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Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability 投投 资资 回回 报报 率率打造世界级销售团队打造世界级销售团队 Being The Best That You Can Be 联合利华中国HPC销售培训部2002年 3月Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability课程目标 明确学习投资回报率的目的 透彻理解投资回报率 正确填写分销商的投资回报率表格 作出准确的分析报告 制定行动计划Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability第一部分:WHY ROI?Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability事事无绝对!事事无绝对!例2进货价 26,000卖出价 26,500利润 500利润率 500/26500=1.9%利润 和 利润率例1进货价 30卖出价 35利润 5利润率 5/35=14.3%Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability为何要知道 ROI举例银行利息:2.0%通货膨胀率:0.1%个人所得利益:1.9%问题努力一年生意的 ROI:1.0%Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability与分销商分析ROI知道回报的状况掌握投入资金检讨经营成本不断为投资 增值改善 经营方法Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability第二部分:Whats ROIAvailability Visibility Everywhere Everyday ProfitabilityROI 的计算公式纯利润投资额纯利=(销售收入-销售成本)-运营成本-税收投资=(库存+应收帐款-应付帐款)+(固定资产净值)%ROI=Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability投资 运营资金=库存+应付帐款-AR 固定资产(净值)=固定资产原投资额-折旧 投资=固定资产+流动资金000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability销售收入 总收入=销售收入+其它收入 销售收入=实销金额-销货成本 其它收入=EPD+TPR+各种补贴000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability销售收入销售收入=实销金额-销货成本 销货成本本月期初库存本月期初库存+进货金额进货金额-月末库存月末库存000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability其它收入 EPD 提前付款折扣(15 天内 1%)TPR 公司给予分销商的其它补贴 RSV000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability运营成本 即为经营各项支出 人事费用 货车费用 办公场所费用 文具设备 公用事业费用 财务开支及其它杂费合计000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability人事费用 工资费用 奖金费用 津贴费用 三金000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability货车费用 油料费 保养维修费 停车过桥费 保险费等000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability文具设备 经营所必备的文具及设备费用 定单 复印机维修 传真纸 墨盒000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability公用事业费 电费 电话费 水费000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability利息 因经营而产生的借贷利息000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability其它杂费 因经营而产生的 交际费 餐费000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability税后净利 税前净利=总收入-总营运成本 税后净利=净利-税000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability投资 运营资金+固定资产净值 Working Capital+Fixed Assets运营资金=库存+应收帐款-应付款000#DI V/0!0#DI V/0!Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金DT Code一月00#DI V/0!00#DI V/0!0Sal ary 薪資費用I ncenti ve 奖金费用Al l ow ance 津贴费用I nsurence 保险费W el fare 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai ntenance 保养费Parki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nserence 保险费Tax 税金0Rental 租金Securi ty Charge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ecti ci ty 电费Tel ecom 电话费W ater 水费0I nterest 利息费用Depreci ati on 折旧费用0#DI V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Total Operati ng Expense总营运成本Stati onary&Suppl i es 文具设备Uti l i ty 公用事业费用Fi nanci al Charges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)Operati ng Expense 營運成本Sal ari es,W ages,Al l ow ances 人事费用Offi ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Van Operati ons货车费用Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday ProfitabilityROI ROI投资回报率投资回报率利润利润=销总售额销总售额销售总成本销售总成本 +库存库存A/RA/P-税税+固定资产固定资产Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability分销商名称DT Code:客代编码Date:填表日期000#D I V/0!0#D I V/0!Ret ur n O n I nvest m ent (RO I)投资回报率N et Pr of i t A f t er Tax税后淨利I nvest m ent 投资Fi xed A sset s 固定资产W or ki ng C api t al 流动资金N et Pr of i t Bef or e Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金D T C ode一月00#D I V/0!00#D I V/0!0Sal ar y 薪資費用I ncent i ve 奖金费用A l l ow ance 津贴费用I nsur ence 保险费W el f ar e 福利金0Fuel 油料费M ai nt enance 保养费Par ki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nser ence 保险费Tax 税金0Rent al 租金Secur i t y C har ge 保全费用Tax 税金0El ect i ci t y 电费Tel ecom 电话费W at er 水费0I nt er est 利息费用D epr eci at i on 折旧费用0#D I V/0!(XXDi st.)投资回报率Tot al O per at i ng Expense总营运成本St at i onar y&Suppl i es 文具设备U t i l i t y 公用事业费用Fi nanci al C har ges 财务开支M i scel l aneous Expenses 杂支(-)O per at i ng Expense 營運成本Sal ar i es,W ages,A l l ow ances 人事费用O f f i ce Expense 营业场所费用EPD (1%)TPR 促销费用O t her 其它G r oss Pr of i t (Tot al I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nvent or y 期末库存I ncom e f r om Secondar y Sal es 销售收入O t her I ncom e 其它收入Van O per at i ons货车费用Sal es(Secondar y Sal es)实销金额(-)C ost of G oods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nvent or y 期初库存Pur chases(Pr i m ar y Sal es)购货金額DateAvailability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability单位:元/RMBDT Code一月(3+4-5)(1-2)6/1)%(8+9+10)(6+7)11/1)%(XXDi st.)投资回报率EPD(1%)TPR 促销费用Other 其它Gross Profi t(Total I ncom e)总毛利(总收入)(-)Endi ng I nventory 期末库存I ncom e from Secondary Sal es 销售收入Other I ncom e 其它收入Sal es(Secondary Sal es)实销金额(-)Cost of Goods Sol d 销货成本Begi nni ng I nventory 期初库存Purchases(Pri m ary Sal es)购货金額Date1234567891011Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738(14+15+16+17+18)S al ar y 薪資費用I ncent i ve 奖金费用A l l ow ance 津贴费用I nsur ence 保险费W el f ar e 福利金(20+21+22+23+24+25)Fuel 油料费M ai nt enance 保养费P ar ki ng&Tol l 停車,过桥费I nser ence 保险费Tax 税金(26+27+28)R ent al 租金S ecur i t y C har ge 保全费用Tax 税金(31+32+33)E l ect i ci t y 电费Tel ecom 电话费W at er 水费(35+36)I nt er est 利息费用D epr eci at i on 折旧费用(13+19+25+29+30+34+37)Tot al O per at i ng E xpense总营运成本S t at i onar y&S uppl i es 文具设备U t i l i t y 公用事业费用Fi nanci al C har ges 财务开支M i scel l aneous E xpenses 杂支(-)O per at i ng E xpense 營運成本S al ar i es,W ages,A l l ow ances 人事费用O f f i ce E xpense 营业场所费用V an O per at i ons货车费用Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability0(40 x0.25)39-40)41/2)%041/42)%Net Profi t Before Tax 税前淨利Tax(25%)税金Return On I nvestm ent(ROI)投资回报率Net Profi t After Tax税后淨利I nvestm ent 投资Fi xed Assets 固定资产W orki ng Capi tal 流动资金39404142434445Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability第三部分:HOW ROI?3个沟通 4个任务Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability数据记录-分销商办公室 如果想要在分销商的生意中,控制比较好的ROI 的评估结果首要的 条件:分销商办公室的 数据记录Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability3个沟通你+DT-每月ROI 表格,(005&007)你+ASM 我自己的汇总表你+区域办公室助理每月交给ASM汇总表,由AA处理AA 在办公室有完整的记录你,可以随时向AA要求各种分析数据Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability4 项工作1.每月和分销商-一次ROI评估2.使用固定表格计算ROI,17张一年3.建立和完善个人管理系统 ROI 表格 005,007表格 ASM汇报表4.和分销商一起进行评估,并讨论改进方案Availability Visibility Everywhere Everyday Profitability总结 一般水平 DT=5%W/S=-1.0%Cost=-2.5%EPD=+0.5%结果:=2%ROI:=2%X12 =24%


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