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Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose(All the exercises for Section A)New Horizon College EnglishUnit 8:Section A读写教程读写教程4EX:I,P.182 读写教程读写教程4EX:VI,P.184读写教程读写教程4EX:IV,P.183读写教程读写教程4EX:III,P.182 Exercises读写教程读写教程4EX:X,P.188读写教程读写教程4EX:IX,P.187读写教程读写教程4EX:VIII,P.186读写教程读写教程4EX:VII,P.185读写教程读写教程4EX:XI,P.188读写教程读写教程4EX:XII,P.1891.What did the timid people do when the Northern travelers went through the town?They hid behind their curtains and peered at the travelers cautiously.读写教程读写教程 IV:I.Answer the following questions.Back下一页下一页It means that the small town was a stage where the different travelers who passed by were actors revealing themselves to the audiencethe villagers.2.What does the word“show”in Paragraph 2 mean?Who were the“actors”?Back下一页下一页上一页上一页Back3.Why did the writer say there was a strange exchange of greetings between her and the Northerners?Probably there were different ways of greetings between them,so there might be some misunderstandings or some inappropriate responses.下一页下一页上一页上一页4.Why did the writer feel it strange to be given money when she was singing and dancing?Because she wanted to sing and dance so much that she thought the money was given as a discouragement rather than an encouragement.Back下一页下一页上一页上一页5.When was the writer aware of the fact that she was black?When she left her hometown of Eatonville for Jacksonville at 13,she experienced a huge change and she was aware that she was black.Back6.What does the author mean by saying that“it fails to register depression with me”?It means that she was not emotionally disturbed by the fact that she was a descendent of slaves.She felt good about herself.下一页下一页上一页上一页7.What did the writer compare herself to?She compared herself to a brown bag of mixed items propped up against a wall with other bags.Back下一页下一页上一页上一页8.What is the writers point in describing the contents of the bag in great detail?As is described,the contents revealed are nothing but common objects.It suggests that for ordinary people,no matter whether they are white or black,they share something in common.读写教程读写教程 IV:III.Complete the following sentences with the help of the first letters.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back1.The spy looked cau_ around and then walked away from the cinema and disappeared into the dark.2.The man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he was accused of bri_ a senior bank official.cautiouslybribing 下一页下一页上一页上一页3.The black girls family strongly disa_ of her behaving joyfully in public,especially before strangers.4.So,in the evening when the body temperature is beginning to fall,there is a natural ten_ to fall asleep and in the morning,when body temperature begins to rise rapidly,we are most likely to wake up.5.The car accident has caused per_ damage to her eyesight.disapproveBacktendencydisapprovesdisapprovedpermanent下一页下一页上一页上一页Back6.There was a feeling of disappointment and dep_ in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced.7.Beautiful women are better than flowers because they understand human language,and flowers are better than beautiful women because they give off fra_.8.Although these opportunities dont gua_ to lead to success,market-orientated businesses should find them worth consideringdepressionfragranceguarantee下一页下一页上一页上一页Back9.Have you ever read Randolphs work?It is ex_ concerned with the effects of pollution on earth.10.In his speech,he expressed his deep debt of gratitude to all of the people who had given so gen_ of their time and money in support of his work.exclusivelygenerouslyIV.Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页1.Howard sat looking carefully at the busy traffic in the street through his glasses.上一页上一页Backpeering at 下一页下一页上一页上一页3.People who were opposed to cigarette advertising were more likely to give up smoking than those who approved of it.Back2.The performance had to be stopped when the actor fell off the stage and had his left leg broken.be broken off disapproved of 下一页下一页上一页上一页5.In general,the increasingly exaggerated claims of some beauty products by the advertisements are vacant promises.Back4.The builders are trying to support the crumbling walls of the church.prop upIn the main6.Sometimes in the afternoon,I,together with my cousins,went to the river to fish.in company with下一页下一页上一页上一页Back7.During that time,white people were different from black people to me because they seemed to speak a strange language.in that8.When politicians mess things up,they will suffer the consequences sooner or later.pay the price下一页下一页上一页上一页9.About 8,000 people regularly enjoy the benefits of yoga,but only 25%of them are members of the yoga club.Backbelong to10.The basic ethics of any religion are to some extent the same as those of the others.more or less下一页下一页上一页上一页Back读写教程读写教程 IV:V.Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank.You may not use any of the words more than once.1.L 2.O 3.H 4.D 5.I6.E 7.N 8.K 9.G 10.B 读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页VI.Study the example(P184)taken from the text and think about what else we can“alter”.Complete the sentences by filling in right word with the help of the first letters.上一页上一页Back1.Hes already altered some of his economic p_ to accommodate demands of special interests.plans2.The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal li_.下一页下一页上一页上一页lifestyle3.Nothing can alter the f_ that the refugees are our responsibility.factBack4.The president of the company has made a detailed explanation to tell the press why the company has decided to alter its promotion po_.policies6.The program is a telling sign of priorities for the country to alter the con_ from health issues to environmental issues.下一页下一页上一页上一页5.The government has altered the r_ governing eligibility for unemployment benefit.rulesBackconcentration7.The idea of global economy has altered the wo_,brought opportunities and challenges for the developing countries and put new pressures on the cooperation between countries.world9.Many people expressed the horror of altering ones genetic in_ as this will lead to losing ones identity.下一页下一页上一页上一页8.Out of passion and excitement,the chair altered her v_ and she had to stop a moment to control it.voiceinheritanceBack10.The editors reserve the right to modify the layout and make changes to the text,without altering the con_,where necessary.content读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页VII.The prefix de-can be added to verbs to form new verbs.Verbs formed in this way describe an action which has the opposite effect of or reverses the process described by the original verb.For example,上一页上一页Backde-+valuedevalue:reduce the value of somethingde-+regulatederegulate:remove the regulations from something上一页上一页The prefix de-can also be added to some nouns to form verbs which indicate that the thing referred to by the noun is removed.For example:下一页下一页BackStudy the words given below(P185)and complete the following sentences with them.Change the form where necessary.de-+icedeice:remove the icede-+frostdefrost:remove the frost上一页上一页下一页下一页1.I think the words such as courage and bravery are overused and they have been _ as a result.devaluedBack2.The reports said that the gangs of robbers were largely made up of _ soldiers.demobilized3.Japans financial markets had been substantially _ in the previous three years,making them more sensitive to changes in the price of money.deregulated上一页上一页下一页下一页Back4.They _ their operations last year and opened several regional offices in the country.decentralized5.It is widely accepted that the conflict has had the effect of _ the whole area.destabilizing6.Most of the parents said that they thought wearing school uniform _ their children.depersonalized上一页上一页下一页下一页7.However,these figures _ the importance of agriculture,since 45%of the population lives in rural areas.Backde-emphasized8.The poem does convey a message,but it has to be _ in order to understand its meaning.decoded读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页VIII.The suffix-ee can be added to some verbs to refer to the person to whom the action is being done.For example:上一页上一页Backemploy+-eeemployee:a person who is employedtrain+-eetrainee:a person who is being trained to do a particular job下一页下一页上一页上一页BackThe suffix-ee can also be added to some verbs to form nouns to refer to someone who has performed a particular action.For example:escape+-eeescapee:sb.who has escaped from captivitydevote+-eedevotee:sb.who is very enthusiastic about a subject or an activityStudy the words(P186)and complete the following sentences with them.Change the form where necessary.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back1.In this country,almost two-thirds of current _ rely on the social security system for more than half of their income.retirees2.In our interviews we try to make our _ feel as relaxed as possible.interviewees3.I still remember my first job as a _ reporter with that newspaper.trainee4.The number of _ in the company has increased tenfold over the past decade.employees下一页下一页上一页上一页Back5.They had searched the whole area for three days and at last captured the two _.escapees6.You dont need to stick any stamps to the envelope as the postage will be paid by the _.addressee7.He is a _ of science fiction.He has a large collection of such books.devotees8.Edward VIII,the British King,had to give up the British throne(王位王位)because he wanted to marry an American _.divorcee读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页IX.The word“mind”,when used in the sense of“object to,dislike,be annoyed by”,is usually found in questions and negative sentences and can be followed by an if-clause or an-ing structure.Study the model(P187)and rewrite each of the following sentences with“mind”.上一页上一页Back下一页下一页上一页上一页BackI know she isnt really interested in window-shopping,but she doesnt mind waiting while I have a look.1.I know she isnt really interested in window-shopping,but she doesnt object to waiting while I have a look.2.If people dont object to my not having degrees,I could give a few music lessons!If people dont mind my not having degrees,I could give a few music lessons!下一页下一页上一页上一页Back3.People are not annoyed by paying a pot more for good software because they can see the benefits of using it.People dont mind paying much more for good software because they can see the benefits of using it.4.I dont care if people perceive me as arrogant.You need certain degree of it.I dont dont mind if people perceive me as arrogant.You need certain degree of it.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back5.We dont object if it takes time for people to express their hopes,goals,fears,and needs in their lives.We dont mind if it takes time for people to express their hopes and goals and their fears and needs in their lives.读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页X.The word“no”is a determiner.It can be used before singular(countable and uncountable)nouns and plural nouns at the beginning of a sentence,meaning“not a”or“not any”.Study the model and rewrite each of the following sentences after the model.上一页上一页BackModel:No one on earth ever had a greater chance for glory.下一页下一页上一页上一页1.Not a single friend came to see her;she shut herself off,in the old familiar world of bedroom and drawing room.Back2.Not any cigarette end could give us any clues to or signs of anyone having ever been there.No friendsNo cigarette end下一页下一页上一页上一页3.Not any gas,not any water and not any electricity in the hospital!How could you expect the children to survive this?Back4.Not any other information is given about the book itself,although there is a brief biographical(传记的传记的)note about the author.No other information No gas,no water,no electricity下一页下一页上一页上一页5.Not any effort has been made to investigate the“disappearances”that have occurred over the past three years.BackNo effort读写教程读写教程 IV:ExercisesTranslation下一页下一页XI.Translate the following into English.I dont mind his staying out so late as long as he behaves himself.1.只要他守规矩只要他守规矩,我倒不在乎他晚上在外呆我倒不在乎他晚上在外呆得这么晚。得这么晚。(mind+V-ing)上一页上一页BackExercisesTranslation下一页下一页上一页上一页I prefer his plan to others in that I think no plan is more practical than his.2.与其他计划相比,我更喜欢他的计划,因与其他计划相比,我更喜欢他的计划,因为我觉得没有任何一个计划比他的计划更为我觉得没有任何一个计划比他的计划更实际。实际。(no+nouns;in that)Back下一页下一页上一页上一页3.他们与那家公司中断了生意他们与那家公司中断了生意来来往,因为往,因为那家公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已那家公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了。经破产了。(break off)They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.Back下一页下一页上一页上一页4.既然你不喜欢他既然你不喜欢他,当初为什么还要邀请他当初为什么还要邀请他参加你的生日晚会呢参加你的生日晚会呢?(now that;in the first place)Now that you dont like him,why did you invite him to your birthday party in the first place?Back下一页下一页上一页上一页5.虽然知道获胜的可能性不大虽然知道获胜的可能性不大,但比赛失败后但比赛失败后,我们多少还是有点沮丧。我们多少还是有点沮丧。(more or less)Though we knew our chances to win were slim,we were more or less depressed when we lost in the game.Back下一页下一页上一页上一页6.也许这是为进步而付出的代价也许这是为进步而付出的代价,谁知道呢谁知道呢?(pay the price)Perhaps this was the price that has to be paid for progresswho.Back1.I dont mind their disapproving of my plan,but,in my part,I still want their support.XII.Translate the following into Chinese.读写教程读写教程 IV:下一页下一页上一页上一页Back我不在乎他们否定我的计划我不在乎他们否定我的计划,但在内心,但在内心深处我仍渴望得到他们的支持深处我仍渴望得到他们的支持。2.Peter announced that he had no intention of singing or dancing in company with any of these girls and he gave no reason.上一页上一页下一页下一页Back彼得宣布他不想与她们中任何一个女孩一彼得宣布他不想与她们中任何一个女孩一起唱歌或跳舞,他没给任何理由。起唱歌或跳舞,他没给任何理由。3.We respect those who give of their time,their friendship and their talents rather than those who are always trying hard only to gain more for themselves.上一页上一页下一页下一页Back我们尊敬的是那些奉献时间、友谊和才我们尊敬的是那些奉献时间、友谊和才能的人,而不是那些一心只为自己谋求能的人,而不是那些一心只为自己谋求私利的人。私利的人。看来我的生意遭到了巨大损失,这是我不看来我的生意遭到了巨大损失,这是我不听父母忠告所付出的代价。听父母忠告所付出的代价。4.It seemed that I had suffered a great loss of business and that was the price I paid for not following my parents advice.上一页上一页下一页下一页Back他们只是顺便又提到了这一点:在我去他们只是顺便又提到了这一点:在我去那个国家旅行时,会有一位翻译一直在那个国家旅行时,会有一位翻译一直在我身边。我身边。5.They just made the point again in passing that during my visit to that country,an interpreter would always be at my elbow.上一页上一页下一页下一页Back即使当父母强烈反对子女的行为方式时,即使当父母强烈反对子女的行为方式时,他们拒绝接受的是那种行为方式而不是子他们拒绝接受的是那种行为方式而不是子女本人。女本人。6.Even when parents strongly disapprove of the way their child is behaving,it is still important to make it clear that it is the behavior and not the person that is being rejected.上一页上一页下一页下一页Back上一页上一页Back读写教程读写教程 IV:XIII.Read the following passage carefully and choose the best word or phrase to fill in each blank.1 10:BCBDA DABBC11 20:ABABB DCDDA


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