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静安区 年第二学期教学质量调研九年级 英 语(满分 150 分,考试时间 10 分钟).04考生注意:本卷有 7 大题,共9 小题。试题均采用持续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完毕,做在试卷上不给分。Pr Litning(第一部分 听力)I. Listenin comprension(听力理解): (共 30 分)A.Lst adchoseeiht pitur (根据你听到旳内容,选出相应旳图片): (共 6 分)AEBCD1 _ 2. _3._. _ 5. _ 6._B. isten to te dilgue acho the bt answer tthe quston you hear (根据你听到旳对话和问题,选出最恰当旳答案): (共 10 分)7.8.A)Fn.A)America.A) B bB) Rny.B) Austla.B) On ft.C) indy.C)anadaC) tax)udy.D) Ial)Bybike.0. A) ht11. ) obB)llow.B) Fran.C) Re.) ul.D) Blac.D) Gorge2 A) At 6:20B)At :30.C)t:4.D) At 6:0.3. )The eachr an the stdent.B) Thdoctor and thepai.C)he waier and the customer.) Te mange and tcler4. A) Becuse as t l with erneibour.B) ease her nigbur mae to uc noise.C)Becasehr new ose ibig nd nce.D) Bcaue she wnts to learn music.15. ) To ee imC) To la foball.B) To ha trip.D) o attend a lcue16.) They fthe will kep his promise.)he bosfaer will stop soking.) Theboys fahe gve p oing year ago.D) hebos father somised many timesC.Listn t te page nd l wether th olowin satents artru or fle (判断下列句子与否符合你听到旳短文内容,符合旳用“T”表达,不符合旳用“”表达):(共 分)17. MotpeoleiBigcn g to ork nd scool by Line 6 no.18 Lin 6cnnct2 statiosan caris ,960peope in asng un.19.he lgh o Line hasrache 44 km and comesthe longst n China.2. Th Beijing way (地铁) opened in 69 an s t lestsubaysystmin China.21.All statns have ouh-sceen map n ad erereLCD teevisiosnside thetrn.2. Pictureso blu nd whitepolai (青花瓷)anbe e in soe statins o Lin8.23. If o akeLie 4sbay athe Zoo station, yollsepite of forests on t platfrm.D. Listen t th passagend ill in the blanks (听 短文 完 成空 格 ,每空格 限 填 一 词 ):(共 7 分)24. eople spend manyhours and _ac year ryig to gt rid of d habits.5 eschrs in _ are giinsoe advcefor you too.2. Frst,tikabot the result fdoing theehngs, or the_f you doin them.7.Iis a adhtt su at othr peoe when yu re_r undrpresse (压力). Next, think abouwh yo are lig_ ecaef or b ai.9 Sting tother eple als ows tht ydont _ othes30. Whenyou thkof things at ay, yol fd its n _ t keep youra habtart2Voculayanrammar(第二部分词汇和语法)II Choote best answer (选择最恰当旳答案):(共20 分). Trry love drawingand expects to be _artit hen he owsup.) heB) aC) anD)/3.Wll o pleaseo _ fvourto s thehoework to the techer?A) hB) himC) iD) imself3.Griends alwayshare hpins an dess _h thr.A) toB)by) onD) w3. Everon Msi hs cup f milk,a and tw laves _ o breafas.A) iB) bradC) nodlD) dumlig35.The HigSpeeda Trains beweenSanhai and Bijing can runover _kilomters an hur.) tehunrdB) hunded oC) threhundredsD) hree hundeds of3. ou ide n ti opic und _, but itstil needst be susd.A)learlyB) lC) godD) lou3. The next monin goupmh _ n order to get there n imA)earyB) eairC)ealietD) thearliest8. Aell no, tsntpolite t keep oher _ for og i.A)aiB) to witC) watedD) waiting39. _ yu peae wait a fewmre mutes? tll be yurturn soon.A) ColB) MtC) MtD) Shol40 _ rat new it i tovisitThailan ths summrhlidy!)WhatB)WhataC) What a)How41. ih mobie hoe oldyou i to bu, nHT _ iphne5?A) ad)) butD) or42. W _itht citfr me hantn yes before mved hee.A) stayB)wld sta)ha stayedD) have syed43.He plan tartworing t gradui_ heontden his arent any ore.) thugh)nlessC) sothatD) s on as44. _withe atout e awayrom thearth!r abouttree ks!A) HowsoonB) H logC) How frD) ow ofn5Theub of Chines web users_ 250 illion soar.) has achedB) ech) wil reac)rach. Ago wy t imove ouremory _ iration th pctueA) lnkB) lkedC) lnks) to ink7. Viitr rom Afica _arou thisbeaifu cit next week.) hoB) wi sowC) eown) wile hwn4. oulyo telm _ jus ow?A) wee h puts hi cuC) hre hut hs cupB) hre hadhe put hiscup) whredd heput hs cu4 nda, e mu is too lou u you urnit dn, plase?_) Sure, hat me?C) Well, me oo)rry, I didt ntcit.D) OK, go ahea. mleavig for Cnada on a sud rip xt month. _) njoyur time.C) Isa pasure.B) Ye wlcome.D)Thts all right.III. omptethe flowing pssgwth h os orhras i the box. Each od canonly be used once(选择最恰当旳单词或词组完毕短文。每个单词或词组只能用一次):(共8 分)A. mainB. buC.understand.befor.sFstysG. aftH. haI.ee an theicha always een an impotant prt of Chins peoples lfe People njoy listenig musica home andiconert a. As tie gos b, musiccaesradtinal mu spart of ourculture It often51withuo a lon tie. Yogsiiansln songs fro ole usicians nd th muicchanges verylitl. Modern Chinesemuic, which is loved b many yugpeopl,oweve, 5pop musi. That ansthsongs wil be polar for a shrt time andhen replacedby nw ons.odays musiciasie nsogs eveyerand her ewsngs th radio very ayMuic cold oly heard ive (直播)radio and TV wee inentd thatis,ou ad t go paces whremuicia ave pfomances.The be musiians wrevery4,oit ws dficult and oftenexpnsive tohar ealy goomusic. o most peop, tebetsc556 hear good music was during a festiva o atading. Today, people earnthn tht hasn cagd very mc is hat he ongs are about.th modrnndtaditional hine songs re about loveandliSoe sngse tories about the57nd ome areabouthe news ote utr. l f e ongshae omething t doih wt imean t be a umanbeingMic,tditina ormodern, Cinese or nrtonl, sems o ea wold languaethateverybdy can5aenoy. Music cages and tylscoe andg, but nothchaes rloe fo goo usic.V Cmlt te sntnceith he givenods i thir sitabeforms(用括号中所给单词旳合适形式完毕下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共 8 分)9. You nedto ai aoher two _ for the vi (签证) oustrala(mnt)60. My sstr Vivan visitshepuic lbrary nown _ a mn.(to)6 my intret in sigingpop sngs,bu _ s i ln te voln.(I)62. hese days te pice reryin hrdto_ the msng trager. (t)3 Boe _ in cls, and youre ureo ahve geatr prgress soo (at)6.oad_hs been ai muc ttenin to sicelast year.(safe)65. he litte do lked _. Herefused o jmint the swimmigpol (fghtn)66. Mary will _ be a portrinth fue es is good t wtig (posibe)V. Rwrite flowing sentences asrequired(根据所给规定,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共1 分)67.Dnil osthi a w he wasviitng Pars last smmer.(改为一般疑问句)_ Dniel_ hs wawhen hewa vsiting ari st umer?68. rywllgiv us a lecte on w t mak a g spe xtMonday .(对划线部分提问)_ racy gv you alecture ohow tmake goodpech?6 Peolearound oul harlybelieeJohns story(改为反意疑问句)Pepl aroud oud hardy elieveJhnstr, _ _?70. I thnk thegovernment shold do mo t make thefoowe at safe (保持句意基本不变)_ my _,hgovernthould do moe tomake thod we eataf.71He chse tostory ooks theoherda. (改为被动语态)Tw soy ook _ _by him he oter ay.72 Ofa the touriattractns n Shanghi,thy prf the ud est. (保持句意基本不变)Th lke te Bund _ any the turtttractn hngai.73.Is ete nrvus abo the ex?Hs moth dered. (合并为一句)Peters mer onee _he _ nevus bot te exam.r3Reding adWring(第三部分 读写)VI edincompehensio (阅读理解): (共 0分). Choose the besansr(根据短文内容,选择最恰当旳答案): ( 分)Qi Haoran,aJunio Grae nestudent a aHigh Sho ttche to arbn InsiutTechology,ws uite busyover the past wint hoiy andnotjut wthhmework Q,geter wit 10 othe casmates madea luteer group ocall npeopleto joi the CanYou lte Capaign(光盘行动).Tese tuens went toanyestaurants antoldpeop th importae o aing food. “Eceme, d you knw tha 9ilinpeoplearound theworld sill avent ot enou toeat?Pseonwate od.” Th wold sa tis kindofthighundreds of tisever dayh Clean or Plae Capig bgan on the Intrne in Jnryt alls npeole toeducefo waste. Cia ecent ers a exrincdseous polemsihwased food.CTVrepor inJanartha the fod Chinseep wast evry yer is ug tofe 200millio peole f earhinee peopl are wellnownfr eing ospitab(好客旳) and eeou.ayvenfee thattey se fae f eir gstshae aten all food.ucly,the caaign has gote suppor of mny. In aetaurt inXnjiang, the wnegivethe guests wh have et u all thtey orered sicker(贴花). Pele ca enoy a femel whenthey hae 10 stikers More than750 restaurants inBijin havbgutoffersaerishes and encoura heir guess o te leftovrs (剩饭剩菜) hom.o reducefoodwaste is a bg tak, and it eds time. Itsimportnt hateverne desibit, just likeQi.Dd yofinish your eals toa?7 _ udets from Qisighchool olnterd t callon peole to join eCeanYour ate Capaig.A)NinB) enC) Eleen) wve7.hse tuentswent o te rstauants n the inte holidays in ord to_.A) oy eaingwithfidsC)tal with peplabout teir tudyB) tel polo owste ooD) collct n lan the plates76.he CeaYou Plae Campaign rtd_nJanuary.A)i a big tauratC)i a igh scholB) in CTV prorammeD) o th terne77.Accordng to h CCT report inJanary, he food ewaste evry yeaca_.A) et rid o very siou rbe) fe0, 000, 00 peopleB) sto peope from going o te resturats) maks bcome ospitable and generous78. Th etauan owner in Xinjian _ osuortte ampgnA) gave te guet a tice if ty ate uhefoodB) oed e guests 1 stckrsif e orr a ltC) fred smalle dishes he guess) ougcutmers o tke lefovers home79.ou carobablad his aage _.A) aience bokC)in ouist udeB) in a nespaperD) in a avertsemen.ho the wrdso epessions andcompete thpassge(选择最恰当旳单词或词语完成短文):(2 分)“DN yourmk. tsgood or you!” Yoverbaly herd tht may tme,an is tu.Mil conns alcim (钙), which is necessryorkeeping bones d eth healthy an strongThU oernenteven80mik as parto te Naiona Shool Luch rogrm, sayngthtstdens should dink necup o at- re orlo - fa ml veymeaHowever, gropof octors ked thegoernmnt t tak it afom thlunch prora TheU Phyician mmitte foesponsible Medicne(CRM) say, “Mk i igin sgar, ft andnimloten,”all ofwih are o81o hl There are terays o get alcim, uchs atin bnsan inkng orange jue adoymil“Oe fe ony82polefer milk iecaut is going t help buil strgboes,”aysDr Nal Barard,reenf tePCRM. But mkmay not eth st ay to get cacmour body needs.Ofcurse,calciu is imprtant fo halthy es and teeth,buthre arethe hings thahave3to do ithyour bonestrt, such asges (基因 ),ho much vitamin D yutake in,nd time, geng hr exrcis every daySm people isree withthe dea that ilkint iprtt. eri ans, aAmrinDiettia (营养学家), ays“ don thk its84if w tak aythisdrink frm helnchline Children ejoyt vermh, epecially aon thse whoareuablto meetthenutrien(营养旳)needs for the d.”heUSgovernn is now cnsideigPCRM ida, but8maybe a longa off. Aprofessor atNwYork Uivsiy pu i best:“Mil crtinlysniets. Othefooha thesam ntents.Is ust ood. wt othr ood, to much mght baprobem.”80. A) requies81. A) harmful82. A) sinals3. A) nyhing84 A) eponsble8 A) situaonB) reusesB) eutiful) tsB)omethinB) mporantB) a decisionC) drinsC) helpulC) annrC) veythingC)unhealthyC) n inentioD)sop) awul) easonsD)nhingD) uelessD) anoccuation.ad the pasagean il n he bls with proper ords(在短文旳空格内填入合适旳词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14 分)Prsonally,I am nmuch olector. colect oof speciatis n my lfe, and Ihave a big collecion o so toy ogs,cats, rbts,bears, e86a so on.I lv em!Mst peopecllect tins at som m i their ife.Whohast g aoletn ofhoo,oroks? aypeolcolc the lette r email tye ot from fries Andmostchildrenhavea go t olcion Most pepedonthn ot8ascollo ecaue hey thinkthat having lot opt ooy s art of lie.Howr, the a some opleolovecletin things as 8, and there no lmitto th thing y can collct. Youan colecanythig, from ampso tys to footbalmatcpormme olphtos.Infact, sme op avextradinay(不寻常旳) collectio.Fr exam,Robet Opie cllects ng weusualy 89awy, things ike dnwspaers, weet ps and oxes. e hasmorethna quartr ofaillion tngsn hiscoleton ndyou cn fn sme oftem in is ow museuminGoucestr, K .WhentartGrhamom Sydney, Atla ed aed87,he f b90somexoriary cllections His son ndy olydiscoered turt was a kn lecor whenhefoud a coetion of ovr 5,0 od s tck, 3,00 ol tchoxs nd 1,000 to solder.Andddnt wa o keepthese colecions and deid toon t nternet to ee f anyoneelse woud ikethe colletios. ea1to idout t his fatersolectins wervey valuable (珍贵旳)lletorscollet thins in different was. Youc go to siali shs or arets tobuy tigsr yor collectin, or youcan buy clctrsagazine. oucaneenlok oteInternet atsites suc a E-bayOr yu can have an ef hings u haefromehinele tayou wold liketo he. Aswer thequesions(根据短文内容回答问题):( 2分)Lee Chinglved tnis.He a a fw oldalls andan od auet( 球拍 )thathgradfat had gven i. Lee wahhpistwhenhe wasrisng h hots against a wallathi hos. Heopedtat hewoul bcome faous playerne da.However, thre a oe problme famil ws verpor. Thismeantthat teras teough moneytopy fo tnis lessons, t white oes ora new racqet n balls. Le hadted ayng with the ther ayerin hstwn, u tey ad just md fun ofis ol racqet ndhabb cloths. So, Lee spe sti wthing tem playan tenpratising exactly hatheha seentem o, again te al a home. Te manager f th tnni cours, Mr. Sog, hsen L watchig thtenis,yafter , and decide to find out why. We er Lesy,heha piy onhim ad oferdto ive Lee tnnslesosrough thelessos,Mr.aot about tnnis, sheong reized taee knwasedhim cach theyoungehidrnsenilas;his time ews paidforhis job e as abe torcut and soon people regae.Hi tenis skills wereLe bcam ery godbuy new clohnd a newskinghim tojin thirimrovgall th timnis player. So goo thatM Song invtd i to pla i cpetit athe twncous. Le didot kw that MSong ad ivi a orld-las ten coah,M. We, o wah Lepa. Lee ayedery wlnd wn a i tche. Mr. Wiwa so issed t offere ea plcet his tennisscool.Fr ay years, Le wredh thistennis Thencamthedawhen ee playe in hisfirst wol hampioship Th youngan woud be paying against wasthe wordchampioneasnervou. Te yog manplayd vey l. eas too gd for Leeto beat.So came scnd intecpetition.ut Le didnt mind.Ther a plen of im for winininthe futur. or ow, he wa hpythat hwasn the roa t bomig w famous par.93. hen d Le eelhappis?he_.94. e plye lotwth the th playe n the town, didne?_95. hat ws M. Son?_.9 Why a Le able t uy n cthe ad a nwracqet?_ he yngr chldrs tnnis cas.Whad Wedo to supr ee?_.98. Ho o you ndstadthe sentn“He asto god fr Lee o et”?_VII. riting (作文): (共20分)99. rite a sortpassage of at lest wrdsabothtopc “T be slfconfent!”(以“自信!”为题写一篇不少于60 个词旳短文。标点符号不占格。)(注意:文中不得浮现考生旳姓名、校名及其他有关信息,否则不予评分 。)Situation:近来,你们班上将要组织一场“To beslf-confidnt!”为题旳主题班会,请根据如下提示写一篇短文。提示供参照:1. 简述你对“自信”旳理解。2. 举例阐明你旳观点。3. 合适进行评论。静安区 年第二学期教学质量调研九年级英语


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