2019高考英语 基础保分篇 第六讲 情态动词课件 新人教版

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2019高考英语 基础保分篇 第六讲 情态动词课件 新人教版_第3页
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李仕才读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分。思考:各个情态动词的含义;什么情况下用情态动词的完成式,分别表达什么含义。Lucy is an outgoing lady.She can1 play many kinds of musical instruments.Actually,she could2 play the piano when she was 8 years old.Lucy also keeps taking exercise every day.She says that she has to3 do some sports because she must4 keep slim.“You shall 5 get fat soon if you dont take exercise every day.”she usually says to her friends.As for her,an elegant lady should6 try to keep fit.However,last week,she found that she might 7 put on weight and she was worried and decided to lose weight.And these days she is always thinking that she may8 succeed soon if she tries all her best.However,she is always lack of time because she ought to9 take care of her children.One night after supper,she walked quickly in order to go dancing at the Tomorrow Park and she was late.On her way,she thought that the dancing must have begun10,and the coach could have taught or shown11 many new moves.She was afraid that her friends might have left12 before she got there.She was regretful then.She should have had13 supper earlier,or she could have taken a taxi14,and indeed she neednt have taken15 a bath in advance.When she reached the park finally,she found nobody was there.She remembered suddenly that it had been reported on the radio that there would be a heavy rain that night.1can在此表示能力。2could在此表示能力,是can的过去式。3have to表示“不得不”,强调客观需要。4must表示“必须”,强调主观想法。5shall表示说话者的意图、允诺、告诫、警告等,用于陈述句的第二、第三人称。6should表示劝告或建议,意为“应该”。7might在此是may的过去式,表示“可能”。8may表示“可能”。9ought to“应该”,表示义务或责任,比should语气重。10must have done表示对过去已经发生的事进行推测,意为“想必已经做了某事”。11could have done表示对过去情况的推测,意为“可能已经做了某事”。12might have done表示“或许已经做了某事”。13should have done表示“本应该做某事(但没有做)”,有责备和懊悔之意。14could have done意为“本来可以做某事(但没有做)”,有懊悔之意。15neednt have done表示做了本来不必去做的事情,意为“本不必做某事(但却做了)”。.单句填空(用must,can,may,might,shall,should,cant,neednt,mustnt填空。)1I _ worry about my weekendI always have my plans ready before it comes.2Just be patient.You _ expect the world to change so soon.3May I take this book out of the reading room?No,you _.You read it here.4You _ park here!Its an emergency exit.5I cant leave.She told me that I _ stay here until she comes back.needntcantmustntmustntmust6I dont really like James.Why did you invite him?Dont worry.He _ not come.He said he wasnt certain what his plans were.7It _ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car.8The traffic is heavy this day;I _ arrive a bit late,so could you save me a place?9It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _ be rather cold sometimes.10She _ have left school,for her bike is still here.may/mightmustmightcancant.单句改错(下列每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。)1I used to living in Hunan but now I live in Guangzhou._2She could sang very well when she was a girl._3Youd better to wear rubbers,for its raining outside._4I would rather to work than play._5I asked him whether he needs go there._6Something is wrong with my computer and it need repairing._livinglivesangsing去掉to去掉toneedsneedneedneeds7I can have lent you the money.Why didnt you ask me?_8She should able to give us a good answer._9Judging from what you say,he ought succeed._10You mustnt have told him the news;he knew it already._cancould在able前加be在ought后加tomustntneednt第二课时写作增分课情态动词在写作中的增分点一、利用情态动词的语法特征写对句子1他能游过那条河。(can,swim,across the river)_2她可能反对这件事。(may,object to)_3他必须不遗余力学好英语。(must,spare no effort,learn English well)_He can swim across the river.She may object to it.He must spare no effort to learn English well.4我明年就能开车了。(will,be able to,drive a car)_5我不会再迟到了。(wont,late)_6你最好尽你最大努力,来实现父母对你的期望。(had better,try ones best,live up to,expectations)_I will be able to drive a car next year.I wont be late again.You had better try your best to live up to your parents expectations.7你不必告诉他什么。(need/have to)_8她不敢单独在夜里出去。(dare,alone)_You neednt tell him anything./You dont have to tell him anything.She darent go out at night alone./She doesnt dare to go out at night alone.二、利用情态动词的推测性用法写靓句子1我家乡春天的天气相当暖和,但有时也会非常得冷。(weather,fairly warm,can,extremely cold)_ _2你在山路上开车时一定要小心,因为有时可能很危险。(drive down the mountainous road)_The weather in my hometown is fairly warm in spring,but it can be extremely cold sometimes.You must be careful when you drive down the mountainous road,because it can be dangerous.3我明天或许不会去看你,因为我的叔叔明天可能来。(might,call on,drop in)_4现在,他不可能在和他的同学一起旅游。相反,他一定是在家里学习。(tour with,study)_ _I might not call on you tomorrow,because my uncle might drop in.At the moment,he cant be touring with his friends.On the contrary,he must be studying at home.5是因为我学习不够努力,还是因为我学习方法不当?(can,work hard enough,in the right way)_ _6他随时会到。(should,any moment)_Can it be because I havent worked hard enough or because I havent studied in the right way?He should be here any moment.三、利用“情态动词have done”写高级句子1那天上学我迟到了。我可能把闹钟关掉后又睡着了。(turn off the alarm clock,fall asleep)_ _2我到家后发现我的钱包不见了。或许我把它遗忘在你的出租车上了。(cant find my wallet,leave,taxi)_I was late for school that day.I might have turned off the alarm clock and fallen asleep again.I couldnt find my wallet when I got home.I might have left it in your taxi.3她不可能已经走了,因为她的手提包还在这里。(leave,handbag,lie)_4他可能是去北京了,因为他曾经说过他的姑姑在那里工作。(could,once said)_5我一定是在回家的路上把它弄丢了。(drop it somewhere on my way home)_She cant have left,because her handbag is still lying here.He could have gone to Beijing,because he once said his aunt worked there.I must have dropped it somewhere on my way home.四、巧用“will,shall,would,used to”增加句中“惹眼”成分1如果你不听我的建议,你会后悔一辈子的。(follow ones advice,regret)_2我尽力推门,门就是不开。(push,wouldnt)_3我告诉他不要辍学,但他不愿意听。(tell,drop out of school)_If you dont follow my advice,you shall regret for the rest of your life.I tried to push the door,but it wouldnt open.I told him not to drop out of school,but he wouldnt listen.4当我们小的时候,他星期天总是来我家和我一起玩。(come over to my home,on Sundays)_5我过去夜里睡得早,但我现在已习惯熬夜了。(used to,get used to,stay up late)_When we were young,he would come over to my home and play with me on Sundays.I used to go to bed early at night,but I get used to staying up late now.


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