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一年级英语教案一年级英语教案200920099-239-23The first lesson.The first lesson.I。Teaching goals:1。Teach Ss how to greet each other2。Let the students know the general principle of Englishclass。III。Type of the lesson:speaking and listening。VI。Teaching procedure1.GreetingSay hellohi to everyone.T:Hello!I say“hello”,you say“hello”,ok?T:Hello!Hi!S:Hello!Hi!2。Introduce myself and say hello to others.T:I am Ivy.Ok,follow me,Ivy。S:Ivy。T:Good!I say“hello”,you say“hello,Ivy”,ok?“Hello!”S:Hello,Ivy。T:Hi!S:Hi,Ivy!(say hellohi to Ss,then team work)T:Good!Now,lets learn a chant.Hello hello,hi hi;hello hello,hi。(clap yourhands)3。Teach“good morning”to Ss。“Goodgoodgood,yeahyeahyeah.I say“good good good”,you say“yeah yeah yeah。straight my arms and say“morningPractice:Team work。4。The general principle of English class。上课大声地说英语,做动作,老师教英语时做的动作,就是所学单词的意思。尽量模仿老师的发音和嘴巴的形状。要做好课前准备,上课前就要把英语课本和练习册,整齐地放在桌子的左上角,桌子上不准放文具盒,只能放一只铅笔。上课铃一响,所有同学要迅速坐在自己的座位,坐端正,小手放在桌子上坐好,由文体委员起歌,等待老师来上课.老师走进教室之后,老师说:“class begins。班长喊:“起立”,全班同学起立,大声地说“Good morning,Miss Zeng”,老师问好之后,同学们整齐地坐下,安静地等待上课。上课不许随便讲话,不准随意下座位在班上乱跑,不准上厕所,不准吃东西,不准上课削铅笔,不准跑到后面的书包柜拿东西。课本里配套的磁带,这个周一定要带回家,不带到学校来,周末在家复习的时候听。表演童谣的时候,胳膊腿腿伸直,动作做到位,站起来的时候,所有的同学,把椅子放在桌子里,站在自己的位置,要像个解放军一样站好。小红花奖励制度:A)上课表现好:不说闲话,不做其他事,大声说英语,坐姿端正。一朵B)作业得到 Great!即三个笑脸。一朵C)有明显进步的同学。一朵小红花兑换制度:3 朵一张小贴画5 朵一张中等大小的贴画10 朵一颗糖果15 朵一张精美的大贴画或者一张精美的卡片20 朵与 Ivy 老师合影50 朵一张荣誉卡总之,上课的时候要乖乖的,做 Ivy 老师喜欢的乖宝宝。4.ConclusionReview“hellohigood morningIvy”。5。Homework在学校遇到同学或者老师,用英文来打招呼。明天上课带上童谣书。6。Add:Are you ready?Yes,I am ready.One two three。Three two one.Attention。One two.Follow me。Follow you。Repeat。Got it?Good good good.Yeah yeah yeah.眼睛看哪里?眼睛看 TV。教学反思:首先教孩子们用英语打招呼,介绍我自己的英文名,让学生在课间时用英语跟老师打招呼;其次,教一些课堂基本用语并加上动作,同学们对此很感兴趣,与此同时我告诉他们这就是英语,学生非常喜欢;最后讲解了英语课的规矩,边讲边操作,特别是小红花奖励制度,以此激励学生。200994One two,tie your shoe(1)I。Teaching contents:New words:one two three four five six seven eight nine tenII。Teaching goalsThe kids should master the new words。III。Key points:Practice the new words in different ways。VI。Difficult point:the pronunciation of the new words.VI.Teaching aids:word cards。VII。Type of the lesson:speaking and listening。VIII.Teaching procedureStep 1。Warming up.Say“hello”chant。Step 2.GreetingHello!Hi!Good morning!I say“Good good good,Ss say“yeah yeah yeah”。Step 3。Leading in。Let S1to draw a tree on the blackboard。Let S2to draw someapples on it。Then,let Ss to count how many apples there are。Today,we will learn to count numbers in English。Step 4。New lesson1.Presentation.T:I say“follow me”,you say“follow you”,ok?S:Ok.T:Follow me.S:Follow you。(Show the picture of the number one)T:oneSs:oneT:Show me your fingers,and say“one”。S:oneTeach numbers from one to ten。2.PracticeT does,Ss say。T does the actions of the new words,Ss sayS1 does,Ss say.Bomb game。Count numbers from one to ten。(Team work:Let have asmall competition to practice again。)3.ConclusionLearn a chant:One two,;Three four,;Five six,;Seven eight,;Nine ten,。(“means clap hands)3.Homework:To count numbers after class。教学反思:这节课主要讲 1 到 10 的数字,通过小组之间的竞争以及 chant 的形式,学生掌握比较熟练。能流利地从 1 数到10,但是倒着数或者单独问某一个数字的英语说法,反应比较慢,在晚课和日后的教学中,适度重复,进行巩固.20099-78One two,tie your shoe(2)I.Teaching contents:1。Review the numbers from one to ten。2.New phrases:tie your shoetouch the floorstir and mixsit and waitcount againII.Teaching goalsThe students should master the words and phrases。III。Key pointsPractice the phrases and the childrenrhyme.VI。Difficult pointRead the phrases and recite the children rhyme。VI。Teaching aids:pptVII。Type of the lesson:speaking and listeningVIII。Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up。No 1,No 1,Im No 1。YeahStep 2。GreetingHello.Hi.Good morning。Good good good,yeah yeah yeah.Step 3。Leading in。Play the PPT,and count numbers from one to ten together。Then,say the number chant。One two,;Three four,;Five six,;Seven eight,;Nine ten,.Step 4。New lesson1。PPT show the pictures of the important words“tie”and“shoe”。T says and do the actions,Ss follow.Teach the phrase“tie your shoe”,and let Ss to repeat and dothe action.all Ss-team work-all Ss-S1,S2(2)touchfloor-touch the floorsitwait-sit and waitcount again2.PracticeT does,Ss say.(from numbers to phrases)S1 does,Ss say.3。connect the sentences together。T does,Ss try to say it out。Teacher teaches the children rhyme sentence by workrecite the children rhyme sentence by sentence,then recite thechildren rhyme。let the students open the book and read the Chinese。4。homework。Recite the children rhyme after class.教学反思:学生对童谣的兴趣比较高,再加上课件配合,学生上口比较快,但是遗忘的也比较快,动作还需规范。在日后的教学中,将童谣穿插在早读和课堂中,不断巩固.200999Starter Unit(1)I.Teaching contents:New words:greenbluepurpleorangebrownpinkSentence pattern:What color?II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the new words and sentence patterns。III.Key points:Practice the new words。IV。Difficult points:The pronunciation of the new words,and play the dialogues.V.Teaching aids:picture cards and some colourful pictures。VI。Type of the lesson:speaking and listening.VII.Teaching procedureStep 1。Warming up.Play the children rhyme。Step 2.Greeting。Hello!Hi!Good morning!Good good good,yeah yeah yeah!Step 3。Leading in。Look at SuperKids page 1.They are our friends。(IntroducePeter,Beth,Donny,Chip,Toni and Mojo。)Lets say helloto them.Look!Their clothes!How beautiful!Today,welllearn these colors。Ok,follow me。(Follow you)“colorStep 4。New lesson1.Presentation.*show the green card,and teach them。Teach to readteam work-show me somethinggreenthe same way:Bluepurpleorangebrownpink2.I ask“What color?”,you answer。Then,I teach“What color?”,they follow。I ask,you answer。*team one ask,other answer。3.practice*I show some colorful pictures,Ss say。Show me something green,blue,purple,orange,brown,pink in our classroom。I show some colourful pictures,Ss say。4。homework教学反思:这节课的主要内容是颜色.首先,在引入这节课时,我利用了课本第一页,对书中的人物介绍及问好,由多彩的服饰引入颜色。其次,通过在教室里找颜色这一环节,将所学运用到身边的环境中,学生们兴趣高、记得快.最后,出示各种颜色的卡通卡片,在卡片中找出你所认识的颜色,学生热情较高,同时巩固了发音的记忆.2009910Starter Unit(2)I.Teaching contents:New words:yellowblackredSentence pattern:What color?Chant:II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the new words and chant.III.Key points:Practice the new words and sentence pattern。IV。Difficult points:The pronunciation of the new words,and read the chant。V。Teaching aids:picture cards,some colourful pictures andcomputer。VI。Type of the lesson:speaking and listening.VII。Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up.Play the children rhyme。tie your shoeStep 2。Greeting。Hello!Hi!Good morning!No 1,No 1,I am No 1。Step 3.Leading in.Show a number card.I ask“What number?(six)“What color?(green)Review numbers and colors。Step 4.New a number card and ask“what number?”(zero)“Its yellow。Follow me!Yellow。”Ss-team workSs-S1(show me somethingyellow in our classroom)same ways:black and red2.practice。I ask,you answer。(exchange)team 1 ask,team 234 answer。(exchange)*Ss ask,S1 answer。(exchange)3.teach the chant word by word,then sentence by sentence.*Ss-team work-Ssplay the CD4.homework:practice the chant 2 times after class.教学反思:教颜色单词还是采取上节课的形式,在教室里找颜色及在彩色卡通图片中找颜色。在教 chant 时,逐个单词,逐个句子地教,绝大多数学生掌握较好,但是还有小部分学生读的并不流利,在晚课的练习题及日后的教学中,多问“What color?”进行后进生的巩固。2009-911Starter Unit(3)I。Teaching contents:review numbers:from 0 to 12*review colors:red green blue yellow pink orange purplebrown blackreview classroom song*review 1 2 green and blueII。Teaching goals:The kids should master the color words and numbers.III.Key points:Practice the words in starter unit。IV.Difficult points:Read the chant fluently。V.Teaching aids:picture cards,computer,CD,VI。Type of the lesson:speaking and listening。VII。Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up。Play the children rhyme。tie your shoeclassroom songStep 2。Greeting。Hello!Hi!Good morning!Step 3。New lesson.1。Review the classroom song.*T plays the CDand let all the kids to follow。Four teams sing the song singularly and do shortcompetition to get points.2.Show PPT,and review numbers and colors。3.T plays the CD again and asks the kids to follow。to yourparents。*count numbers from 0 to 12 to your parents.*find out a picture and say the colors to your parents。教学反思:这节课复习颜色和数字单词,通过卡通图片和组组比赛的形式,让学生们在轻松、愉快的气氛中复习单词,培养学生对英语的学习气氛。组组比赛刚开始的时候,掌握快的学生一下脱口而出,而掌握教慢的学生总是跟不上节奏,要么就是捡现成,所以在比赛的环节设计上要多多注意,举手回答,快慢兼顾。2009-91415 Unit 1(1)I.Teaching contents:New words:book pencil ruler notebookSentence pattern:Its a _。II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the new words and sentence pattern。III。Key points:Practice the new words and sentence pattern。IV。Difficult point:The pronunciation of the new words and thesentence.V。Teaching aids:picture cardsVI.Type of the lesson:speaking,listeningVII.Teaching procedureStep 1.Warming up。Play the children rhyme1 2,tie your shoeLet Ss to chantStep 2。greetingHello!Hi!Good morning!Step 3。Leading in(Review the numbers and children rhyme。)Let Ss count numbers from 0 to 12。Let Ss to play the children rhyme.T shows some cartoon pictures,and ask“what color?”Step 4。New lesson。1.Show the card of“book”,and say“what color?”(yellowblue)Yes,its a yellow book。Follow me!(Follow you!)T shows the card of book,says“book”。Show me your hands。Say“book”in different sound and do the action.Ssfollow。Pratice:Ss-team work-S12.Show the card of“pencil,and say“what color?(red)Yes,its a red pencil。Follow me!(Follow you!)T shows the card of pencil,says“pencil”。Show me your hands。Say“pencil”in different sound and do the action.Ss follow。Pratice:Ss-team work-S1I do,you say。(book crayon)Same ways to other words.3.practiceI do,you say。team work(sound and action)S1 does,you say。4。T sticks the picture cards on the blackboard andguidesthe kids to chant:叮铃铃,上课了左边 Book,book book。右边 Pencil,pencil pencil。放好 ruler,ruler ruler。Wow,还有 notebook.T hold the picture card of book,and ask“whats this?”(book)Then,T stick the card on the blackboard.Same ways:pencil ruler notebookT points to the card of“book”,writes“its a _”on theblackboardand guides the kids to say“its a _”Firstly,I say“its a _,you say“book”Secendly,I say“its _”,you say“a book”Finally。Ipoint,you say。Practice“Its a book。:I do,you say。team work*S1 do,you say。read the sentences together。Its a book.Its a book.Its a pencil.Its a pencil.Its a ruler。Its a ruler。Its a notebook。Its a notebook。5。Consolidationlet Ss to chant“叮铃铃,上课了”*team workI do,you say。(its a book)read the sentences together.6。homework.教学反思:这节课学习了四个单词及一个句型:its a _。通过动作的添加及课堂上反复的练习,学生能较好的掌握。“叮铃铃,上课了”这个自编小儿歌,在备课初,觉得可能比较符合一年级学生的特点对其有所帮助,操练一节课之后,发现用时长,而且对句型的掌握起不到很大帮助,不如多花时间在练习句型上,在后两节课上,改掉儿歌,变化形式练习句型。2009-9-16unit 1(2)I。Teaching contents:New words:pen crayon bookbag pencil caseSentence pattern:Whats this?Its a _.II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the new words and sentence pattern。III。Key points:Practice the new words and sentence pattern.IV。Difficult point:The pronunciation of the new words andplay the sentence。V。Teaching aids:picture cardsVI.Type of the lesson:speaking,listeningVII。Teaching procedureStep 1。Warming up.Play the children rhyme1 2,tie your shoeSing a songStep 2。GreetingHello!Hi!Good morning!How are you?(Fine,thank you。)Step 3.Review&Leading pencil ruler notebookIts a _.I do,you say。2.leading inT shows some colorful pictures,and ask“what color?Step 4。New lesson.1。Show the card of“pen”,and say“what color?”(purple)Yes,its a purple pen。Follow me!(Follow you!)T shows the card of pen,says“pen。Show me your hands。Say“pen”in different sound and do the action.Ss follow。Pratice:Ss-team work-S12.Show the card of“crayon”,and say“what color?”(red)Yes,its a red crayon.Follow me!(Follow you!)T shows the card of crayon,says“crayon。Show me your hands。Say“crayon in different sound and do the action.Ss follow。Pratice:Ss-team work-S1I do,you say.(book crayon and so on。)Same ways to other words。3。practiceI do,you say。*team work(sound and action)S1 does,you the sentence:its a _。T sticks the picture cards on the blackboard and ask“whats this?”(guide Ss to say“its a _”)I do,you workS1 does,you say。Follow me:whats this?(Do the action)I do,you say。*team workpractice the dialogueI do,you sayteam workteam 1 ask,others answer.S1 does,others say。Step 5。Consolidationplay the children rhyme1 2,tie your shoeI do,you say。教学反思:在教授新单词 book bag 和 pencilcase 时,学生学起来比较费劲,总是记不住发音或者发音不正确,如果总是一味地采用教师教读、学生跟读的这种方式,学生容易感到乏味,可以变换多种方式,例如:大小声、山卡片等,在游戏中加深对单词的记忆。在练习句型时,不应操之过急,一个单词带入句型练习透彻之后,再进行下一个单词的替换,这样教起来学生掌握比较好。2009-9-17Unit 1(3)I。Teaching contents:1。Review the words:book crayon pencil notebook book bag pencil case pen ruler。2。Review the sentence pattern:Whats this?Its a _。3。learn a song II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the words and sentences。All the kidscan sing the song and do the actions.III.Key points:Practice the new words and sentence pattern.IV.Difficult point:Remember the lyrics and sing the song fluently.V。Teaching aids:pictures,computer,the real objects ofbook crayon pencil notebook bookbag pencil case pen ruler。VI.Type of the lesson:speaking,listening and singing。VII。Teaching procedureStep 1。Warming up。Sing a songStep 2.greetingHello!Good morning!How are you?(Fine,thank you.)Step 3.Review andLeading in1.I do,you say:Review the words and sentence pattern。T picks up the real objects and asks the kids to say inEnglish:Review。 the children rhyme 1 2,tie your shoe3。review the song classroom songDo you like to sing?Today,I will teach you to sing a song。Are you ready?(Yes,Im ready.)Step 4.New lesson。1.T plays the CD and lets the kids to enjoy this song.2。Ask and answer:Hey!Whats this?-Its a pencil。Hey!Whats this?Its a crayon。Hey!Whats this?-Its a notebook。Hey!Whats this?-Its a book bag。Hey!Whats this?Its a pen.Wow,its red.3。Team work:Ask the kids to do roleplay to ask andanswer by doing short competition。4。Teach the kids to sing the song sentence by sentence.Teach the sentence:Ssteam workSsS1-Ss.5.Practice:teach the song sentence by sentence*sing the song togetherteam work*boys and girls*play the CD,and sing the song together.Step 5。Consolidationsing the song classroom song*play the CD,and ask Ss to follow.教学反思:在复习八个文具单词时,发现了问题,当老师用卡片和动作时,学生回答教好,但是转用实物时,学生不知怎么回答,这提醒了我在以后的教学中,不但要将图片和动作结合起来,更要将实物结合,形成卡片-动作-实物三结合的模式,让学生在课堂上学习的内容,更好地跟生活联系在一起。2009 9-18Unit 1(4)I。Teaching contents:Review:bookcrayonpencilnotebookbook bagpenrulerWhats this?Its a _.II。Teaching goals:review the words and sentence pattern.III。Teaching aids:picture cards,tape recorderVI.Type of the lesson:reading,singing and listeningV.Teaching procedureStep 1。warming upSing a songclassroom song hey,whats thisPlay the children rhyme1 2,tie your shoeStep 2.greetingGood morning!How are you?Step 3。new lesson1。show the picture cards“bookcrayonpencilnotebookbook bagpenruler”and ask“whats this?” the real objects and ask“whats this”3。do the exercise:P10P11words ABCP13 build it4。listen to the tape,and sing the song sentence by sentence。6.homework课后反思:在教歌曲 Hey,whats this?时,应该注意不要一开始就让孩子跟着磁带唱,磁带里的速度比较快.在日后教歌曲时,应该注意先教读歌词,有节奏地熟背歌词,在熟背的前提下,加快速度,最后在加曲调,这样的话,不至于学生唱的乱七八糟,跟不上节奏,动作也容易乱。200992122 Unit1(5)I。Teaching contents:Sentence pattern:Whats your name?Im _。Hi!Bill。How are you?Fine,thank you。II。Teaching goals:The kids should master the sentence pattern.III。Key points:Practice thesentence pattern in different ways.IV.Difficult points:The pronunciation of the words,and playthe dialogues.V.Teaching aids:a dollVI.Type of the lesson:speaking and listening.VII。Teaching procedureStep 1。Warming up.Play the children rhyme.whats this classroom songStep 2。Greeting.Hello!Hi!Good morning!How are you?Step 3。Review the wordrs and sentence pattern。T puts the real objects of“bookcrayonpencilnotebookbookbagpenruler”in a bookbag,and show themStep 4。leading in.Yesterday,Ivy ate a magic apple.The magic apple makes meforget your names。So you should tell me your name inEnglish。Step 5.New lesson。1。Teach Ss to say“Im _.”Im Ivy.Whats your name?(Im Yang Kaifeng.)Im Yang Kaifeng。(Hi!Ivy,)(T asks all the kids.)2。Teach Ss to say“Whats your name?”Im Ivy.Ivy is my name.Follow me,NAME。My name is Ivy。Whats your name?YOUR NAMETogether:Whats your name?Team work:Say“name”、“your name、“Whats yourname?”Team 1,you are Ivy。Team 2,team 3 and team 4 ask“Whats your name?”(exchange)Pair work:Ask all the kids to do pairs work and practice,then invite some of pairs to show off.3.Teach Ss to say“How are you?Fine,thank you.”Today,Ill introduce my friend to you。Do you want toknow her name?(Yes。)Ok,you can ask her in English。Ss:Whats your name?Fr:Im Bear。Miss Bear say hello to Ss。And Miss Bear points to S1 andsay“Hi,Im Bear。Whats your name?”“Hi,Im _。”Miss Bear comes from USA。She wants to teach you to sayEnglish,ok?I say“How are you?,you say“Fine,thank you.”,ok?Team work:Fine,thank you。one by one:I ask,you answer。You say“How are you?,I say“Fine,thank you。”,ok?Team work:Fine,thank you。one by one:I ask,you answer.T guides Ss to say and do the actions.*I ask,you answer。*you ask,I 1 asks,other team answer。(exchange)pair work,then invite some of pairs to show off.4。Consolidation and extensionSing a songAsk and answer5.homework


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