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宝鸡市金台区高一英语必修4期末考试题 宝鸡石油中学 命题人 赵强本试卷由选择题和非选择题两大部分组成。选择题包括第一部分和第二部分;非选择题为第三部分。总分150分,时间120分钟。第一节 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1. convince A. /k:vins / B. /k:vinz / C. / knvins / D. / k nvinz /2. Canadian A. / kneidin / B. / kneidin / C. / kneidin / D. / kneidin /3. astonish A. / st ni / B. / st ni / C. /: st ni / D. / s ni / 4. inspire A. /ispai / B. / ispai / C. / inspai/ D. /i:nspai / 5. advance A. / dvans / B. / dv:ns / C. / dv:nz / D. / dv :ns / 第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项 Jane: Oh, thats Mr. Taylor. He is so boring.Mother: What do you mean?Jane: 6 And hes so quick tempered, mum.Mother: 7 Are you sure, darling?Jane: Yes, he gets angry very quickly.Mother : 8 Jane: And do you know, he spends all his time looking at his reflection in the window, admiring himself.Mother : Really? 9 Jane: Because he is vain, thats why! And conceited (自负的). He thinks he knows everything.Mother: Oh, Jane. Be reasonable. Im sure youre exaggerating (夸张), Mr. Taylor seems such a nice and kind man.Jane: 10 Hes mean (小气的) and cruel.Mother: Cruel? Now how can a history teacher be cruel?Jane: Because he only gave me two out of ten marks in my history test.Mother: Oh, now I understand, Jane. I think youd better get on with your homework.A. Well, he isnt.B. And why does he do it ?C. His lessons send me to sleep.D. Thats doesnt sound like Mr. Taylor at all.E. Quick tempered? Mr. Taylor ?F. Yes, he does.G. He doesnt like me.第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1 分,满分15分) 从每小题的A,B,C,D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。例:We forget to bring our tickets , but please let us enter, _? A. do you B. can we C. will you D. shall we 答案是C.11. At home, he keeps some pets,to which he _ all his spare time. A. spends B. offersC. devotesD. provides 12. Shes tired of acting, and she _changing for a new job, but she hasnt made up her mind yet. A. had considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to consider 13. Michael is _ because he never takes any exercise.A. under conditions B. on no condition C. in condition D. out of condition14. The flowers _ my mother, but my sister thought they were for her and took them.A. were intended for B. intended for C. intended to give D. intended giving15. She won a Nobel Prize for her scientific _.A. interests B. achievements C. behavior D. observation16. Justin kicked the ball into his own goal. It was_ his stupidity_we won the game. A. thanks to; that B. due to; that C. owing to; which D. on account of ; which 17. You should get yourself_ carefully. A. used to work B. used to working C. be used to work D. used for working 18. She insisted that she_ at the meeting. A. was present B. present C. be present D. is present 19. But_ they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting_ a natural fertilizer for the next years crop. A. whatever; become B. whichever; become C. whatever; becomes D. whichever; becomes 20. -What about the protection? -Lets keep the surface _ dirty by putting a cover over it. A. far from B. free from C. apart from D. away from21. Tom spent the whole day _ in the room, reading Harry Potter VI. A. lock B. to lock C. locking D. locked22. Only when your identity has been checked _. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. are you allowed in D. will you be allowed in23. This journal is widely _ among teenagers in our country.A. spread B. expands C. circulated D. circled24. It is in Qingdao _ you are going to pay a visit to _ this kind of washing machine is produced. A. /; that B. where; which C. /; where D. that; which25. Mans first walk on the moon was a stunning technological _. A. success B. achievement C. succession D. accomplishment第四节 完型填空:(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。In 1957, Jane Goodall first met the famous anthropologist (人类学者) Dr Louis Leakey, who later played an important role in her life. With the 26 of gaining insight into humans evolutionary (进化的) past, Dr Leakey 27 a pioneering long-term field study on 28 chimps. Even though Jane had no formal 29 , her patience and determination to understand animals 30 him to choose her for the study. 31 it was unusual for a woman to work in the forest of Africa, going there 32 the fulfillment (实现) of her childhood dream. In the summer of 1960 she 33 in Tanzania(坦桑尼亚) on Lake Tanganyikas eastern shore. This marked the 34 of the longest continuous field study of animals in their 35 habitat(栖息地). Five years 36 , she earned a doctors degree at Cambridge University and then 37 to Tanzania to found the Gombe Stream Research Center. And in 1977, to provide on- -going 38 for chimp research, Dr Goodall 39 The Jane Goodall Institute. Today, she 40 most of her time traveling around the world, giving lectures on her 41 at Gombe and speaking to school groups about Roots & Shoots, her environmental education and humanitarian program for the 42 . “Chimps have given me so 43 . The long hours spent with them in the 44 have enriched my life beyond measure. What I have learned from them has shaped my 45 of human behavior, of our place in nature.”26. A. way B. idea C. knowledgeD. method 27. A. suggested B. achieved C. arguedD. changed 28. A. modest B. special C. rude D. wild 29. A. exercise B. training C. living D. practice 30. A. devoted B. let C. made D. led 31. A. If B. Because C. Although D. Once32. A. meant B. stopped C. intended D. inspired33. A. arrived B. left C. reached D. went 34. A. end B. beginning C. happeningD. achievement 35. A. new B. old C. man-madeD. natural 36. A. later B. before C. ago D. behind 37. A. connected B. referred C. returned D. turned 38. A. environment B. evidence C. timeD. support 39. A. created B. built C. founded D. set40. A. costs B. spends C. paysD. devotes 41. A. bravery B. presence C. experiencesD. appearance 42. A. animals B. youth C. human D. adults 43. A. little B. many C. much D. few 44. A. field B. university C. institute D. forest45. A. imagination B. desire C. understanding D. protection 第二部分阅读理解第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C 和D 中,选出最佳答案。AEurope is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmarks agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer. The UK market for organic food grew by 55 percent in 2000, while the food market as a whole grew by only one percent. Yet only seven percent of British shoppers account for nearly 60 percent of organic sales. However popular the idea of organic farming may be, it is still an interest for only a few people.So what makes the idea of organic farming popular? Organic farming means farming with natural materials, rather than with man-made fertilizers or pesticides. Organic farmers rely on many methods such as crop rotation (农作物的轮作) and the use of resistant(有抵抗力的) varieties, because they are necessary for organic farmers to compensate for the shortage of man-made chemicals.Organic farming is often supposed to be safer than traditional farming for the environment. Yet after a long research on organic farming worldwide for a number of years, science continues to be against this opinion. The House of Commons committee on agriculture publicized that, even with complete research work, it would fail to find any scientific evidence to prove “that any of claims (宣称) made for organic farming is always true”.However, the talk about the benefits of organic farming is going on. This is partly because many people depend on their individual farm, the soil, the weather, and so on. 46. The first paragraph mainly tells us _.A. organic farming has been performed only in Europe over the past 10 yearsB. governments of European countries have cared less about organic farmingC. organic farming is far from being as popular as expectedD. European countries need organic food more than the other countries in the world47. The underlined words “compensate for” in the second paragraph probably mean “_”.A. argue for B. care for C. struggle for D. pay for48. What can we know about organic farming?A. It refers to farming with natural materials, instead of chemical fertilizers.B. It refers to farming with chemical fertilizers rather than natural fertilizers.C. It refers to farming with soil rather than any other thing.D. It refers to growing crops with man-made fertilizers and pesticides.49. According to the third paragraph, _.A. organic farming is safer than traditional farming for the environment B. the idea that organic farming is safer has not been proven by scienceC. organic farming is accepted by the UKs House of Commons committee D. organic farming is preferred to traditional farming50. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?A. The UKs agriculture minister is an organic farmer.B. Organic farming is popular with young people.C. Farmers make use of many different kinds of methods to improve the organic sales system.D. Ninety-three percent of British shoppers dont buy organic products. BThe relations between man and wife are changing. A majority of working women remain in full charge of their home; they come back at night to the cleaning, washing, and cooking that constitute their second career. But more and more husbands are sharing the burden and willingly taking on chores that their fathers would have rejected as unmanly, and as too mysteriously difficult anyway. In such cases, man and wife become equal partners, both working outside, both pushing the vacuum cleaner, actually, the number of husbands who do help that way is much smaller than the number of those who accept the idea in theory. And when the equal partnership is a fact, it doesnt always work well. The marriage can be destroyed when the wife is more successful in her profession than her husband in his, particularly when she earns more than he does. Sociologists see in this situation one of the main reasons for the increase in the divorce rateanother reason being the husbands refusal to help with the housework or the care of the children. A third reason could be the growing awareness of the professional woman that she doesnt have to remain married if she is too unhappy.51. What is the housework like in the traditional husbands eyes?A. Its a mysterious job. B. Its a little difficult.C. Its womens job. D. Its only mans job.52. The underlined sentence means _.A. when man and wife share the housework, man cant do wellB. when man and wife share the housework, woman cant do well.C. when man and wife become equal at home, it doesnt mean a good marriageD. when man and wife are equal partners, marriage doesnt necessarily goes well53. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _.A. more husbands act in helping housework than those agreeing it without actionB. more and more husbands are helping their wives to do houseworkC. most of the working women take charge of their homeD. it is possible for the marriage to fail if women earn more money than husbands54. What may be the reason for the divorce according to the sociologists?A. The wife refuses to look after the child.B. The wife is more successful than her husband.C. The wife is aware of her unhappiness in marriage. D. Both A and B.55. The best title of the passage is most likely to be _.A. Equal Partnership Means Nothing in Modern Family B. The Changing Relations Between Man and WifeC. Reasons for Increasing DivorceD. The Relations Between Husband and WifeC Tomorrow evening I will be interviewed on stage by a museum official. I will be an interpreter, talking from experience as a disability rights lawyer and activist. In “special” schools and camps for children with physical and mental disabilities, I grew up knowing we were a category of person that the world did not want. Most of us had a story of some doctor advising our parents to put up away or to let us die. We owed our survival to parents who had irrationally(不理性地) bonded with us. We knew we were lucky and hoped our luck would hold. To increase the chance of surviving, we tended to be charming. We developed thick skins.By the time I roll onto the stage the next night, Ive thought a lot about there and here, then and now. When the first question comes, I tell them about my fascination with the wheelchair, and somehow it sounds funny, and laughter fills the room. We talk from the horror of Nazis killing (Nazis once killed the disabled patients as useless) to a funny confession that I, too, tend to stare at disabled people on the street.What has come over me? In this room, people with disabilities in thrilling variety make me feel at home. Here people, disabled and not, are gathered by choice.I havent forgotten that 2 million people remain in US disability institutions, that some disabled children still cannot attend mainstream schools, that too many of us live in poverty. But I cant hold onto anger and sorrow for I feel a shared sense of possibility, a drive for a world that will embrace both the fit and the unfit and hold them so dear that the division dies.56. Whats the author according to the passage?A. A disabled lawyer. B. A reporter.C. An actorD. An interviewer57. The underlined phrase “thick skins” in the second paragraph probably means_.A. with more clothesB. making skin dirtyC. caring nothing of ignoranceD. growing more slowly than others58. The second paragraph is mainly focused on _.A. the growth of the disabled peopleB. the hatred of the disabled peopleC. the love of the disabled peopleD. the appreciation of the disabled people59. It can be sensed but not clearly stated that the author_.A. likes to be interviewed in a museumB. can tell funny storiesC. has charming personalityD. is humorous and optimistic 60. Whats the authors attitude towards the future?A. DesperateB. HopefulC. NegativeD. Objective第二节(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。A. How a good teacher acts in classB. Acting: natural expression of fixed words and movementsC. Teaching: a student-centered creative processD. Similarities between teaching and actingE. Differences between teaching and actingF. A good teacher, not necessarily a good actorD. Similarities between teaching and actingF. A good teacher, not necessarily a good actor61. To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear.62. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit unmoved before his class: he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, his hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feeling. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note if his voice always changes according to what he is talking about.63. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesnt mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teachers work and the actors. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, and even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.64. A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask questions, they obey orders, and if they dont understand something, they say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his audience. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.65. As a good teacher presently, you must take your audience as your friends, take care of them, help them and give them enough freedom and space. I have known many teachers who are fine actors in class but are unable to take part in a stage play because their brains cant keep discipline: they cannot keep strictly to what another has written. 第三部分:写作(共三节,满分55分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10)根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。 66He delighted the _(观众) with his performances . 67Brazil is an _(农业)country, and its economy mainly depends on crops like coffee. 68Its important to know your own strengths and _(缺点). 69Hes giving an _( 解释 ) of how the machine works. 70You will (逐渐地) get used to the weather here. 71. There is a big underground railway (系统) in London, which is good for travelers. 72. The first _ (场景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre. 73The hotel is now under new _(管理),so we are satisfied with its service . 74. Your brother is full of _(幽默); he had us laughing all through the meal. 75. To travel _(满怀希望 ) is a better thing than to arrive .第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线 ()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I am willing to become college graduate who works as a village official but Id like to come back to my hometown to help with the economic development of the relative poor villages.For one thing, I want to devote myself to help those in need in return with the help of the society. And I will apply that I have learnt to developing the poor villages. For another, I myself am from a poor village. I feel very sad while I see my parents and my fellow villagers struggling to make end meet, and I have always been dreaming of improving our lives with my own efforts. I think Ill take advantage of this opportunity to make my dream to come true.书面表达(第三节满分30分)上周日你在你们社区进行了一次社会调查,其主题内容是你最关注的学生安全问题是什么.调查结果如下表所示.请你根据自己所了解的身边的信息,并结合以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文.词数要求150单词左右,可适当发挥.调查人数比例关注内容你的感想和希望30%学生饮食安全, 生活卫生习惯40%交通安全, 遵守交通法规情况30%公共安全, 参加集体活动 安全防范意识试题参考答案15 CDACB 6 -10 CEDBA1115 CBDAB 1620 ABCCB 2125 DCCAB2630 BADBD 3135 CAABD 3640 ACDCB4145 CBCDCA; 4650 CCAAC 51-55 CDABB 56-60 ACADB 6165 DABCF66. audience 67 agricultural 68 weaknesses 69.explanation 70 gradually71. system 72 scene. 73 mangement 74. humour 75.hopefully短文改错(76-85)I am willing to become college graduate who works as a village official but Id like to come a


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