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专四考试语法词汇训练2017专四考试语法词汇训练2017书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的专四考试语法词汇训练2017,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!1.The secret agent concealed her real mission, therefore many local people were _ into thinking that she was a good person.A betrayedB drivenC deceivedD convinced2.The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country, while six _libraries specially serve the countryside.A mobileBdriftingC shiftingD rotating3.The ship cut her way_the waves.A downB throughC offD up4.The shop assistant lost her_with a difficult customer.A calmB emotionC temperD mood5.The shop assisant was straight with his customers.If an article was of_quality he d tell them so.A humbleB inferiorC nfinorD awkward6.The sky is dear, so it s not_to rain this atemoon.A doubtfulB likelyC certainD rarely7.The small white houses are _ of the Greek islands.a spcialB peculiarC oddD characteristic8.The soldier was_ of running away when the enemy attacked.A scoldedB chargedC accusedD punished9.The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally _ because of the bad weather.A set offB broken offC worn offD called off10.The Spring Festival in China is actually the New Year s Day by _ calendar.A sunB moonC solarD lunar11.The road is laid ahead of him,a_ gray line stretching to the horizon.A coastantB repeatedC continuousD wide12.The road is quiet.There _ traffic even in the daytime.A isn t muchB aren t manyC is fewD are little13.The room is about _ in diameter as the hall.A one-third as largeB as one-third largeC as large one-thirdD one-third large as14.The room was empty,but Tom felt that _ was watching him.A anybodyB nobodyC somebodyD everybody16.The salesman s _annoyed the old lady,bat finally she gave up.A enduranceB assistanceC persistenceD resistance16.The scene is so beautiful that it _ my power of description.A transportsB tranfersC transcendsD transforms17.The school committee naturally hope that their choice of play will be _ with the school and parentsA contentB pleasedC favorableD popular18.The schoolmaster the girl s bravery in his opening speech.A applaudedB enhancedC elevatedD clapped19.The screaming of a woman _our attention back_the TV program.A paid.atB got.onC called.toD drew.over20.The second book was_by August 1952,but two yearn later,the end was still nowhere in sight.A completedB to have completedC to completeD to have been completed


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