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新模式英语2练习册参照答案Pre-Unit: Wo to Our Clss(p P )Chalege : 一般目前时: e (p. P2)C.we willar.E.Answer willry.F.1. am;Im2. ae;Thyre3 a; ee.s; es5.are;There. is;es r;Youre8. i; Its1. d.2. c.3. e.4. b.5. a.1. Sestird. Sne om rest.2. heyre nervus heyave aest tay3. We appy.Wehae ew by!4. Hes hugry.e wantsa hamur.5. I d. I haveno fiends.I.Aswrswil vry.Callege : 所有格形容词 (p. P4)Bame:Sith, onathnPhne: (74) 555-989Bih Date:Mh 3, 78Ste Ades:2356 OrcrdLanety:ine ityState: CAZ Code: 968ExeiseD.1. My2. Teir3. Yu4. Ou5. s6. His7. ItsE.1. Hi addressis227 W ayse Dr.2. heir scols Lincolndlt chl. er birt dae is June 5, 15. Their stat isCliornia.(Noe: CA Califoria)5.His lst ne is kamua6. ourF.Answerswil ay.Challege 3: Cn的问句 (p. P6)C.Answers wil ay.E1. Ca you spell that?2. Cnyu say thatgain?3. Cayo reatha?4. Co spea oude?5. an youep me?6. Can ou speak lower?7. Ca yu tach me Enlsh?8. anyu pnh dor?9. Can you wie it?F1. 2. e.3. .4. d5. a.G.Anwrs wl vySmple asers:Sunt : an you he e wth problm?Student B: Sue.Studen: Cn you elpme spl certan word?tudenB: OK.nit EverdayLfe(p.2)Caleng:一般目前时: ive nd Be (p 2)B.nj:singl, 22 years ld, Los AgelesAya: marred,8 year old, Ls nglesGilberto:sing, 30 ears old, Ls AgelesMarie:dorced, 32 yar od, Los AngelesD1. lies2. re3. are4. re5. am6. live7. ive8. live9. is10. lives11. i12. am.Awer il vary.Smpleanswes:Ana: ny is 68 yes old. livsinos Aes. Sh is astun. Sheis mrid.Gilberto: Gilbrto is a tuent. He is year ld. s sig. Heive inLsgels.G.Anwer will vay.Clenge :一般目前时: Hav (p. 4)B.1. Thre2. On3. For4. Vienam5. TUnid tats6. NguyenD.1. I av wo sistes.2. Idont have a f.3. Yu don hav an aunin Korea4. Kenoesnt e a brother.5. Mmoterhas ou ite.6. Yo onhave ieceinolnd.7. Maiadoent have a husad8. W ot have childn.9. essic d Kaehavea rotrF.ampleanwer:1. Mrtha has t brohers2. Ndhs three sstes3. oth artha ndNed hav rothers.4. Marth n ed bo hae fivcousis.5. Martha ha threuncles.6. Ned has two ter.Ansrs wil vary.Challe3: 形容词的比较级与最高档 (p. 6)B.1. Hwardis t.2. He ablnderad ren eys.3. am is avergheght.4. Heharown hir and brown eye5. Kyle i short6. He has ble ees d re ai.D.1. ler2. hote3. haier4. thinner5. yonger6. ole7. hie, tler8. talle, thinneE1. John 2. erert 3. Herber4. Lien5. Jack 6. Fran 7. Mria F.Ansers wi vary.GAnswers ill vy.hllen 4:一般目前时与频率副词 ()B.1. c.2. a3. a.1. nya waes upat 6: .M.2. Yougetp at 7:0 A.M.3. Iv goe towok t:00 A.4. hey l hthe grandchilren.5. Wplay sccr.6. Ivan o in Ls Angel7. I go o school8. nyatakes the chidren to th bachE.1. otwke up2. always ok3. omtmes take4. fenplay5. sometime wks6. rely gt p7. someimes waes u8. rael tkeF.1. im work evryday at 1:30 P.M.2. Ki ges toschoo nondays an Wednesdays.3. Kim studies a 9:0A.M. oTrsdys.4. m watchesth kids i he mngson uesdys anThursday.5. i take bre at 9:00A.M. on Monay Wedsday. Km os to shol at7:0 .M.G. Ans wil var.hllenge 5:一般疑问句: Is i? (p. 10)D.1. Is it ainy today?2. itsnoy n the mountains?3. Is ihin alifornitoday?4. Is it foy by te ocean vrymorng?5. Ist widy a gt?6. s i cloudyand rain a?F1. N, it ist.2. s, t s3. Ye,t is.4. Ys, is5. No, sn.6. Ys,it isG.Anweswilvry.ample answers:Tru: I i clodytday.True: Iis widy oday.lse: It s rain today.Flse: t s90 dgees tay.HAnw will vary.Extenio Challne1: B的否认句 (p. 1)B.Mario: sngl; Mexco; short; bron;backylvia: ing; Pru;average eigh; brown; blckD.1. m o2. m nt3. not4. i5. are no6. nt7. re t8. re t9. is not10. s ntE.1. Mioisntfom Peu.2. er nameitMria.3. Th arent echers4. His ast name isnOtiz.5. Syvia isnt sad in the US.6. Maio isnt tl.7. lvia arioarent married.8. Sylvaisnt od.FAnswerswill vay.ame aswe:1. noa eacr.2. a woman, nota ma.3. asome, e is nt uy.4. nic, They ae not mea.Extenon hllege2: Be的一般疑问句 (p. 4)B.1. Yes2. N3. Ye4. No5. No6. YesD1. Isenirom Jan?2. Are Ayan van fom Rusia?3. Are yu fm Kr?4. Am I atefo s?5. Iarie from Haii?6. Ar Gibet and Maro tll?7. Is aiofrom Mexico?8. s enjiascool?F1. o,hes not.2. Ye, hey a.3. N, shesot.4. Yes,ey re.5. No, thy arnt.6. , ot.7. es, sheis.nersill ary.Unt 2Lts goShoing! (. 6)Challene1: 一般目前时的否认式与肯定式(. 6).Summer Cote: sadals shors wisuit TsirtjackeWiner Ches: a scarf boot acoat sweaterBth Wne d um:s a cap sunglass 1. desnt hop2. doest wear3. don nd4. on buy5. dt like6. osntned7. dshp8. vereat9. dontwan10. dn woE.1. war,do wea2. lks, dent ie3. n, ont eed4. wants, dosnt wat5. ea, dont erFAnwrswil vryGnswerswill vryChlenge : 形容词的比较级与最高档(p 18)B.1. $3.592. 111.883. $52.484. 29.97C.1. socks2. shirt3. hrt4. dess5. ac1. cheper than2. mre exenivthan3. oreexpensv tha4. moreesve tn5. cheest6. mo expensive7. cear8. ceapeF.1. ock2. sanal3. pjma4. sors5. sht6. nts7. sos8. re9. sweter10. aktG.1. te jcket2. he jcketandth seate3. h cks anthesandals4. Th ce5. he scks, andls6. hss, te sweatrH.Answerswil ary.Challenge 3:目迈进行时 (p.20)D.1. ng2. ing3. is4. ing5. ae6. are7. re8. i9. ing10. are.1. Any s ookg frew ummcothes.2. Iam uyingandls.3. Yu ae wearigyour newbouse.4. Te men ar sting a ench.5. W r nt etia th mall toay6. uong is ging t th hoetore.7. The cilr are tlngoter frinds.8. Irina is o buyng ble sirt.9. You are redingoo atth boot.10. We retaking the us hme.Challe 4: cause的用法 (p. 22)B.1. Arstrng Cltig2. ArmstrongCoig3. Fahion xes4. FashonExpess5. Arsrong CothingC.swers ll vary.E1. c.2. a.3. b.4. f.5. e.6. .F1. likeArstngs because tlouses recheae the a faioness2. I want the desbecause itslon bautiful 3. Iike the ssbue tey ar chep.4. I watthe ht becus i is prfectwt my re5. I lke te s bcause thalon slees.6. Iwant teplanbecasetyare my siz.1. Km like SlysClthig Sorebeaue thasg prces2. he alolikes theorbecause it hasgosals peple.3. Kim liksitbeaus als has a gra eection.4. he likes th ss becuse heyae cherta atte oher str.Callen : 批示形容词:hs, hat, Thse和hose (. 24)E.1. lurl, Far2. a, Fa3. Singular, Far4. lurl, Near5. Singular, Far6. Plral,ea7. Snlar,Nar8. lra, Fa1. ts2. ts3. he4. this5. Tose6. Tose7. his8. Thos9. Tos10. tes.Answerswl var.Extension Chlenge 1:一般目前时: 一般疑问句 (p26)B.Sle aser:1. ien wars boots ithe winte2. eve weas T-shir n he sme.3. Lin we a scrf n the wnter.4. Stev wassndl n th summe.D.1. o theyost $5.0?2. Doest ie cudet?3. Do you sho at te all?4. Does Kenji hoa the ,too?5. Do ewan tbuy ne cohes?6. Do Ineed more oy?7. Does M e have a new raincoat?8. Ds Slva wearsnals evry day?E1. Yes, I .2. N, it doent3. Yes, it des.4. No, hydont.5. No, w ot.6. es,it de.7. es, o do8. No,sh does.9. No,dont10. ,h does.G.Ansers il va.xtensin Chlene 2:目迈进行时:一般疑问句 (p 2).1. A Ann ad Ivan byingsmme lothes?2. Ae obuyg the blue pntsothe red pans?3. Am I buying th dres with acoupon?4. Is Tresa buyig th flwred anct?5. Are we buyig th era lare T-shir?6. re e bng he expnsiv shs?7. I Stev uying hebrowns?8. Is your familybuying ner cothes today?E1. Yes,teyre.2. No, hsn.3. es, Ia.4. o, she isn.5. No, youre not.6. Ys, eare.7. es, were.8. No, moF.1. Are hey eaing sts?2. Is hewaring teisshes?3. re they weaingym thes?4. Ishe werng a swetshirt?Uit d and Nutrin (p. 30)Chalenge1: Ca的问句 (. 30)B1. Srloinstk2. Sda; potat ips3. Arwi var4. Ansrwill vry5. $12.71. Can I tke yurdises?2. Cou help m underad?3. Can you see the server?4. an y etase?5. a Itak to the Manager?6. an youay?7. n I hav th shrmp?8. n o hep?E 1. c.2. a.3. b.4. d.F.1. Can e a sd, please?2. Ca I leasetakto t mnaer?3. Can you help me,pase?4. Cnyo please take my dishs?G.serswill vr.Challege 2:How mch /Homay(p.).Jse: 3pundsofbanas ar of eutbuter2bes cereal bsf pao chipsMari: ods of orags caof gree bans1 catn of ie crea 1 bottleofoiot: 2gllons of mlk1 loaffbread.HowmucHow mnywterottlesolgalons f ilkc eamcas of oupilkjrssoupoundsof potatoesracrtnsE.Sample nswers:1. pounds bnaasdoweneed?2. brea dowe need?3. oildowe ned?4. oundsorangs dowe ee?5. bottles do e need?6. il d we ed?7. cas of geen beanso we ne?8. panubuter d we e?9. ie cream do ee?10. can of ps weed?F.Answer ilvar.Chaen : Be的问与答 (. 34)A.Aile 1:pars, orage, toatsAisle 4: cke mix, flour,sua,pncaeAsle 8:a, bacon, teak,Aile :op, un,bnsisle 5: mlk, icecream, btterC.1. ae2. is3. is4. s5. is6. are7. is8. e9. is10. i11. ae12. isD.1. The atoe r i he rouce secti2. The ckmix is n aise 4.3. Where is the chese?4. Te persr in the prouce sectio.5. Whre isthemilk?6. Th flou is in aisle 4.7. Where bred?8. here is the chcn?.Anrs ll var.allege 4: av的用法 (p. 36)A.1. Vegebes2. Meat3. Diry4. Bread, ris5. Fui6. Fas,il, seesB.carots, lotus rot, broccofish,bef,chickenilk,cheese, utterpast, bread, rierange, bann, apleo, andy, oilD1. hav2. ae3. ave4. ha5. ha6. as7. h8. as.apl answe1. has aou wth mil forbrekfst.2. both have a ham sadwich or lnch.3. has a hmburger an fries for lunch.4. ot hav chckenad ic for dne.5. Jav, Huyn, and Alxill have milkatreafat.6. enhas cereland ik r breakat7. Javi hs aslad andsoda r ier.8. Ali has frut and milk for reakfast.Answerswill vary.Challene :祈使句 (. 8)1. 22. 83. 14. 75. 46. 57. 8. 6.1. As2. Read3. Dot use4. Liste5. Dont ook6. Don eat7. Cut8. Writ9. Dont take10. Dont uE.1. acum2. cean3. Doteat4. uy5. Dontby6. Go7. eel8. whip9. Make10. Wsh11. dran12. set13. Donue14. Choose15. Put.Asers il vy.tension allen :Soe / y (. 40)A.1. box2. jar3. carn4. an5. bottle6. agB1. as2. cartons3. bo4. botle5. bas6. cns1. some2. any/soe3. some4. ay5. ay6. some7. any8. ny9. soe10. ay/som11. an12. soE1. Se needs sme grebeans, too2. Se doesntneeday carrots.3. Augustinwts sme rice.4. H dost buy anynins5. hey need ome fish for the estaan.6. Augusinbuyse eeragesever wek.7. We dontusuallyuy ay iecrem.8. I dont nt n eream.9. Do u wa some cecrem ?10. e are bung any ca o oup?F.1. Does h need anymayonie?2. eshe ne any sugar?3. Dos he eed ay up?4. oes he needay crros?5. os he needany cereal?6. es he nee any oi?G.Anss illvary.xtenon Challene 2: Ter is/Therere(p. 2)C.1. fitsndegetables2. rrots, oaoes,etue3. orangs,aplesE.1. here are2. There is3. Tere ae4. here is5. Theear6. hre ar7. he is8. The re9. There is10. Ter areF.1. Are tre tn tales in te rstauran?2. Is here anew ok?3. Ae thermay peopl the resturat toay?4. Are thre si ai cures o hmen?5. Are herema sops and salad?6. s ther a dnslad onhe mu?7. Ae thee hmbrgersand heseburges?8. retere mny diffeent everaes?9. Are te ny spcial ssert?10. Isthre god ocoate cheseake?G.swrwil ar.t 4 Housing (p. 44)Challnge1: Be与 Do的特殊疑问句(. 4)B.1. b2. b3. c4. b.D.1. Are2. 3. oyo4. crs5. doou6. r7. o ou8. isE.1. c2. a.3. e.4. b.5. d.F. nswers wl ry.GAswer wilvary.Chalege2: Wch的特殊疑问句 (.4)Kindof HomNumer of ed-romsNur f bah-romsRal Priceon NumberAt.3$ 1,25555-992ondo11$ ,00555-3311At1$ 90055-456Hse4$1,005557711Condo32$ 1,055-2311Mobe22$ 1,200555-9912D.1. Whichous isear y school?2. Which houses hav o atrooms?3. Whih house has a balcony?4. Whch hoes are bg?5. Whi atmentha urnitur?6. hicnd sepensive?7. Whichar isnte garge?8. Which las strtsa 10:00 A.M.?1. Ads 1, 4,5,an 6 includewo bahroos.2. Ads and 5 ar conoiums.3. has a pool.4. d1nd3re cheap.5. Ad is st ensive.6. 6 i 1,00.FSample answers:1. Wch oes e huss?2. Wich ho i anaartme?3. Which hoes are nar scools?4. Wich hm hva pol?5. hichome as a garge?6. Whichhme haspid uiities?Chene 3: 特殊疑问句(p. 8)Aame:glar, aiePhon: (408) 55-2234Cty:Santa araw long? 2 Yar, 6 MonsPo dress: 97235 ArsiaPleStae: Aip: 9480Emploer: nhor Moorsositon: McanicC.1. What i yurlastname?2. Wat is h na o u bank?3. Whrdoyu gto school?4. H lo did you wor nSata Claa?5. Who your supervior?6. Wheredid youlive?D.1. c.2. .3. a4. .E.Sale answers:Student A: Wh idyotudy Englsh?Sudent B: I studed EnlishaPlm Ct Adult ool.Stdent A:How long dd you stud Elsh?tuden: I sudid Enlish for four ears.Studnt A: Wh you tece?Stent : My eche wsStve amson.StudenA: hat steadrs?Stuent B: he ddres s 997 radwy.Chane4:方位介词(p. 0)A.Sample answer:coctoasterablerefrigeratotoveC.1. ne to2. over3. in the rner4. nex t5. i6. next 7. teen8. n9. under10. in front o11. n back of12. betenD1. Thehoue i on MadisnStre2. The simmig pool is bhind te ho.3. The Yd s i ront of e oue.4. The floersre the corner5. The ous is nxt to t grge.6. The balcony iovrhe dor.7. The iepace the living rom.8. The bthroom is btwee t edroms9. The dishwse is uner the kitchen couner.10. Tcupbars ovr the itchn cone. E.Answrs wilvar.FAswers will var.hange 5:情态动词: 与 Mght (p 2)B.ver (Circe)WterGaolieEntrtainntOthrUder (heked)GawaterodPhneClhingHuseolrisFuitureSavisD1. We amoven two weks.2. Themay hv tree berm hose3. Sh may ve in naarten on Main treet.4. ou y need a nw job.5. It may be a eatifl house.6. He may ped0a onth.E.1. Gaoine might be 02. The mit need ey fr othe.3. hmigtwan hepwith t rnt.4. e mightean $6,500 a mn.5. We might spen 800onfod.6. migt g to th bak oa.F1. 52. 1003. 5,464. 755. 406. 100GAswers w varyExtnion Calene 1:用 ad连句 (p.5)A1. has,bedom, $2,00.2. s, bedoom,$,400.3. have ne,$1,40.4. has,athrooms,ha.1. The ren is $80 a month, ad he ulities are nld.2. Te ivig room has irelace, a he kitche is larg3. Nikola a Andreaeed an apaent, d thy are lookingnth clasifid ads4. iwife want anapartmen wih thre edoom, an he needs ahe/ryer.5. Ou drm house i in friendynghbohood, and i hs a swimming pool.6. ta are byi us in Stmber, nd we d nw urniure.D.1. Kyng moved r fro Koea lst mnth d lives in Arcadia, Flori.2. e eller is openn checkig accot or hi ahis aloopeingasan acunt.3. Kungn get is heksimeiatelyand he cn writ checs rom techcking cout.4. Kunge heks t pay f fod and he wrtes te checs i theeckdger.5. Nam-young Ki rites e chc forthe rent and sealso payfor the tilits.6. r.and Mrs. Kim byclothes fm Sals lote ad thy by foodfro coMare.7. r.an Mr Kim pay$50 mont for rent an hy need 400 a mnthor food.8. Therhoueas hree bdrooms d i s in a quiet nighbrhd.E.Answers ill varyxtensioChalle: 形容词与名词修饰语(p 6).1. mer i thbigget.2. mber1is the smalest3. Numbes2,3,d 4 ve chimns.4. mbers 2 ad 3 e twostoris.C.1. The house ha eparat garage.2. es bying somexpnsiveowr3. Te bacony has a betifulview4. Thse ae comfoabl has.5. I live in a ue ebroo.6. he rentor the reoded apartet is $5.7. We needa god dishwahr8. hat is your prior ddress?9. She wan


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