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作者简介: 华盛顿欧文(Washgtonrvng)(1-1895),美国浪漫主义作家,也是一种纯文学作家,他旳写作态度是writingoplesueantproduceplure。欧文旳代表作有见闻札记(Sketook),这是第一部伟大旳青少年读物,也是美国本土作家第一部成功旳小说。由于欧文对美国文学旳伟大奉献,他获得了“美国文学之父”旳光荣称号。这篇短篇小说,瑞普凡温克尔便是摘自见闻札记。Rip Van Wi A oshus Wriingf Dieric ickecer B Wahignving(HFOLOWG tale ws foumng te aper of he laidih Kickeoce, an enleman of Nw Yok, who svery cuiusin he utch story ofte provnce, andhe mnnersofthdecedants from is priiv selers. is stoicl esearces, oeer, did not liso ch mongbooks s amng men; for he frmer are lamentablscany onhis faorie toics; whereash oundtheold rges, nd tl r thir wivs, rich in tat leeday lore oinvalb to t sor.henever, thefore, he appned pon a gnuie Dutch fily, snugy shutup intslo-roofefmuse, uner asprein amoe, ke un it as a ittl clasped voume f blk-ee, and tdie it wit th zel of a bookworm.Te esult of all thessere a histyof the povinc urig tereign f the uh vnors, whichepublisd somyar snce.The have en arous opinion totheitrarycharater ofhiwr, ad, tell th truth,t is not hit bett ta t shld be. Is che merit is its scrpous accuacy, hh inde wasaitte uetoed o is firstappeaance,but has since beencompetey stlshd;andit is how dieito llistoricalolects s a ok ofnquestinale authorit.T od gentlemn died shrtl aterh publiatono s work, and nw tathe i deand gone it ann muc harm to hismemory o saytat s ime migh hae een muh beter emploed n weigtierlabors. H, howeer, asa tordehis obbyin hisown ay; ad toughitid now nd then kic p hedust a litte n the eye of his nebor adgrieethe spirit ofsome frinds, orwho heet thetruest feene andfection,ye his errors anfollies ae remeed “rein sorrowhan in ager”;and it egi tobe sspctetat h never iended t injue o ofen. t wver his memoymay prcd b citis,tisl held e amng mnolkwsegood opinionis well worh havig;prticualy by ertaiiscuit baers, whohagone so ar as to mprinthi likens on theirNe Year caks, and he husive im chance for immrtality amost equa t the eingsmpedaaerloo mealoraeenAnesarthin.)ByWoen, od Saxns,From wen cmes Wensday, thais odnsdy,th i thingtherI will kepUto thl da in whch I ceep ioMy seplhCATWIGHT.Whoeverhs madevya up t Hudn mut emebrthe CtskillMouna. They ae a demberd brnchf the et Apalachian family, and are en awa t e wesoftheriver, eling upo neheight, nd rd it ver e suroudingcounty.ver n of eas,ery hnof weater, inde, eey hr he ay, proucs some change i maial h n hes of es mountins,nd e ae reardd byal the gdwves, ar and near, aserfetbaromter hen h weae i ar n seld, hey are othednblue nd purpe, ad prit their ld otnes on the clear veni s; utsoeties, whe theesto thelandscape iscloules, tey ill gaer a hod of grayvaps but their ummits,whic,in h lst ay the setg sn, wglowan g u lea crown ofglor.t t foo ohse airy mountns theoyge myhav scrie thelght soke cuiup from a llage wos single roofs lea og trs,st whee thbu ints o the uland elt away into he fresh gen th naer landscape.It is a ltle illage o geat ntiquiy, havingbeenounde by some the uc cooniss, in t earlyti ofthepoe, just abu he beinningf tegovemet o the good Pete Stuyvesant(may he et in eae!), nd thr wre some o the hous f e oriinl sttlestandihi a fw yea, wt lttiindos,gble fn surounted itweathercs, duiltof all llw brick broght rom ollndIn that sam vllage, and inon of hse vry hous (wi, tll th rci trh, was al time-wornad weahr-baten), the lve may yers sinc, while the cuntry was yet a povince of Gr Brita, a iple, goodatrd fellw, of thename of Ri Van Wnke. He wasa descendant o h a ikles ho figed so gally in hechivalros days ofPter tyvean,ad aompanedhmto th siege ofFort Christin.He hete,howevr, but litle of the aral charactrf hiacestors. I a bserd that he was a smpe,godtred man;he as, mover, a kid neighbor adan ediet, enecked usbnd. need, to h atter cirumstancemihtb wing hatmensso spirit hich ganed hi suh univrsal populaity;for thoe mae mot pt to be obseuious and conatigaboadh are undr the dsipline ofsrewsat om. Ter tempr, doubess, are rederd pliat d maleab in thefry furne destic tiblain, ad acurain lectre isworallthe semons in h ord fortachig e virts of atice anlnsufferig. termagant wife may, threfore, in omeresec, b consdeed a toerab lesing; and f so, Rian Winkle aric blessed.Crtai t is tathe greatfavorte amog alth ood wives f thevllage,wh,as sual with theamabesex,tok sart nl amlysables, dve ailed, wnee thetaled hose mts er teir eveningsipings, to y all the lme on Dam VnWinkle. hechidren he vlge,oo, wouldsoutith oywhver h approached. He assistedat ther sts, madeheir things, tught h o fly kite and hot marbls, andtold e longsri of hst,witchs, and Inas. Whnever h etodging about the vilae, ewrndd y a tooo them,hgingon his skis, clamberng on is ac, an laying tousadtrckso him ithimpiy; and notadoguld ak at him throughoutthe eighohood.Te gra eror Rips compstio wasaniuperable averson to al inds ofroftable laborIt culd noe rom th wat ofasiduiy o perseverce;for hewould it awet ro,t a rodas on a hy s a Tartale, andfih al ay thot amurur, e hough hesod not be encouragedby a sile nbe. He wudcary afowling pieceon i oler, for hurs together, trdging thugwods ad swamps, au hil an down dal, to ht a fe urrls orild pign e wold nve een refuse to assist neghbor nthrougest tol, and was fremo an t l country rlics for huskig I crn,r buiin so fnes. Thewen of hevilage, to,uedtoemp him to n their rrnds, and to do sc littojbs a their lessoblginghusadswouldnotdof them; in awo,Ripa ready t attnd t anybods buiness buti own; but a to doingfmiy y, and epnghsfa n or, itwas mpib. Inact, elaredtas fn se wrk o hi far; i was he mstpeint itle piceo roundin the whole cout; eerythng about t et wrg, an wu goon, in spit fhim. His fences wre continually falling to eces; his cow ould eithe g atray get moghebbas; weed were sre o grwqucr in hi fields thn ywer le; the ran always ade a oint f settiinst as he had s outdoor work td; sohatthogh his ariml estat ha winded way udr his mangem, are ycr, until therews littl oreft than a mere patch fnian c nd potatoes, yt it as thewost-coditoned famithneghborhoodHs chdrn, to,wer as rgd n wild if thy bogdonody.Hs sip, n rchinbegoten in is w likss, promsd to ri thehabts, with the ld clothes of his fthr. He wasgenealy seen tropig lik colat hs hes heel,eqippe a pr of hifatrs casoff gligskns, whch he hdmuhado t hld up ih one hand, as fine lady ds he traii bad wher. ip Van Winkle, howeer,wasoneofthsehappy mortas, f foolish, wel-oiledsosiion, w ae te wrld easy, eat we bedorow, whcevran etith las thog or troubl, ad would ather starveon ey hanworfor poun Ifleft to himel, he wouldhave whiste ife away, i perectcotentent;bt hs wf kept cotilly dinning ini eas bou hs ileness,is caleses, ndterhe wabing on hisfami.Mornng, noon, and nigh, her tonu w incesanly gin, nderythin he aid ordidw sue o prodea torntof houseold eloqence.ipadbut oe wof reyngto all lctures f theind, and that, by fequet use, had rown ino a habit. He sge his shoulers,shookh ea, cast up hi ees,but aid ntng. This, hover, ays povoked afeoley fom hiswife,s hathe a fain t drawoff his frcs, ad tak to th otseo e ousethe only side ch, n truth, belgso a henekd hsbanRipssl msti adherent wa isdgWol, whwas s muc hepecs is maste; for ame VanWnkeded them compaoniilees, ad even lkd upo Wof wth an vilye, as heaue of hs masers sooft gong sray Tue s, in l pits of st befittig n hnorabedog,he s asraeous an aial s everscoued the wost whatcourge a withand eever-during ad allbetig terrors o wantogue? The oentlf terdthe house hs crest ell,is ldrope to the groud,r urled between his eg; he sneaked aoutwth aallow air,asing mana selng laceatDme VanWnkle, ad at the leflrishof a broomticor ld woul fly toedor wth yepi precipiationmesgrewwse and rse withRi V Winlesyeas of armonrolled on; atart tempernverelows wiha, ad a srtongue is the onlyee ool tat grws kener by cntat ue Fr alog whil h sed t cnsole hmsl, hnrvenfrom home, by freqentin kind of peallu f thsae,philosohr, ad other ie esonge o thevilae, which el is sessinson a benh efore sal nn, signatedbya ubicundprait o his maetyGeorgthe Tr ere they used t it ineade, o a log lay smmer day,takin stsoer vllg goip, orteingndles sleeystoies about nothing But itwoud ae ben worth ay sttesmans moy oave heard the profond diussion hih mete ook place, whnby cne anoldnewpper fl nto their hans,fom somepassngtraeler H enlythey wuld listen to t contnts, as drawld out by errck Vn Bummel, te shoolmater, apper,leredlile man,o ws nott e daunted hemost ggaic wordin he dictionry; nd ho saelythey wul elbrate uo pubcevnsme mons ater adtaken place.The ii of isjuntowee opllyconroled y Nicolas edde,a atrirhofth village, ndlandlor of hinn, a th oor ofhihh tos seat o mrningll nit, ust moig suficnty oavoi te sun, and in he hde of a large tee; s that he neghbor could tllth hou byhs moeent as ccuratyas by sunial.It is true, h was rarey heard to spek, bt sked ipipeincessantly.Hi dherents, however (forevey reat man hs hi adheents),pefect nstoo im, and newhow o gther piion hen nything thatwas read or relate dspased hm,he ws obev to smkhs pipe vehementy,andsn oth hor, frequet, ndangry pffs; twhnpleaed, uld inhete smoke slowly nd trnqly, and eit i ightandlacidclu,an oetmes taking hpe from his out, ndlettingthe ragrantvao curlabo isnose, woud gaveyd hishead n tkno prect arotinFom eve this sroghld theunlucky Rip asa lentrutd by itermgant wi, ho wuld suddy break i upon tranqilityof the assemblag, ad ca the meeral to oght;nr wa htugusesong, Nihoas edr himself,sacred frthe darigtonge this terileirgo,whcargdim utright wt ncuragig e huband bts o ieess.Poo Rps at lat rud almt todespar; nd s onl aernative, escape fr he labooth farm aclamr of his wfe, w takegun i hand adstro awa itothwoods Hereh woud somtmes eat ilf t tfoot f a e, and hre thecontensof is allet wt ol, ith whm h sypathizd s a ellow-sufrer in peseutn. “Poor Wof,”hewou a, “thy mstres ladshe adgs life f it; but nevr in, my , while live ho shalt never antafend ostand by thee!”olf ul waghis tal, look istfy hs maste fac, ad if do an fel iy, Iveilybelve e rcrate th sentment wh all hheartI log rmle of th knd on a fine autmnlda,Rip d uncnciosy scramled t one f th ighst parts of t CatskilMountains. He wa aftr his fvorite sporto qirrel shooig,d th sti olitud hd ecoed an rcewith theeports f hs gun. Pating andfaigue, he thre imsel, late in theatroon, on a gree noll, ovre wit montan hrbge, hatcrwed thebrow f arecpice Fromn openin bewee the tres he uld verlok althelower conty for mana le f rih woolnd. e sw a dstce thelordly Hudn, fa, r beow im, mving on its lent ut mjesi cure, th refecton ofa urle cloud, or th sail of a laggngbark,hre nd theseepgon ts glassy so, da last losing telf in the luehlads.On th oter sdeh lokeddow int a dep mounan gln, wi, lonel, an sagged, heottom illd wit ramensfrom teimpending clifs,nd sccel ghted y te releted ysof he seting sunForsome time Ri la uing nths scne; ninw grduallyavcing; t montns began to tro teir loblehdow over healys;h saw tha iwould be dk longbeorh ould rec thevillag,nd e heved a havy ighn e though o ncnteing theterrors of D Vaninkle.As e was aboutto desc,h heard a voice froa distnc,halooing, “Rip VnWike! Ri Va Winke!”H lokearo, t cou see nothin bt a crw winging its solitaryflight cross h muntain Hehought is fancy must ave eceived him,and turned ai t deend, whenh hardthe same y ing thrughthestlleveng i: “Ri Van Winkle!RpVa Winke!”at the same tie Wolf bristle uhis back, ad giving low grow, kulk o hismserse, lookn eafullow no the gle.Ripnow flt a vaueaphenson steai overhim; lookd nxiouin te sm direion, and erceie asrane figre sow oiing uthe rocks,nd bening under the weiht fohng arid hs back. asuried to seeanhma in in tis loly n nfreqent pc,but suppsing itt be omeon f te nighrhod ined of asstance,hehatend dow yield tO narr appoach, he was tillmre suprised tte sigularity of he tangers appearance as short,sare-bult l fellow, wih thick bushy ha, a a grizle bard.Hisdrswa of theantque Duc fashiona clot jei traed round the wastevrlpaio eces, the outroe faplevlume,decorated wihrows ofbtons downthe sies,a bunces a he knees. He bor n hisoldr a stout ke, tat eemd ful ofqor, and madesigsforRp tapoach nd aist hiwith the load Thoghrthesand dstrustul of his ew acqante,Ripcoplie with his usaaacity, and utuall relievin one anothe, thelameredp a narrowgul, ppaently te drybe ofa moutin toret.Asthey scede, Rip eveyowntheheard long rolln peals, ike distant hunde,that emed to ssueout a dep ravine, o rater clbetwen lfty ocs, towd which theirruge path ccted. H paued fo n insant, but suposingt e uteing of oneof hse transient thner shows whic ofte tak place in mountineigts,he reeded. Pas trghtherie, they caeto a hll, ie a sl aitheater, surrounded by prpendicuar recipice,overthbksof wh ipendires shot theibrchs,sothatyou nlycaugh glises of the zure sk nd the brihtvning cloud.Dung t wholeim, Rip and s copanin haabored n in silene; fotought formermaveld gretlyw couldbete bjc of carryinga g liquo p his wild munain, ythe was sething srnge adncmpehensible about h known tht inpre awe nd chcke ailiarit.nenterngthe mphite, newobjetsf wondr psetethemsels.O a evel poti he cene waa cmpany ofodd-loon personae ag atneiTey were desed in uait, outlaish fio: soe e shor oublet, othersjrkins, with long kves inther belts, and t had eomous eches, o iilar stl with that ofhe guide.Th vsages, to, were peculir: one ha a lrge hed, oad fce, and sall, pigis eye; theof anthesed to consist entrelyof nose, ad was urmonte by hite sur-lof hat st ofwith a litte ed cock tai. Theyal hdbeads,of rious shpes n colors. Tee was onewho eeed be tecmander.He wasatuold genlan,th a eather-beaen cuntnance; wor a laced dobt, bod eltand hane, icowneat and feah, red okigs,and high-heeld ses, witrsesn tem.Th whlegrup remid Rip ofthe igures in aol Flish intng, i te parlo of omini Van chaick,h vlaeparsn, n hc hd bee ougtvrfom Holland at thiof thestlmentWht seemd parularly od t Rp, was thathough tes fol wereevidnty musng themsvs, et theymaintinedthe raestaces, te mt terius silene, an er, ithal, the most meacholyartyof pleasue hehad eve witnese Nohngntpted th tillssfth scenbu he ose f he ball, whi, whenve ey wee rld, ech ao the monans like rumbg eals thndr.As Ripnd his comanion pproache em, hey sdenly distdfomtr ply, ad stred atm wth suc ixed tate-like gze,ndsuchtrange, ucouth,ackluter conteances, that hsear turnwitin him,a his knes st together. Hisaion now emted the cntts o theke in large agons,and madesigns t him to wit upn the cpy. H obeyed wih fearad trmblig; they qffd theiqur in rood silnce,adhen rturnetoteir gae.By dgrees,Ri wead aprenson suidHen ventred, wen noeewa fid upon hi, t tstetheverae,whchh foun had mucho h flaor of xcellent Holland He was natrally a thirty sl, d w sontempd to repeat the draught.One asteprovoe anothr, and h rerted hi iits o h flon s ofn,tat at lengt s senses ere vrpwred, hs yeswam in hi ea,is head graduallyeclined,andhe ellinto dp eOnawkng, he ond himef on e green knll frm whee ad fireen th old mn of the glen. Herd hs yesit was brgt sunnmoning he birds opping d twitering aon h bushs, a th eagle was wheelg lot adrasting the pemouti bree“Su


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