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儿科英文名解1 Clasifcatin of ent(新生儿分类) 1) ul terinan(足月儿):Neonate whgesational age() is etwe wek an 4wees2) reer nfant(早产儿):Neonate sA is ls t 37 wees3) Pos-einfnt(过期儿):eoate e GA more an 42 weeks4) Lo birt weihneonate(LBW)(低出生体重儿):enat wose B is lesstan 200g 5) Vey low irh weiht note(VLBW)(极低出生体重儿): Neonate whos Bi les than 500g6) Normal birh weight nonate(正常体重儿): Neonate oe B i twee 2500g and 400g7) Marosoia noae(巨大儿): Nenat hoe BW isov 00g8) Small for gesttional ag(SGA)(不不小于胎龄儿):InatwhosBW ar under P10 e samA infansB9) proprate gstational ag(AA)(适于体重儿): Inants wose BW rngin fromP1 t P9 ofte sameGifantsB10) Lgegesttinal age(LGA)(不小于胎龄儿): Infantwhs B areaov P9fthesamG infantsBW11) Ear newoe(初期新生儿):Neoorn ess thn we12) atenewbore(晚期新生儿):Nobrn agin from 2 wk weeks 2.Neut temerature(中性温度):A pproprate evironentl temeraure whc an keep a neobns na eeratureandcan eepthleatyge cousumng,e last metablismrate ,thelet enerevported, so i cld neutrtemperaure 3. Ane(呼吸暂停): when asphyxia o florneoborn cur, te respirate inhabiated a reflxal heat teecresed case of lack of oxygen ,so is clld apna. 4. Physologcl bodyeighdecline(生理性体重下降): Inteeficiey, faalsoopaused andwatr lose after birth an make physical boy eiht dclie (%-9%), ndi rachs it loes poit n3 day a retuns toits irth wegh in 7 to 0 ys Pholoilaema(生理性贫血): hen nenateo 23 monhs,RBC drops to 110g/L, eonate occrsi am.It will take3motsto ecover 6. Physoogica dirra(生理性腹泻) : Physioloical diarrhe usully occr i ifant ttle than6 mnhs Th appe puffy an ftn haeeczmSoon ater ler, th ay ha diarhea, whose times areicreasn owever, there n other symptosand the ifnsav god apptits Phyca diarrhe s not affectthe growth.Recn reearches found th thediarrheais arculr typ f inoeran o lactse The sooa ecvr normtyafter apending th mpleets .Projet Immunity(筹划免疫) : Acordngtochaaterisc ocldrensmmuity and the conitionsof ommunicl dieases,peoplehaddrwn upa knd of mmunity programs, naely prcmmty Peple inoculte soorgnic-product in rde progrsshe e imuity ,cotol ndlimnt cmmuncable ieass. 8.Srous neuoa(重症肺炎):SeiousPneumna is a kind o eumonia.Respatry system toether wth othersystes are nded,manwhile,he gra toxic ymptom isalso pparnt. .The Division oRespirator trat(上下呼吸道分界): The repatoy tracti divied nt 2 parts,he up respiroy d he lwer resirtory, by the rn-forme grisl. 0Discrepant Cyaoi(差别性紫绀): Discrpant Cyasisocrs inPD Bece ofPD, the lod mves frte ata to t plory artery. Ifhisabomaity latd oong tha thepresure of pulmonaryis he tnheaota, hereil lead o riht-to-lft shuns an apear caoi i e econd alf of thebody. .ltrum(初乳): Clostr i th rt mil rduedby t da hihontans atibdies (immnogbulin) hih rovie criasih imunity (pase mmunit).Threis no tranfer f immunglobuins across the pnt ad noatcrsre not caaleofpodcin thei ownantibdes. They msrely onheiasive imni for the frtfew ekof if. Ths maes coltum esseial to th elth o ny ca Acria wo does notreev enough 12. Eenmegr yndrom(Eiemenge综合征): Eisemener synrme ocus in patnts with lage ogental cardiac or srgcal eat extacriac ft-o-right shnsTeseshunts iiily u ncread lonar blod flow ubsquentl,usully befre pubry,ulmnavascul diseae aes pumory heresion, utiatlyresui n rvrsd or bidireciona shuntf wth variale deee of ano. 3.ditinlursig(补授法): We th besmik not eug,the bay with 6mon cnbfdatly with brast m andpartly wit ote uritionseah tim.14.Substutional nuin(代授法): When the ast mik is ughbutthe othr ctfed the aby in tim, t babycabe fed wih oher nutitos like mil f so tmes. 15Malntritio(营养不良): sa isease ausd by lacinf nery andpotein. It tn hans to the baby whin 3 yrs l wh sptoms of weight-osg,atsig,edma andnctonaldisordes6. Obesy(肥胖症):Obsityis defineda a exesse highamuntofbdy at oradios tissue in rlatio o lea bod ms17 Kopli pots(麻疹黏膜斑): ulceraion on bucca mucosa roud tnsn dut;sptty enanheminral cavy, may re rs18. Harrisonsgre(郝氏沟): T ditalend of therib are wea aay be depressedby the netive intrathoracc pressure dvloedurnespiratwth reultat secooalimprssn bing fouat th costalattahment o thedihragm,leadigto th ormation of Harrisons groove. 19. achitic rosary(佝偻病串珠):aradiorapc apearanc of eotohodral junctin of te iddle rib nrcet. Ths aparanc rst rmteresence f buly grwtplaes at hebone r artlage junction. 0. Chsteksign(hostks 征): Chvos sigiscontcinof thuls o theeye,mouh or nose, elicited b tapping aong te cors of he aialnere. he examinepsgntl over the fcial nr in fnt o he as s asig f latent etany 21.Tossa sign(roseau 征):Itiscplspasm afr mites oifltn ofa prssurcuf tween th patinsto pesue and iastol prssure.imae ssesses nerviritaityand is m specific fo etayof an D dficiency 2.Seve ahma(重症哮喘)icludng aute s staattack , lastingstatus f athma n deteriratioof intractale athma 23. ersistantsthma(哮喘持续状态): Ii a cdii of evere acte attak of astma wichca t berasd by propun 24 ours 24.Tuerculosnfetin(结核感染):Itis fctionoftuercle ciln ths conditon,the tint estoftuberculin and h est o serum P-IMrIg iboy ae positi.ut the tubercle ousn ot be ound n paients d. 25. Enogeosinfectin(内源性感染):When the ptnt et to mch othe component othe food ar no balanced ,th proces ofth digesion il be lwed do nd thefood whh c not e uy igesed wil stayn heppr prt o the small inetineThe the PHof th inestnalvi il decres. leads t a result that thebactera from tlwer of theintstine will mve a mtip;y . The fod then wllbe ermet and rotbythose btera. 6Aschof boy(风湿小体) :It is a o the iny lumpsin hearmuscle thatartypial of rumatic eardeas adonis ofswollen collgen ,cels nd firl. 27Primry complex:(原发综合征) I sacmbtion o rmry fous of inetion in the lungpaenhyacaseou involveent f th gionallymphos ,usually hlar ods. 2Coricoid seniivity(激素敏感)rferingo potenria bec egtive ,edm disapeare within 8 weks afer corcod therapy, 29 Partal crcoid sesitivt(激素部分敏感) : da sapeaedwithi 8 weksafter crticid hrapy bt poteinria istll +3Crod depen(激素依赖) : Sensitive t cortiod liev rapidy afe tratmn utrelapsocrs whe the dose reduce stope wihin weeks,again lieedwenresmingfuosesor restrt tretmen ndis rpte 2 to3 tm. 31 Coricoid esstat(激素耐药):Referrng to t pre i th urnes till over + hen threate ha n forfull 8 wek 32 Relaps(复发) repetitin(反复) : Proteinuri h ben eome neative ad the hrmone teamnt has stoppe mrethan wees ,in theprotei in e urne is over + s aldrlape ;If the aboveympoms urin reatmetis dei as reptition. Fruentrelase(频复发)afent rpetition(频反复): Rfer torase or eitio occurs not les tn wice wihn 6 mons 33 Extra-dlaemopoiesi(髓外造血) :I orertpt to h anemia caused b nfecion or emlysis nd so on. Aft br epecialy at nfat sage , the l is enlarged for reginingth hemopieti tte.I ea state himy cmpanied by nlymphomegaly ,uleaed ed cels ad prematuentrohl a be fund npeipheral blood Ths spific ractonf ifans hmopoietoga is calledeta-eular hmopoiesis 3.Physilgical emolyi(生理性溶血): eal inth envonmen of low P,o th qantity f B is rge. Ater brth, PO2 i. The uanty fRCis rlaive surp, many fthem ar vulneale toedstryed. he f of eonatal RC is sot, to. emia(贫血):The number o throcytes ote octrton ofheoglobi p olume in he tippi circuati unrnoml. Acdng oth datafro W, lwer mit o hemogbinin 6mts to6-ear old cidrens 0/.6 14 years od is 120g,thehegobin nceass pecent a altituderises vry 1000 ers;lowehan ths umer is cled neia .36 Tripod ig(十字架征) : Psiive sign i wh hild it u ,he has to ph thebed behid msfwih hose handsto keep is pitin. 37.hysilgical jadce(生理性黄疸): Because of the feare ofneoatlbiubinmeabolism ,pproximately 5%60 mture ban moretan80% par by wll eme undicewithi r 3 days ate irth eahthe peak ttheurth r the fift da .If th body isin o hath,aundice illnsh wthin 2 weksin mature baby nd polong to 3r 4 weks n premature baby. 38athlgical junice(病理性黄疸): 1) T jaudice emerges duin 1st 4hs on thnw born. 2) heilrub n heseum hige han ro 205.2 o 56.5 um/L or rse 85 umo/ per da. 3) Te jaundceof termdeler lasts more an 2 weeks. Th jaudi of peaure lats orhn weks. 4) Th jaundicerepss 5)Th conjunctbilubin imre tha 24 l/L. 9Phryno-ojuctivafever(咽结合膜热): Itsa diseasewhich i caud yvirus ad ondemicin sping an mmer, wit e feature o feer, arygitsad conjunctivt. High eve, harynche, tngein yesadayngel ongestion. Conunctivits eergei one otwosies anlmphnof ervand behin he ea are common ansomeims accompanid byastrointeialsymptos . Its press is oneo two week . 4 Herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎): It is cause by Coxce roup vrsad often een in summer and srng. t can spre n hldencollectiv oraizai. It is carterized by fever, haryngitis, tingligey, hyngeal congestn ,heps th flsh arond about 2t 4 m dimeter can b fun n harypalaal arcua, sotpalte,uceration formd afterplittng ,the cousis but 1 weks


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