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一般将来时练习一、用所给动词旳一般将来时填空1.I _(leae)in a miue. I _(finsh)al my ork eore _(lav). ow long _ ou_(stud)inur cory?I _(pn)to e her fo aboon more ear. _(hoe)t isith oter parts fyour onrWhat _ yu _(do)afyou_(leave)here?I _(rturn)home _(get) ob.3. I _()ird. I _(g)tobed ear toigh.4 Mary birthdayis t Monday,e othe _(give)her a pret. It is very od ese days.I _(s)oo. _ _(be)here hsSaurday?No.I_(visit)my teacher.7. _ _(get)you a cop oftday newspape?Tankyu.8. mafrid tre_(e)a eetinthisaftenoo. I cnt jinou. Mike _(elve, no)tis util he _(see)iwt isown yes.10. Msf us dont tink heir t _(wi)二、单选1. There _a meetigtomorrow fternoon A will be gon oB will ging o beC. is oing to be D.wil go tobe2. hlie _ hernext mon. A.isntworking B. os workin C. is goingto workingD ont work3. He_er usy his week,he_free net wk ll be; B.;is C wll be; w beD.is; wil be There _a ophnshow inthzo tomooevng. A as isgoin to haveC.will ave D.s ging to be5. _ ou _ tmorrow? N. _fre the day aftermow. A. Are; goig o; i B. Are; goigto be;ill C A; ging o; will e . Are; going to be; wil e6. Moher _ me a nice psnt n mynext birtda. will gis B. ill givC ives D. giv. Shall I buy a cof ea foryou? _. (不,不要。) A No,ou wot B No, you aret o, plas otD.No, please.8. Whre is th mning aper? _ f rou one. get B. m ing C. togt D. wil get9 _ a ncert nextSatura? . Thre il be B Wll thereb here n DThere are0 Ifhey cme,we_ a meeting A have B. wil have C. ad D.wol hav11. e _erbeautiful t on er ext birthday.A. gies B. gae C. wi givngD. s oig tgvin12. He_ t us a soo egtstre. A.write B. h writtenC. wiwie .wote13. He _ i tree as. oming bac B ae bc C. will come bac D. igington bck14. If it _ omorro, wlgo ollrskatng. A. isnt an B. wtrainC.esnt rain . doent fine15. Will his parents gotoee the erra Cota arior omorw? No, _(不去).A. hey wilnt teyont. C. te aent D. hy dot6.Who _ we _ swimmi it tomorow tenoon? A wil;o B. o; go. il; ging.sha; g1. W _ the w ths wa next time . do B. ill going todo Dwldong18. morow he _ a te i heopenairfirst, an then _ boan in th park. wl fl; will gowi l;goes . sgoin to ly;wil oes D. lie;wl go19. The dter omrow th _a voleybll mtcA. wil acing B wtcesC. is watching D. is going towath20 There _ a irtday par thisSunday. shal be B will beChall gg to e . illg 21. Th _ n Englih venigt Sudy. .are having B. are gong to hav CwilhavnD. isgong t ha2. _ you_ free nex Sn? . Wil; re.Will; be C. Do; b D. re; be23 He _ here at ten tmrrw moring.A il i. illbe D. e2 _yur bthe_a againe fromhlibray? A. Ae; oigto boro .s;oig obrrow C. ill;rrow D. A; oingtbrros25. Sall I cm gan tomrrowaftenoo? _ (好旳) A. e, pase B.Y, you wlC. o,leae D. N, you wnt.2. t _ the year o e orse next year. Asoitbe B. goig to C l b D wl i27. _oen hewindow?. Willyou plese B. Plese willyo C Youpeas D Do ou 8. Lets go out t play footll, hal we? O.I _A ill cmin B.e gong to com C. ome D. am comi29. I _ us a ontie tolearnnshell A. akeB. willtake. spends willspe30. htrin _ at 11. . gigo arrive B.wll arrie C. s oingo D.is rivi三、把下列各句译成英语我叔叔今晚要来。2他没有打算住那座小屋。我们要读这本书。4你爸爸要去钓鱼吗?不,他要去游泳。一般将来时答案一、用所给动词旳一般将来时填空参照答案:. m eaing ; ill fins ;leave2. will ;tuy ; lan ;hpe ; will ; do ;leave ; wil rurn ;get3. am ; wil4.illg5. will o6.Wll, be ; wllviit . Shll ; 8. ill be wont elieve ;see 10. wil wn二、单选参照答案:1. C . D D 4. 5. D 6. B 7. C 8D 9. B 10 B11 D 1. 3 1 C 5. B1 D1. B . A 19.D 2.B 21. B 22. B 2. C 4. B 25.A 26.A2. A 28 D 29.30. 三、把下列各句译成英语参照答案:1My c willcm tonigt.2.e in gng tolive in te salhouse3.W are gingtoread ths bok.4.Wl your fahero fshing?No, s goinswiming


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