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Tes for Uit (时间:12分钟,满分:0分)听力部分(2分)I.听对话,选择对的的图片。(每题1分,共5分)( )1 Wat are hese n the table? A B .( ) Wha do hey n o ge a first? A. .( ) . Wat dosthwoan want toave? B C.( )4 What does te woan hfr erkft? A. B. C.( )5. atai fod in hesoth China? A B. II.听句子,选择对的的答语。(每题1分,共5分)( ). A.Of cours. B No, ou cant e,Im busy no( )7.Two pieces. B.n. C.n spoon. ( )8Aetsgo B.O. C. No, thaks.( ). A Yes, do. B No, I like btter. C Butt is verygod.( )0. . K. Ill doitt once. B Sory, he wont.C. No, I dint .听长对话,选择对的答案。(每题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第-2小题。( )1.Wha id the girlmake fo fmil? A Nodles B. andhe. . Dumplgs.( )12 ow ofn doesthegir cok forher famy? A. nc we. B. Twceaweek. . Theretisa wek 听第二段对话,回答第15小题。( )13.Whats tebos favorite drink?. ogrt. B.Aple ik has C.rageice.( )14. What do th oy andthe gir ned tomke the juice?A. A ear. B. rage. A watrmelo( )5. Were ae teboy and t girlrobably going?. To h speraret. B.othe clossoe.T bank.听短文,完毕下面的表格。(每题2分,共1分) How o Ma it SlaFrst6 he apples and strwberres.NextPeeltebanana andthe 17 .Then8 the banns, aples ad trmeln. Pu themin i plateFnallyu 19 tespoos of honyand cu o 2 othfruit6._7._8_19._20._笔试部分(95分).单选。(每题1分,共5分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21Amongthefruit, Ilike _ et.ot B.mlk C.orange Dwaereln()22.yfatheris gin tofl the baske _ornge.A.wt Bof C.n D.at( )23. What should nxt, ? Cutu _onn and _ tomato. A. a; a B a; C.a; D. a; n ( )24.Wve got twchirs,ut nee _A.odesks BtwoanoteCtwo r .moe two( )2.Thee _ twopiecs ofado e table andthere _ ome chse on the slcs.A.re;ae Bar; s i; i D.i; ar( )26.Tinatiedmantimes, nd _succeedd.A.frs B.net C.finly D.ardl( )27.an I _ t TV,Dad? I want twatchtprts newsA.turn of Burn C.turn dwn .tur up( )2.Loo!The a _ on the e.A.for lses mk B.fur glsses filsC.ourglass of milk D.o gassof milks( )29.e pan _ seholes in th yar and pan young trees here. Aig . fil . cver D sere ( )3. Peopen hnlike to eat _ fooddupigs durn the Spring Fetivl. A. tadtion . simple C eatona . retve ( )31.at can I d for ou?lease_t ales anthen_ .A.pee;ute up Bpel;cutuptmC.gt;cut hm D.get;cut tm up( )32. Cn you tel me _ Frnchfrs, Jula? Fir, yo nee som oatos and utthe ito pieces A. wat tmake Bwen t ake C. wy o ak Dwtomake ()33. Karen, _al th salto te mutto ou. hat w be to muh. A.ost add B. dont add C nt add D. int dg ( )34.Don_te miito tecuts full.pel B.pour .leav D.drik( )5.Wataout ang a glas f grt?_A.I like it .Thatsal rightC.Good idea D.Me, too.完形填空。(每题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Nay, try to co forus tody,”m mher calld. “Bt Mom, dont know howocok,” said. “Tday I will 3 ou t co,” sid m fathe. Iddnt know 37 wouldgo, butgreed.Isaw moheco rice befor, so Idid i esily 3 hen itame tocong vgetbls, I dint know how to oit. yterasked me to cu poneabge amakot ingreents (原料) 3 . Now put somegaric (大蒜) nt he poThen, s turmeric(姜黄根粉) and put the ba. D ft addsome salt. My ahrstood next to mad tod mewhat I soul d. 41 fnihingthe cabe, Icookedbef oup. 4 , Iinishe cokg te mal in almt to ous I 43 th fod m paets They at i and aid it was wonerfl. A lst, it wa 44 turn toea th foo Ithugh was terriblFm ht dayon, lart ocok Th first epeice of 4 my owncongwa oerrble, butttughtm grat lesson. Istartedetin(尊重) fod, as I lernt that e a tt his et to cooit( )36. . shae . uestinC. expect D. teach( ) 37. A. wh B. hw C. whchD whre( ) 38. A Be.oC.utD. If( ) 9. A. reayB. tditina.lcky. imiar( ) 40. . fall B. ovrC.pik D.dd( ) 4. . Throg B AftrC. Fro D. Before( ) 42. A. Qicky B. lyC. inally . uiel( ) 3. se B. urnd. flled D hared( ) 44.y B his. our D. tir( ) 45.A. waiting B. reaing.dicusg D.tasin.阅读理解。 (每题2分,共3分)A Co th rienNovmber 8t,4:0p at te Fre Hl November 15th, 6:0 p atthe ose f u-ay-ahJoi he Yummy lb fun coking exriencePlyaat n making a chea bu healhy, rendly mel! ts fre t jon the lb,bt 20 eopleat st cas othe sace.Weskyouorgiter (报名)y ovember1t for e civiy nvember 8t.We must ake sure there areeuh igedient (原料) revern.Cll atrine at 728-122 to regiter frthe actiiton Noembe8th.Cal Jne a 723692 o regiter fr e acivitynNovembr 1t( )6 The activity on Novee 5th i A. at the ire Hall B. atthe House uu-a-ahtCt 4:00p D. a 5:00pm( )7. Yu can n t um CuA. play wihyo frinds B taste pensive fodC. cooka ethyml Duy deicioufod( )48. Lisa itresed itheactivity on Novembr 8th, o e should registe .A. before Noeber 5 B. afte November 15C efoeNvemer 1t D.ater Noember s(). Pau wantto tae arn th aiviy on Novemer 5h,s e houl . al Caherinea 728-120 B. cal tine at 78-369C.callJeannt 728-122 D. callJean at728362( )50 Whichof the folloing sTRUE?A Everyone cantae at in the ctitis.B. The tivitsae bohin the moning. A east 30 peolecanake rt in h activites a time.D. Peolean aoregistery emai.BBos ather works n etaant. Lst Frday Bb dihaeto o o scho, so ewen o orkih hs faher. They hatet he fod pead efore1:30 a.m.Bbfilled a lrge pot h wter. s fae clead andcut carots, pottos andtomtoes.His ather ctme beef, too.Tensomene camo h backdor t was .Hnt, anola living neab. He askobs atetogive hm some bones.Heeded sme ones tof hsog Bsather ageed and asked i t om later. Mr. Hunt thanked imd eft.Bobs athr aded ll the vegtas an te ee o te wateradega t coo thm. He pu the oes io a whitejar (罐子) Thenhe u te ja ito e refigator o kep the bonsesh.n te soup ws OKanBobs fther pourdititojars. Te jsooke jutlike the owith tbnes. After heut th jars inside te refrigerator,Bobs ftherbean omake s slaAt 11:20a., obsfathe finised al his ork, anit waime toooe.“Taemou ome or luch,” sai te hf(厨师长). Hegave Bob a rfromt refrgratr“I cant aito taste yoursop, Dad,”Bb ad when the ghome. But hen b okd to thear,he ouldntbeiev hs eyes“a,” h shoted, “weve gtthe j with h bone!”“Oh, he chfmust hv me a isake,” sd fahe.“Wel,I eally hope Mr. Huntsdog likes my oup!”( )51. We an learn fom he pssage hat Bob fatheris .A. ook B. sgr .drir . aist( )2 ccordig to h passage, b last ray.A.had lnch t the estaunt B. made somealad idn hae o o toshool D.atem soup( )53. Wat does he wod “refrigeror” n aragrahFo ma n Chnese?烤箱 B.橱柜 .冰箱 .厨房 ( )4 When idBb fthr inish l h wrk?A.10:20 a. . At 10:3 am C. At11:20 am D At :30 a.m. ( )55. ccrng to thessae, Mr.Hunt .cameagin later tt monigB.cme gai e 1:a.m.sad withBob llh orningD wantede befsoup for his d C Somehig was cryg (叫) otide. o I wenottosee what s happening. A smalltst ythedoor. murnfor a ongtieas i loked trd nddit. I et it ito houe. Iookou me fo,ad his poor c ate al.Then I ot m own ctsfish, and it ae tha o!Myegt-year-ldaughter nien er cousin liee ealy inteedi theca. The batd (给洗澡) i and ditmre oo. Anieasked e o kpt. ut id agre It wasnbecaueIdn love it. I readyhadome pet athome, thre birdsand tw cats. And our hosews nt bi nh o kep more. Another reason was h I thogtit migt ge lt. d its owr utbewrie aboutit. T Iptup notes alovetwn n thehpeof finigit hm.I ls bought d (广告)ie o a rao station. Tr week la, there ws tllnoespone (答复)Fnally, deidedt ee he cat. Tugh our house as smll, I would try mybtt ake god careof it.根据短文内容,回答问题。5 Wat did the clook ke hn the r saw it, ist? 7. howsAnni? 58. How manypes di te rer hve bfre kping hcat? 5. hat didte ritr dtolthectfi ts ho? 60. Wtds the assage milytlk bou? 词汇运用。 (每题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。6.Eatn toomuch s_ sbadf yu eeh.6Wht_ foodo ou ave onMid-atumn Dy?63.Theei a_ h i the doo.64.Dont _astwatento the rier.It l pllute t.65.Peae put hebe o the p_,ot n hebowl.B)用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空。66._(n)we got o he o of th uni. 6.Passmethree _(pec) bea.68Ho uch_ (butter)is thee n te bea? 6.k sure all te _(travl) knothe ntuctins.70.I lke_ (sadwch). Tey are very delcus.根据汉语意思完毕句子,每空一词。 (每题2分,共10分)7.你如何做奶昔?Howdo you _ _ _?72.然后放入两杯酸奶。en utin _ _ yogur73.我们需要多少洋葱?_ _ _ weneed?7你在面包上放了多少奶酪?_ _ _ didyouu o the brea?75.那家工厂不再将污水注入河里了。Tfatry snt _ wase watr _ te riv an more.短文填词。 (每题1分,共10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的单词并用其合适形式填空,使短文完整、连贯。vegetle, healty, clean, spe, buy, hop, ler, lke, ltuc,topeelik hopig online. hy 76 cthe, book or cmpers o i.Lie mny oter 77Chines, W nzhi is hopingonline, to“My fmilyand I 78 t eat tome,broli, 7 a pottoe, so want to by oganic(有机的) on,”said u“Thy are 80 nddonhave was them san8 .” Every month, W 8 bou 600 yuan on orga 83 met on olineorgnshop tooThere are mnyeopl in Bijing 84 e Wu.Thy are tg ad buyin orgnifood.oplebyorgnic ood becausthewant obeore 8 .he alswnt o kowmore aut tei food.6._7._78._79._80._1_82_3._84._8._.书面体现。(1分)请根据所给图片,向你朋友简介做苹果奶昔的过程,词数不少于6。_Tet foUt 答案I1-5AACII 6-0ABAA. 1-15CBBCA.16.Wah17.ornes18ut up19.to/20.a.2125DAB2630BAAA35ADBBC 6-40DBCAD 41-5CA.4-50BCDA 51-CCA 6 Tired n drty. 57 Teriersdugter. 8. iv. 5. Te wrte puup noics alver thetow and boght d ie o aaioain. 0. How thewriter ouna and ept t.)61.suar 2.traditiona 3.o 64.pou 65.plateB)66.Finaly 67.peces68.utr69.traveer .sanwhe.71.ma a milk sae 72twocupsof 73.ow an oon do74.H much hee 75.ur;ino.76buy 7.clvr 8.lke 9.ltuc 80.clea 1tis 82.send 83.egetabes 8shoping 5.helty.One sible vrsin:Do u like drinkng appl milhak?D you knowowto aei? No letme tl ou sometgabtit.st, peethapple n t the up. Next,pt teappl and ce crea int te blendr. Afteta, por he ilk int t bendeand mx heup.en, turn onhe lee or bouttwo inuts Finaly, pouthppl mil ake ina gas anddink iow yo cn have a tryTe for Unit 8听力材料. 听对话,选择对的的图片。1W: Wat are the n the ale?: Teyreme tomatoes2. M: Hocan we avegtabl soup?: Firt, we need som potatoes.3.W:Gv eoepeesof bread, ple.:Here you4.: a sadwich formbeast.M: I ound delicious.:n the uth ofChina, eoten aerie for e n fd.M: Thtisriht.听句子,选择对的的答语。6. oul you peel bananafor m? 7. How m oy do yu need?8. Les make fruit saad. 9 Do you like butter ina adwih?10. ate, pou ome water in th po. 听长对话,选择对的答案。听第一段对话,回答第11-1小题。M:here wreyouyesterday anon?: I sayd at ho.Ad I dumplig frdinerfor mfamily.M: Rely? Idkow yu coudo. W: I usualy ook o my flytwica week听第二段对话,回答第131小题。M: Is very ot. Wouldyoulike to hae drink? W: Gooidea!I lie yogurt Wat aou you?M:M fvori drnk is a ppe milk hak.: h, l! Whas tht?M: Its a kin of ue.W: Jue? Do you knw ho to make it?I realy wat o ler.: Yes. W nl need to y awaerlo. Le go o by e.W:OK! Lts g. 听短文,完毕下面的表格。 Do you o how tomak ui sad?Letme tellyohwo do it.Youneed somebnanas,apple, ornes, srweries and oe ieces f watemelon. rst,wash theapplsathetrawbre. ,pel the bnan and he oranges.Thn ct up bnns, apples nwatemeln Pu hm i a bg plate. Finall t teaspns f hneyana cup f rea o the frui. Now,eatthem.Howdo yu fl?yulik dongi oru fmly and fiends? Hetr!


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