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框架结构研究进展随着经济的发展、人们生活水平的提高、建筑要求的提升,混凝土组合结构在建筑行业 得到了迅速发展。随着建筑造型和建筑功能要求日趋多样化,无论是工业建筑还是民用建筑, 在结构设计中遇到的各种难题也日益增多,建筑结构设计是建设工程设计的重要环节,是保 障建筑结构安全、实现建筑使用功能的灵魂。采用框架结构形式,可形成内部大空间,能进行灵活的建筑平面布置,因此,框架结构体 系在结构设计中应用甚广,对于框架结构的内力目前多采用计算机辅助软件来进行分析和 计算,但是目前有的工程设计人员过分地依赖计算机的计算结果,而缺少独立分析问题、解 决问题的能力,致使在一些图纸中出现不必要的问题,为以后事故的发生埋下隐患。每个设 计者的经验不同,对规范的理解不同,所以在处理某个设计问题时,也就会采取不同的处理方 法。钢筋混凝土框架结构是由楼板、梁、柱及基础四种承重构件组成的。由主梁、柱与基 础构成平面框架,各平面框架再由连续梁连接起来形成空间结构体系。钢筋混凝土框架结 构是一种由梁、柱组成的超静定结构体系,在地震、风荷载等作用下需设计成延性结构,以 便很好地吸收和耗散能量,保证结构具有足够的抵抗变形能力,确保结构安全。高层建筑采 用框架结构体系时,框架梁应纵横向布置,形成双向抗侧力构件,使之具有较强的空间整 体性,以承受任意方向的侧向力。框架结构具有建筑平面布置灵活、造型活泼等优点,可 以形成较大的使用空间,易于满足多功能的使用要求。在结构受力性能方面,框架结构属 于柔性结构,自振周期较长,地震反应较小,经过合理的结构设计,可以具有较好的延性 性能。其缺点就是整体侧向刚度较小,在强烈地震作用下侧向变形较大,容易使填充墙产生 裂缝,并引起建筑装修、玻璃幕墙等非结构构件的破坏。不仅地震中危及人身安全和财产 损失,而且震后的修复工作和费用也很大。框架结构的承载力较低,它的受力特点类似于竖 向悬臂剪切梁,楼层越高,水平位移越慢,高层框架在纵横两个方向都承受很大的水平力, 这时,现浇楼面也作为梁共同工作的构件,装配整体式楼面的作用则不考虑,框架结构的 墙体是填充墙,起围护和分隔作用。纵横向框架混合承重方案纵横向框架混合承重方案 是沿纵横两个方向上均布置有框架梁,作为楼盖的主梁,楼面荷载由纵,横向框架梁共同承担. 它具有较好的整体工作性能。不同等级混凝土邻接面的留设在钢筋混凝土结构中,高层建筑 框架结构的梁柱节点比较复杂,由于荷载组合及内力计算的结果,要求同一层的竖向结构 (柱、墙)混凝土强度等级高于水平结构(梁、板)的混凝土强度等级。钢筋混凝土框架结构, 水平施工缝通常留于柱脚,柱顶若要留水平施工缝则应留于梁底。若同层的竖向构件和水平 构件的混凝土同时浇捣,则柱顶不留施工缝。钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构是近年来推广使用 的一种新型结构体系,其抗震性能一直被人们所关注。研究异形柱框架结构的抗震性能及 设计方法,有重要的理论意义和实用价值。目前国内外研究者对异形柱构件抗震性能的 试验研究较为深入,对异形柱框架结构的试验研究则相对较少;对异形柱框架结构基于力 的设计方法的研究较多,对基于位移的抗震设计方法的研究则尚属空白,而后者代表了未 来结构抗震设计的发展方向。钢筋混凝土框架结构属于具有多个多余约束的超静定结构,其荷载效应不仅与外荷载 大小有关,还与结构构件的材料特征、几何构造特征有关。钢筋混凝土框架结构的分部优 化设计,即是在结构整体内力分析完成后,根据梁柱各构件的控制内力进行截面优化设计,确 定满足荷载效应水平要求的各结构构件的几何特征和配筋量的优化结果,由此导致原结构 的几何特征和荷载特征发生变化,优化结构在现荷载作用下内力分布特征发生变化,各构 件控制截面上的控制内力也发生相应变化,据此再进行新一轮的优化设计。因此框架结构的 分部优化设计实际上是一个迭代、渐进的寻优过程,计算结果虽不总能等价于整体优化设 计结果,但通常能给出工程实用的满意结果。钢筋混凝土框架结构的分部优化设计方法的具 体步骤为:(1)初始选型:根据结构平面、立面布置及建筑物设计使用功能,分析结构所受的竖向 荷载和水平荷载及其传力路线,并考虑施工因素,归并框架梁、柱的类型,初选梁柱的几何尺 寸;(2)结构分析:按照结构的实际几何构造特征,计算结构所受竖向荷载及水平荷载,对钢 筋混凝土结构进行空间内力分析。根据结构分析结果,将截面尺寸相同的构件的控制截面内 力,根据其大小进行分类,并确定每一类构件的设计控制内力;(3)截面优化设计:针对每一种梁柱构件的控制内力进行优化设计,得出优化约束条件 下的结构几何构造特征和配筋特征的优化设计结果,从而构成新的优化意义上的设计结构;(4)收敛性判断:在工程精度意义上选取一个较小的数值,作为检验结构收敛性的条件, 进行收敛性判断。若优化结构与原结构基本一致,则认为优化结构是收敛的,可以转入下一 步的可行性判断,否则转回第步重新进行结构分析、优化设计;(5)可行性判断:对优化设计结果进行一次内力分析,检验其可用性。若整体分析能够 满足工程设计要求,则可按此方案进行配筋和构造处理,作为最终的优化设计结果。否则需 根据工程经验和结构内力分析结果进行局部调整,直到方案可用为止。目前,国内外对钢管混凝土结构的研究多集中于基本构件的力学行为,较好开展钢管 混凝土框架结构工作性能的研究。本文对钢管混凝土框架结构的抗震性能进行试验与理论 研究,具有重要的工程实践和理论指导意义。钢管混凝土框架结构抗震性能的试验研究。 基于现有规范相关规定,设计的钢管混凝土框架在低周反复荷载下能形成梁铰破坏机制。 其变形能力、承载能力、延性、耗能能力等受力性能均满足抗震要求。框架模型的有效延 性系数达到,远大于一般延性框架延性系数的要求。基于钢管混凝土柱抗弯刚度研究成果, 应用“D”值法的基本原理,计算钢管混凝土框架结构的水平侧移,与试验测试值符合较 好。在土木工程的发展过程中,工程实践经验常先行于理论,工程事故常显示出未能预见 的新因素,触发新理论的研究和发展。至今不少工程问题的处理,在很大程度上仍然依靠 实践经验。1 李文庆;浅析钢筋混凝土框架结构设计J.沿海企业与科技2010年06期2 高峰;框架结构设计的探讨J.今日科苑2010年20期3 徐俊民;钢筋混凝土框架结构设计应注意的问题J.建设科技2008年13期同济大学等,混凝土结构与砌体结构设计,北京:中国建筑工业出版社 20085王可峰.高层结构体系的选择,山西建筑,2009(15): 53-546同济大学等,混凝土结构与砌体结构设计,北京:中国建筑工业出版社 20087夏銮;宁国栋;框架结构混凝土的施工几中小企业管理与科技2007年06期8黄雅捷;钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构抗震性能及性能设计方法研究D.西安建筑科技大学20039李健豪.浅谈某高层建筑结构优化设计,建材与装饰,2007(11): 5-610许成祥;钢管混凝土框架结构抗震性能的试验与理论研究D.天津大学200311Seismic retrofit schemes for RC structures and local - global consequences(Greece)and (USA)12Sohn H;Law K H Extraction of Ritz vectors from vibration test data 夕卜文期刊2001(01)Research progress of frame structureWith the development of economy, the improvement of people s livingtandards,the promotion of building s request, the structure of concrete composite is developing rap: the construction industry. With the architectural style and building functional require the increasingldiversifiedb,oth industriastructureor civilbuilding,the difficulties encountered in structural design is also increasing, building structure design is an im inthe constructioand engineeringlesign,isto protectthe safetyof the buildingstructure, building use function of the soul 1.Form of a framework, can form a large interior space, flexible architectural layout. Th frame structure in the structural design of very wide application, for the internal for( frame structure at present, the use of computer aided software for analysis and calcula at presentsome engineeringdesignpersonnelexcessiveldyependent resultsobtainedby the computer, and the lackof independent analysisp)roblem solvingability,esultingn some drawings appear unnecessary,for afterthe accidentto bury next hidden trouble.Each designers experience is different, the understanding of the specification is different, dealing with a design problem, it will take a different approach.The reinforced concrete frame structure is composed of four kinds of bearing members, f beam, column and foundation.By the main girdercolumn and foundationconstitutplane frame, each plane frame isconnectedby continuousbeam to form space structursystem. Reinforcedconcrete frame structureis a composed of beams and columns of statically indeterminatestructureynder the actionof earthquakeand wind load fordesignductility structure, to a good absorption and dissipation energy to ensure structure has enough a resist deformation and ensure the safety of the structure. When the frame structure sys adopted, the frame beam should vertically and horizontally to form a bidirectional late component, so that it has strong spatial integrity and can bear the lateral force in an The frame structure has the advantages of flexible building layout, lively shape and so form a largespace, easy to meet the use requirementsof multi-functionn the aspectof structurstressthe frame structurbelongsto the flexiblstructurethe vibrationeriodis longer,the seismicresponse issmall,and the structur&sreasonable,and can have good ductility. The disadvantage is that the whole lateral stiffness is small, in the strong undersideto the deformation,easy to filwall crack and caused destructionof building decoration, glass curtain wall, such as non structural component. Not only can the eartl endanger personal safety and property damage, but also the restoration after the earthq and the cost isalsogreat.The lower the bearingcapacityof frame structurejtsstress characteristicssimilarto verticalshear cantileverbeam, the higher floors,horizontal displacement of the slower, high-rise frame in both horizontal and vertical direction a lot of horizontaforce,at thistime, we poured concretefloorsalsoas beam interaction component, assembled monolithic floor effect is not considered, wall frame structure is wall,separatedfrom the envelopeand the role.Verticadnd horizontalo the framework of mixed loadingprogram aspect to the framework of mixed loadingscheme is along both horizontal and vertical direction are arranged frame beam, as the floor of the main bea load iscomposed of a longitudinatransversframe beam shared. Ithas a betteroverall performance. Differengrade concreteadjacentto the surfaceof the leftin the reinforced concrete structure, the frame structure of tall buildings of beam column joints is more as a resultf calculatiornd loadcombinationof internalorceswith a layerof the verticalstructure of column and wall concrete strength grade is higher than that of the concrete strength grade level structure (beam, slab). Reinforced concrete frame structure, horizontal construction joints usually stay in the column, column to stay horizontal construction joints shall be left at the bottom of beam. If the same layer of the vertical component and the horizontal component of the concrete pouring is not at the same time, the construction joints left. The reinforced concrete special-shaped column frame structure is a new type of structure system used in recent years, and its seismic performance has been concerned by people. The seismic performance and design method of the special-shaped column frame structures are of great significance and practical value. The experimental study of domestic and foreign research on the special-shaped columns deeply, experimental study on frame structure with special-shaped columns is less; of special-shaped column frame structure based on the strength design method of more, based on the study of the aseismatic design method of displacement is blank, while the latter represents the development direction of future seismic design of structures.The reinforced concrete frame structure is a statically indeterminate structure of multiple redundant constraints, the load effect not only with the size of the external load on, and the material characteristics of structural members, the geometric structure feature. Division of reinforced concrete frame structure optimization design, that is, after the completion of the internal force analysis of the whole structure, according to the control of internal force Liang Zhuge component of section optimization design, determined to meet the horizontal load effect of the structure of the geometric characteristics and reinforcement amount of optimization results, which leads to changes in the geometric and load characteristics of the original structure, structure optimization under the present load internal force distribution changes, the members of the control section of the control force also change accordingly, according to the optimization design of a new round of. The division of frame structure optimization design is actually an iterative and incremental search and, though calculation results are not always equivalent to the overall optimization design results, but usually can practical engineering are presented with satisfactory results. The concrete steps of the partial optimal design of reinforced concrete frame structures are:(1) the initial selection: according to the structural plane and elevation layout and building design function. Analysis for structures subjected to vertical load and horizontal load and force transmission route, and to consider the construction factors, merge the frame beam and column type, primary beam and column geometry;(2) structural analysis: according to the actual geometry of the structure, the structure is calculated by vertical load and horizontal load, and the reinforced concrete structure is analyzed by the space internal force. According to the results of structure analysis, the internal force of the same member is controlled by the same size, and the internal force of the design of each type of member is determined.;(3) section optimization design: for every kind of beams and columns of control internal force optimized design, obtains the optimization under the constraints of structure geometric structure characteristics and reinforcement characteristics and to optimize the design of the, which constitute the significance of new optimization design of structure;(4) convergence judgment: in the sense of engineering accuracy, a small number is chosen as the condition for the structural convergence of the test, and the convergence of the judgment is carried out. If the optimized structure is basically in agreement with the original structure, it is considered that the optimization structure is convergent and can be transferred to the next feasible judgment, otherwise the reverse step II is re structure analysis and optimization design.;(5) the feasibility of the judgment: the results of the optimization design of a internal force analysis, testing its availability. If the overall analysis can meet the engineering design requirements, then can be carried out according to this scheme reinforcement and structure processing, as the final optimization design results. Otherwise, according to the engineering experience and structure internal force analysis results of local adjustment, until the program can be used.At present, the research on the structure of the concrete filled steel tube at home and abroad mostly focus on the mechanical behavior of the basic components, and the structure of the concrete filled steel tube is studied. In this paper, the seismic behavior of CFST frame structures is studied, and has important engineering practice and theoretical guidance. Experimental study on seismic behavior of concrete filled steel tube frame structures. Based on the existing codes, the design of the concrete filled steel tubular frame can form the failure mechanism of beam hinge under low cyclic loading. Its deformation ability, bearing capacity, ductility, energy dissipation and other mechanical properties are all meet the seismic requirements. The effective ductility factor of the frame model is , which is far greater than the ductility factor of the general ductility frame. Based on the research results of flexural rigidity of CFST column, the basic principle of D value method is applied, and the horizontal displacement of CFST frame structure is calculated, and the test results are in good agreement with the test values of .In the development of civil engineering, engineering practice often first line in theory, engineering accidents often show the failure to foresee the new factor, triggering the new theory research and development. So far, many problems of engineering treatment, still rely on practical experience in a large extent .1 Li Wenqing ; J. design of reinforced concrete frame structure of coastal enterprises and science and technology in 2010 062 The peak of J; frame structure design today Keyuan 2010 203 Xu Junmin; attention should be paid to the design of reinforced concrete frame structure construction technology in 2008 13 J.4 Tongji University, concrete structure and masonry structure design, Beijing: China Architectural Industry Press, 20085 Wang Kefeng. The choice of structural styles, Shanxi building, 2009 (15): 53-546 Tongji University, concrete structure and masonry structure design, Beijing: China Architectural Industry Press, 20087 Xia Luan; Ning Guodong; concrete frame structure construction J. management of small and medium-sized enterprises and science and technology in 2007 068 Huang Yajie; reinforced concrete special-shaped column frame structure seismic performance and design method of performance D. Xian University of architecture and technology, 20039 Li Jianhao. A tall building structure optimization design, building materials and decoration, 2007 (11): 5-610 Xu Chengxiang; test and study of D. theory of Tianjin University performance steel concrete frame structure seismic 200311 retrofit schemes for RC structures and Local Global - consequences Seismic (Greece) and(USA)H Law; K H Extraction of Ritz vectors from vibration test data 12Sohn foreign language periodicals 2001 (01)


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