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名词1 Ti is eading-room.A the eahers . cher C acers Dthe teaches2. Non was found ut_ boken.Athe wio . the rom indw C. the roomofth window D. hend or3. ow many_ woud yu li?Apr B. bead C. pie ofprs .piece of bra4. Hewas praed for hs_.A. bra ravry C. bravel D. ea brave. Pase get m a new _ hen goto tonA.clthes drss C. lothng D. trousers6. There are 34_ doctos in thospial.A.woman B mn C. womans .omens7. Sme_ are eventier tan yourlitte finge.A. bamoo B. abos C. nsof baboo D. ind of amboos8. Heas born in thistwn and ow he lvs in_ABuilding sn B. uildi To C. th Buiing Tw D. Budithe Secod. Odas he is, has _to do eery day.Aaot of work B muh orksC. lots f homewoks D. quite otof oeworks1 Jacks room i rnihed wit _.A. new furnitures Bmny new furnituresC. ma nw pecesf frnitre . may new piecs o furniture11. Hav you read _newpper et?A tda B Toythtodays D. your tdys2. s not far, oly _wal r here to our sholA.a ten mints B.e mutesC a ten mintes D.te miutes1 Lastmonh, h wte me_let.A. 1000-wod B 100wdsC.a 1000-rd D. 100 ors14. He a _sleep yesteayA. a od ight a goontC. good niht .gooights5. _sno alng wy o drive.A.Tree iles distanc B. Thr-mil disanceCThre ils sane D.A tree-mle-istce16. isisntf for thwork. lese etme _.soehing else B. smebody else someonele D. smes else1 D you kno how lare _ s?A.opultionf Chna B. Chnese plaonC.hina popui D.inaspoulation18 _ s o m fo e yto carryA.he box ig B.The box weiht.The wight of t box D. The bof te ight19 cusem,how can I ge to theeaest _ sho?Ashoes B.heC. ho D. o20. Wha _ wther werehaingthese ays!.nc . nicC. bad . wore21. They say thatemetingwi be _A.of vry impot B. ga iportCfgret importnc D.great impoant22. I gog to cll at this evng.A. r Black B. the Black. MBlacks D. lacs2. Wht Darwin adwasanac o peoplrelgis _. belief B.belefsC.ies beievs24. here are soe _atinfr uside.German .mricanC. grown-u D Jpanese2. Theiratoy ha eveloped a kind of_ o hel people wl.A mchine B. macine. a ahine D hemahne26. Thererema _ nm roths bum.A. leas . C.bks D. stams27. Yesterdy I wetto he super maretd boug altof _.A. omatoe B. otato C. vegetable met28. Upohearig what I said, hs _ oe.Aanger B angr. angr .angrness2. cuse me,can yu chang thi _fr me?A. five-pundnot . fepu noeC. fie-pn n D.f oundsnote30. You hae to me _fo youjourne A. rearin B.preparatonC.a preparatin Drpraion1. Whilewasng up, hbrokea _.A. glaswine B wne glassC gla of w D win ofss2. Yhve wred ou t plan ad nut put it into_. all B. rityC. prcti D. ded3. Heresmyard, Letskeep in _. oh Brlatio.onnectin . fiedhip34. Il lo into th mtter s so spossb, us hae il _.A.wa .tiC. patnce D. res f byanyhnce smone comes to se , ask him or olve a_.meag B.letteC. stne . tc36 Wewalked all te _o the musem.A.trip B rdC way D. journe37. Sitits are watcigfor the earlest_ of harfu_ nthe wrls weate.sign; fect B. ars;affect.tras; afecions D. intce; fcons38. Tese youg el arnw mking a cte_ to sehe old mple. art B. ffot. decison D. pa39. ontuho te ron;yohave o wait your _.A. canc uyC.line D trn40 Youneed mo _ kep t.A ractice B. tranC exrss D.xercse代词部分1. Byh wy, woill ac _popuic nexterm? us B. ou. ours D. we.Both Pinging ndBeiei hav doe _hmework.A. i B. herC teir D. boths3. veybody iser, _?Aisn vrbdyB. n itC.snt e D. ae he4. It was _who wrte those words on the blackbard.A. hB hiC.hiself D. his5. He wantthng buta ous f _.A. his n Bhimself. his fther D. his own se6 Can ou pres _ in Enlih?Ayourslf B.you. yours D.yos7 On of tem hasnt go _ lesson prepae.A. her tsC. ones D is8 Yu dont lookquite_oday Whasthemater wth y?A. you B yurC. your onD. yourelf Thugh _ is long wyfrm ere, lldoubest t reahthee in me.A there B.t. it itelf0 dontcosider _ ecessy or tem tomove nt tat use.A. tha B. thisC it D. tem1. _ is agea and goios ouny.A. Or . ur Its D. Ours12. He parensar going natudytrip with afriend of _.A. em B. thirC. themselvs D.thei13 Imsorry to say _ o yur aswesare ore.A. none B neiherC bo D. n14. - ho istha knockin at h dr?-_ must be milkman.A H B.SheC. It De a5. _ gre to your pl.A. Anynef s B. N on of sC. Nonof us D.Someone o us1. The boks reare not s el writtens _ on e sel. thatB.teC ons D. te17. Myfhe is a famr, bu_is yu?Awho .ho. wich D. wha18. _oyou thinomy compoiti?A. ow B Wa. Whih D. y9. _ ofyu oldle to et he ie?. hic . WtC.Whm . homeer20. Plae wrie on t pape _lin.A. eh her B. vryotherC. al other .his andtht2. Wol you en me _ f yu mony, please?. ay B. many. som D. alot of22. Sory, but I hae onl _ nk ftovr. litle BewC. a litte D. afe3. _ whcme fromthe cutrysie,pea fill out the fm.A. AlB.Anyone hse . Ths24. Shwentfr a smin he olyeera n Il _tis aftrnn.it B. such.same D.te me2. Theretall builingson _ i fhe set.A. eiher B. otC. evry D. any26. _ musto _bet toer the pepl.A. Onhis . Onhe. Oneoe . Onons27 He has qit a lot of ereting magazine but I hae_. o B. nneC. nne. nither8. _ arefon o collecting stampABoh the childre B. Bh hilrenC. My bt childre D. Bothf the my chldren29. Of the 4ks, on i itten by a yongwieand_ by oldon.A. othe thre B.tree terC theothr tree . e threether3. e ivitd hethre of _,Bob, Tm _.A weme . sIC. weI D usm31. _eesas iwe areoin t hae troubl.A. W B. That D. Tere2.s _ use takng t himot?A. his B. thatC. he D. it3.Since youdon vea dictiary here, why o use _?A.y . mineC. er D. thir34.This oo isntmine. It elon to_.A. he B. his. him Dhimsel3.B a hoe an hep _ t thfih.A.me B. hmouself D.you6Tro worout thepolem _.A. byyuelf Bby ouC.al yous D.by youThe hldrn e to be noing _ vrych.A.thmB. teir. hisD. hemeles38.Heawy tiks moe abut oher tn abu _.A. he B.iC hs D. hislf .T picehid _ behnd the buildin.A. hi B. himslf .hmD heslves40.Wn Iwa aboutto oout, the door ened _. Aof itself B. itl nesef D. for tself41Aftrthat,Ma ure did ne eperiment after_.ne . trC. another D. he othe42You cfnd twer at _ end fte bride.A. bot vryC. eiter. an43.aveyougot any book on thecputr? Id lik o borrwA. theBsomeC. t . thoseThe most intresing oks ar notecessaril _withal f ctures.A. thse B.te oC emD thThe population of Chia is larger thn _ oan onryA. n Bthe neCtatD 46.Peope used to tink tat heavy obect lwys ll fastrha lit_.A ones te onC. ese D. ose47Isis story as unny a _youeadystda?A.tha one B oneC. the one D. i48. _, not o,owans moreA. me B. himC. heDI9._o hem willacet or bcase tisnotreasoable. NbodyB.one. EveryoeD.Non50._ goo a Frec.A. My te chldren B.Eith ofmy cidenC Eitheryhilre D. yithr ofcildre51 hope thr a engglasses foreach guestt he _.A.it. thseC.them D. one2-Whn sal e metagain?-Make it_ day you lik, it all te saet me.A. one B. anyC. anther D. som5Tos other ept li hm he sold or harder,but_ didnt help.A e B. sheC. it wih54- s _ he?-No, B and Ti aske for leave. eveybdy B. omeody. nyboy D ooy5.Saah h read lotsof rsby merican wrirs. No se oud liketo read _ stresby writrs fro _ conts.Asoe; an B.some; oterC. ote; se . other; other56.In one ieyea,ra e to 0 tmes _ wegh. is B. ei. one D of5.T amil ner agree abu _ shaes o he propety. her B. isC.thei D i58.s dsppndwiththe iI ha xpece_ t b muc ber.on B. tisC. tha D. it9.Terere somany ndsf omputers sale tatIant mae p y mind _to buy.hat B. heeC. howD. wich6Saig omething i one th doigit is_.A. oher B. theotherC ohers . anther61It is generaly cosered nwise to give a child _ or she wansA. owevB whateer whihvrD.eever2-sherany icte n h wall?-_. A NothiB. N eC.N onesD. ne63ou have hurr u fyou wtt y soethinbecas there arly _left. smething B. nhngC.nything D. everyhing4. Tey e al very tird,bt_ of them o stptotake a rest A any Bsome C.oneD.niter65.m lt hahkew eeyboys usines bett thanthey nei _. themsves eslfC.iselDhmelf66Tink _ ndoll have som ide vr B. er iC. tover it67.Ihad a bad cold an _ i whyI didnt aten he eeting. A.it B. thi ther D. at8This is nosuch a god tory _hd expecte. A. what B. which. as tht9_ he hmewo eriusl. A. No eestudedo B No every stdndos C. ot vy uent o D.Not evry student does0 _ chil wi fid hi persona ad toucss.A. Every Bach ome. h71.e can ind our ikes_. Hav ou seentem? Aanee. somehre.nower D. whre72.ak is_ oanarist. A. anon B. smonC. ytig D somh7.m sings etter hn _inou clas. . anyther girl B.someother gils C. any r D. om girl74Is this musum _ you visitd lastSunday? A. th . /C. theone Dwhich75s w wr all aseep, _ head thatlounoise either Beitr of C.none of D.oeof76Teresmethingwrongwithmy wat. Wll yu _? .seeit to B. see t it .atcto i D.seetoook at 7.I idnt knowwhhas the er s I took th_. A al B.ah C. none D.both78.You wllrealize yu deam _. tothery B. sme ay C. in te ys . forafe days7._ oeirs wilbsrvdfrst A. ho B.nybo C. All that D. Whov0._ seems no eed toury. A. I B. That C Tee D. He名词部分1-5 DADB 6-10 CBA 1-5 ADACC 6-20 CCA 21-2 CBDA 263 AD 31-35 BCACA 354 BDD.ou y cme myhous _ thi wek_ next wekA .neithr; or B .from; .ihe;o D. either; nr2.I nt thi wan do itall_ .A. by ouselves B.y myslf Cb ouref.y yourselvs3 donan his shirt Plese sho me_ .ote .teothrs .anthe D.the ote4.cntrpithemodl ship_ Can youhelp_?A .m; me. myself ;myelC mylf ;meD me;myelfos you brotheroftenah clthes_?A. h B .hmsel C. hrself D.him6W study Chines, Eglsh ,mat and ome_ subjc.Ahe other B. n .othe .anthe7.have to sstes . _of hem are doctrABoth B Al C the D. ther.Th bok on he shelfis_.Sh rote_neon its cover A .ers ;her;eself. Her;es; erlfC. Herse; e; hs D .Her; hersef;hersf9. “Dont wory Tres_ much wrogwih u.” aidhe dctor.A. nohng B .everyin .somthing D .very 10.Thesesoesaetsma. Yo by om_ soes .A .anotherB .oter C .theothsD. ohrs1Iaske imandBob to comomyhouse or dine, bu_ of thm me.A anther B. te C .toher Dother 2Tey are_ he sm size ,so ouma tke_ hlf fthe cke. at; eah B. in ; bot .a ; ther D.in; either 13.Bett adJhnhaecm back, b_ studentsinthe lss aren hereyetA he ohe othersC. another D. te ter1.Yourother is indns_ . A .tse. hersel oneslf .himself15hstayed theeoner than _.A anoe B .anthing els . nybody D .anyboy else1.s thisherke? No,it int Is _.mn Bm C. e Ds17. _ Li Pigs broher. A.HB His.H . es18.Heis a boy ._ name i Wang ig. A. H B. is C. er D. Hes9.hats t? _.A. sa ba B.It is a bred . Its bead D. sbrd20Th bol are on the able .hra som sn _ .A. the . tmC. D e 21.Le_ have a ting A. e. you C. us D.me2. Moth oftn ees_ n Snd A. he all friendsBll hrfriendC. er frien . herallfrind.3.enyou se Tomad is siter , tell _ tat _ mother iswating a the gae. is;his r; ers C.them ; heir D his ; he 24.eants outalk_ at Cin.A anyng B .thn C. thing something25.Ganny sees il.ryu sure its_?A .nothingeius B. yting srius C. eriou nohig D. sious anyt1( )1 Thoug i aed evly,_ wr stil playing othe plygound.A. they B. tem C their D themselves( ) 2 omd _illgot se our teach, for_isill.A. ;she. B. e;she C. I; he D. ; er( ) Is_aboyorgir?.she B. he C. nDt( ) 4 Onl_knw it. Iand heB. head you. hend ID a you2( ) 1 I saw_ plaing in the ret at tatie.A. the B. they C. thir Dheirs2Jm will ive_ asort tl tomorow. we Bus C orD. ours() 3 Please ask_ nottoskate on h thin iceA.te B. them C. ther D heirs( ) 4The en srs. Pass t_, lease.A.r B. sChrs .heself( ) Ltm o and gve te oat _. he B. hisC himselD. him( ) h ase_to the workAyu, hen B you, him n C. I, ou nd e . me, you an hi3( ) 1 Wos thatathedoor? _ is te pstmanA. She B Thi C. ID.e( ) Wo ta in he itur?A.Its meB. That I C. This a boy D ts I( ) 3 -Lok, o is oming?-_st e ourEnglsh teaher.A.he . He C. ID. This( ) 4omee is knockig ahe door, but ocan_ be?A.one . h C.e D. it4( ) 1 _was lte summer and the weather wsery ho. A. ha. It C.i D Is( ) 2 What tim is _ nw? t B. a C.this : ha( )3 _ heay rainas night.A. her hdB. We had C. I was D. There i() _ i 0kloetres from here to tenatural park W aeto gohe ar.TeeB. It C ThisD. Th ae5() he birdilt_ne in the treeA it Bhers Cher D t ( ) av ou sen_e, a lcne?A. hseB. C oD.herSoy haeorgot _telehone nuberA. yurs Bhim C yu D.hi( )I The bear was sh i_ had. ?A. eB. its D ths( ) 2The old manto h grl y _ hnd a they wen dowte et.h B.a C. te D tt( )3e aoogizeme orhitin me_ faceon the . ate . inthe i m( ) T Our rom sig, bu_ s biggerthan_. their; or B. heir; our C. theirs;ur D thers; ur()2 Th art ou boks Aetey_?A. our B. hiC.r Dtheir( )3 ur room isgget _. ou B. your yousD.he() 4 Yo v goodom, I shul say u its not s big a_.A. IB. y C. e D. in8( ) _ isthe besseon ofth er?AWhen B. Wat . chD. What tim( )2 _s yoursiste?-Sh i nrseA. Wh . Wh. How D. Who( ) 3 _ color are yu ne soes?-Thyaebron. y B Whe C Which D.Wha( )4 -_isour camat Jon ie?-Hs vr llA. How . What C.Who Wh9( )1 _ hs hapeed and _ did t?A. Who; whoB.hat; who C What; whtD Who; what() 2 ho waing ouid? Pleae ask the o come n.A iB. hs C. av D.r0( ) 1 _ is that man ver tee?-es r GreenA What hichC How o()2-_ i h y standinghere?-He s my rte.A Wich B. Wht C How D. Who( ) 3 W _ the little erica boy ovr tere?A. wee B. r C. iD1 m()4 ho_thesal mn?A. is B. am C. a D. wa11() 1 _nedo ou like, te bue neor the red ne?A Wat B. WhichC hat D. This( )2 _ i ggr?-he yelow oeA. who B. wom C ch. t( )3 _ of ou wud lketogoith?A. WhB. Wich CAll D. Both2( )1 -_ bag i ths?-Its Jck,A hat B. Whih C.hosD. hos( ) 2 _ pnil a these?-They aethers. hc . WoseC./ D.Tese( ) 3 _ ous s beig rpaired?. atB. Where C. Wh . ho13(


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