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小学英语必背短文(每篇含该单元全部必学词汇)三年级上册Unit 1Guess What I Am猜猜我是啥?James, James, is my name. James, James, 是我的名字,Hello! Hello! Im James. 你好!你好!我是James。I am in your schoolbag. 我在你的书包里,I am in the pencil-case. 我在铅笔盒子里。Your pen is my brother. 我的哥哥是你的钢笔,And crayon is my sister. 我的妹妹是蜡笔。What helps me to draw and write? 什么帮我画又写?Ruler, eraser, sharpener. 尺子,橡皮,卷笔刀。You are going to school. 你要上学去,I am going to school, too. 我也上学去。Carry me. Carry books. 带上我,带上书,Goodbye! Bye-bye! Lets go. 再见!再见!我们这就去。What am I? What am I? 我是啥?我是啥?Guess! Guess! What am I? 猜猜,猜猜,我是啥? 单词注释:1in /In/ 在里 brother /5brQTE/ 兄弟 and /And/ 和 sister /5sistE/ 姐妹help /help/ 帮助 draw /drC:/ 画 write /rait/ 写 go to school 去上学 too /tu:/ 也 carry /5kAri/ 拿;带 lets让我们 go /Eu/ 去 guess /es/ 猜补充讲解:书包有两种表达:bag和schoolbag,本文使用由school和bag组成的“schoolbag”,达到背记一个词可以同时记忆两个词的目的。单元词汇表2pen /pen/ 钢笔pencil /5pensl/铅笔pencil-case铅笔盒ruler /5ru:lE/尺子eraser /i5reizE/ 橡皮crayon /5kreiEn/蜡笔book /buk/书bag /bA/书包sharpener /5FB:pEnE/卷笔刀school /sku:l/学校hello /5helEu/喂hi /hai/喂Im=I am我是my /mai/我的name /neim/名字goodbye /9JdbaI/再见bye /bai/(口语)再见what /hwCt/什么is /iz/是your /jC/你的,你们的四年级上册 Unit 1-2Our New ClassroomAmy: Classmates, we have a new classroom new doors, new windows and a new floor. The lights and the fans are new, too. A board and some pictures are on the wall. Go and look at the teachers desk. You can see a computer in the desk. What are so many chairs for? They are our new seats, for us all. But Mr. White, where is the new chair for me? May I have a look? (Unit 1)Mr. White: Sure! Here you are! There are fifty-one seats here twenty-one for girls and thirty for boys. Your seat is No. forty-one. Look! Your rulers and pens are in the pencil-case. Your new books are in your schoolbag. There are Chinese books, math books, English books, story-books and many notebooks too many to put in the bag. Well, I am sorry. You have a fat and heavy schoolbag. (Unit 2 )我们的新教室艾米:同学们,我们有间新教室 新门、新窗、新地板。电灯和电扇也是新的。墙上挂着一块写字板和几幅图片。去看看老师的讲台,你会看见讲台里装有一台电脑。这么多的椅子做什么用?它们是我们的新座位,每人一个。但是怀特老师,我的新椅子在哪儿呢?我可以看看吗?(Unit 1 )怀特老师:当然可以!你到这里看看。这儿有51个座位,21个是女生的,30个是男生的。你的座位是41号。看!你的尺子和钢笔在铅笔盒里,新书在你的书包里。有语文书、数学书、英语书和故事书,还有很多笔记本 太多了,都装不下了。唉,很抱歉,你得背那么肥大而沉重的书包了。(Unit 2)单词注释:us /Qs; Es/ 我们(宾格) may /mei/ 可以(属课本中Unit 2单词,在本书Unit 1中学习。)No. /5nQmbE/ 第号 put /pQt/ 放,装单元词汇表Unit 14window /5windEu/窗户board /bC:d/写字板light /lait/灯;管灯picture /5piktFE/画;图画door /dC:/ 门floor /flCE/地板classroom /5klB:srum/教室many /5meni/许多的our /5auE/我们的classmate /5klB:smeIt/同学have a look看一看seat /si:t/座位near /niE/在的旁边what /(h)wCt/什么in /In/在里面the /Ti:, Ti; TE, T/这个;那个we /wi:; wi/我们have /hAv/(我们)有new /nju:/ 新的go /Eu/ 去where /(h)wZE/在哪里computer /kEm5pju:tE/计算机teachers desk讲台wall /wC:l/墙fan /fAn/扇子;电扇clean /kli:n/打扫good idea好主意all right好吧;好的good job干得好you /ju:/你see /si:/看见;看到me /mi:/我(宾格)look at看Unit 26Chinese book语文书English book英语书math book数学书schoolbag书包story-book故事书notebook笔记本colour /5kQlE/颜色fat /fAt/胖的may /mei/可以sure /FuE/当然可以here you are给你;到了bag /bA/包pencil /5pensl/铅笔pen /pen/钢笔twenty-one二十一thirty /5WE:ti/ 三十thirty-one三十一forty /5fC:ti/四十forty-one四十一fifty /5fifti/五十too many太多了heavy /5hi:vi/重的;沉重的whats = what issorry /5sCri/对不起book /buk/书ruler /5ru:lE/尺子pencil-case铅笔盒五年级上册Unit 1-2My TeachersSarah: Who are your English teachers? Wu Yifan: Mr. Black and Miss White. They are from Canada. Mr. Black is tall, strong, funny and active. Miss White is short, thin, smart and quiet. Their classes are so much fun.Sarah: Whos your principal? Whats he like?Wu Yifan: Mr. Zhao. Hes thin and old. Hes kind, but sometimes very strict.Sarah: Who is that young lady?Wu Yifan: Shes my family teacher. Shes a university student. (Unit 1)Sarah: On what days do you have classes in a week?Wu Yifan: I often have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.Sarah: What about Saturday and Sunday?Wu Yifan: My family teacher helps me do homework and read books at home. Shes very strict, too. So dont wait for me to watch TV or play computer games tomorrow.Sarah: Oh! My goodness! (Unit 2 )我的老师莎拉:你的英语老师是谁?吴一帆:布莱克先生和怀特小姐。他们来自加拿大。布莱克先生又高又壮,人很风趣很活跃;怀特小姐较矮,偏瘦,人很聪明很安静。他们的课都很有趣。莎拉:谁是你们的校长?他长什么样?吴一帆:赵先生。他又瘦又老。他很和蔼,但有时很严厉。莎拉:那位年轻的女士是谁?吴一帆:她是我的家庭教师,是个大学生。(Unit 1)莎拉:你一个星期哪几天有课啊?吴一帆:我通常周一、周二、周三、周四和周五有课。莎拉:那周六和周日呢?吴一帆:我的家庭教师在家帮助我做作业和读书,她也很严格,所以你明天就别等我一起看电视和玩电脑游戏了。莎拉:噢!天啊!(Unit 2 )单词注释:My goodness! 我的天啊!单元词汇表Unit 1young /jQN/年轻的funny /5fQni/滑稽可笑的tall /tC:l/高的strong /strCN/强壮的kind /kaind/和蔼的;亲切的old /Euld/年老的short /FC:t/矮的thin /Win/瘦的whos = who isMr. /mIstE/先生from /frCm/从;来自Canada /5kAnEdE/加拿大whats = what islike /laik/像;喜欢hes = he isknow /nEu/知道principal /5prinsEp(E)l/校长university student大学生strict /strikt/严格的smart /smB:t/聪明的;巧妙的active /5Aktiv/积极的;活跃的Miss /mis/小姐lady /5leidi/女士;小姐;夫人so much很;非常fun /fQn/有趣;逗笑quiet /5kwaiEt/安静的;文静的shes = she isvery /5veri/很;非常but /bQt/但是Unit 26Monday(Mon.) /5mQndei/星期一Tuesday(Tue.) /5tju:zdi/ 星期二Wednesday(Wed.) /5wenzdeI/星期三Thursday(Thu.) /5WE:zdi/星期四Friday(Fri.) /5fraidi/ 星期五Moral Education思想品德课Social Studies社会课day /dei/天;日子wait /weit/等等;等待tomorrow /tE5mCrEu/明天have /hAv/有;吃on在时候do homework做作业watch TV看电视read books读书Saturday(Sat.) /5sAtEdi/星期六Sunday(Sun.) /5sQndi/星期日often /5C(:)fn/常常;经常love /lQv/爱;热爱yeah是;行play computer games玩电脑游戏what about? 怎么样?too也;太do housework做家务六年级上册Unit 1-2How to Go to Your School?Liu Yun: Excuse me, Mike. How do you go to school?Mike: On foot. Sometimes by bike.Liu Yun: But how can I go to your school?Mike: First, go to England by plane or ship, and get to London by train or subway. Then you can go to my school by bus.Liu Yun: Can I drive there?Mike: Sure! The traffic lights are the same in every country. Red means “stop”. Yellow means “wait”. Green means “go”. However, I find many differences of the traffic rules between China and England. You must know them, and always remember to drive on the left side if in England. (Unit 1 ) Liu Yun: Oh! I dont know much about that. I want to go by bus with my sister. Please tell me where your school is.Mike: My school is east of a cinema, west of a hospital, south of a post office and north of a library. Buy a pair of tickets and take the No.6 bus. Get off at the Twelfth Science Museum and start walking. Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left at a supermarket and turn right at the bank. Look for our school next to a bookstore. Its not far.Liu Yun: Thanks. (Unit 2 )怎么到你的学校去?刘芸:打扰了,迈克,你通常怎么上学?迈克:走路,有时骑自行车。刘芸:那我怎样才能去你的学校呢?迈克:首先,坐飞机或船去英国,接着转火车或地铁到伦敦,然后就可以坐公共汽车到我的学校去了。刘芸:我可以开车去吗?迈克:当然可以啊!每个国家的交通灯都是一样的,红的表示“停止”,黄的表示“等待”,绿的表示“前进”。然而,我却发现中国和英国的交通规则有很多不同。你必须得了解它们,始终记住,如果在英国的话要靠左行驶。(Unit 1 )刘芸:哦,我对那知道的可不多,我要和妹妹一起坐公共汽车去。请告诉我你们学校在哪里。迈克:我的学校在电影院的东边、医院的西边、邮局的南边、图书馆的北边。你们买两张票,乘坐6路公共汽车,到第十二科学博物馆站下,然后开始步行。先直走5分钟,到了超市左转,到了银行再向右转。在书店的旁边找就可以找到我们学校了,不会很远的。刘芸:谢谢!(Unit 2 )单词注释:excuse me 对不起;打扰了(属课本中Unit 2生词,在本书Unit1中学习。)between /bi5twi:n/ 在之间 单元词汇表Unit 18by /bai/经;乘foot /fut/脚bike /baik/自行车bus /bQs/公共汽车train /trein/火车plane /plein/飞机ship /Fip/船;舰subway /5sQbwei/地铁how /hau/怎样go to school上学then /Ten/然后fifth /fifW/第五traffic /5trAfik/交通traffic light交通灯traffic rule交通规则stop /stCp/停;停车站wait /weit/等;等待remember /ri5membE/记住get to到达find /faind/寻找;找到difference /5difErEns/不同;区别same /seim/相同的every /5evri/每个;所有的country /5kQntri/国家always /5C:lweiz/总是;一直mean /mi:n/意思是drive /draIv/驾驶right /rait/右边的side /said/边England /5inlEnd/英国Australia /Cs5treiljE/澳大利亚however /hau5evE/但是left /left/左边的if /if/如果must /mQst/必须know /nEu/知道Unit 29library /5laibrEri/图书馆post office邮局hospital /5hCspitl/医院cinema /5sinimE/电影院bookstore /5bJkstC:(r)/书店science museum科学博物馆excuse me对不起where /(h)wZE/在哪里;到哪里please /pli:z/请next to与相邻far /fB:/远supermarket /5sju:pE7mB:kit/超市bank /bANk/银行after school放学以后want /wCnt/想要buy /bai/购买a pair of一双shoe store鞋店get off下车minute /mi5nju:t/分钟north /nC:W/北south /sauW/南east /i:st/东west /west/西turn /tE:n/转弯right /rait/右边left /left/左边straight /streit/成直线地then /Ten/然后twelfth /twelfW/第十二party /5pB:ti/聚会;晚会tell /tel/告诉start /stB:t/开始take /teik/乘坐look for寻找(选自小学英语必背短文)


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