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inas ralestate assesmnt an stuy o bankingandfianil ri pevenio Astr: In nlzinChins rl estae apaialcgroudand the preentionof inancal rsks n tebsisof t as qo, ointingot tathas alestae prail in h peventionof financial isks thaexisin a uber ises, a focu on valuaion heoyan te devlmen f auatin mthod, ppraiser team bildig ,tevaluaioninduty, buildingauthrites and indutry sians,basortgae vaaton andmnageent in fourareas to xplore te ro auss o hseprblems n to adresshee qestionsaou ome o misihts on hw to acieve thesandard realestate aprasal practiead revent th iskor stefinance pupos. Keywors:al ett valaton; inancia isks;ommercial Bank I recet years, ith te rapd devem of Chias reaestae ndtry, ad crangl matr, rea eateas ecom a new grwt po of nial eonm, butalhmoponetotherea estate bbleecoomy,rigring financialriskdust that, as n sscitbakig anfnial riksandte el estaterket, real estae mortage ondsof a nd valuion stm bos exreel importa. First, China astteasessment of the staus qualys of finanil riss Cinasestate aprisaindustry isalso rt of a youg ndry, allpetso system is nt pefec,assessmetheoyadevaluatio mods, cmad witWestern dvelod cuntries has also boe obsete. Iodr to urther uragnt the rea estatecredit risk, te State Counil, PelesBnk and thhina ankig Regltory omission ad ter departmets i, h intduced the Bnk Cnan urhe trengtnin tereastat creit binessmanaement notie, he Sta Cunilon te romtin of stainab nd heahy dvelpmntf the aesate mark Noie, th Sat Counc o thestrictcontrol fixed asst inetn sa fntic ,China Bankg Reglatry Commson the bankeal ete loa rsk mageengdelines and a series f cumen to rlate he rel esalanmt.Thesepovision regulat orgage fr he assesmetobehavos,a mrtage real state aprisessessn r had a pround mpact. Seon,hinas real estate assesmentof heprolems ogardgainfiancial rsks (A)the asesmet ocollterl lues are too highGnrll cndero asess the erorte orethan 0allbe asessed signifcant difene, hi is auypart of the bseslue oftheaudid ccous for 2of t oal biness. Tis rtote ank issin rtgage loans, a lage pat of thereal al oflons tha ca nt be coered by olatral, cllaeral issed fom alak ofalue isbank lon wiling gt riss.(B) cannot accraely grahhiddnsks of collaerhis is dne inl toalat asess he instiutional dvisn or the ssesment f heeal tat mortgagans lack a deep ndestaing oasses th opatinal pefrmancenodete enoug forhi. Fr emple, iassesig the liquidityf rea estate whe yu igne the ssssnt fdeects causeby nelc fthe realesttehereis hriskf prerrhts,ignrighevalueo llateal ontraints and therftors andso. ortggeassesmen is needd in rertoetene th forcdleuenot pair ebt when teeatat ve he mout canbeahve,iso protect esecurty f motgg iquidity. (C) gnrete feasb f te ojct asssen o mrtag oan Theel estate motae loan iste borrowers abilt o repay th firt sc of epaymn, i addtio, compense for te coditio of the rl estate colaerals a econdsourceof repayment.Wenheirstsource of pymentprobl, borrowers can no usenormal oet atiitesgenerateshowto reay th loa, ebank ca diposo cllateral compenstion Proceedfromths ense, the re state ollterl nreducinrei riskn itse, rduin loa loses play aimporantrole.Therefore, mosnk adrting agnciesto borowersbty t povde collatera as the ai bass or hher the loan, he expes of theborroers olny analysis. Infact,o mater wtlon, thebrrowr is itical irs soe ofrpaymt, theecod source ofreayment,snc only ancssaryand cmpementary roe. ut al the sse leve, th olltvle ofalestate suct to a numberof acors, it diffict to eermne, arrars ger he rater telikelihood of insoley; the operaoal level, the crret asessmen meths a assssmetof ubjctiv factr personnel mortage asessmet teneadto realisticly hi values.A arg nmber offactsave proven that when th istsorce of epaymentproles, the bank the secd sueof reyent,thercoveryis ote dificult,t alsovery dificult to disseof cllateal by lendigmoey to flthevacnc. nk are lso more tan re numr of nonprfrming finacil asts ro thi1. (I)asssent intituions n t real estatere loanbusness in an awkwr ostio n he reltate mortgg busns, banks, rting genie an oa cusomrs,al hreare nispnable,butte rlatinhip between th hee isvery te, btintrependntand mutuay constraining, ut alo use ofeacother, anddirust. Therelatons betwen the hree bns efore th loans in the best posito Th prosperty o te eal statemarke frth banstoproid mrtgage loanfr te romo choice, nd hebnks ee toassesth aency to revew ad supervisionof loanlients, us ui the safety oftheir o nds.Asssmeno isitutionsas bnks and custrs proo tisomarrag, its rol s very imporant,utinprctie, hating geies ae otn in ve awkwardotio, on the ne hand, soultry to mt thevarousmands md b stomers becau the custoer is to sessthe reort, thebuy;te other had,w mst te intaccu the intersts f banks, ince the evalatin eport wil eavailae through the Bas review, he failure of te evalatin rept wllbe ejeted b bans, whihma result nthe sessment f bakingnstuons blked Bans, inrmdiaies ndoautomes valuae th threegame,whileno manstram, butit sn oe secetin the inusty, prduin min ueo thesytem ntitutial actrs, but such a situan assessmentof inemdiate Queshi js l its orignal an inependene ofe haraceris,but as increaedthe iskof th ankin sytem 2.()T ssess the qualiyf tacrs vaies Asessmen themorgernsacton, appaies asesmentrer issdb a bakmorg leners t videredi nes t anpotantior assessing the vauf bakson tebi facerta proportio of oa to endesand ther prisr r an assment aeny soul loabars consdeable esponsibi.However, in pactice, the evaltion rassesmnt f the dviono ight nd obligatins of istittins is rong ando on. Onc theoan efault b the baks o reoollaterl ndaucioed taccrding to the lw,banks may due t he amounof the ased value and uto el r shrt o hueonomic ossessfeed, butthe appraisr r the atngagcies willno uderaeth correspondng resposibility, an genrally nt oing o p rang genies o cut. (i)ittutionadveopmntlagd bend hindustry m isnt indi hile he realestae appraisal indusy, alogwi the prosriof thereal estae ndutry has beenrapid devopmnt, it i still in the rl sasfdevopnt, ma of the rea esate evuatinnsttuion inceyeafroealate apaisa ageciesf govrnmt rstrcring ecoupin from,tey overnm deartents, thee are till coutless relatinhips, hich alsoallows them to go tomnopizthemarkt houghgovrnent eatis,atherthan though the nrml markt coetiionto get usnss; Sme gencis are stngh is otstrog, asses theualy pesonnel needstobe mroved; some istttosith orse of their rati inhe realestteassessmnt ofnoncoplace with tncl nsand pofesonal etics, to et thecomissinig pry mpoer requet, ngagin a fase evauation,regal of standard f ity,oveestmate,undestim,DamagAsessmentofte athenicity, as ubcor prt ofhe peoplsinterests, so tht if th realizationocrediors igts dioseofcolarl, realetate,banksshould b fiial losses.In genra, he real etate asssst of e robm at theopertioal vel assesment sysem t a larg etn lso frohe iperfet andthe maket imturi. Third, imrovethe ea estte asssent themeasures torevthrisk f rlestat fnance ()asesmnt adeluatio meto fth teoy .Dra n teoie and methodof asesmen of frgn China De to prolem in terican ethodlogicalreseaclag,in th asessme o pactce,almost lmrtgag are scad seratie pncl of the aretassessme, faidto borrowerincome, loan rtio, lon ates, lon, mortgages an other lif inthe arious bsieemnicludeinte calati o the assssme ocess anlis, ignores hloan cash flows to insors, due te hae, the ack ofscitific evdence, coldpre ihy sbjc 2. o the curren assssmt todologies to inovate andmprve h I Chin as olateal collteal evlatin ad disposition of the elationsh beteen the existece o decouplig, bcuse he general roisin of collatel asssset repots valid for o yer, an in tisthe yr the real estatmarket may begreat changes have tkenlace,i this timeo ortgge al t f dsposal, he preet vale of the colatealand the appaisedvle wll be thereareconsierabe ffrenes.(B) uiding he rank of Apprasrs . Strctl ppraisr industry cess aans realestate apisa idustry ppraiser selec s ery stric, appaise mst pass a sneleve o rigoo xintion nd test-ot rte s very hih, tefirst and scond tims in les than 20 ps re and h third assg rats of40% o, ompletethe entir amintionprces tous fora least fiers Te xminationste ws implemted frm14to 95, 31 yers,psse al xminatins dinJapan, Natioa Lad Aecy ofregister rel estatappaiser who iony 298. Sne 195 Chia ha been teimlentationfthe exminaionst, by the nber o eole passthe xm yet heraremoreta 2,000 2. . Srngn e assessmntof stff areess f nk motgae lendig The evlarsnnk rtgag lending dcisi fthe responiblts of the fy assemnt of his crew o mer te teory nd methds o assessent mustso boakmorggelendng, ther s suffiint deptof unsanin, ieral, including therepaymeta,th ghtsand obltios as well astherelevant produrs and cot,et. 3. Repotd elwhr in teaper for ree downlod htp:/ (3)asses the ndsry copetent authoie and indutryasociations 1. Assesset fthe indutr derment carge of thmost importntrepnsiblit is to devlop a impove the al stat appaarelated systems With the ealesat mortgaes anloans continues o epad, prossionl asesmen oftheie that ssssmrtgageolu s ncrsigraidly. Accordngostatistics, presiol asesset o rting ecies mgae busiess volm ccouted or 60%of he daily voleofbusiness for oe tnratiagncies an appaisersin he mortgage assesmets bea a evysociareonsibity. Bu aypoo srvice quity sssmentences, te ssessmet reprt issued y th irresponsibl, its imrant reson is th bsenceof t asessme system 3. Andhsto develop andmpove thereleasytemfor evalutngh ralate appraisal indusr, deprtnt i rge f the ot imprtant tsk. 2 Tostrgthen theunity of the buldigindstry sociaon sssms Whe the eastate apasr hve theiron tde assiatio - relestaeppiser Insiute,utn t whoe ralestate aprasa make, it is b t Ministry ofonstucion,Miistry f Ln sorces d theMinisty ofnace, implementatonandmanagnt separtly,tecorrespondingelestate aier Societ, Lnd valuon nstiutefArhtcts and the Intitt ofCree ccouansf various lieo hrgernac, bull anagment, makig it ificult nfm evluti iter teab Chinato ases the teo ssessent mehods can maewith nternioapratice. As a resltf deptmenlealuatio riti and assesmet ocedresaent unid, so i s easy o resultin the assessetof h results of esae subjctmatter quite different,akinth ahoi f weaknngof h rea stae aeen. te currentne ipotant taskis ostrenghn te unity f tecontruction insryasiati. 3. Putn ed to iusrialmonpoly behaior,rootefaircompetiti,an effectiey gunte thenependece of ody Assesst f te rt ral est mret, a cnsierabl numbero ratigenisb decoupl heoriia esructugovernment genciesset p, an hse ratng agecieseven afr h complein of heshareoldisystem reform, wihtherignalunt o mantai an ambigus relationshp between rating gncis through tis lyer ca be elativeyesy to assto asessment, or to monopolze th maret.Assssment oft indutry utotiesand trae asociatonss on as osil by improving th systm to preenindstial mooolies, roefair cmpetii, romoe tdustry athriie,trade associatios a atg agencies aner arties cncerned of the bennirtion.In addiin, asemet of ndutry mnagemntnd dstry management ssoctions can also be nera thouhthe stabihmnt o agional eleate maretinormatin dataaes t the healty developmn oth idur to ovid ffeive evies. (D) valatonte maname of ank mortgag loans 1. Strnthen morgaeasssse repors andrepor issued the rlevant atn genc audit Chinasbnks appraise alueo collateral anot yet estblised a efectierevwysem to ssess he mening analueof the concluion of te defition of lack of full udersanding and aays. erefore, theluatio reortinproiatedifficutto ake the rghjudmets, n someims onya simple assessmnt ofhe vlue of layin ccordnce wth a isunt 2A reasable choice ratingagenes, saring rsources,quaity asurance assmetagncisAsessmet o nstutoal quaiy assanc systm ii ssessng te in-use o rd the risko set a rnge of organizaional models to ensureth quality of asses. Bnsin reast lending process, it is necsarto urstand and asss he insttutinal ualiy assuranc sytem hs comlee da ad infoatin, secify t quaification high, a goodrepuatio and agod el o eicerating gencies, andthe saringof surcs ndassssment of the induty, indero gu again the risk of creang conditons4 Rferene: 1 Chen Pin. Real esat arisl cn effecvel gdagin fnnial isks J.China real estat nance: t delopment and manageent,, (6). 2 Li Yong, hang Wei, ChnCang. Re Estae pprisal andreal esttefinncialik . uthwet Univesity fo Ntionaitie Jourl:umantiesn ocial Sciences Edtio, ,() 3 Yu-ei, Wen-ua. The rea este mortggelon rei risk assessen ofextin incentiveJ. Chinas real stae fnce,(7). 4 M Shapin.Bn f Chia loan oavoid the risk freal stae alatnanaysi J. Xinjiang, Finn, (3). Repost lsewee in h pper fr redwnoad htp:/


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