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第2 2讲冠词一、用适当的冠词填空thethea/the1Could you tell me _ answer to this question?2 Pass me _ dictionary next to the radio,and I alsoneed _ pen to write something.3 Fred likes playing _ football.But he doesnt likeplaying _ piano.thethe4 He himself is very rich.However,he often says _rich should help _ poor.atheTheaanThe/5 Jim is now making _ kite.Hes going to fly_ kite after lunch.6_ woman in a purple skirt is Bettys mother.7Miss Liu has _ cold today.8The car can run two kilometers _ hour.9_ Greens are watching _ TV.10_ earth moves around _ sun.Thetheplaying pianoplaying the piano二、单句改错the fourth onea fourth one1She likes playing piano instead of playing basketball._2I have 3 books.I want to buy the fourth one._3Mr.Yang goes to Shenzhen by a train._4Li Ming is a honest boy._5My brother often goes to the bed at 10._去掉 aaan去掉 the不定冠词的基本用法1a 用于以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或名词短语前,an 用于以元音音素开头的单数可数名词或名词短语前。如:aboy,a useful book,an apple,an uncle,an umbrella,an ugly man,an honest girl,an hour 等。注意:不能把元音字母当成元音音素。如:()There is an“u”in the word“ruler”()There is a“u”in the word“ruler”2泛指一类人或事物,或表示数量“一”的意思,但数的概念没有 one 强烈。如:A horse is a land animal.马是一种陆栖动物。This is a pencil.这是一支铅笔。3指不具体的某个人或物。如:I met a friend on my way home.我在回家的路上遇到一位朋友。4用在序数词前表示“又一,再一”,相当于 another。如:He had failed twice,but he still wanted to try a third time.他已失败了两次,但他还想试第三次。5表示“每一(个)”,相当于 every。如:three times a day一天三次twice a week 一星期两次ten miles an hour 一小时十英里6用在一些固定搭配中。如:a bit,a lot of,a lot,a little,a few,a number of,a glass of,a quarter,half an hour,have a word with,have a look,have a try,have a swim,have a talk,have a rest,go fora walk,have a cold,in a word,have a good time,such/so/manya/an名词,等等。定冠词的基本用法1表示特指或指谈话双方都知道的某(些)人或事物。如:Where is the book I bought yesterday?我昨天买的那本书在哪儿?Take the medicine after meals.饭后服药。2用于上文提到过,后面再次提到的人或事物。如:He lives with a local family.The family is not big.他跟当地的一户人家住在一起,这个家庭不大。3用在世界上独一无二的事物(太阳、月亮、地球、天空、世界、宇宙天体等)前。如:The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。注意:当这些名词前面有描绘性定语时,可加不定冠词。如:Look!A red sun is rising.瞧!一轮红日正在升起。4用在序数词或形容词最高级和部分比较级前。如:The first computer is the cheapest of the three.第一台电脑是三台中最便宜的。Tom is the taller of the two boys.汤姆是两个男孩中比较高的那个。5用在乐器名词前。如:play the piano/guitar/violin/drums弹钢琴/弹吉他/拉小提琴/打鼓6用在姓氏的复数名词前,表示一家人或夫妇二人。如:The Smiths are fishing in the park.史密斯一家人/史密斯夫妇正在公园钓鱼。7与复数名词连用,指整个群体。如:They are the teachers of this school.他们就是这所学校的全体老师。(指学校中所有老师)They are teachers of this school.他们是这所学校的老师。(指学校中的部分老师)8用在形容词和单数名词前,表示某一类人或物。如:the young/rich/poor/sick/deaf/dead/wounded年轻人/富人/穷人/病人/聋人/死者/伤员the horse/computer 马/电脑(强调这一种东西)9用在由多个普通名词构成的党派、组织、机构等专有名词前或江、河、湖、海、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾、运河、沙漠、报刊等专有名词前。如:the Great Wall长城the United States 美国the United Nationsthe Summer Palace联合国颐和园the Yangtze River 长江10用在表示方向、方位的名词前。如:the east 东方the right 右边the west 西方the left 左边11用在世纪或逢“十”的复数数词前,指某个世纪中的几十年代。如:in the 1970s 在 20 世纪 70 年代in the 18th century 在 18 世纪12用在某些习惯用语中。如:in the morning 在早上/上午in the end 在最后in the day 在白天in the middle of 在的中间all the time 一直by the way 顺便说说on the way 在路上hit sb.on the head 打某人的头注意:(1)当定冠词与 all,half,both,double 等词连用修饰名词时,定冠词应放在这些词之后。如:Look,all the books are here.瞧,所有的书都在这儿。(2)当定冠词与表示倍数、分数的词连用时,需要放在这些词之后。如:The bed is three times the size of that one.这张床是那张床的三倍大。不用冠词的情况(零冠词)1在年、月、季节、星期、日期及某些节日前不用冠词。如:Its Sunday today.今天是星期天。He was born on June 12th,1999.他出生于 1999 年 6 月 12 日。Today is Mothers Day.今天是母亲节。It isnt so cold in winter in Guangzhou.广州的冬天没有那么冷。注意:(1)特指某年的季节或与 during 连用时用定冠词 the。如:in the winter of 2012 在 2012 年的冬天(2)节日如果用“Festival”则要加冠词,如果用“Day”则不用冠词。如:the Spring Festival 春节National Day 国庆节2在三餐、球类运动、棋类游戏和学科名称前不用冠词。如:I like playing badminton and chess.我喜欢打羽毛球和下国际象棋。What do you have for breakfast?你早餐吃什么?注意:三餐前如有形容词修饰时也要用冠词。如:After a quick breakfast,I went to school.我迅速吃了早餐就去上学了。3当用 by 表示乘坐某种交通工具时,中间不用冠词。如:by bus/train/bike/air乘公交车/乘火车/骑自行车/乘飞机4在一些固定短语中不用冠词。如:at home 在家at noon 在中午at night 在晚上on foot 步行by mistake 错误地on time 按时;准时in time 及时day and night 日日夜夜at work 在上班in class 在课堂上in surprise 吃惊地on show 展览go to school 去上学go to bed 上床睡觉注意:(1)序数词前面用定冠词与用不定冠词的区别:“the 序数词”表示“第几”;“a序数词”表示“又一,再一”。如:The cake is delicious,and I would like a second one.蛋糕很好吃,我想再吃一块。(2)有些短语中,有冠词和无冠词的区别:()1.(2012 年广东)_Greens are preparing for thecoming Thanksgiving Day.A/BACAnDTheD “the姓氏的复数”表示一家人或夫妇,故选 D。()2.(2012 年广东广州)Is this _ book you weretalking about yesterday?Yes,thank you very much.A.aB.anC.theD./C “你们正在谈论的那本书”是特指,故选 C。()3.(2012 年广东佛山)Was _ maths exam whichwe took yesterday difficult?AaBtheCAnB 表示特指昨天参加的那个考试,故选 B。()4.(2012 年广东河源)Its _ nice day,isnt it?Yes,what _ fine weather!Aa;aCa;/Bthe;theDthe;/C day 是可数名词,表示“一个好天气”可用 a nice day;eweather 是不可数名词,故选 C。()5.(2012 年广东茂名)It was _ autumn eveningwhen they met each other at last.AaBanC/B evening 是可数名词,泛指“某一个”用不定冠词,且autumn 是以元音音素开头的单词,故选 B。()6.(2011 年广东)I really like _ book you lentme yesterday.AaBanCtheD/C 表示特指“你昨天借给我的”那本书,用定冠词 the。故选 C。()7.(2011 年广东清远)Her daughter began to play_ piano when she was five.Now shes very good at it.AanBaCtheD/C 表示演奏某种乐器时,乐器名称前要用定冠词 the,故选 C。()8.(2011 年广东佛山)In LA Lingling lived with_ Smiths and got on well with the host family.A.aBtheC/B “the姓氏复数”可以表示一家人或夫妇二人,故选 B。()9.(2011 年广东河源)Miss Liu wants to lose weight.Shejust has _ cup of milk for _ breakfast every day.Aa;theCthe;aBa;/Dthe;/B“一杯牛奶”的表达为 a cup of milk;三餐前不加冠词,故选 B。()10.(2011 年广东深圳)Do you know _ girlwho is standing under _ tree?Of course!She is Lucy,my classmate.Athe;theCa;/Ba;aD/;theA 表示特指“那个站在那棵树下的女孩”,用定冠词 the;那棵树也是特指,故用 the。()11.(2011 年广东茂名)I lost _ pen he gave meyesterday,but now Ive bought _ new one.A.a;theBthe;aCa;aB 第一空特指“昨天他给我的那支钢笔”,故用 the;第二空泛指“一支钢笔”,表示数量“一”,故用 a。()12.(2010 年广东)Dont talk to Simon like that.He is just_ eleven-year-old boy.A.aBanCtheD/B 题意:不要那样对西蒙说话,他只是一个 11 岁的小男孩。此处表示泛指,且后面 eleven-year-old 是以元音音素开头的单词,故选 B。()13.(2010 年广东湛江)What _ interestingcat it is!Yes,I like it very much.A.aBanCtheD/B根据题意“多么有趣的一只猫!”可知表示数量“一”,且 interesting 是以元音音素开头,故选 B。()14.(2010 年广东梅州)Its _ pleasure to see_ sun rising in _ east.A./;the;/Ca;the;theBa;/;/D/;the;theC第 一 空 考 查“Its a pleasure to do sth.”句 型,其 中pleasure 是抽象名词具体化,意为“一件愉快的事情”;第二空表示独一无二的事物,要用定冠词 the;第三空表示方位,用定冠词 the。故选 C。()15.(2010 年广东深圳)_ apple a day keepsthe doctor away!What do you mean?I have never heard of _saying before.AAn;aCA;theBAn;theDA;aB题意:“一天一个苹果,医生远离我(即身体好)。”“什么意思?我以前从没听说过这个谚语。”第一空表示数量“一个”,且 apple 是以元音音素开头,故用 an;第二空特指上面提到的那条谚语,要用定冠词 the。故选 B。()16.(2010 年广东茂名)In _ first photo,the manis playing _ guitar.A.the;theBthe;/Ca;aA 在序数词和表示乐器的名词前用定冠词 the。()17.(2010 年广东佛山)Lao She was a very famouswriter and even _ young like his works.A.theB/CaA 在形容词前加 the 表示这一类人。the young 年轻人。


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