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七年级英语(上)完形填空专项训练题(A A)Hello!26 name is Li Ying.I m twelve.I 27 Kunming.Now I m inBeijing High School.I m in Class Five,Grade One.I m Number 4.Miss Gao 28my English teacher.She is 29 old teacher.I have a pen,a ruler and two 30in my pencil-box.Liu Ping is in Grade One,too.She is 31 Guangzhou.She ismy good 32 .We are in 33 same class.Now she 34 at school.I think sheis at home.Look!That is a 35 ,but it is not my book.()26.A.IB.MyC.YourD.Me()27.A.come fromB.is fromC.am fromD.A and C()28.A.isB.areC.amD.be()29.A.aB.anC.goodD./()30.A.busespencils()31.A.in()32.A.friends()33.A.these()34.A.isarent()35.A.eraserB.desksB.toB.teacherB.theB.isntB.rulerC.schoolbagsD.C.fromC.studentC.anC.areC.penD.butD.friendD.aD.D.book(B)(B)Liu Mei is a nice girl.She is twelve 16 old.She is tall and 17 longblack hair.18 eyes are big.She 19 a wide mouth.She is in blue clothes.She likes this20 .Now guess,whoseskirtis blue Yes,you are right.The skirt is 21 .Liu Meismom is a teacher.She is tall and 22 .She 23 white.She 24 a new car.Do you know its color Yes.It is 25 .It is very nice.()16.A.veryB.yearsC.tooD.year()17.A.areB.isC.hasD.have()18.A.HerB.SheC.HeD.His()19.A.isB.looksC.haveD.has()20.A.studentB.teacherC.colorD.dress()21.A.theirB.hersC.herD.his()22.A.strong()23.A.likes()24.A.have()25.A.redB.shortB.thinksB.hasB.blackC.roundC.findsC.isC.yellowD.wideD.guessesD./D.white(C C)Look at the photo.Its my family.The old man and the old woman are my 26 .This is my father.He is next to(挨着)his brother,my 27 .This woman is my mother.She is my English teacher.You can 28 three children in the photo.The two girlsare my 29 .The girl in a red dress is Nancy 30 the girl in a yellow dressis Susan.Do you know who the boy is Its me.My grandparents live in the U.S.A.I live in Beijing 31 my parents now.My father is 32 .He works in BeijingHospital.He often has milk 33 breakfast.And he likes to eat 34 .My motheroften has some eggs and 35 .I have a big family.()26.A.uncleB.auntC.grandparentsD.parents¥()27.A.auntbrother()28.A.see()29.A.sisterchildren()30.A.and()31.A.and()32.A.a teacher()33.A.for()34.A.a bread.B.uncleC.sisterD.B.askB.girlsC.callD.spellC.sistersD.B.butC.orB.ofC.forB.a driverC.a farmerB.toC.inB.some breadsC.many breadD.soD.withD.a doctorD.onD.bread()35.A.a orangeC.two glass of orange juiceB.an orange juiceD.a glass of orange juice(D)(D)Hello,boys and girls!My name is David.Im from Canada.Im in the now.I like16here.So I often eat a lot 17 food.I have breakfast at home.18 breakfast,I eat eggs and apples.I 19 milk at all.I have no time to go home for lunch.The lunch 20 is good.I can have 21 foods for lunch.I eat chicken,tomatoesand oranges.Sometimes(有时)I eat salad and hamburgers.I have dinner at home 22my father and mother.Sometimes we 23 with our friends.We 24 fish,vegetables and fruits.What 25 you Please tell me.()16.A.the foodB.the drinkC.the peopleD.thestudents()17.A.forB.ofC.fromD./|()18.A.As()19.A.like()20.A.at home()21.A.the samedifferentB.HaveB.not likeB.in our schoolB.sameC.OnC.dont likeC.in the homeC.differentD.ForD.likesD.in schoolD.the()22.A.to()23.A.eating()24.A.haveeating()25.A.areB.andB.eat outB.to eatC.forC.haveC.havingD.withD.havingD.B.forC.canD.about(E)(E)I have a good friend.1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is MarkRowswell.He 3 from Canada.He can 4 English and French(法语).And hespeaks Chinese very well.He 5 China very much.Now he teaches English 6Beijing.Da Shan 7 a big nose,big eyes 8 short brown hair.He has a happyfamily.His wife(妻子)is from Sichuan,China.They 9 two children.Da Shansfather and mother are in Canada.But 10 like China,too.And they often cometo China.()1.A.He B.HimC.HisD.Her()2.A.England B.EnglishC.ChineseD.China()3.A.come B.does C.comes D.be from()4.A.speaks B.speakC.says D.tell()5.A.looks B.looks likeC.likeD.likes;()6.A.at B.to C.in D.from()7.A.is B.areC.hasD.have()8.A.and B.orC.soD.but()9.A.are B.hasC.isD.have()10.A.they B.themC.theirD.theirs(F)(F)Julia is 31 Americangirl.She is 32 New York(纽约).Shes thirteen.She 33 in a junior high school in zhengzhou.Julia often 34 up at 6;30 onweekdays.she often has a cup of tea,an egg and 35 bread for breakfast.Shegoes to sohool at 7;30 and 36 there before 8:00.Julia has breakfast 37 herparents at 7:25“Have a cake,Julia.38 very nice,”her mother 39 .“NO,thank you,Mom.I must 40 now.Im getting late.School starts at 8:00,”saysJulia.()31.A.a()32.A.at()33.A.study()43.A.get()35.A.some()36.A.get()37.A.with()38.A.ItsB.anC.theB.toC.inB.studies C.studyingB.gets C.putB.anyC.manyB.get toC.getsB.forC.fromB.Its C.It?()39.A.says B.speaks C.tells()40.A.to goB.goes C.go(G)(G)Do you know that girl 51 name is Judy.Shes from the She is 52 .Shehas a happy family.Her father is an English teacher in Beijing.Her mother is in53 ,too.54 she is in Shanghai.Judy is in Beijing with her 55.She 56 asmall nose,a big mouth and blue eyes.Her hair 57 long and blond.Judy and I58 in the same class.Mr.Zhao is our Chinese teacher.He likes playing the guitar59.Judy likes playing the guitar,too.She often learns it from 60.()51.A.SheB.HersC.Her()52.A.oldB.EnglishC.twelve()53.A.the B.England C.China()54.A.ButB.ThenC.Or()55.A.fatherB.motherC.brother()56.A.isB.areC.has()57.A.isB.areC.has()58.A.amB.isC.are()59.A.muchB.very much()60.A.herB.himC.his&(H)(H)Mary is an English girl.She is 13 years old.Shes always 36 a bluecoat.Now she 37 in a middle school in Shanghai.38 father and mother 39in China,too.They are both 40 .They teach English in a high school.41do they do on Sundays They often go to the park 42 Sunday morning.Mary likes Chinese food very much,43 she doesnt like Chinese tea.Marylikes _44_a lot.She has a pet dog at home.Its name is Kitty.45 are goodfriends.They are often together on Sundays.()36.A.in B.from C.with()37.A.works B.goes C.studies()38.A.Her B.His C.Hers()39.A.am B.isC.are)40.B.teachersC.doctors)41.A.What B.WhereC.Whose)42.A.in B.onC.at()43.A.and()44.A.books()45.A.They B.but B.songs B.ThemC.soC.petsC.Their(I)(I)Welcome to my home,Tom.Look!This is a photo of a 26 .27 the photo,there is a big tree.Some birds(鸟)28 in the tree.And some 29 have a picnicnear(在附近)the tree.The little boy asks the girl 30 the clouds(云).Thetall boy is Li Lei.He d like to fly a kite with 31 ,but I want to play 32soccer(足球).33 is that behind(在之后)the tree That s Lucy.She wantsto have some 34 ,but she 35 have any fish.She would like to go fishing verymuch and she thinks she can get some.()26.A.familyB.classroomC.picnicD.tree()27.A.InB.OnC.AtD.With()28.A.isB.areC.haveD.has()29.A.kidsB.boysC.girlsD.men()30.A.seeB.to lookC.to look atD.to see()31.A.himB.herC.usD.me()32.A.theB.aC./D.an()33.A.WhoseB.WhoC.WhatD.Where()34.A.eggsB.applesC.breadD.fish()35.A.doesntB.dontC.isntD.arent


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