的答语还有: All right; OK; No problem; Id like to等,主要用于对别 人的 请求 表示乐意去做的场合。 高考链接: 1-Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? -Yes, _ A for pleasure B I could C my pleasure D with pleasure 2-Its been a wonderful evening。 Thank you very much。 -_! A My pleasure B Im glad to hear that C No, thanks D Its OK。 三、 all right 类 Thats all right意为“ 不用谢;没关系 ”,主要用于 对 感谢 或 歉意 的礼貌回答。 That right意为“ 对了;正确 ”,表示对对方的意见、 看法或行为肯定的答复。相反说法为 Thats wrong。 All right=OK,意为“ 行;可以 ”,通常用于对对方 的建议或请求表示同意。 4. sb.sth. be all rightOK表示“ 身体好;一切正常 ” 5.感谢 的礼貌回答有 Thats all right; Thats OK; Not at all; Youre welcome; Dont mention it; It is a pleasureA pleasureMy pleasure; Im glad you enjoy 等; 6. 对 歉意 的礼貌回答 有: Thats all right; It doesnt matter; Never mind; Forget it ; ThatsIts nothing等。 高考链接 -James, Im sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning。 -_。 A Thats all right B Its a pleasure C You are welcome D Dont mention it 四、“祝愿;祝贺”类 当 听到令人高兴的事 时,通常用 Im glad to hear that来应答;否则用 Im sorry to hear that来 应答。 当 对方向你表示祝愿 时,常用 The same to you 或 You, too来回答。 但对 Happy birthday to you的回答常用 Thank you。 当 对方在某项活动 ,如考试、比赛时,向对方 表示祝福用 Good luck。 当 对方在某方面取得成就或成功 时,常用 Congratulations 来表示。 高考链接: Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rocket this weekend。 Im sure we will win 。 Mike: _。 A Congratulations B Cheers C Best wishes D Good luck -I had a really good weekend at my uncles。 -_。 A Oh, thats very nice of you B Congratulation B Its a pleasure D Oh, Im glad to hear that 高考链接: -Have a nice weekend! -_。 A The same to you B You do too C You have it too D The same as you -I came out first in the English Listening and Speaking Competition -_。 A Congratulations B Good luck C Good for you D Im glad to 五、 Go ahead, Help yourself, Here be类 Go ahead表示 鼓励对方 做某事,意为“ 请吧;请说 吧;请开始吧;请尽管用 ”。注意:在回答 May I use 或 I wonder if I can use 时,如借用的东西可以 拿走,就用 Here you are,反之用 Go ahead。 Help yourself可表示“ 请随便吃、喝 ”外,还可表 示“ 请自己动手做 或拿 ” 。 3.Here it is表示“ 给你;在这儿 ”特指提到的 单数名词 。 Here they are表示“ 给你;在这儿 ;他们来了”特指 上 文提到的是 复数名词 。 Here you are表示“ 给你;在这儿;你们来 到了 ”, 特指上文提到的是 单数或复数 名词,也可以指 另外提供 的事物 。 Here we are表示“ 这儿有我们所需要的;我们到了 ”。 高考链接: -Could I ask you a rather personal question? -_。 A. Yes, dont worry B Of course, go ahead C. Yes, help yourself D Of course, why not -Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? -_。 A Yes, you may borrow B Yes, you could C Yes, go on D Yes, help yourself -Give me a bottle of German dark beer and one Scotch beef。 -Just a moment, sir。 _。 Ten dollars and fifty-five cent, please A Here it is B Here you are C. Here we are D Give you this -Can I have a look at your new car? -Certainly, _。 A please look B Its too dear C its very beautiful D go ahead -Quick! The train is leaving。 -_。 We still have ten minutes left。 A Never mind B My pleasure C All right D Go ahead 专项练习 4.-Could you make the booking in her name? -_。 A No problem B Its all right C Fine D I hope so 5.-Could you get the butter out of the fridge? -_? Its so noisy that I cant hear。 A.Do you want the money B What will you want to do C. How much D You what 6.-Lets go shopping first and then go fishing tomorrow。 -But how will you get there? -_。 I wont have the car, will I? A Well, come on B You go yourself C Thats a good point D Im afraid I dont agree “说得对(没想到这 一点);所言极是” 7 -_ -Drop in if you have time. -Sure. Bye ! A Well, I really must be going now. B I wonder if you could let me go now. C Do you mind if I leave now? D What a shame that I want to go now! 8.-Its too expensive. I need more discount. - 1, 500, but thats my last offer. -OK, its a _. A cost B price C reward D deal “一言为定;成 交” 9.-Next Monday is my birthday. -Is that so ?_ -Thank you A I dont believe so. B Im so glad C What presents do you need? D Many happy returns of the day! “祝您长寿;祝您生日快乐” 10.-Will you please explain this paragraph for me? -_ A No, thanks B Its OK C With pleasure D Im glad to hear that 11.-I really didnt know how to thank you enough. -_ A No problem B Think nothing of it C Not at all D. It doesnt matter 相当于 Dont mention it,表 示“不用客气” 12.-Merry Christmas and happy New Year! -_。 A The same to you B Glad to hear that C Have a good time D You arent sorry 13.-Thanks for the lovely and delicious food。 -_。 A No, thanks B Never mind C All right D My pleasure 14.-_? -No, please go ahead。 A Could you please give me a hand? B Shall we go home now C Would you like to see a film with me D Do you mind if I use your computer for a while 15.-Shall we go out for a walk after supper? -_. A Help yourself B Go ahead, please B Thats right D All right 16.-May I have another cake ? -Yes, of course。 _ A Please taste quickly B Have more, please C Help yourself D Eat slowly while it is hot 17.-Would you mind if I smoked here? -_。 Go forwardyeah , at the corner。 Yeah, right there A Sorry, not here B Yes, I do C Never mind D Of course not 18.-Im sorry, I I broke your vase , sir。 -_ A Why ? B Oh, its so precious C No matter D Im sorry too 19.-Betty was feeling pretty blue for a while, but shes better now。 -_。 A. Oh, thats kind of you B Congratulations C. Its my pleasure D. Oh, Im glad to hear that 20.-_? -No, thanks。 Im just looking around。 Ill let you know if I want anything。 A Have you made up your mind what you want B What do you want C Can I help you D Do you like it 21.-_。 -Its nothing to worry about。 I never liked it anyway。 A I lost my walkman this morning B I feel awful. Ive got a cold. C I feel terrible, but Ive left your tape somewhere D Im sorry, but we dont have that medicine 22.-Whats happened to my library books? -_。 A Ive no idea. B You borrowed them from the library C You bought them D Theyre about wild animals 23.-Why didnt Tom come to the party last night? -I heard he had got a cold。 -_。 A Just tell him to take it easy B Whats the matter? C Is that true? D What? Where is he ? 24.-Im so sorry to trouble you so much。 -_. A. Thats all right B. No, its my fault C. You didnt hurt me at all D. Yes, dont worry about it 25.-I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. -_. A I dont like the weather at this time of the year. B I dont mind if it is going to rain tomorrow. C Why read the newspaper yourself D Lets listen to the weather report on the radio at ten. 26.-Excuse me, miss, is this handbag what you left in the shop? -_。 A Its not my fault B Yeah, thank you C Im so sorry .Im busy D. Its mine! 27.-Im afraid I cant finish the paper this week. -You dont have to hand it in so quickly._ A Please go ahead B Thats right C Not at all D You can take your time 28.-May I take your order ? -Yes, Id like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad. What about you, Lisa? -_ A Give me some advice B Same again, please C Its all the same to me D The same to me 29.-Hello, is that Mr. Baker speaking ? -_and Ill transfer for you! Hell be here in a moment. A Hold on B Help yourself C Get through D Hand off 30.-This is a truly outstanding pictureyou have done a great work. -Thank you! Thanks for those comments._ A Oh, dont you like it ? B Thats all right. Ill give you a better one next time. C Im glad you like it so much. D Oh, you already have the same gift as it.


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