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创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日文博中学七年级英语下学期期末复习错题集仁爱版一、选择:1 .There are seconds in a minute.A.sixty B. sixtyth C. sixtieth2 . Toms birthday is July mdA.in B. on C. at3 .My father buys an MP4 me a birthday present.A.for, to B. for, as C. for, like4 .-Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday,DicJohn.A. cleaned B. does C. did5 .Jim, Lucy and children to West Hill for a picnic last Friday.A. other some, go B. some other, went C. some others, went6 .-1 fell down and hurt myself this morning.-.A. Thats right.B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Thats too bad.7 .How the weather in Beijing last year?A. is B. was C. were8.It often in spring in Fuzhou.A. rain B. is rains C. rains9.1 t cloudy all day yesterday but it .A. was, wasnt rain B. was, didnt rain C. is, doesnt rain10.1 t in deserts 沙漠).A. doesnt rainy B. doesnt rain C. dont rain11.1 ts cold outside. Youd better out.A. go B. not to go C. not go12.1 planto Beijing my holidays.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. to go, for B. going, forC. to go, with14 .-How long did the meeting ?-About two hours.A. begin B. last C. start15 .-Which season is the best time AustraliI think it is spring.A. go to B. to go to C. going to16 .-our family will travel to other countries next week.-.A. Have a good time. B. What a pity! C. Really?17 .You a happy day!A. Hope B. Wish C. Plan18 .I hope hard next term.A. you to work B. you can workC. to you work19 .Each of them a new bike.A. has B. have C. is having20 .-Did you travel to the Great WallWes. Its an place. Its one of placesof in China.A. interest, interest B. interest, interesting C. interesting, interest21 .We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow. I you with us.A. hope, to go B. hopes, can go C. hope, can go22.Its time for sports!Your sport shoes, please.- OK, Im coming.A. Put on B. Put up C. Put away23.Students often show their love for their mothers by flowers to them.A. send B. sending C. sent24.Christmas in foreign(卜国)countries is a big event.A. Celebrate B. Celebrating C. Celebrates25.Best wishesyou!A. with B. to C. for26 .We often watch him. Soccer after school.A. playB. playsC. to play27 .Christmas, I sent my Christmas cards to my friends.A. WhenB. AfterC. Before28 .We will have a holiday in Spring Festival.A. seven days B. seven-day C. seven-days29 .is it from the school to my home ? its about 500 kilometers.A how many B how far C how long30 People enjoy a holiday during Spring festival.A. seven-days B. seven-day C. seven days31 .of us has a good plan for the holidays.A. Each B. Every C. Everyone32 well go to the movies this evening. It really interesting!A. listens B.listens to C. sounds33 They are planning to some places of interest.A. to travelB. travelC. travels34 Xiao li he with us tomorrow.A. will hope, to go B. hopes, can go C. will hope, can go35 Summer lastsMay July China.A. in or in B. in and of C. fromto in36 He has a lot of homework every day.A. does B did C to do37 I want to tell youA something interesting B interesting something C anything interesting创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日38 his help, I finish my homework just now.A. under, can B. with could C with can39 when is your fathers birthday? Its July.A in B on C at40 when was your brother born? He was born Decembernd,22000.A in B on C at41 what about her a present?A buying B to buy C buy42 turn left and walk the bridge.A cross B across C on43 people like living in a housea yard and a garden.A have B there is C with44 its 8 oclock. My sister and I .A is doing my homework B is doing our homework C are doing our homework45 its time supper. A for B to C at46 do you the book?A what like B how think C what think of47 on Christmas Eve, children stocking at the end of their beds.A put up B put down C put off48 Michael go to the park a week ago? YesA was B did C do .49 whats your planthe coming holiday?I wish around the country and take some pictures.A for, to travel B for, traveling C to , to travel二、填空:创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日1. Whenyour parents born? Theyborn in 1960.(be)2. the present born in 2021 and sheborn in 2021. No,it(be)3. What the date yesterday? It June the third .(be)4. Tomorrow is my (nine) birthday.5. Mary is the (three) student to go to school.6. We are planning ( have) for a picnic.7. Jim (not, can, draw) pictures in the past.8. they (can, ride) a bike in 2021. Yes, they .9. There is(something) wrong with hiseyes.He cantsee(something).10. youyour homework at home yesterday?(do)11. My father (begin) to write this when I was ten.12. I got up late this morning so I (miss) the early party.13. They enjoy (fly) a kite in spring.14. What (happen) to Michael yesterday?15. Jim (buy) a pen 2 hours ago.16. They ( go) to Disneyland in 2021. They (have) a good time.17. Look at the sun. Its (sun) today.18. Its (snow). We can make snowmen.19. London is called (fog) city.20. The sun is shining(brightly) now.21. Listen ! The birds (sing) in the tree.22. You need (take) an umbrella with you when you go out.23. Spring ( last) from March to May.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日24. It blew (strong) yesterday.25. Its raining(heavy) outside.26. When you travel with friends, dont go to (danger) places.27. You had better (finish) your homework on time.28. Christmas is one of (important) festivals in the world.29. You can show your love by(send) flowers to them.30. My mother asked me (put) up a new pictures.31. Each of us (stay) up to welcome the new year.32. More and more people go (travel) in their free time.33. We eat jiaozi(remember) Qu Yuan.34. Please give my best(wish) to them.35. Tom (not do) his homework yesterday.36. Does your brother often(watch) TV?37. Tom goes to see a movie (two) a day否认句,划线提问,一般疑问句38. Theyd like (keep) the bookfor 3 days .划线提问39. Is the boy(clean) the blackboard?40 .Look!The girl (fly) kites in the park.41 .I would like(have) an English class.42 . He seldom (have) an English class.43 . Listen, she (have) an English class.44 . Its time (have) an English class.45 . Lets (have) an English class.46 .Why not (have) an English class.47 .What about (have) an English class.48 .He loves (have) an English class.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日49How (much) lessons do you have?1.1 I like English because its very(interes)1.2 i like history(good) because its easy.52 .my home 靠近)my school53 . How lessons do you have every day?53.1 like historybecause its easy.55.You can him at 597865456.If you dont have much money to buy a house, you can one.57.Howmilk do you want to buy?1.1 I want to rent a room200 per month.59 .people usually go to the post office to letters60 . Would you like to my birthday party.61 . Is there a bookstorehere? I want to buy some booksYes, there ison the street corner, its the bank and the hospitalIts very niceyou, thanks.62 .Theremuch traffic in the street.63 . Many things in the cities are veryso the cost of the living is 64 .Monday is the day in a week.65 .january is the month of a year66 .The month of a year is December,67 .is the first day of a week.68 . You can goand buy some books on the third floor,69 . Why come in and have a look?70 .there is a supermarket the bank and the post office.71 .Is there a bankhere?创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日73 . What I do ? I must there at 4 oclock.74 . You must be in the street, or a car my hi撞()you.75 .Go the bridge, you can see the park on the right.76 .他没有钱买 he any money to buy.77 .厨房里有桌子吗?any tables in the kitchen?78 .We are good friends. I often 与(他交谈)79 .Jim Kate his school life.告诉.一些关于80 .Jim Kate his school life.告诉.一些关于81 .We 敲门)our neighbors doors and shouted“trick or treat?”82 .People usually start 为准备)the festival one month before ithappens83 .We are方案环游世界84 .他每天乘地铁回家.He home every day.=He every day.85 .汤姆从不步行去动物园。Tom to the zoo=Tom the zoo.86 .他有时骑自行车去吗?he to school?=he a bike school?87 .在除夕夜,人们通常熬夜去迎接新年的到来New Tears Eve,people usuallyThe new year.88 .在那天,人们喜欢看升国旗。that day, people like tothe national flag.89 .昨晚,孩子们敲了邻居家的门并恶作剧。Childrenneighborsdoorsandlastnight.90 .在农历新年的第一天,孩子们会从父母那儿得到压岁钱。创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日 the day of the lunar new year, children moneytheir parents.91 .他们正忙着用彩灯装饰圣诞树。They areChristmas trees colorful lights.92 .在除夕夜,人们通常熬夜来迎接新年。NewYearsEve, peopleoftenthenewyear.93 .他们正方案着下个月和朋友们聚会。Theyre to friends next month.94 .你应该在呆几天。你不应该错过这个城。You in Kunminga few days. You the city.95 .我们希望有一天能环游全国。We hopeone day.96 .你最好随身携带一张地图。Youd a map you.97 .你不应该在太阳下呆太长时间是。98 .今天天气怎么样?the weathertoday?/the weather today?99 .冬去春来。 Spring winter.100 .冬天从12月持续到2月。 Winter fromto.101 .农民们正忙着收获。The farmers.102 .一年中我最喜欢春天。 Ispringin a year.103 .在春天万物复苏。 Everythingspring.104 .昨天风刮得很大。 The windyesterday.105 .冬天是堆雪人的好时间是。 Winter is a good time.106 .你最好理解以下不同地区的天气。had better, know about创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日107.昨天在晚会上Tom表演了一个魔术Tom a at the party,108昨天他摔倒了,伤到了他自己。He and yesterday.109他许了个愿,然后吹灭了蜡烛。Heandthe candles.110.昨晚你看电视了吗?是的,看了。you TV last night? Yes, I .111 .他亲手给我制作了一个飞机模型/make, by hand112 .我相信你们能在晚会上玩得开心。Imyou can the party.113. There有些问题my bike yesterday.=my bike yesterday.114.他们两年前一点也不会说英语。They English two years.115.当我四岁时,我会看英文书了。I English booksI four/the four.116 .当他5岁的时候,他就能画得很好。when,draw117 . His parents want to a him为他办一个生日晚会118 He October th 1998 Beijing在10月5日出生.119今天星期几?星期五。is it today? Its .120今天几号?12月8号。the today? Its 8th121What about birthday him给他做一张生日卡片创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日122什么形状?是长方形the the box? Its a .123它以前像一朵花吗?不,不像ita flower? No , it124我们用它来做什么?我们用它来做铅笔、尺子What we it?We it pencils and rulers.125你必须照看好你的东西。126那些书架上有很多书。127吉姆正在我们附近找房子。128我家离有HY里。129天气很冷,你需要穿上大衣。130她怎么去上学?她步行去上学does she usuallyShe usually ./131你多经常进展户外活动?每周三次。do you do ?a week.132上午的课几点开场?八点。does the morning class begin?eight oclock.133你为什么喜欢英语?因为它很有趣,很容易。do you English?its and .134你的书桌上有什么?有几本书和一台电脑。我能从电脑上学到很多。onyourdesk?There somebooksandacomputer. Ican the computer.135谢谢你的努力工作。 Thank you .136 Iin Chi方案去参观名胜古迹137.多久和朋友见一次面?一周三次hefriends?140 .music lessons do you every week?几周音乐课?创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日141 .第一节课在7:55开场在8:40完毕The class at 7:55 and at8:40.142 .我的卧室在花园的左边。left143 .three children the old山21有三个孩子正在帮助144 .他们经常在空闲时间是打篮球。oftenin ones free time145 这本书你可以借两周。keep , two weeks146 .你认为数学怎么样?2种147 .过马路时要小心红绿灯。be careful, when148 .帮助老人和孩子过街是仁慈的行为。(its good to)149 .有三个小孩在照顾那个老人。there be , look after150 .我的叔叔正在带着我们参观他的农场。show151 .昨天星期几?星期五昨天几号?5月5日昨天天气如何?(2)天气怎么样?(2)很冷152 .我们以前喜欢夏天但如今春天是我最喜欢的季节153 .当我3岁时我会画画创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日154.Tom在晚会上玩得开心点155 .他的耳朵有些问题,所以他不能清楚Jfclaerly)听见你156 .外面很冷,请记得穿上大衣157 .你们每个人都有一个很好的假期方案158 .一整年天气都很好159 .那听起来很有趣160 .你们不准把车停在这JL161 .学生通过送花来表达对教师的爱162 .他住在那条街的尽头163 .他每周都去看病164 .你能告诉我去的路吗?165 .继续往前走166 .它离这儿有多远?167 .不要错过了火车168 .在红绿灯处向右拐169 . There are some pictures on the wal划线提问)170墙上有什么?171 .放学后,你通常做什么?172 .她们在哪?她们在健身房跳舞吗?173他经常开车去公园野餐174我们想要理解HY学生的校园生活。175几点放学?176我很抱歉,我们没有时间是了178很开心与你交谈创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日179空闲时他们做什么?180你们如今在游泳池游泳吗?三、作文:1 .旅行(日记类:过去时/方案类:)2 .庆贺生日(日记类:过去时/方案类:)3 .节日(时间是、活动、食物)4 .四季(天气、特征、活动)5 .介绍自己的、班级和学习情况。四、过去式不规那么变化中文原形过去式1是2开场3吹4带来5买6能7抓住8来9 花费10 做11 画画12 喝13 驾驶14 吃15 摔倒16 找到17 飞18 忘记19 得到20 给212223242526272829303132333435363738394041去有受伤保持知道学习让点亮失去制作意思见面放阅读骑车跑步说看见照耀唱歌42 睡觉43 演讲44 超速45 拼写46 游泳47 带去48 告诉49 认为50 穿51 将会52 写字1. Our school isa park and a big library.A. between B. next C. across D. in2. Tom and Mike enjoy TV.A. see B. watch C. watching D. to watch3. Lets .A. go shopping B. went shoppingC. goes shopping D. going shopping4. They want the zoo very much.A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to5. There some Chinese girls in Miss Gaos class.A. is B. are C. am D. will6. -do you come from?-China.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. When B. Where C. Why D. Who7. We had fun in games.have fun玩的快乐A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing8. it going? Pretty good相当好!A. Hows B. Whats C. How D. Wheres9. Thank you very much.A. Youre welcomeB. Thats rightC. Youre rightD. Dont thank me10. Thank you for us so much help.A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives11. Can you tell the way to the shop?A. he B. hisC. her D. she12. Youd better a taxi to the park.A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking13. you _ a cup of tea? Yes, please.A. Are, like B. Does, likeC. Do, like D. Would, like14. I dont like cabbage .A. at all B. a little C. a lot of D. very15. How many do you want?A. riceB. tomatosC. pieces of bread D. potato16. My work is interesting, butdangerous.A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of17. Lets TV now.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. to watch B. watch C. look D. see18. Mother often goes on Sundays.A. shop B. a shop C. buy D. shopping19. We often play after school冠词A. a basketballB. the basketballC. basketballD. a football20. He is very hungry. He buys hamburgers.A.many B.much C. a lots of D. all of them21. What does he do? means A. who is he B. Where is heC. What is he D. what is he doing22. The girl wants a doctor.A. being B. to C. to be D. to do23. Please late for school next time.A. dont be B. arent C. doesnt be D. be not24. My parents often cook noodles me.A. to B. for C. in D. of25. One of the children in the river last summer.A. was swimmingB. is swimmingC. are swimmingD. were swimming26. are the books? They are 20 yuan.A.How much B.What C.How many D.How money27. Sorry, Im late school.A. for B. to C. at D. from28. She lunch at home yesterday.创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日A. doesntB.didnt haveC. doesnt haveD.hasnt29. Would you likeorange juice ? Yes,pleaseA. some B. anyC. a D. many30. We to a movie last Sunday.A. go B. went C. did go D. was go31. What_ your sister_?She is an actor.A.does,doesB.do, doesC.does,doD.do, do32. Why not see the smart dolphins?A.cometoB.to comeC.coming andD.coming33. We cantaxi to the town.A. by B. take C. ride D. take a34. Welcome to our school!A. FineB. Thank youC. It doesnt matter D. Very good35. We often TV after school.A. are watchB. watchC. watchesD. watching36. What time is it?.A. Its fineB. Its OKC. Its TuesdayD. Its nine37. Lets take some .38. Yesterday, therenobody in the room.A. is B. was C. are D. were39. What time do you leave schoolthe weekend?A. in B. on C./ D. of40. You can it in English. He can English well.A. speak, speakB. tells, sayC. say, speakD. talks, say41. What you do over the weekend?A. are B. do C. did D. does42. Yes, Id like a cup of tea.A. Excuse me. B. Can I help you?C. Are you OK? D. Good morning!43. Did you play football last Friday?.A. No, we dontB. No, we didntC. No, we arentD. Yes, we play44. do you usually go to school?A. What B. How C. Who D. Where45. She her homework on Sunday.A. didntB. doesntC. didnt do D. doesnt did46. Mr.Smith is badly ill. Now he ishospital.A. in the B. in C./ D. the47. What do you want ?A. to do B. do C. be D. doing创作;朱本晓2022年元月元日48. does the child ?A. Where, comes from B. Where, fromC. Where, come from D. Where, is from49. Your dress is very beautiful.A. Thank you B. Youre rightC. Dont say so D. yes, it is50. books are there on the desk?A. How muchB. How manyC. How aboutD. How far51. Let help ,6是动词,“让”A. they, youB. us, yourC. her, theirD. us, you52. I want to cook some food dinner.A. in B. for C. at D. on53. What do you do? I am a .A.hospital B.work C.post office D. worker54. Mary do sports last week.A. isnt B. doesnt C. didnt D. does55. Where is the bank? It isthe market.A. on B. next C. or D. next to56. Lily can all kinds of things.A. does B. do C. did D. doing57. you like? A cup of tea, please.A. What would B. What C.Would D.How many58. _your favorite singer? She is Sun Yue.59. Li Ping isnt here. Lets go _find him.A./ B. andC. orD. but60. Mary bananas?A. Is, likeB. Do, likesC. Does, likeD. Do, like61. Look! The manthe right is_ Africa.A.on, fromB.from, fromC. on, in D.to, in62. We haveno time _ home for lunch.A. goB. going C.to go D. to go to63. She likes to jokes.A. talk B. tellC. sayD. speak64. Mr. Green is a short man long hair.A. with B. inC. hasD. grows65. Id like you my friends Tom.A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. meets66. do you like English? Very much.A. What B. HowC. WhichD. Where67. Everyone in Chinaeating dumplings.A. like B. liking C. to like D. likes68. What does your mother ? She is tall and thin.A. look B. like C. look like D. be like69. He has friends at school, so he feels unhappy.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little70. he often do his homework at home?71. Id like you.A. play with B. to playC. to play with D. playing with72.There_some tomatoes and milk in the box.A. is B. were C. was D. have励志赠言经典语录精选句;挥动*,放飞梦想。厚积薄发,一鸣惊人。关于努力学习的语录。自古以来就有许多文人留下如头悬梁锥刺股的经典的,而近代又有哪些经典的高中励志赠言出现呢?小编筛选了高中励志赠言句经典语录,看看是否有些帮助吧。好男儿踌躇满志,你将如愿;真巾帼灿烂扬眉,我要成功。含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。功崇惟志,业广为勤。耕耘今天,收获明天。成功,要靠辛勤与汗水,也要靠技巧与方法。常说口里顺,常做手不笨。不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。高三某班,青春无限,超越梦想,勇于争先。敢闯敢拼,*协力,争创佳绩。丰富学校体育内涵,共建时代校园文化。奋勇冲击,永争第一。奋斗冲刺,誓要蟾宫折桂;全心拼搏,定能金榜题名。放心去飞,勇敢去追,追一切我们为完成的梦。翻手为云,覆手为雨。二人同心,其利断金。短暂辛苦,终身幸福。东隅已逝,桑榆非晚。登高山,以知天之高;临深溪,以明地之厚。大智若愚,大巧若拙。聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。把握机遇,心想事成。奥运精神,永驻我心。“想”要壮志凌云,“干”要脚踏实地。*燃烧希望,励志赢来成功。楚汉名城,喜迎城运盛会,三湘四水,欢聚体坛精英。乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。不学习,如何养活你的众多女人。不为失败找理由,要为成功想办法。不勤于始,将悔于终。不苦不累,高三无味;不拼不搏,高三白活。不经三思不求教不动笔墨不读书,人生难得几回搏,此时不搏,何时搏。不敢高声语,恐惊读书人。不耻下问,学以致用,锲而不舍,孜孜不倦。博学强识,时不我待,黑发勤学,自首不悔。播下希望,充满*,勇往直前,永不言败。保定宗旨,砥砺德行,远见卓识,创造辉煌。百尺高梧,撑得起一轮月色;数椽矮屋,锁不住五夜书声。


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