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1考博阅读辅导2003年春季2要求和目标词汇量 至少新大学六级水平:6500词(顺畅阅读的前提)阅读量 至少积累 20,000-30,000字(感悟英美人的逻辑思维方式和表达方法)目标走近作者的立场、情感、风格(在阅读时有一种游刃有余感)3A VOCABULARY LEVELS TEST词级测试词级测试2,000-word level3,000-word level5,000-word levelThe University Word List level4范例BUSINESSCLOCK _ part of a houseHORSE _ animal with four legsPENCIL _ something used for writingSHOEWALL5CORRECT ANSWERSBUSINESSCLOCK _6 part of a houseHORSE _3 animal with four legsPENCIL _4 something used for writingSHOEWALL6ANSWER SHEET1 2 3 4 5 62,000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5,000_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6,000+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7The 2,000-word level 11.original2.private_ complete3.royal_ first4.slow_ not public5.sorry 6.total8The 2,000-word level 2applyelect_ choose by votingjump_ become like watermanufacture_ makemeltthreaten9The 2,000-word level 3blamehide _ keep away from sighthit_ have a bad effect on sthinvite _ askpourspoil10The 2,000-word level 4accidentchoice_ having a high opinion of yourselfdebt_ sth you must payfortune_ loud,deep soundprideroar11The 2,000-word level 5basketcrop_ money paid regularly for doing a jobflesh_ heatsalary_ meattemperaturethread12The 2,000-word level 6birthdust_ being bornoperation _ gamerow_ winningsportvictory13The 3,000-word level 1administrationangel_ managing business and affairsfront_ spirit who serves Godherd_ group of animalsmatepond14The 3,000-word level 2benchcharity_ part of a countryfort_ help to the poorjar_ long seatmirrorprovince15The 3,000-word level 3coachdarling_ a thin,flat piece cut from somethingecho_ person who is loved very muchinterior_ sound reflected back to youoperaslice16The 3,000-word level 4marblepalm_ inner surface of your handridge_ excited feelingscheme_ planstatuethrill17The 3,000-word level 5dischargeencounter _ throw up into airillustrate_ meetknit_ use pictures or examples to show the meaningprevailtoss18The 3,000-word level 6annualblank_ happening once a yearbrilliant_ certainconcealed _ wilddefinitesavage19The 5,000-word level 1alcoholapron _ cloth worn in front to protect your clotheslure_ stage of developmentmess _ state of untidiness or dirtinessphaseplank20The 5,000-word level 2circusjungle_ speech given by a priest in a churchnomination _ seat without a back or armssermon_ musical instrumentstooltrumpet21The 5,000-word level 3apparatuscompliment_ set of instruments or machineryrevenue_ money received by the governmentscrap_expression of admirationtileward22The 5,000-word level 4bruiseexile_ agreement using property as securityledge_ narrow shelfmortgage_ dark place on your body caused by hittingshovelswitch23The 5,000-word level 5blenddevise_ hold tightly in your armsembroider _ plan or inventhug_ miximplypaste24The 5,000-word level 6desolatefragrant_ good for your healthgloomy_ sweet-smellingprofound_ dark or sadradicalwholesome256,000+1affluenceaxis_ introduction of a new thingepisode_ one event in a seriesinnovation _ wealthprecisiontissue266,000+2deficiencymagnitude_ swinging from side to sideoscillation_ respectprestige_ lacksanctionspecification276,000+3configurationdiscourse_ shapehypothesis_ speechintersection_ theorypartisanpropensity286,000+4anonymousindigenous_ without the writers namematernal_ least possible amountminimum_ nativenutrientmodification296,000+5elementarynegative_ of the beginning stagestatic_ not moving or changingrandom_ final,furthestreluctantultimate306,000+6coincidecoordinate _ prevent people doing somethingexpel_ add tofrustrate_ send out by forcesupplementtransfer312,000622541 156355244636_3,000166261222625 413436_5,000241446553322462113_6,000+43111434243511326332不同层次的学习内容:5,000词加强猜词能力扩大阅读面加大精读量,多样题材多做词汇习题33不同层次的学习内容:6,000提高阅读速度把握阅读技巧探讨解题策略35心态分析盲目型,依赖型尚未开始准备,时间有限,心里没底,找捷径提高型有自信,已着手准备,自学与听课互补开启大门的钥匙在哪里?不是由老师交到你手里,而是由老师指点钥匙的位置,靠你自己将钥匙拿到手。36端正态度下功夫,投入其中,准备吃苦急中有稳扬长避短动力加兴趣苦学加巧学教师帮助你发现规律,你要通过实践去掌握和驾驭它。要使你自己学会运用某些规律,以达到预期目标37期望和要求快节奏高效率按计划不气馁去杂念不押题38处理好几种关系学知识与学技巧 知识是核心,技巧是外延内容与形式信息的传递是目的,语言(字词)仅是载体篇章与试题理解是关键,解题不离原作,“题”为“文”服务先吃透文章是怎样写的,然后再对付题目39学习之误区(谨防贻误大事)对语言的认识 如同数学公式,无生命的符号,简单相加对文章的认识平面型,无立体感,主次不分,被动接受对应试的认识盲目作题,不会举一反三(量变到质变是有条件的)40阅读是什么编码 解码(信息传递)表层 深层 (认识能力,敏锐度,把握脉搏)字面含意寓意(推断能力)作者原意读者曲解或过分引申(尊重原文)母语阅读外语阅读(障碍,文化因素)检验:读出字里行间的味道 钥匙不在明处41有效的方法迅速浏览,了解大意,揣摩作者倾向/态度 (特别留意每段的第一、二句与结尾句)针对试题,回到细节处找根据(遇到与原文语句相同的选项,要特别谨慎)充分理解试题本身与读懂文章同样重要(“肯定或否定?”)(完全肯定或完全否定一般不可取)42作业:SET 1&SET 2


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