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.单词识记单词识记1_adj.during or for the night2_na boat or ship that carries people,vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea3_na short,interesting or amusing story about a real person or eventPeriod Two Listening;Everyday English;Speaking;Reading and Vocabulary;Writing;Reading Practice4_vto make a strong request for help,support,mercy,ect.5_na person who is suspected of a crime or of having done something wrong6_vto look for something/somebody答案答案1.overnight2.ferry3.anecdote4.appeal5suspect6.seek.短语天地短语天地1_坐了一夜的轮渡坐了一夜的轮渡2_动身到某地去动身到某地去3_在错误的位置在错误的位置4_取决于取决于5_总体印象总体印象6be shaped like_7tax on_8complete rubbish_9rent bikes_10shoot oneself_答案答案1.on the overnight ferry2.leave for3.in the wrong position4.depend on5.general impression6.造造型像型像7.征税,课税征税,课税8.完全是无稽之谈完全是无稽之谈9.租赁自行车租赁自行车10.饮弹自尽饮弹自尽.句型搜索句型搜索We must have spent three hours in that museum.信息提取信息提取 must have done过去一定做过过去一定做过,是对过,是对过去发生的事情的猜测。去发生的事情的猜测。例句仿写例句仿写他一定是做了好事。他一定是做了好事。He _something good.1Unlike other places in Europe,where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows,here the taxes depended on the width of the house.信息提取信息提取 where引导非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句,where在定语在定语从句中做地点状语。从句中做地点状语。例句仿写例句仿写我去年住过的宾馆正在重建。我去年住过的宾馆正在重建。The hotel,_,is being rebuilt now.2So you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up five minutes from where you started.信息提取信息提取where引导的定语从句作介词引导的定语从句作介词from的宾语,的宾语,相当于相当于the place in which例句仿写例句仿写 一颗炸弹在离我们站的地方几米处炸了。一颗炸弹在离我们站的地方几米处炸了。A bomb burst a few meters away from _3It doesnt matter whether he is doing a portrait or a landscapehes a genius.信息提取信息提取it是形式主语,是形式主语,whether引导从句是真正主引导从句是真正主语。语。例句仿写例句仿写 不管他明天来不来都没关系。不管他明天来不来都没关系。_whether he comes or not tomorrow.答案答案1.must have done2.where I stayed last year3where we stood4.It doesnt matter4remind v提醒,使提醒,使回忆起回忆起She reminded me that we were leaving for Paris tomorrow.她提醒我明天我们要去巴黎。她提醒我明天我们要去巴黎。This story reminds me of my childhood.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。这个故事让我想起了我的童年。Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。1【单项填空单项填空】May I_that a plan should be made for this terms study.Areminds you of Bremind you withCremind to you Dremind youremind sb thatclause 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事remind sb of /about sth 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事What he said just now_me of that American professor.Amentioned BinformedCreminded Dmentioned In our childhood,we were often_by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded BremindedCallowed Dhoped答案答案DCB(1)认为,把认为,把看作看作I reckon him honest.我们认为他很诚实。我们认为他很诚实。I reckon him among my rivals.我认为他是我的竞争者之一。我认为他是我的竞争者之一。(2)觉得,猜想觉得,猜想I reckon that he wont come.我猜想他不会来。我猜想他不会来。(3)数,计算数,计算Our children cant reckon yet.我们的孩子还不会计算。我们的孩子还不会计算。2reckonreckon in 并入,计算在内并入,计算在内Have you reckoned that in the train fare?你有没有把火车费计算在内?你有没有把火车费计算在内?reckon on 指望,依赖指望,依赖 He reckoned on a large profit.他指望会有一笔位数不小的赚头。他指望会有一笔位数不小的赚头。reckon sb/sth to be/as 认认是是reckon(that).认为认为【完成句子完成句子】他最近出版的小说被认为是本年度最好的一本。他最近出版的小说被认为是本年度最好的一本。His recent novel_the best of the year.我想飞机快要到了。我想飞机快要到了。_ the plane will soon arrive.答案答案is reckoned asI reckon(1)用作连系动词,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态,意为用作连系动词,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态,意为“仍然,依旧仍然,依旧”,“留;呆;住;待留;呆;住;待”,后面可接名词、代,后面可接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、分词作表语。词、形容词、介词短语、分词作表语。Peter became a manager,but Jack remained a worker.彼得做了经理,而杰克仍然是工人。彼得做了经理,而杰克仍然是工人。Whatever achievements youve made,you should remain modest.无论你多么有成就,都要保持谦虚谨慎。无论你多么有成就,都要保持谦虚谨慎。The guests came in,but she remained sitting at the desk reading.客人进来了,她仍然坐在桌旁看书。客人进来了,她仍然坐在桌旁看书。3remain(2)用作不及物动词,意思是用作不及物动词,意思是“剩下;剩余,遗留剩下;剩余,遗留”,此时不,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被动。能用进行时态,也没有被动。After the fire,very little remained of his house.大火过后,房子所剩无几。大火过后,房子所剩无几。(3)某事某事“尚待、有待于以后被处置尚待、有待于以后被处置”,后面常接不定式的被,后面常接不定式的被动形式,表示主语是不定式的承受者。动形式,表示主语是不定式的承受者。It remains to be seen whether you are right.你对还是错,让我们拭目以待。你对还是错,让我们拭目以待。(4)remain作名词作名词remain作名词时表示作名词时表示“剩余物剩余物”,一般用其复数形式。,一般用其复数形式。The archeologists found some remains of the Song Dynasty.考古学家发现一些宋代遗址。考古学家发现一些宋代遗址。(5)remaining是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“剩余的剩余的”,常作前置定语;,常作前置定语;而而left则只能作后置定语。则只能作后置定语。There are still some apples left.还剩下一些苹果。还剩下一些苹果。I bought a gift for her with the remaining money.我用剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物。我用剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物。【单项填空单项填空】The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the_A20 dollars remained B20 dollars to remainCremained 20 dollars Dremaining 20 dollarsIt remains_whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.Aseen Bto be seenCseeing Dto see答案答案DBseek vt.&vi.(sought,sought)搜寻,寻找;追求;企图,试搜寻,寻找;追求;企图,试图图He found it was worthless to seek fame.他发现追求名声是不值得的。他发现追求名声是不值得的。“Are you actively seeking jobs?”she asked.“你在积极地找工作吗?你在积极地找工作吗?”她问。她问。He has never sought to hide his views.他从不企图隐瞒自己的观点。他从不企图隐瞒自己的观点。4seek ones advice征求某人的意见征求某人的意见seek fame求名求名seek ones fortune寻找致富或成功之道寻找致富或成功之道seek through找遍找遍seek after/for寻求;追求;寻找寻求;追求;寻找seek out找到,挑出找到,挑出seek to do企图做;试图做企图做;试图做【辨析辨析】search/seek/hunt for/look for/find/find outsearch通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜索;接人时通常指对某处、某地进行搜查或搜索;接人时意思是意思是“搜身搜身”;介词;介词for后接要搜寻的对象,后接要搜寻的对象,强调动作,不注重结果强调动作,不注重结果seek一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。表示具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。表示“寻找,设法得到寻找,设法得到”意义时,常用意义时,常用seek for,seek after;表示;表示“试图,企图试图,企图”意义时,后接不定意义时,后接不定式式hunt for指竭力搜寻,其宾语往往是某种迫切需要的指竭力搜寻,其宾语往往是某种迫切需要的东西或人东西或人look for 强调找的过程强调找的过程find强调找的结果强调找的结果find out指通过观察、调查、询问等方式找出指通过观察、调查、询问等方式找出(原因原因)或发现或发现(秘密、错误等秘密、错误等)用用seek after/seek through/seek out完成句子完成句子我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。我们不应当贪图安逸,追名逐利。We mustnt _ comfort,personal fame and gains.房间被彻底搜查以后,发现了一些可疑的东西。房间被彻底搜查以后,发现了一些可疑的东西。Something suspicious was found after the room was_她找到一位有经验的老师,他出了一个好主意。她找到一位有经验的老师,他出了一个好主意。She_an experienced teacher,who put forward a good idea.答案答案seek aftersought throughsought out(1)n.埋怨,责备,责怪;责任埋怨,责备,责怪;责任The top officials at fault(有过失的有过失的)must take the blame and resign.那些有过失的高官必须引咎辞职。那些有过失的高官必须引咎辞职。(2)vt.责备,指责;把责备,指责;把归咎于归咎于I dont blame you.我不怪你我不怪你Who is to blame for the mistake?对这个过错谁应负责?对这个过错谁应负责?5blametake the blame负过失的责任负过失的责任lay/put the blame on sb把某事归咎于某人把某事归咎于某人accept/bear/get/take the blame for sth对某事负责任对某事负责任be to blame(for)应受指责应受指责blame sb/sth for sth因某事而责备某人因某事而责备某人/某事某事blame sth on sb 把某事怪到某人头上把某事怪到某人头上【完成句子完成句子】他们把失败归咎于汤姆头上。他们把失败归咎于汤姆头上。They _Tom.你的确不能因为海伦不愿意介入而责备她。你的确不能因为海伦不愿意介入而责备她。You cant really _not wanting to get involved.答案答案blamed the failure onblame Helen for herdepend on依赖,依靠,取决于,由依赖,依靠,取决于,由而定而定(1)依靠,依赖依靠,依赖They didnt want to depend on the government for help.他们不愿依靠政府的帮助。他们不愿依靠政府的帮助。(2)信赖,指望信赖,指望They knew he wasnt a person to be depended on.他们知道他是个靠不住的人。他们知道他是个靠不住的人。(3)固定短语:固定短语:That depends./It all depends.这很难说,得看情况。这很难说,得看情况。1(4)取决于,由取决于,由而定而定Whether you can succeed depends on your efforts.你是否能成功取决于你的努力。你是否能成功取决于你的努力。(5)depend on it that.指望指望You may depend on it that hell come to help us.You may depend on him to come to help us.你们可以指望他来帮助你们。你们可以指望他来帮助你们。rely on信赖,依靠信赖,依靠count on 指望,信赖指望,信赖calculate on 依靠,信赖依靠,信赖【单项填空单项填空】Do you think students using mobile phones has any advantages?_AYes,just in case BWell,it just dependsCNothing at all DYes,perfectlyA health care project is reported_treatment at half the cost or less next year,_the needs of the patient.Ato have provided;depends onBwill provide;depending onCto be providing;depended onDto provide;depending on答案答案BDleave sth behind把把抛在后面;遗留;超过抛在后面;遗留;超过He was left far behind from the start of the race.比赛一开始他就被远远地抛在后面。比赛一开始他就被远远地抛在后面。The other climbers were fitter and more experienced and I was worried Id get left behind.其他的登山者都更健壮也其他的登山者都更健壮也更富有经验,因此我担心自己会被落在后面。更富有经验,因此我担心自己会被落在后面。2leave sb/sth alone不要干涉某人不要干涉某人/某事某事leave sb sth leave sth to sb遗赠遗赠(给某人给某人),死后留下,死后留下leave off停止停止leave sb/sth n./adj./ving/p.p./to do/介词短语介词短语 使使/让让保持某种状态保持某种状态leave for出发去某地出发去某地leave aside不考虑,忽视不考虑,忽视leave out 省略省略【单项填空单项填空】All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel_Agiven away Bleft outCturned down Dfallen behindAre you going to have a holiday this year?Id love to.I cant wait to leave_that place I dream of.Aoff Bfor Cbehind Dover答案答案BBon behalf of代表代表(in behalf of./on ones behalf);为;为了了Im here on behalf of my family to give our regards to you.我在这里代表全家向你问候。我在这里代表全家向你问候。On behalf of the entire company,I would like to thank you for all your work.我代表全公司对你们的工作表示感我代表全公司对你们的工作表示感谢。谢。on account of因为;由于因为;由于on my own独自地;单独地独自地;单独地on ones feet 站立着;自立;经济上独立站立着;自立;经济上独立stand for/represent代表代表3【句型转化句型转化】The student isnt present,so I shall accept the prize on behalf of him.The student isnt present,so I shall accept the prize _The student isnt present,so I shall accept the prize _答案答案in behalf of himon his behalfUnlike other places in Europe,where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows,here the taxes depended on the width of the houseso they kept them narrow,but built them tall.在欧洲其他地方,房屋主人要在欧洲其他地方,房屋主人要根据窗户的尺寸纳税;此处却不同,这里的税金是根据房根据窗户的尺寸纳税;此处却不同,这里的税金是根据房屋的宽度而定屋的宽度而定因此他们就把房屋盖得很窄但却很高。因此他们就把房屋盖得很窄但却很高。where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows为非限制性定语从句。为非限制性定语从句。where引导的从句是定语引导的从句是定语从句还是状语从句取决于从句还是状语从句取决于where从句的前面有无先行词。从句的前面有无先行词。若无则是状语从句,否则是定语从句。若无则是状语从句,否则是定语从句。1Where others are weak,he is strong.别人的弱点正是他的优势。别人的弱点正是他的优势。(状语从句状语从句)I will take up the lesson where I left off yesterday.我要接着我昨天停下的地方讲课。我要接着我昨天停下的地方讲课。(定语从句定语从句)【单项填空单项填空】They will fly to Washington,_they plan to stay for two or three days.Awhere Bthere Cwhich DwhenI have reached a point in my life_I am supposed to make decisions of my own.Awhich Bwhere Chow Dwhy答案答案ABIt looks as if she has the whole world on her shoulder.似乎似乎她的肩膀上承载着全世界。她的肩膀上承载着全世界。此句中此句中as if/though引导的表语从句。表语从句视具体情况引导的表语从句。表语从句视具体情况使用虚拟语气形式。使用虚拟语气形式。He looked just as he had looked ten years before.他看起来与十年前一样。他看起来与十年前一样。It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door.听起来好像有人在敲门。听起来好像有人在敲门。2【单项填空单项填空】He looked as if he_ill for a long time.Awas Bwere Chas been Dhad beenWhen a pencil is partly put in a glass of water,it looks as if it_Abreaks Bhas brokenCwere broken Dhad been broken答案答案DCA passerby saw a man with a moustache,carrying a parcel under his arm,dash over the street crossing,along to the crossroads.一位过路人看到一个蓄小胡子的男一位过路人看到一个蓄小胡子的男士,胳膊下夹着包裹,冲过十字路口落荒而逃。士,胳膊下夹着包裹,冲过十字路口落荒而逃。本句中本句中carrying a parcel under his arm是现在分词短语作是现在分词短语作伴随状语。伴随状语。分词在句中作状语,可以表示各种不同的语义内容。它可分词在句中作状语,可以表示各种不同的语义内容。它可以表示时间、原因、让步、结果、方式、条件等。以表示时间、原因、让步、结果、方式、条件等。3The fire lasted nearly a month,leaving nothing valuable.大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。Football is played in more than 80 countries,making it a popular sport.80多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。流行的运动。【单项填空单项填空】As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not_,and asked myself what I was going to do.Amoved BmovingCto move Dbeing moved _the distance was too long and the time was short,we decided not to drive to Florida.ADiscovering BTo discoverCTo have discovered DDiscovered答案答案BA的基本撒即可都不恐怖方式打发第三方士大夫阿萨德按时风高放火 发给发的格式的广东省都是方式方式方式度过度过发的发的OK的十分肯定会说不够开放的时间快发红包国剧盛典冠军飞将 啊所发生的方便的科级干部看电视吧高科技的设备科技发布十多年开放男可视对讲你疯了放到疯狂,饭,看过你的飞,给你,地方干部,密保卡价格不好看积分班上课的积分把控时代峻峰不看电视


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