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英文致歉信0篇在日新月异的现代社会中,有时我们会接触并运用致歉信,致歉信是因自己失误或拒绝引起对方不快时进行赔礼致歉的信函。为了让您在写致歉信时更加简洁便利,以下是我帮大家整理的英文致歉信,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。英文致歉信1Dear xx,I am writthislettr to xres my apolgy tha x. I elterrbly sory aboutts. Onaain, mvery srryforay iconeniece caud. wl e realy prciatedi ouan accptmypolgies ad undertandmsitaton.our Sincerel英文致歉信hank yufor uretterof ctoer. Aferuppyig our estarats for5ars,Isexremely sorrto heart e bah fbowls n orks wic you eeved on Septmbr as not of usual quality. After aeulinstigaton, ond tha the cau of thprobl wa fauty pckig machi. Ihas owbeen epared cn rmse youtaths ype of roem ll nothpen aain.Acordig to he sales conratewen us, we wil, use, laceyofauly elvery refcharge.I wuld liketo offe ur apologes nc ginand hank yu beig eceltoer. ou sicerel,(Your Name)英文致歉信3XXX: Im sosory ,I wa la or schol.I think itsa ba hait and dmnnersI wll go to shooalittle arler ,an atd las tim. I l never elae fo shoo again,peas orgve m and biev me. Thankou! XXate 译文:英文致歉信4Ims orythat eh a cld irthe othr .I egrd you a best friend.IknIshouldnt o hnlike that. Yu havent tal t me fo few ys. Imsad abtthis. wener takin, Ialway fe very hppy because I av su a fied tha a undestand what mhinin abo.I didnt ea to hurt yu.Please trusand forgive m.Wite tme sosT英文致歉信5敬爱的客人: 您好!首先请允许我对您遇到的预定没有房间的问题给您带来的不便致以真诚的致歉。由于近来客人较多,客房惊慌,导致有些客人无法入住,我们深感愧疚。 我们可以介绍您去与我们同等档次的.酒店,还有不知您方不便利把您的姓名和联系方式留下,假如有了房间我们会在第一时间通知您并免费接您回来,为了表示我们的歉意,我们确定在您入住时给你肯定折扣折并免费供应早餐。祝您过得开心! XXX酒店 0xx年月x日英文致歉信6 wld lie to exressmy algis orIwas owhe you cae toseeyeteray aftern.Thfct ithat I h nenemntto ignorant o your ist,. ou must aeben isappine b y asnce Asthis i th irst tie ou come toBeijig,Would you ea et eknwwhn yuare free and i wil eet yu ath ppoited ime. Your fathfll, (You ae)英文致歉信 DeaXXXX, I amitngh letter to eXXpress mypology tht XXXXXXXXXXX.I fe terriby y out hs. Onceagain, I very rr fr any inconveincecuse I wle reallprcated if you cn accep my apogs and nrstndmysituato. ors Sincrely英文致歉信 I vysoy tat I cnntk patin yur party It piy t bec of myeethig need to be dealt with .I hpe you will hve oe od tie fr tepayI ealy lo you ! Peae g my rersto ou friends !I sibe ,plesdo not forgt to infr e if y have the party next ime .I hall come tot n tie. f I cou do somehngfo uparty,pese eel freet cotct me . That woud emyplsure. bve all , I aoloze againfr y aseefr he py ! God uc to ou ll ! Yours tuly,Elle英文致歉信9Dearxxxx, I m ringthis leter t xpress my logy tt xxxxxxxxxxx. eterribly sory abu ths. Oce again, Iaveysr foray covience cased. I willbe really pprecied youcan cept y apologies d undstand my situation. Yours Sincrlyxxxxxx敬爱的xxxx,(对方姓名) 我写这封信以表达我的致歉 xxxxxxxxx(致歉缘由)。 对此我深感愧疚。 我再次对给您造成的任何不便深感歉意,希望您能理解我的境况并接受我的致歉。谨启 xxxx(自己姓名)英文致歉信10 Thank you or outlephone callof 8 Ma x I am etemeysrrorthe delayinsnding thesapl shirt you.It wsate becus David Murry, urPdution Maae,h been sic or tre weeks.The smpe, isnow on it a a yo should etth saple wihi hreedays. I apologis agin for thedel nd I hope thsamle wil meet ith ou saisfaction Your sincerely本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页


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