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2014中考英语复习中考英语复习动 词Verbs类别类别意义意义例句例句实义动词实义动词Action Verbs系系 动动 词词Link Verbs助助 动动 词词Auxiliary Verbs情态动词情态动词Modal Verbs有实在的意义,表示动作或状态,在句中能独立作谓语。如:put run laugh本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。如:be look get本身没有词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定、疑问、时态或其他语法形式。如:be does did本身有一动的意义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示说话人的语气和情态。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。如:can must mayShe has some bananas.They eat a lot of potatoes.Im reading an English book now.His father is a teacher.Twins usually look the same.The teacher became angry.He doesnt speak English.(否定)否定)We are playing basketball.(进行时态)进行时态)Do you have a brother?(疑问)疑问)You can keep them for two weeks.May I smoke here?We must go new.动词种类动词种类返回返回(一)实义动词(一)实义动词1._ 本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。I like the book.2._自身意思完整,无需接宾语。Birds can fly.及物动词及物动词不及物动词不及物动词1、有些动词后面可跟不定式作宾补:、有些动词后面可跟不定式作宾补:ask sb(not)to do sth tell sb(not)to do sth want sb(not)to dot sth2、有些动词后面可跟双宾语,间宾置前时,相应加有些动词后面可跟双宾语,间宾置前时,相应加上介词上介词to或或for:give sb sthe=give shte to sb buy sb sth=buy sth for sb teach sb sth3、有些动词后面只可跟动词有些动词后面只可跟动词-ing,不可跟动词不定不可跟动词不定式:式:enjoy doing sth mind doing sth行为动词行为动词4、有些动词后面可跟不定式也可跟动词有些动词后面可跟不定式也可跟动词-ing,但其但其义不同:义不同:go on doing sthgo on to do sthforget doing sthforget to do sthlike doing sthlike to do sthstop doing sthstop to do sth、有些动词宾语后面可跟动词,也可跟动词原形,有些动词宾语后面可跟动词,也可跟动词原形,其义大不同:其义大不同:watch sb/sth doing sthwatch sb/sth do sthsee sb/sth doing sthse sb/sth do sth行为动词行为动词返回返回词义辨析词义辨析 2)_+“大地点”;_+“小地点”_+“地点名词”_是及物动词,+“地点名词”arrive inarrive atget toreach词义辨析词义辨析 3)_ 表“借入”;_表“借出”_表“长时间的借”borrowlendkeep词义辨析词义辨析 6)_“带来,拿来”;_“拿去,带走;_“扛,搬”,用力移动,无方向 _“去取,去拿”,表往返拿物 bringtakecarryfetch,get词义辨析词义辨析 4)_ 表“给某人穿衣服”;_表“穿上”,强调动作;_表“穿着,戴着”,强调状态。dress sb.put onwear词义辨析词义辨析 5)_“看见”,表结果;_“看”,表动作,不及物;_“看(比赛,电视)”_“看(书、报)”,表阅读 seelook(at)watchread词义辨析词义辨析 7)_“死”,不及物动词;_“死的”,形容词,表状态;_“死”,名词 _“垂死的”,形容词 diedeaddeathdying词义辨析词义辨析 8)_“说(语言)”,“发言”;_“说(内容)”,及物;_“谈论某事”;_“谈论某人”_“告诉”speaksaytalk about sth.talk to(with)sb.tell词义辨析词义辨析 9)_“花钱(时间)”,人做主语;_“花钱”,人做主语;_“花钱”,物做主语 _“花时间”,物做主语 spendpaycosttake词义辨析词义辨析 10)_“寻找”,强调过程;_“找到”,强调结果;_“找出,查明(起因)”_“听”,强调过程 _“听到”,强调结果 look forfindfind outlisten(to)hear词义辨析词义辨析 11)_ the game “赢”_ the game “输”,_ sb.“打败(某人)”_ in the game “失败”winlosebeat(defeat)fail词义辨析词义辨析 12)_ 表“丢失,失去”;_表“忘记”;_表“把某物落在某处”。loseforgetleave词义辨析词义辨析 13)_ 表“想到”;_表“考虑”;_表“仔细考虑”。think ofthink aboutthink over词义辨析词义辨析 14)_ 表“加入”;_表“参加(活动)”;_表“出席(会议)”。join(the party)take part inattend(a meeting)练习巩固练习巩固7.Everybody is busy ready for the exams.A.get B.to get C.getting D.get8.Please dont forget the door when you leave.A.pocked B.lock C.to lock D.locking9.Please walk fast,well be late.A.or B.and C.so D.then10.The old lady saw me the pen on the floor.A.dropped B.drop C.dropping D.to drop11.I saw toe old woman here when I was walking .A.sit,pass B.sitting,past C.sitting,pass D.sit,past12.the morning of september 1st,our school begins.A.In B.On C.At D.TocBABBB(二)系动词(二)系动词1.表表“状态状态”:look,seem,taste,smell,feel,sound,be,keep,stay2.表表“变化变化”:turn,get,grow,fall,become,come,go状态变化系动词状态变化系动词系动词系动词用法用法习惯搭配习惯搭配朝坏的方面变化朝坏的方面变化wrong,bad,mad,hungry,blind etc.表颜色等表颜色等red,green表成长中的变化表成长中的变化strong,tall由动态到静态转变由动态到静态转变ill,sick,asleep转向好的状态转向好的状态true,alive常用来指人或物的常用来指人或物的状态的变化状态的变化become 接名词接名词时时,名词前接冠词名词前接冠词gocometurngrowfallget/become词义辨析词义辨析 15)_red _dark _cold _short/long turnget/growget/becomeget情态动词情态动词特点:特点:情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能可能”、“应当应当”、“必要必要”等,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,必须等,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,必须和不带和不带”to”的动词不定式(即动词原形)连用。情态动词没有人称和数的动词不定式(即动词原形)连用。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。朗读时,情态动词的肯定式一般不重读,有些情态动词没有过去的变化。朗读时,情态动词的肯定式一般不重读,有些情态动词没有过去式,如式,如must;有些有过去式,如:有些有过去式,如:cancould,maymight,have to had to等。等。情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词构成,但情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词构成,但have to需需借助动词借助动词does、do、did not。情态动词情态动词否定式否定式否定式简略形式否定式简略形式cancouldmaymustshallshouldwillcannot/can notcould notmay notmust notshall not should notwill notcant/ka:nt/couldnt/kudnt/maynt/meint/mustnt/msnt/shant/a:nt/shouldnt/udnt/wont/wunt/一一.can,could,be able to I.can 1 1)表)表“能力能力”He can speak five languages.2 2)表)表“许可许可”=may=may Can(May)I come in?3)3)表表“可能性可能性”Can it be true?2.could 1)1)could 是是can的过去时,可用来较委的过去时,可用来较委婉,客气地提出问题或陈述看法。婉,客气地提出问题或陈述看法。Could you come a little earlier?2)2)can 和和could 表示某人或某物一时表示某人或某物一时的特点,译为的特点,译为“有可能,有时会有可能,有时会”。He can be very friendly.He could be very proud.二二.may,might 1)表许可,译为)表许可,译为“可以可以”(正式场合)(正式场合)You may take the book home.2)表示推测,表示推测,“或许,可能或许,可能”。It may rain tomorrow.3)表示祝愿表示祝愿 May you succeed!4)might:may 的过去式,但的过去式,但might表可表可 能性较小,或表更婉转语气。能性较小,或表更婉转语气。Jim may(might)lend you money.Might I ask a question?三三.must,have to,need1.must 的用法:的用法:1)“必须必须”,否定表禁止。回答其,否定表禁止。回答其 问句用问句用neednt或或dont have to。I must leave at 9.-Must we hand it in today?-Yes,you must.(肯定回答肯定回答)No,you neednt/dont have to.(否定回答)(否定回答)2)must 还可表示一种推断和揣测。还可表示一种推断和揣测。must+do对现在事实的猜测对现在事实的猜测;must+have done 对过去事实的猜测对过去事实的猜测.You must be joking.I cant find my key.I must have left it in the bus.2.need 的用法:的用法:1)作情态动词用时,用于疑问或否)作情态动词用时,用于疑问或否定句。回答定句。回答need问句时,肯定用问句时,肯定用must,否定用否定用neednt/dont have to.You need not do anything here.-Need I go so soon?-Yes,you must.No,you neednt./dont have to.2.must与与 have to的比较:的比较:A)have to-客观情况;客观情况;must-主观看法主观看法。I must learn another foreign language.You have to learn another foreign language if you want to work here.B)have to用于不同时态,用于不同时态,must不行不行.We will have to buy another TV set.3.need 的用法:的用法:2)need用做行为动词时的用法:用做行为动词时的用法:I need to buy a new dictionary.My bike needs repairing/needs to be repaired.四四.will 和和 would 的用法:的用法:1.表示表示“意愿意愿”She wont lend me the money.2.表表“邀请邀请”或或“请求请求”Will you give me a piece of paper?3.would比比will语气更温婉。语气更温婉。Would like something to eat?五五.shall,should的用法的用法 A)shall的用法的用法 用于第一人称,用于第一人称,表示征求意见。表示征求意见。Shall I turn on the light?B)should的用法的用法1.表示劝告,建议。表示劝告,建议。You should study the article carefully.2.表示推测,译为表示推测,译为“可能,应该,该可能,应该,该”。v He should arrive at noon.1.I take the newspaper away?No,you mustnt.You read it only here.A.Must,can B.May,can C.Need,must D.Must,must2.you sing the song?Yes,I .but It wo years ago.A.B.C.D.3.Must I reture the book at once?No,you .but you teturn it after school.A.neednt,must B.mustnt,can C.mustnt,may D.cant,need4.Our teacher often tells us in the sereet.A.no play B.not playing C.not to play D.not to playing5.My mother is out,so I look after my little sister.A.may B.must C.have to D.can6.The students stopped when the teacher came in.A.to talk B.talking C.talks D.talked练习巩固练习巩固BBBBBBChoose the best answer 1.How much money did you _ on the dictionary?-29 yuan.A.pay B.spend C.cost D.takeChoose the best answer 2.It _ almost 10 years to build Panzhihua Ertan power station,the second largest power station in Asia.A.spent B.took C.cost D.paidChoose the best answerChoose the best answer 3.Would you please _ the TV?I can hardly hear the conversation between the two speakers.A.turn on B.turn up C.turn off D.turn downChoose the best answer 4.Tom and Jim _ friends since they met each other for the first time five years ago.A.were B.have become C.have made D.have beenChoose the best answer 5.Im afraid the other students will _ me because I cant answer the question.A.laugh at B.hear from C.agree with D.wait forChoose the best answer 6.Nancy,dont always _ that old jacket.It looks terrible.-But I think its cool,Mom.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.take offChoose the best answer 7.No free plastic bags in the supermarket helps to _ white pollution.A.reduce B.remove C.provide D.produceChoose the best answer 8.I am greatly interested in this painting.Something in it _ the painters deep love for nature.A.expects B.discusses C.expresses D.imaginesChoose the best answer 12.The doctor _ a _ boy yesterday.A.had saved;dying B.saved;dead C.has saved;dead D.saved;dyingChoose the best answer 9.Oh,Ive left my schoolbag in the classroom.-Dont worry.Ill _ it for you.A.bring B.get C.take D.carryChoose the best answer 10.What a nice MP3!Is it yours?-Of course.I _ 180 yuan on it.A.cost B.took C.spent D.paidChoose the best answer 11.Theres too much sunshine.-Yeah.Wed better _ sunglasses.A.put away B.put on C.take off D.take outChoose the best answer 1.The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels Choose the best answerChoose the best answer2.He shook his head _ and looked _ when he was told the bad news.A.sadly;sadly B.sad;sad C.sadly;sad D.sad;sadlyChoose the best answerChoose the best answer3.I love to go to the forest in summer.It _ good to walk in the forest or sit in the shade of trees.A.does B.feels C.gets D.makesChoose the best answer4.-I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.-_ good.A.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.SoundsChoose the best answerChoose the best answer1.The discussion_ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A.was coming B.had come C.has come D.came2.The traffic lights_ green and I pulled away.A.came B.grew C.got D.turned3.-Is your headache getting _?-No,its worse.A.better B.bad C.less D.well4.-Would you advise me on how to stay_?-Try to live regularly,eat more vegetables and be in a good state of mind.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.more healthily5.The dog looked_.The boy looked _at the poor dog.A.dead;sad B.dying;sadly C.deadly;sadly D.dying;sad6.The cloth that she bought looks _,feels _ and sells_.A.beautiful;soft;well B.beauty;softly;well C.beautifully;softly;good D.beautiful;soft;goodChoose the best answer 1.Where is our head teacher,Mr.Li?-He _ be in the office.I saw him there just one or two minutes ago.A.can B.may C.might D.mustChoose the best answer 2.Shall I tell him the news after class?-You _.Ive told him already.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.needntChoose the best answer 3.Mrs.Wang,Lingling came to see you just now.-It _ be Lingling.Shes gone to Hong Kong.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustntChoose the best answer 4.Anna hasnt come to school today.I think she _ be ill.A.can B.has to C.may D.shouldChoose the best answer 5.Is Mr.Smith swimming in the pool,Harry?-It _ be him.I saw him go to the library just now.A.may not B.cant C.neednt D.mustntChoose the best answer 6.Will you answer the telephone?It _ be your mother.-Sorry.I _.Im busy.A.can;mustnt B.will;cant C.may;cant D.need;willChoose the best answer 7.Tony _ go to the opera on Saturday because hes going to have a meeting.A.cant B.might C.mustnt D.shouldChoose the best answer 8.Be polite.You _ talk to the old like that.A.couldnt B.neednt C.mustnt D.wouldntChoose the best answer 9.Look!It _ be the new woman manager.-It _ be her.She has just left for Shanghai.A.can;mustnt B.must;cant C.must;mustnt D.cant;mustChoose the best answer 10.I hit a tree on the way to meet my friend at the railway station.-Im sure you _ have been driving too fast.A.need B.should C.will D.mustChoose the best answer 11.Mum,_ I go out to play?-Yes,you can.But you must finish your homework first.A.must B.may C.will D.needChoose the best answer 12.Schools _ allow students at least one hour a day for sports.A.would B.might C.should D.couldChoose the best answer 13.Ben,dont drive too fast.You _ hit others car.A.may B.must C.have to D.needChoose the best answer 14.I was told to be here before eight.-Oh,you _.Im sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.A.must B.cant C.may D.needntChoose the best answer 15.Never touch my computer while Im away.-I _.A.shouldnt B.mustnt C.wont D.dont Choose the best answer 16.I dont mind telling you what I know.-You _.Im not asking you for it.A.neednt B.mustnt C.may not D.cantChoose the best answer1 17.Lets go to Taishan Park by taxi.-Its not far.We _ take a taxi.A.neednt B.cant C.mustnt D.couldntGood-bye!Good-bye!


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