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综合教程综合教程 1 1 课后答案课后答案Unit 1Unit 1College LifeCollege LifeEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWords in Action1 1。(P.23(P.23)1)deliver2)polish3)available5)file6)thrive7)undertook9)fulfill10)perceived11)accumulatedmultiplied2.2.(P.24P.24)1)compromise2)selfinduced3)steered5)demonstrated6)employ7)promote9)contribution10)deliberately11)financial3.3.(P.24P.24)1)makes a point of2)refresh my memory4)at hand5)working out7)Last but not least8)down10)were involved11)in other words13)pay off4.(P4.(P。25)25)1)scored2)scheduled3)assigned5)crucial6)promote7)perform9)scanned10)devised11)advocated13)priorities14)compromised15)contextFinal sentenceFinal sentence:academic excellenceIncreasing Your Word PowerIncreasing Your Word Power1.1.(P.26P.2627)27)1)principal/major2)top3)major5)principal6)major7)schedule8)advocate/have advocated9)top11)blame12)major/principal13)advocate15)blame16)approaching17)pressure19)pressured20)paceClozeCloze(P P。31)31)1)academic2)priorities3)conducted5)begin6)priority7)compromised9)filling10)Speaking11)formula12)Participation/Participating13)based15)way16)pressure4)latter8)practical12)4)frame8)impressed12)economic3)lead to6)under pressure9)In addition to12)pointed out4)motivated8)debate12)clarify16)undertook4)top10)approach14)schedule18)pace4)principles8)addition14)least1TranslationTranslation(P P。3131P.32)P.32)1).The judge asked the reporter not to disclose the name of the victim。2)。The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.3)。Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academicexcellence。4)。He said he would accept the job,so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writingus a letter.5).George studies very hard。He wanted to make the most of his chance to learn.6).We cant go.To begin with,its too cold.Besides,were busy。7)。Its about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths/facts.8).You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the year。9).Ill jot down some notes while hes speaking。10).I cant carry the suitcase on my own;its too heavy。Unit 2Unit 2Learning a LanguageLearning a LanguageEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWords in Action(P.54)P.54)1.(P1.(P。5454)1)assume4)equivalents8)qualified12)solemnly2 2。(P.54(P.54)1)obtainadvantage5)relevantenjoyable9)means12)characters3 3。(P(P。55)55)1)fond of4)To a certain extent7)rid。of10)at all13)in his hurry16)was worth2)argued5)individual9)adventure s3)claim6)personal7)precise10)furthermore11)intelligent2)confident6)helpful10)process13)astonished2)related to3)communicate7)extreme11)particularly14)apparently3)find out4)8)5)vice versa6)no doubt9)orelse8)cleared up11)sure enough14)Its no use12)let alone15)in my viewClozeCloze(P P。59)59)21)doubt5)afford9)extent13)because2)efficient3)where6)claim7)fluently10)ridiculous11)perfect14)individual4)advantage8)qualified12)asTranslation(P.60)Translation(P.60)1).The baby cannot even crawl yet,let alone walk。2).Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder,but in myopinion he told a lie.3)。To a certain extent,the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills;and with readingskills you can cope with outside reading better。4)。Can you take a look at the engine to see whats wrong?5)。Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6)。We have passed all relevant information on to the police。7).There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won t answer.8)。You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the year.9)。They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10)。This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago。11).The film is based on a play by Shakespeare。Unit 3Unit 3Parents and ChildrenParents and ChildrenEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWords in Action1.1.(P P。8282)1)spot2)create3)rare5)ease6)inquiry7)preaching9)shallow10)wrapped2.(P.83)2.(P.83)1)awkward2)relief3)occur5)disturbing6)released7)pausing9)swallowed10)wipe11)treat13)astonished14)apparently3.(P3.(P。8484)1)become well acquainted with2)took us by surprisethoughts4)turned out5)fight backup on7)ran away8)take care of9)hemmed and hawed10)turned into11)keep.。.from12)soaking upIncreasing Your Word PowerIncreasing Your Word Power4)indicated8)seek4)options8)scattered12)recall3)gatherour6)hang32.2.(P.85P.86P.85P.86)1)focus5)fears9)chat13)match2)fears6)attacks10)touch14)fear3)focus7)visits;visited11)match4)attack8)touched12)chatsCloze(PCloze(P。8888)1)recent5)disturbing9)surgery13)scent14)2)surprise6)inquiries10)options14)gatherings3)sad/solemn7)admitted11)tightly4)keeping8)occurred12)soakingTranslationTranslation(P P。8989)1)We are good friends;however,he kept such an important matter from me,which took me bysurprise.2)At the commencement,she felt a lump in her throat but fought back her tears。3)Tom chatted with me last night.He told me that his disease had been brought under control,andthere was no need for surgery。4)Her parents were worried sick when they knew that she had run off the highway。5)She looks very worried;I wonder what s on her mind。6)He is a shy and silent by。Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences,he sat quietlyin a corner of the auditorium,gathering his thoughts.7)After several years of working in a band,he has now gone back to being a solo musician,sohis career has come full circle.8)To his relief his son has turned into a capable businessman.Unit 4Unit 4Growing UpGrowing UpEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language Awareness1(P1(P。114114)1)beamed2)celebrate3)complaining4)enrolled5)panicked6)protested7)stubborn8)ambitious9)figures10)frustrated11)possessive12)restless2(P2(P。114114P.115P.115)1)conflict2)overcame3)have survived4)attend5)frowned6)wander7)guilty8)sustained9)survey10)terrified11)insurance12)Adapting3.3.(P P。115P115P。116116)1)was sick of2)choking back3)Compared with4)settled into5)would give anything/the world6)in the midst of7)in his own right8)worked out9)fit in with10)grew apart11)No wonder12)staying413)was annoyed with 14)was scared of16)For instance15)in troubleCloze(PCloze(P。120)120)1)beamed5)complaints9)recall13)groaning2)honorable6)compliments10)panicked14)recognition3)awkward4)protested7)stubborn8)frowned11)insurance12)surveyedTranslation(PTranslation(P。121121)1)Many teachers frowned on this practice.2)An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn.3)When I mentioned my father,she showed a smile of recognition on her face。4)My firstborn was quite obedient,whereas my younger child was very stubborn.I can still recallnow how the younger child insisted on going abroad to study after he finished his secondaryschool.5)Countries in South Asia sustained great losses when the tsunami struck the area。6)Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother,the youngerone will protest.7)He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school。8)The fury on her face terrified me.I dared not say no to her again。9)No wonder you ended up in trouble.You never followed your parents advice.10)It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.Unit 5Unit 5Knowing YKnowing YourselfourselfEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language Awareness1(P.1571(P.157P P。158)158)1)reveals2)behaving3)handle5)satisfied6)entertaining7)inherit9)confronted10)resistance11)isolated13)optimistic14)selfish15)sensitive2.2.(P(P。158158P P。159159)1)summed up2)have an impact on4)expand your horizons5)falls into7)shut myself off8)in control of10)in good shape4)influenced8)affect12)restrict3)respond6)at work9)free fromClozeCloze(P.164P.164)1)indicate2)responds3)represent/reflect4)5absolutely5)preference9)individual13)achieve6)harsh10)immature14)inherits7)specific11)effort8)traits12)persistentTranslationTranslation(P.165P.165)1)William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will winher heart。2)He is very creativeand has a good vision of the future,but he likes to keep things tohimself。3)They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization。4)We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.5)We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about thingsaround us.6)They often represent our school in debating competitions;tonight we will throw a party tocelebrate their success。7)Through reading,not only has he expanded his horizon,but also learned to keep improving hischaracter.8)Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.9)A stable relationship without conflict between husband and wife benefits the children in thefamily.10)Dont complain about your fate and make the best of your life。Unit 6Unit 6Civility and Good MannersCivility and Good MannersEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWords in Action1(P.188)1(P.188)1)abandoned2)awkwardly3)section4)concentration5)contentedly6)faint7)lowered8)scorn9)disrespectful10)motionless11)alternative 12)decade13)rise14)trend15)Basically2.(P2.(P。189)189)1)deliberate2)deserted3)ignore4)adjusted5)neglect6)violence7)decreased8)incident9)instincts10)swing11)inescapable12)aware3.3.(P P。190)190)1)in a bad light2)feel like3)Cooped out4)are taking up/take up5)tucked away6)lose his temper7)shut.。up8)side by side9)give a good reasonfor10)on the rise11)put an end to12)for the6most partIncreasing Your Word PowerIncreasing Your Word Power1.1.(P.190P.101)P.190P.101)1)scorn2)sigh3)respect4)neglect5)declining6)scorned7)neglect8)decline9)swing10)has risen11)rise12)decrease13)respect14)sighing15)decrease16)swinging2.2.(P.191P.191)1)manners2)manners3)behaviour4)manners5)manners6)behaviour7)behaviour/manners 8)manners9)manners10)behaviour/mannersCloze(P.194PCloze(P.194P。195195)1)alternatives5)disrespectful9)courteously13)sections2)current6)ignore10)media14)lax3)decline7)gestures11)spreading15)ignorant4)rude8)sheer12)trendTranslationTranslation(P P。195195P.196)P.196)1)There is no other alternative,all you can do is to adjust yourself to the new environment.2)For most people,wealth and fame does/do not contribute much to creating a sense of wellbeing.3)The house has been deserted for a long time and there is a thick layer of dust on the furniture。4)The teacher did not think the boy s act was deliberate,so he chose to ignore it and gave himanother chance.5)It was that incident that made me see him in a completely different light。6)The report points out that the fire was due to his neglect of duty。7)It is rude to spit in public.I want you to put a stop to such bad behavior.8)Basically,there is nothing wrong with his learning ability.What is at the root of the problem ishis lack of interest in language learning.Unit 7Unit 7Interpersonal RelationshipInterpersonal RelationshipEnhance Your Language AwarenessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWords in Action1(P1(P。221221)1)decorate2)scolded5)embraced6)ancient9)encounter10)assistance13)endure14)significant2.2.(P.221(P.221P P。222)222)1)delivered2)released3)defend7)occupied11)blame4)interrupt8)minor12)burden3)permission4)rented75)miserable6)exploded7)pressed8)motion9)enthusiasm10)blessed11)trembled12)attached13)inquired14)deserve3.3.(P.222P.222)1)go wrong2)broke down3)on my way to4)by himself5)in time6)deal with7)breezed through8)had gone by9)To my surpriseClozeCloze(P P。229229)1)dealing2)5)impatient9)hurting13)assistance2)significant6)settle10)encountered14)enthusiasm3)attention7)blame11)miserable4)scold8)defend12)sincerelyTranslation(P.229 P.230)Translation(P.229 P.230)1)Straighten up!Your feet should keep time to the music。2)If you re going to the movie this weekend,count me in.3)I had to go without breakfast this morning as i was in a hurry.4)They have made a request for more electricity supplies,which we should satisfy in order torelease them from the pressure they are under。5)They made the rounds with the wine bottle;each took a gulp and then they set out for the forest.6)My TV set broke down and I immediately ordered a new one online and the shop is going tohave it delivered to the door.7)When he realized that there would be no hope at all,the smile faded from his face.8)We stared at him in disbelief,astonished that someone as gentle as he was could haveinterrupted us so rudely.Unit 8Unit 8Gender Differences and CommunicationGender Differences and CommunicationEnhance Your Word PowerEnhance Your Word PowerWords in ActionWords in Action1(P.2541(P.254)1)submit5)appeals9)compete2(P2(P。255)255)1)hooked5)whipped9)balance13)identify3(P3(P。256)256)2)resents6)upgraded10)gossip2)cultural6)fairly10)female3)conveys7)eliminate11)Likewise3)block7)tolerate11)relative4)rescued8)dominate12)masculine4)barely8)wane12)follower81)found our way4)hungered for7)give up10)poured her heart out13)was flooded with2)take my turn3)get the floor5)hang on to6)far too8)gave away9)face to face11)open up12)get the upper hand14)whipped.。Into line/shapeClozeCloze(P P。261261)1)gendermasculine5)feminine9)commands13)gossip2)compete3)boasting4)6)concerned10)bossy14)emphasize7)influence11)status8)reflects12)earningTranslationTranslation(P.261P.262P.261P.262)1)This school is more concerned with the education of students morality and social responsibilitythan with their academic achievements.2)In contrast to the educational mission of the technical school,which is to impart knowledgesolely,the universitys educational mission is to generate knowledge。3)In todays society,a majority of people hunger for wealth,reputation,status and power.4)Many people still find it difficult to give up smoking even though they know its harmfuleffects。5)When students enter colleges or universities,one of the problems they need to grapple with ishow to handle the relationship between freedom and responsibility.6)These advertisements appeal particularly to those women who are thirsty for a fair skin.7)Many elderly people are not interested in tinkering with computers;so books on artificialintelligence may very often turn them off.8)We reached the inevitable conclusion that he stole the money.9


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