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苏州科技学院某市区几何网络建立实验报告学号:0920115107姓名:沈佳怡实验地点:C1-203指导老师:王跃专业:测绘工程1背景现实世界中,人员的流动、货物的流通、信息的传递、能量的传输等都是通过可确定的网络系统来进行的。如何构建几何网络是网络系统最基础的问题,也是最核心的问题。2目的通过本练习,掌握利用已有要素来建立几何网络的详细过程,进而对数据库的创建有更全面 的认识。Feature Class to Geodatabase(multiple)对话框Stylesheet: |fGDC ESBISRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3O buildinggeodatabaseQ CoverageQ ExlCJ Ex2Contents | Preview | Metadata |Namef曰 City曰 Topologyg Feature Class to Geodatabase (multiple)Input FeaturewD: Chp3E3:2ri.e t. shpD:Chp3Ex2fam ousplac e. shpD: Chp3E3:2ceri.tn-, shp1 new口 RasterCl Result O NewGeodatabase 由“曰City Topology Topology f-| Shapefile 3 Montgomery Montgomery_fullH数摒说明Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen ThroneOutput GeodatabaweChp3ResultNewGeodatabase. mdbCityOKCancel Environments. Show Help芒 0.03K/S . 0.06K/S 0建立几何网络向导也 ArcCatalog - Arcinfo - D:Chp3ResultNev/Geodatabase.mdl7File Edit View Go Tools Window Helpffii器紋Q彌口 X农題題叭|0禺Location: D:Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdbStylesheet: FGDC ESBISRECYCLE.BIN360Recg Build Geometric Network WizardContents | Preview | Metadata |NameCity 臼 TopologyI TypePersonal Geodatabase Feature.Person ac*ArcGISChp3口 buildinggeodatabaseQ CoverageCJ ExlEx2newRasterCl Result O NewGeodatabase 由曰CityTopology Topology f-| Shapefile t5 Montgomery t5 Montgomery_full a数摒说明Chp7Program Files RECYCLERThis wizard will help you build a geometrie network.S3 :二:h iumA geometric network allows you to model the behavior of utility networks such as electrical or water netwoirkw.A geometric network is composed of featurew from one or more feature classes in a feature dataset. A network wtores the connectivity between itw f ea turGM.C BackSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen ThroneA wizard to build network toDoloav for Geodatabase feature classes.选择用已有要素建立几何网络Stylesheet: FGDC ESBILocation: D: Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdbContents | Preview | Metadata |I TypePersonal Geodatabase Feature.PersonaName City 臼 TopologyA wizard to build network toDoloav for Geodatabase feature classes.SRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3Q buildinggeodatabaseO CoverageQ Exl Ex2 I newCl Raster Cj ResultH-U NewGeodatabase由曰CityS Topology Topology O ShapefileMontgomery0 Montgomery_full 0加说明 Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen ThroneContents Preview I Metadata-9Name曰 City臼 TopologyI TypePersonal Geodatabase Feature.Persons选择几何网络要素类SRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3Pl buildinggeodatabaseQ CoverageQ ExlCJ Ex2I new口 RasterCl Result 3 NewGeodatabase 由“曰City Topology 轲 Topology fl Shapefile Q Montgomery Montgomery_fullB)数揭说明Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen ThroneA wizard to build network toDoloav for Geodatabase feature classes.鬲-1 0.1K/S .0.1K/5 0禺-ExlEx2new0.5K/5 1.5K/5 6dOK/S i OK/S e二三會1沟勻当 二 乂 Contents | Preview | MetNamew爲;/S设置网络要素是否有效飢 ArcCatalog - Arcinfo - D:Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase.mdbContents | Preview | Metadata |Q中5跑o|File Edit View Go Tools Window HelpName&。鈿|亀窟X I %Location: D: Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdbStylesheet: (FGDC ESBIA wizard to build network topology for Geodatabase feature classes.A wizard to build network topology for Geodatabase feature classes.360RecArcGISChp3口 buildinggeodatabaseCoverageRasterRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen Throne三!岂弩沟囱昌|曰 City 臼 TopologyCj ResultH-U NewGeodatabase 由曰City S Topology TopologyC1 Shapefile Montgomery0 Montgomery_full 0加说明Chp7Program FilesPersonal Geodatabase Feature.SRECYCLE.BIN曰 City 臼 TopologyContents | Preview | Metadata |Personal Geodatabase Feature.NamePerso吟金 八, 厂 一,占 Build Geometric Network Wizard选择变成复杂边的要素类Stylesheet: FGDC ESBI亡丿 ArcCatalog - Arcinfo - D:Chp3ResultNevzGeodatabase.mdbLocation:|D: Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdbFile Edit View Go Tools Window HelpPerson 宇Do you want coaplex edges in your network?War All |Select the feature classes you want built as complex edges:直 Build Geometric Network WizardEdges can be attached to a complex edge without splitting the complex edge.| Cancel:3SRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3l-| buildinggeodatabase Cj Coverage Q ExlO Ex2 j new 口 RasterCl Result O NewGeodatabase 由“曰City Topology Topology fl Shapefile 3 Montgomery Montgomery_fullB)数摒说明 Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen ThroneDo you want to preserve existing enabled values?All network features are initially enabled unless they belong to a feature class that has a fi eld called Enabled?.r NoEnable all network features. This will disregard any attribute values in the field called Enabled.YesPreserve existing attribute values in the field called Enabled. Invalid attribute values in that field will be reset to the enabled wtate.HelpI Back 1NextCancel 1血*网络要素自动捕捉对话框Person*OK/S . OK/S 三1三會1沟勻当三三會1沟勻当rwt famousplace2 W甜:W蟲;/Contents | Preview | Metadata |筋中5跑|i 0.1K/S . 0K/S 5Contents | Preview | Metadata |NameName曰 City臼 TopologyGeodatabase Feature.Personal Geodatabase Feature.曰 City臼 Topology直 Build Geometric Network WizardA wizard to build network topology for Geodatabase feature classes.PersonalDo your features need to be snapped?Line ends and junctianw muwt match up precisely for featurew to connect. If they do not match up they can be moved within the limits of the snap t olerance.Snap t olerance:|o.0000072500Select the features that can be moved:沖mt All I War All ICancel选择需要存储源或汇的连接要素Stylesheet: FGDC ESBILocation:|D: Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdb亡丿 ArcCatalog - Arcinfo - D:C币気ResultNewGeodatabase.mdFFile Edit View Go Tools Window HelpStylesheet: FGDC ESBILocation:|D: Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdb亡丿 ArcCa帖log - Arcinfo - D:Chp3ResultNev/Geodatabase.mdbFile Edit View Go Tools Window HelpSelect which feature classes contain sources0 f:UTioiisplace沖mt All IWar All IShow Unavailable Feature Classes.Cancel直 Build Geometric Network WizardDoes your network have sources or sinks?|Sources and sinks determine flow direction in a network. A source is where all flow originates and ar No:i9JRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3l-| buildinggeodatabase Cl Coverage 口 ExlO Ex2 Cl new 口 Raster Cl Result O NewGeodatabase 由“曰City Topology Topology fl Shapefile 3 Montgomery 13 Montgomery_full B)数揭说明Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen Throne:i9JRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3l-| buildinggeodatabase Cl Coverage 口 ExlO Ex2 Cl new 口 Raster Cl Result O NewGeodatabase 由“曰City Topology Topology fl Shapefile 3 Montgomery 13 Montgomery_full B)数揭说明Chp7Program FilesRECYCLERSystem Volume Information Warcraft III Frozen Throne设置网络权重对话框亡丿 ArcCatalog - Arcinfo - D:Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase.mdbFile Edit View Go Tools Window HelpLocation:|D:Chp3ResultNewGeodatabase, mdbStylesheet: FGDC ESBIContents Preview I MetadataSRECYCLE.BIN360RecArcGISChp3Pl buildinggeodatabaseQ CoverageQ ExlCJ Ex2Name曰 City臼 TopologyI Type|Personal Geodatabase Feature.Perso1,1 r *.g Build Geometric Network WizardDo you want to assign ”eights to your network?Weights are the cosof traveling along an edge in a network. For example, in a water utility network a weight can be the length of a pipe.(? YesWei ght NameTypeBitgate Siz1yurhiDouble2lengthDouble3minutesDoubleEnter the names of your weights and their types: 爲电总Display | Source | Selection |j Flow N3Drawing fG 胡A - iXFB Z U .01-410.861 875 Unknow20:182012/4/8


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