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英语六级考试标准阅读(56)3500字 Most people would probably agree that many individual consumer adverts function on the level of the daydream. By picturing quite unusually happy and glamorous people whose success in either career of sexual terms, or both, is obvious, adverts construct an imaginary world in which the reader is able to make come true those desires which remain unsatisfied in his or her everyday life. An advert for a science fiction magazine is unusually explicit about this. In addition to the primary use value of the magazine, the reader is promised access to a wonderful universe through the productaccess to other mysterious and tantalizing worlds and epochs, the realms of the imagination. When studying advertising, it is therefore unreasonable to expect readers to decipher adverts as factual statements about reality. Most adverts are just too meagre in informative content and too rich in emotional suggestive detail to be read literally. If people read then literally, they would soon be forced to realize their error when the glamorous promises held out by the adverts didnt materialize. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/The average consumer is not surprised that his purchase of the commodity does not redeem the promise of the advertisement, for this is what he is used to in life: the individuals pursuit of happiness and success is usually in vain. But the fantasy is his to keep; in his dream world he enjoys a “future endlessly deferred”。 总结大全 /html/zongjie/The Estivalia advert is quite explicit about the fact that advertising shows us not reality, but a fantasy; it does so by openly admitting the daydream but in a way that insists on the existence of a bridge linking daydream to realityEstivalia, which is “for daydream believers”, those who refuse to give up trying to make the hazy ideal of natural beauty and harmony come true. 毕业论文If adverts function on the daydream level, it clearly becomes in adequate to merely condemn advertising for channeling readers attention and desires towards an unrealistic, paradisiacal nowhere land. Advertising certainly does that, but in order for people to find it relevant, the utopia visualized in adverts must be linked to our surrounding reality by a casual connection. 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/The people in adverts are in most coves _. 作文 /zuowen/ A.happy and glamorousB.successfulC.obviousD.both A and B 毕业2.When the glamorous promises held out by the adverts didnt materialize the average consumer is not surprised, because _. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ A.The consumer is used to the fact that the individuals pursuit of happiness and success is usually in vain.B.Adverts are factual statements about reality.C.The consumer can come into the realms of imagination pictured by adverts.D.Adverts can make the consumers dreams come true. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/3.Whats the bridge linking daydream to reality in adverts? 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ A.The product.B.Estivalia.C.Pictures.D.Happy and glamorous people. 论文代写4.Why does the consumer accept the daydream in adverts? 总结大全 /html/zongjie/A.Because the consumer enjoys a “future endlessly deferred.”B.Because the consumer gives up trying to make his dream come true.C.Because the utopia is visualized in adverts.D.Because his purchased of the commodity does not redeem the promise of the advertisement. 5.What is this passage mainly concerned with? 简历大全 /html/jianli/A.Many adverts can be read literally.B.Everyone has a daydream.C.Many adverts function on the level of the daydream.D.Many adverts are deceitful because they can not make good their promises. 毕业答案:DABAC 作文 /zuowen/


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