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非谓语动词专项练习100题.The geat hl ascrowed with may poe, _ay cildrn _o thir rentslaps.incung; eaed.inluin; setingCinclued;satDincluded;sitingIts aid hatthe Olympic ames _ in Bjn in wil cover more even han ny oter Olycd.A.hodg Bt b held C.held D.to be ing3._for longtme, moof he crops in ths aaedfr lackig wtrBeing nrai B.Tere was no rain C.ob o rainDere bing no ain4.street-bgar butaottery ikt pposelssy,_him a millionair veigh.A.king .maes C.tomake D.ae5nthe faco tebg fire i Octobr n Califoia, many people in th fire-strckn rsmoved out_A.to escpe bring .t escape eingburnedCcapn burn Descapi fmbrning.Tking ths mdine,i _, wil ofcousedo good to hi ealt.A.ontinue B.to coinu conies D.cntnuing7.Te tle otill ed the _0dll t wihsometing_.remainin; rmained tob etled B.remaing; ranig o be setld.emaind;rmaind to sette D.remaind; remaiig to setle8._ hi age,thlittlboy ad uit wll.Cnsierig B.Conidered .Cnsder D.Hcniderd9._fro heaparance,tis ey eaceful;but in fact,a awl break ut son.A.Jude B.ing .avng jug D.To udg0. Tomenjoy _ basketall Sdayftenon,doesnt he? Ye, he des.t hahis sister njoys _A.o play;dacig B.ayig;o dance.t lay; to danceD.plaig; i t dane11.Hi lett,_o thewongner, reaed me lte.A.vngbee adressedBtoaeaesed C.to havebeenaddreseD.ein addresse. he Spce Suttl Cluia broke int piecesovrTas s it etrndo te ethon Febuar 1, , _ l seen atronuts aboar.A.having kild B.in Ceing kiled .kied13 he arelots of places ofinteres _ in o cit.A.needs repaiing B.needing epa C.ned raring Dndig t brpared14. What caus t pary to e put f? _ te nvitatins.A.Tom dlaydsendn B.Toms dlying sendinC.Tom dlaying tse D.Tomdeayedto send5.Iwas afaid _ to m csoer bcauseI a afraid_ tem.A.of talin bck; o oe f kng bk; f ngCo talkbac;t loe D.t tlk ack;olosing1.Stadngon thetop o th hll, I wouldnotd ayhing but _ he fwing ofe mo aounde A.enjy B.ejoing C.noyed D.o enjoy. s o god talker? No,e ever spaks to othrtha _ soethng?A.ask o B.toak for Caske foD.skinfo18.I cnt getcar _ on cod mrning, o Ihave ty _ thadiatowith om wat.A.run; to fill.rnning; filing .runnn; o filran;filling19.The runknusban kocke aains he tbl and ent th bols _ inal iretons befrhe as sent _ by hiswife.A.flyig; tolee B. fying; leepngC.to fly; t seing .toy; o sleep0 Whn w go ba rom the cinem,we found h lam _t the doo_.A. beig on; sht buing; shung C. burning; huD. on;shuttn21.We found the studets sated attles and h thei ey_thesenof th luh of ShehouV cehi. . fixed B. fx C. fixing. toi22.Adoctocn xpt _ t any hou ofthe dayo ihtA callin B. to cll C being led D. tb calld23The boy ofen gives asatisfactory aswr te tachers qustion, _ st a minte. S he usully the teaherspet.A. gt B haingthoug . nd think D thinin24.The policema came upto he lonely ouseihhe or _, _heref a while adthenered it. pen;to and B opening; stodC. ope;todD.ee; standing25_ log the quet rodat forty mils an our, andhe anold mansdel strte to cro therodinfrnt ofme.A. DriingB. was dinC Haing dive D WhenI was drvig2M Smthws mchsupristo fin he watch he haha _as nowher t e senA repairng it reaird C. eaired D. to berepaied7Wha id te lbrarian _ot ofheirry?A. permit to ake forbid t e tkenC allow to tke D. insis en ken2. M, why doyo gve me smuhopcrn? _thebg tim.A.Kil .Killig C. o l D. Haing kile29.Wha Yg waned to do nhe gotot fh spaeship a _th joy wih allthe Chnes.A. shre B. haredavig sard D. bout t share3hn she walone at hoe, Mry ed a rin _.ling witBaving played it .ih wo t plawthDwith whm o play31._ thbig nake,the little gl std ur the te _ut f li.A.Seen; frihtedB.Sing; rghtening C.en;fighn Do se; frghti2.The competir never emed of _ for im t win t fir rizein the 100-eter racA.ter was a chan tere beingacace C.it bein achceD.it was a chace3._evrythingto g rng i avane, nd youot feel quite so adwhen itdoes.A Havn excted B xpect C.oxpct Expecting34.Yu _ part n he partyon tim. Sory, Iwas dlayed by th accidet.A.arto t Bae suseto take .wereo hav take D.upoed tae3._ with sizeofthe wholar, he hies mountain doesnseemhh t all.A.When ompared B.To ompare C. Wh comparng D. I compred3._ in ebes suit, the girlried to makhersef_ a the prt.A.Desd; noicdBDressi; noicin .ressed; otcing.ressn;noticed37.The mate _ our tudy srely reures _ carefuy. rlaingto; dealgwit B. rlatd t; del wt rlat t;beindatwih . rlatngto;avngdelt wit8_ ae hr arntsworried a lot.A. Hr t to me backB.Nt hro com bckC. er not comn bak . ot hercmng bak9Everyting _itoconsideration, they elieved temselve more nd tuned totheir psitions A.to k B.kn Ctoete .taking0.H moe awa frmi rns and msethem _enjo texcting lif in New Y. muchsoa B.vy muh t C. too ch o D. engho41. What do inofte pa? ts eier sad than _Acared out B. carring outC. rry out D.o crry out42.Manyusnsetendd te Boao Forum becuse ty new wht _ from tefruA. o e toe got .go. gttig4.Terews famous peson attharty hom eeryone wouldik _o emselvs.Atointou B tbe ntroducedC. introducing D. being itrdued44. Wer u athome ast Suday? Ya!I dvoted the woleday to _ tEgish grammr.A.reviewB. revewiC. berviwe . beig reiewe45Onc_ a he shop, u wil bedimissed mmeiately.A. uhtsealing B cught to eal . cathingsealin D.to ath toseal6. Pices f dily goods_rogh computer can elower than torrics. are bght B. bough C. beenough Dbying47._,Jhn rture t choo fro is hotwn. Thesummer vcation beig ver B. Th summeracto is C. Baus the umer vacation ver Dfter the sumer vacationein oer4._ he cant oe, ho ldo the work?A Suppoe B. SuppsngC. Having suosedD. Big uppose9. Is hereanything yu wnt fromown? No,thanyu. u wudlk to et _.Athoe letrmaled B.mledletterC.oil hoe tters .those tte mail.Afer the uestslft, she en asmuch time she culd_t roms.A ty upB. to clear w C.clearwyD. tyig 51._ it or ot, his dicovery shcked eeryone n cinticcircls.A eiee B. To believe . Belieing DBlieved52.Totell yuthe tr, Idatherred thn watch elevision; te rogrms seem_ll the ti.A.t et worse B.to e eting wrseC.o havegot ore D.gettin wrse53.AftrteArabstats won ndepenne, reat em asswaslaid n education, it girls aswell s bo _ t o t schoolA. obe encuragd B.curaging C. encouraged D. be curaed54Eeryon had anpplictio fom n s ad, bno onekew wh office _.A. to sendit oB. ond t C. to sentto to hav itsent._a it agoi t snow, th climbe decidd t put off thi atemp on te hih mountain. A aving toldB Haing en old C. Tel D. Tellin56.Asi knoto usall, traveling i _, bu we often feel _ when w are back from traes.interesti;red B.nterest; iriC.iterestig;tiigD.inerested;tied57. foreg touriss have vite mycenic pots in Shangha,_as interpeter.A. theguid a B. te gide acinC. ctin. ced58indas houghtto_n Ara, but Ireallyon nowwha counry shes woking .A. hawrkd Bwork Cb wrin D. be rked59._ tme and lbor, catoonistsnlly aw te nds of thircacersw only 3 fgersad a hmb. .TosvB.avedC.SavingD.Hing aved0.I ambu _ for he entrance eamiatio, I cant hlp _houework a homeAprepain; ding B.preparing; to o C.to epare; doing D.o pepar; todo1.In orde toproet planet, _.All kinds o putiold be rducedB.we shuldrduce l kinds of pllonC.he environent should rocted firstD.i impotant to protecu nvronment2.oping he would n e en, Bb stole n, _hsscolag and ushd ou.A.piig B. picd upCto ck p D. haig pickd u6_one iyou can and mny poochdrenin the por ountanus areas ill be able to go back shol. A.Having gien B.Gven.Toie DGive6Whatee trouble Mrhte ad _wih the cs,e wousto is ow opinion.Aeal.oeal C.dalt Ddlig65.hil lstning to op muic, _A.he felt slep Bthligtet outC.somee kocd atthe door .ndshe coud hlp lauhn66._the dstance a to ong ndte time was short,we decidednot to rv t Floida. Disoring B Tdiscover C. T hae discovered . icvered7._, J.K.wlin is conided to be the best fictin writr.Havig sold milionsof oies of er ooksB.Beausiloso copes of h k arslC. millins of opies of hr booksD.Selling mllios ofcopisof her ooks.What srrie me st wstha there ppared a _ look oner faceon hearing he unxpected nws .wrryigBworrid.woryDworries69._ one o the mostimpoantinvenns of the tie, te comutr help peopelivini difentcountis o d a o thin.A.Knowing to be B.tas knw C.Kno a.Whih skon tobe70. Did youenjoyyourselflast gh? Itsvrniceofyou. I apeiaed _ o he party.A. o bevted.t have inteeng inviedDhaingbeniited1f you gotothe Wet Le inHangzou, you wl fnd it ore attrtivet cmmonly_.A. sus B to suppse C. sppose D. beingsuoe72. Hvnt ou een the sig,_“NO PHTOS”? mreal sorrI didntA eds B. to rea . rad D. readn73.o yfeellik _ ot? o. Id rher e_ a ax.o drive;tak B o ive; ok C. riving; take .drng; took74. at shulnt avedone thatsot of thin Whaer sh id as reaonale, _toa yo had doe.esies, it none ofyr bness Get down t _yu ork. omparig;dng B. comarig;do. comprd; dig . cpared; o7_nceand delcius, terdchickn ws oon ld t.A. Tasted . Bingtast C. TastngD. T tte7.Te lan is ed _so el hat e donthveto mke any cngs Itiineed.A. odesignB. desiging. desigd D. dsn77.hiewer eeop ariultue and indtry, e mut revent the eat_. from pluting pollued C. pollutg. bing plluted78.Th womnod it n good _ r daghr to mch money.A. gvng B. bei gien C. given D. ae79.He fe itrea hno _ to vit me wh wa i hiscit.A o av bentakenB. to hav tkenC vgake D. bein akn80.Wllyou astel m why o had pe _ inclass,Kae?Athaertte . e writtenihto hae bn n D.to wrte wth81.edress has ecom loose She appe _weht.A. o ose . inglst C. lsng D. to have lo82Thebuilding _ wl be opletedn t. t ill beourla bi.A t aintBbeing ainted C. o hae pine. ainting83I fnd thesprosare ea_.t be wore ou B.to wr them ou C.to work o . e worked hemout4. Wht dyou hin astnihts lcue?_paking, Ihoutit ws ratheingA. Rea B. GenralC. Fai.Hnstly5.Nancy leme repat he istrucin_ e hat Iunerstood hat ws_afterhewa awa on busiess.toake;to b on Bmaking; oinC.tmke;t oD.makng; to do86.The purpse of nwdug ue opientis tomaket lesspaifl, _ hemmore teil. A.notmke B.ot to keC.not kng D.dnt ma87As thestewatoo heato mve, left _n te gron.A. laying . lay C. lyn D.ain8. I would lie t y aexpeniv cama. ell. We ha seeral models _.A. to hoo rom B. o choiceC. to cosenD. for chooing9.Last night I sawYan Weweilyng n ed, _in de thoght.A.lost B. losing C. o loe D. beinglst90.Tigers_ meat-tinganima_ meat.A.beloged to; fd on B.blongingto;feed onC.wrebeonged to; fedn eongg to; feingo. it _ e bd sll thati dificul? fcrA. hwgettg rid of B. go rdof C. to get rd ofD. bing got rdof92. Haveou mde ourind _ the ac o oto France?N m practicing_ the Frenh lanuage.Ato gie u; o lean Bto gv p; learnng C.ing up; to lean D.giving up; lernin9Neer _ fyou cot; it rther coldoutside.A take . takigC. to e D. tken94.Ab ftoy hs been st u inthisea _ suchgods or eople all ove th county.A. o poduc B. roducingC.produd D. being prdced9The _ okin he ac suggetd that se _ t before.A. suprisig; udntkow . rpre; hnt nonC. surprisng; hant known D.surpsed; houldnt now96You ve o buinss _ toe the wayyou did yeday.A abot alking . tking . led D.o tking97_ what hcan d. H might get jo torrw Hemght styoutf work for weks.A.W didnt knw.Heoestkno C.hereis nknowgD.It was know that98Johs bad abit is_ wiout horogh undestadirad bingea Cto be reaD.adin9.Sh eahd thto ofhe hi ad opd _n a ig rocby h sie f th pahA.thave ested B.restig C.to et D.rest10.We mt tesu every minute beue _imeis_feverAlost; lsin B.lost; ost lsin;ling D.osin; lost非谓语动词专项练习答案及部分解析:1.。incdg为介词;由seat的用法可知,此处应用其过去分词形式。2B。hold与teOlympic Gmes之间是被动关系,且奥运会尚未举办,应用不定式表将来。. Tere bengno rain为teeb句型的独立主格形式。4C。不定式作成果状语表达主语未曾预料到的成果。5B。不定式作目的状语。esape 意为“逃脱”,不接不定式,而常接-n形式作宾语。只能接-ing形式作宾语的动词尚有:mind, admi,avoid, appreciate, cnsie(考虑), deay, imagie, miss, ratce等。6.。f ctiued 是“f tkntis medne is otinu”的省略形式。.B。第一种reining用作形容词,作“剩余的”解;第二个reaining tobe stle 是-ig形式短语作定语。8。consdering为介词,作“就而论;考虑到”解。9。jdin fr意为“从来判断”,为固定构造。10.D。njoy后常接-ng形式作宾语; what his sstr enys作主语,is to nce构成句子的谓语。11.。adss所示的动作发生在谓语动词所示的动作之前,且与lter之间逻辑上存在着被动关系,havng bendressed.在句中作非限制性定语。12.B。13.。neeing to be repird相称于ned pairing,在句中作定语。此外,require和at也有类似的用法。1.B。Tm eayingndi是-ing形式的复合构造可替代wht在句中作主语。15.D。e arid to d作“不敢”解(侧重指不敢作出的一种行为); e afraid of dong 作“紧张”解(侧重强调胆怯产生某种后果)。16A。t用作“除了”解,当其前具有实义动词do时,则but后的不定式短语要省去t。17.。 otr tha sed or somethng相称于ueshe i ased fo oething。18.B。g mycar runnin意为“使我的车发动起来”;tr oig表达“试一试做某事的措施”;ry to o意为“努力去做某事”。1.A。send b.sth.don意为“使迅速移动”;sen s.t slee意为“使某人入睡”,其中o 为介词,slep为名词。0.C。句中的burnig,sut均作found的宾语补足语,表状态。21.A。fix oneeys/ttenion o/upon为固定短语,意为“注视,注意”,故此处应用过去分词形式作宾语补足语。22.。exect后跟不定式作宾语,l与doctor之间是被动关系。2.B。-ng形式短语作状语,且thnk(思考)表达的动作发生于ie a atisfacoy nswer之前,故用avng thuh。24.C。with door oen是wih 的复合构造,open 为形容词,表状态;stood与me, nrd为并列关系,在句中作谓语。25.。因句中有连词ad,因此and 之前必须是一种并列关系的分句。2。hed had reird是省去了关系代词tha/ hh的定语从句。.。orid sb./sho dosth.为固定用法,此句中fod 的宾语为at。C。hy引导的特殊疑问句一般可用不定式短语来回答。29.A。what引导的名词性从句作主语且从句中具有实义动词do时,用作表语的不定式可不带t。30.D。witwhm o play为“介词+关系代词+不定式”构造在句中作定语,其相称于一种定语从句(hwhomse could play)。3.A。32.。由题意“这位选手历来也没想到她竟有机会在10米比赛中获得第一名”,及dremed of后需用-in形式短语可知应选B。3.。句中and决定了前句应为祈使句。4C。You were to he takn pa i thepary.意为“你本来应当参与那次约会的”。35A。hen mre.是hethehgest ountiis cmpaed.的省略。36A。b drssedin, be lostin,eseaed,b isappoited in等类似的短语在句中用作状语时,常用过去分词形式;make hersel ntic意为“使自己被别人注意”。37A。rlae o意为 “与有关;波及”,第一空既可以用retingt,也可以用elated to;deal it为固定短语,与theate之间是被动关系,因此,应用dealingwit(积极形式表被动意义)或to be dt ih。8.。此句考察-ing形式的复合构造在句中作主语,其否认形式是在-ing形式前加o。39.。evrythig taken int consiertn是独立主格构造在句中作状语。40C。此题考察“too.to.(太而不能)”句型。41.A。crried ot 与said是两个对等成分。42.A。英语中,许多动词(如:kno ,dc, tel sb., sho b.等)后可接疑问代词或疑问副词+不定式短语的构造来作宾语。题中new wt to gt相称于e whatthy woule。43.B。此题考察old iesbt do 的构造。题中的inrduce与hm之间是被动关系。4.。deve . t .中,o为介词。5.A。Oce gt为c yo ar caght 的省略; catchsb. oing sth.意为“发现或发现某人正在做某事”。46B。boght throug a mute是过去分词短语作定语。4.A。The umr vcation (ing) over是独立主格构造在句中作状语。48.B。suppsin (that)可引导条件状语从句,意为“假使”。A。get sth. on意为“使(某人)做某事”。5.D5.A。Believe tor no.常用于口语中,意为“信不信由你。”52.B。系动词sem后一般接不定式,由于有


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