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ChapterChapter andandUnit5 What are the shirts made of?Unit5 What are the shirts made of?TeacherTeacher李华峰李华峰SectionSectionSection B(2aSection B(2a2e)2e)Talk about folk andtraditionalartinChinaTopicTopicTypeTypeReadingTeachingTeachinggoalsgoals掌握单词 1.form n.形式,类型;2.lively adj.生气勃勃的;3.heat n.热,高温;v.加热,变热;plete v.完成;掌握短语 send out释放be covered with被覆盖阅读含有一般现在时态的被动语态课文并理解课文KeyKeyandand掌握单词 1.form n.形式,类型;2.lively adj.生气勃勃的;3.heat n.热,高温;v.加热,变热;plete v.完成;difficultdifficult掌握短语 send out释放be covered with被覆盖pointspointsTeachingTeachingmethodsmethodsTeachingTeachingMulti-media,recordermeansmeansTeachingTeachingprocessprocessThe teachers activitiesThe teachers activitiesGreet the students.Ask themto look at some pictures offolk and traditional art inChina and ask them whatother folk and traditional artin China do they know tolead to the target language.TheThestudentsstudentsactivitiesactivitiesListen and answermy question!Talkaboutotherfolk and traditionalart in ChinaTask-basedPurposePurposeTo make thestudentsbeinterested intodays topicStep 1Lead-inAskstudentstoreadthepassage in 2b by themselves.Step 2PresentationAnd try to fill in the chartbelowRead the passage in2b And fill in thechart below.Tohelpstudentsimprovetheir readingskills.1Step 3IntensivereadingStep 4Key points1.Have students read thefirstparagraphandanswer the question 1 in2c.2.Ask students to read thesecondparagraphandanswer the question 2 in2c.3.Have students read thethirdparagraphandanswer the questions 3,4in 2c.4.Ask students toreadthe fourth paragraph andanswer the question 5 in2c.5.After reading the wholepassageaskthemtoanswer the last questionin 2cPresent the key and difficultpoints to students1.According to the keypointstodosomeexercises2.Read the passage againand do activity 2d3.Check the answers.Readthepassageandanswerthequestions in 2c.TohelpstudentsimproveproblemsolvingandanalyticalskillsListennotesandTohelpstudentstakeunderstandthepassagewell.Togivestudentswritingpractice withthetargetlanguageStep5.ExercisesFinish the exercisesStep 6ListeningListen to the tape and draw the mind mapSummarize what we haveListen and thinklearned today.Toleadtothegroupwork.Step7Summary2Step8Group work1.Let students discuss thequestions in 2e2.Ask some of them toanswer.1.Go over the passage2.Do the exercise bookDiscuss the questionsin groups and speakout.Togivestudentsthechancetoexpresstheirown ideas.Step 9homeworkBlackboard designUnit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section B(2a2e)?1.turn into 转变变成2.according to Chinese history根据中国历史3.send out释放4.in trouble 陷入困境5.be covered with被覆盖6.fire at a very high heat在高温下烧烤3


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