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Leson 1 prite cnvsaon 私人谈话 Las week I we t th theatre. had ave god eat.Theplaywas veryintereting. I no enj it.A young manda yun woma were sitin ehndme.y were talkng ouly. It very anry. oul no ear e atos. Itune roud. I ked the man and the womngily Th dido pay anatteno. In t end,coud o ba t. I urned roud agan.I canhea wrd! I sidagrly. Is noeof or busiess, heyoungman idrudey. Tis isa rve cversatio!Lesson Brakas or lnch? 早餐还是午餐? It w Sudy. I never get up rly on Suday.Isoetimes st bedunilunch time.stSunay ot up verylate. Ilookeu of he wino.Iwas ark outide. hat ada! I tought. I raing gain Justthe, the tlephon rag I as my aunucy. Iejst rrved b trai, she sad. comigoeeou ut mstillhving brakfast, Isaid.Wat reouon ? she aske. Imhaving brakfast,reped.Dear me, she sd Do yo alays getu solate ? Its one oclo!Leso 3 Plasenmecad请给我寄一张明信片 ostcard alays spol m hlidys Latsmer, wnt tal I visited museumsndsat in pulicrns Aedl aitrghtme afe worofItain. he e lent me abok. I readaf line,but I did not nstn word.Evey day Ithgh abou postcrs. M hoays asd quicy, bt I not endny ards to yfriensOn the lst day mae abgdeiio. got up early and bou thty-seen cad. I et the whlday my rom, t did ot te aigle cad !Leso 4 Anexciting tp 激动人心的旅行 hav justreceived etter frm m be, Ti Hei n Autralia. Hhasbeentheeforsix ots.Tiis n engnee. He is oking for big rm and he has lady isied a r numb f diffeentpaesinAstria e has jst bought an Australian cr ndas goe to AliceSprings,a smallto nthe centr ofutralia Hewill son visit Dawinrm there, wi fly to Peh. My rotherhsnevr ee roadbefoe,so e s findig thistip veLeson 5 wron numr 无错号之虞 r Jams Sct haa gaein Silbur and now hhs jstbot anot garage in Pinhurst. Phursts nl fiv milefro lbury, bt Mr Scottcannot get teepofor his new gaage,s asjus bought twelv ieons Yesteda, apigeocarred he fit messefmPinhurst t SiburThid verdthdistance n theemiutes. p o ow, Mr Sott has ent a greamany reqstsfor aeats and other gentmesas from oe garag to the thrIn is way,h as bgunhion privatetlephne servceessn6 Pecy Btns 珀西巴顿斯I hae jsmove tohu in Brd Street estrdaya beggar nokedatmy door. H ask e fo a ealan a glas of ber I retrn orths, he bggar stoodn his ea and sangogs. I v hima mal.e at th foo and drank te br.Then e put iece heese in h pocket n we way Ler neir tode bout him. Evybody knows him. is nm i Percy Buttons. He calsaever ue th stret once montand alwasassora meal andlass ofbeerLesson To 为时太晚 he plae wa late nd detectivs wreiting t th irort al orng. ey ere expcng a lable parce ofdamond from Sut fri. A fehours erlie, somene had toldthe olie ha hievswould ry to stel t diamons en th lae rive, som of te eective wre watin iide th i buildig wie others wre witingon he afied.wo mn ookthe parcel of te plane a crri ito teCusomsHuse. Wile tw detecti er keping ad a he oo, two others openedthepacel o theisurprse, te preiou parcel as full sons and sn!Leson8 Theetand th wt最佳的和最差的eSandershas te mot betiulgardenn our town.Nealyrybody eteforTheNiest GardenCpetitin each year,bt Joe wins evr ti. illFrits arden islarehan Je Bil orks arde thn Joe nrows moreflows nd veetabls, bt Joes gres moe nersingHehsd eatpat and ha bulta ooen bide ve aool. I like gardes too, utI d t lke ar wrk.Eve year I eto the garn competitio too, nd I ala i a lttl priz fr thwors garden n th own!Lsso A cold elm冷遇Onedesday eing, e wnt to the Tow all. t waste las ay ofteyearand a lagcrowd of pple d gathere ndrte Town Hlclock Itou stketwe in wentminuts e. ifteenminutes passedan then, at ive totle, tclc stope The bi mintehadidnt move.We waite and wte, but othing apened. Sddenl somene oute, Is wo mintes past tlve! Th clock has stopd! Ilookedat my watc.Itas r Thebg clofusd to welcoe t Ne Yr. At thatmoment eerboy antolugh an sing.esson 1 Notor jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐We he an l muscal instrumen.It is cle a claihrd(翼琴) Itws ade n Gemany 81 urclavichrd iskep inthe ivig-roo I as belong to u aly fo a lng tehe isrumn wabout y mygrndfather my yars ago.cnlyitws daaged b vsorheried lay jz on t! She strk e ks too had nd two f te rinwere bok.Myfter was hoked owwe are no allowd to tcht.It is ei reparedy a friend f m faters.Lesson 1 Oned turndeservesoter 礼尚往来I as havig dinner t a restaurant n Hry Steelecame in Harry wked n a ayer ff r go, bt he no wring t a nk. egets good saary,bt e aways borromoy from hs frindan evrpas bck. Hry sawand camand at t the se tabl. He has neveoroedmoney fromme Wh e aatig, askeim o le e &2.Tmy urris, he am heoneimedatey. I ha neer borowe n monyfom o, Harry si, o no o n pay f my dnnr!essn 12 Goodbye a goo lck 再会,一路顺风ur cighbour, Cptai Carles Alisn, will sail fr Posmut morow. eshll me im at the rbur earl ith morningwllb nhs smal oat, Topsail.Tpsail i a fous littebat.I has siled cross h Atanticmany imes CataiAlion will setut t eigt olok soeshl have plnt of time Weshall se i bot nd then we shlsay obe to him. He wl be away for tw month. We are y pu o hm. e l tk patin an imotant aeacrss the Atlnt.Leson13Te Grwod oy绿林少年The Greenwood Boys re agrupof populringersApreet, tey are vistingal ars of the country. Ty ll be ring here tomorrow. Th il e cing by tin andost oth younpeople in he tow wil b etin thea the sain. omorrw eveihy wl e sng t the WrkesClub The Greenwod Bos willbestaing for ie ay. Drintistime,hewillgie prformanessusual, th policwill have adfl tme. Tey wllbe tyin okeep oder. It s always theame onhese ocsions.Leson 14 Do ouspe Elh? 你会讲英语吗?I had an amsig xperience last yea.AfterI ha lft a sml vilae in thesouth f Frace, I drov on o he nx tw. n t wy, a yongmnwavd tome.I stoppandhe asked mer a lt. A son as he ad gt ito thear, I said gd orningto him inrenc an herplid i thsm languagearfom a ewors, Ido n nw any Frnat al. etherofuske dring h ory. I had nerly reachedthe tow, wen e young mn sdelsaid, very slowl, Do yo spEgls? As I son lean, he wasEnl himse!Lsson 15 G news 佳音 Th secreaytold m that Mr. arswrth wolsee e. I fltvery nervou whe. I went ino hs offe. H ddo lk u from his des henIentered. After I hd s don, hes ha busiess ws very bad. He tlde tha hefirm could notafod toa such rg salares.Twenty peple a already lef I knewtha myt ad com. Mr. Hawrth, I said ia weak voic Dntiterrup, heSaid.henhesmed andtld me I woul recv n extra &10 a year!Lss1A pote equest 彬彬有礼的规定If y park ou r n hewong pce, a raff olicemnil soond i. Y willbe ey uck he lts you go ihu tikt.Hoever, tis dos not alas hpe. Tafic lc r somtievey polite. Duinga old in Swden, I foud this no on my car: Si,we elcm ou o r ity.Tis is Parng area ou will enoy your stayhere io pay attenti to ou sreet signs. This teis nly aremind. If yo rcve a requet like this, ou cannot ait obey it!Lsn 17Alwas oug 青年常驻My aun Jnnifris an actreshe mst be at leas ir-fve yearsolInspiteof this,se fen appear on th sage as a yong grl.Jenniferwil have to tkepart in new lson.Tstme,sh ill bea il of eventn. n te ply, se ust app ai red drss an long black stckings. Lst yea inanotherla, he d towar shrt soks an abiht,range-cloureddss. If nyoeever asdrhow od shei, sh aly answers, Mdr, it must be terribl to be gwnup!lsso8 e otendes hi!她常常干这种事!Atr I ad ha lunch at a vilage nn,I loked fo my bag. d ef it o cai beside h doo ndnow want there! A I was looi f t, t inn-eeer came in.dou have goomea ?e aske. es, thank you, aswere, bt I ant ay the bl. I aent gt my bag. Theinkeeermid an edtly eut I a few miut he retured wi m and gave ibakto m. Im very sorr, h said Myg adae it tthegard. Hoften does thi.Lesson old out票已售完he play ma bein a amomt, IidIt may hvbegn alra,Ssn anwerd.Ihurrieto he tice-ofce a I he tw ties lee?aske.Im sorry, weve sold ot, the gl said.What pity! Susaneclamd.ustthe, a an hried to te ticketofie.Ca I retrnthstwo tickets? ake.Ceraly, e girl id.CoudI a hosewo tickes plse ? I aked.erily,theil ad, bt hey are foet WednesaserforancI migh aswe havethe, I saidsadlsson2 Onemn in boat 独坐孤舟shing myvouriteport. I oftenfish forouswthout tchin anhing. Bt hs oent wor me. oe fserme ae lucky. Isted ocachin fish,theycath old bsan rbish.Iaeen e luy. Ieve cc nyhig-o een ld bots. fter hing sen whol nn on therive, I aw oome with an etbag Yo ustgie up fisig! my iends a. Its wate o ime. But they do elize one imptntting. m nt reallynteesed in fishig.Ia onlintertdinsitting inaat nd doingnohin at al !Lsso21 Md or ot?是不是疯了?Aerolaes are sloy divng e ma. I lie er anarpt andpasg lane a be heard nigh n day. e irpor was built rinthewr,butfo oe reson i ould notbe e hn astye, hoever,itame nt us Over a hndred pople must ae been drven away rom their homes y the ise. I a ne f thefew pele left.SomiesI thin tis husewil be knocked dow b a assng plne. Ihve be oferea lag su ooney to goawy, ut Im demied tostay hre. verboy ysImust b md and they are proal rh.Lsn2 Agls nvlope 玻璃信封My daugter, Jn, never dreae eceving a letr rom agirl of he wn age in olland. t ar, we were rvellng acros h Cannel nd ae put pieceof paper wit e nae and ddre n it into ott. etrew the bole tohe a. Sh ner oghtof iaai, butenmt lter, hreceved lettfrom irlin Hlland. oth rs wrteto ach oh glalynow Hwever, thav eciedt use the os-ofie. Lets wil cota lte more,u hey ill certaly tvel fater. Lesson3 e houe 新居Ihad etefomy iserytrdy.he livesin Nigeri. herlettr, se said tht h ud cm England ext year If s come, she will gta surpris. We are nowlivigin a eaful ew ose n th conry. onitha beguefore myster lefThosewas completed fv mnts ago. In mylter, tod her tht shecld stay with u.Th hoehas many lge rooms andtheres vel gard.t i ver modern hous, so it look strage to somepple. mut bethe nlymodern houeinth dstrictLssn2t culd eors 不幸中之万幸 eter e hotel anager office ands don. Idj lot 50 and I etvery upset. I let themey in my room,I sid, ad is ot thren. emanaew symatc,but hecold d noing rnes losing money thedys, hesi. Hestartedt complin about this wicked wold t s intrruted by aock a the door. A gil cainan u an evelop on is dsk.It conined &o. I fnd this outsi this getlan om she said el, I a to th managr, tere is sill soehnesy n is ord!lesson5 he English saEnglih? 英国人讲的是英语吗? ivedin odon at ast he ralw stati was big, black and ar. I dd not w theway to m hote, o I askd aprter I noonlspokeElishverycarfuy, but verclearl as well. hpoter, howevr, ould ot uersan ; I aedmy queioevra tmesand a la undesod He answerd me,but he sok nither low nor cearly. I am a forgner, I said Ten espok slowly, coulunerstand.My achereve spk Elish lik that!Th porte an Ilooe ateah oth ad sled. Ten he sad soething an Iundsto it ull sooearn nglish!he sai.Ider. I gland,eachmaspea differenlnguage.he Englshundestand ach ther, but I ot unerstan them !o ty speakEnli ?leson26 h es at citis 最佳美术评论家I am anart udn an painaoof ptrs. any eoleenha tey undrstnd modrnart hy alays tll yo whata picture is abot. foue, ma ptus arc naout aything. Te arusprtty pattern We like thm in he me wytt welike pr curai atral. I thik a young chreofteappreciaemodern pictres ette tan yne se. Ty otice more.ysiser is only vn,u hla els mewhethr my pitursre go onotShe cm y roo yeterday ht ay ding ? h skd Imnin thi picure othe w, I answed. Is new ne o youikeit?Sh looke t citicaly fr ammen. Itslrit,she ad,but isntit pside-on? I lookd at i again.She ws right! It !Lon27 A wet igt 雨夜Lt in th aernn,he boysputptr tent n te midle ofa ied A son as ti as don, theycooke a e over oeir. ey wer al hungry andth ood smelt good. e awonf eal,thy toldtris a sansongsbythecmfr.But som tmeler i eganto rai The oys fl te so he peoutthe firean cretin te tnt. Their sleepin-ba werearm ad comrtable,s theyll pt odl. In h midl tig, two bysokup and beganhoutn. Te tnt ws ul o waer!Theyalleapt uto teirseping-bag and uried outide. It arainingail andte foundtht a strem h form n thefil e sreamwn ts ay cross th feld andthen fwed rtunder ther tnt!sson28N parin 严禁停车Japr hte is one of tho are pep whoeieve in acien yths. e hasjut oughta n hse ithecity, u vere he movd, he hasad truble with toiss.when h reurs hom at ght,h always fds thteon has parked aca tsidehi gat. Bcuse of tis, he ha not b to get hi own ca int is garagen once. Jasperas u up No arigsin outsie hs ga, bt ee hae nothd an ffec. Nowhas p augl one head ove e e. It s on ofh ugliet aces hav ever seen. I ased him what itwa an he told me tat it wasMdusa, the Gogn.Jasp opeh she wil n motorists to stone. Bt one of them h bee urdo sto et!esson29 T! 出租汽车!Cptan BeFawcet hasbought a unusual taxiand has begun aew ervice. htai s sallSwss aeropla aleda Platus Pote. hiwonderfl plane ancary sevnpassengrs. Th mostsurrisig thig abot it, hoever, i tha t canland anywhere:on snow, we, o even n aploughefild. Capainawcettsfirt pasenge as adocor wh flew omBirming alnly vill in the elshmountais. Since hen, Cpin Fawcett hs flow ssengers to many nuul plaes.Oce he landed onth ro of a bok of lat ad o noher ocio, helanded n aeertd car pr Capai Fctt has just refsed a str reqest fro a busnessman. The ma we tofl to Rckall, a lony islandinte Atlanc Oce, butCptai Fawcettdidnot ae hm bcause the trpwas too dageus.Len0obl or polo?足球还是水球?Th We sa small rivethtcuts css the pk near m oe Ilike iting y the Wayeon fne ftroons t w wr lat Snay,soI went and san therirbankuual Soe children wee playing gae n tebn and tere ee me peoprowing on the r. Suddely, one f thehirnkkd bll ery ard nd t wnttoards a assin bot Sme epl o th bnk alled out o te aiboat, bt he did notar he. Theball struc imo hard tha e nearlyel nto the water. I ned to look atte hildrn,but te wer ny insgt:hy aaln w!Thman laughed hn e realzedwat hdhappend He called t toh chldr and thew hball back o he bank.Lson31 uccess stry成功者的故事esteday afternoonrnkHaknsws lingmabou his xeres oung man Fank snow te had of a vey lrge besscomny,butas a boyhe usto wok in all sop. Itwas hs jo t reir bicyces and at thattim e usedto work ourteen housa ay.H saved mne fo yeani 98 heough a smal work-sop ois own Durn the r Fran usd t makar parts o eroplans. At hattme h h two hepers.By te en te w, te small work-op a bom a lge fctory whicempoyed seven undd nd twenty-eigh pople. rank smied whenrmemere his hd earyyearandton od tosuccess. He as still smiling whtedoor opnedand hiswife cam in. Seated him to pairtheir sos bycl! Lesson32 opi md easy 购物变得很以便Pople arno sohonest as the once wre. e tempationo te s graer th eer bfeseialy in lare hops. A eectivecnly wacd awel-desedwmn ho wyent ino alarge store on onay monings. ne Mnday, ther erefeweeol nthehop tan usualwhe thewomncam in,sitas easieo thdeetiveo watch her. Thewomn first oughta fewaarticles.Aftera little time, sh cose on of te most xpensive resses i thesop ad hae t an asistant wo wrappd it upfor her squcklasosi. Then the woan iplyok the parcad wake out the shop witot payin. When h w aree, h dettie fudout tha theshop-asssan as her dugh.T girl gaveh mther afre


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