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1-How to get the main idea of a paragraph or a passage?2 A mother mouse was out for a walk with her babies when she found a cat behind a bush.She watched the cat,and the cat watched the mice.Mother mouse barked fiercely,Woof,woof,woof!The cat was so frightened that it ran for its life.Mother mouse turned to her babies and said,Now,do you understand the value of a second language?”Step 1:Lead-in What is the story mainly about?It is important to learn a foreign language.Woof!3Step 2:Question forms about the main idea 1.The main idea/topic of the passage is _.2.What is the passage mainly about?3.What can we infer from the passage?4.What is the last paragraph mainly concerned(关于关于)about?5.What does the underlined word stand for?6.The best title/headline for this passage might be_.7.The passage could be entitled_.8.What is the best title for the passage?Choose the question forms about the main idea of a paragraph or a passage:_主题类主题类标题类标题类 Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious.The world population is rising,so quickly that the world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.总结:该段为总结:该段为_ _结构,主题句往往在结构,主题句往往在_ _,有时在有时在_ _会重申主题,构成会重申主题,构成_ _ _结构。结构。段段 尾尾段段 首首总总-分分总总-分分-总总Step 3:How to get the main ideaThe main idea of the paragraph is _.5Well done!62 When you are poor,you can also say you are very happy,because you have something else that can t be bought with money.When you meet with difficulties,you can say loudly you are very happy,because you have more chances to challenge yourself.So you should always say you are happy.总结:该段为总结:该段为_ _结构,主题句在结构,主题句在_ _,往往往出现在总结性的词往出现在总结性的词so,therefore,as a result等之等之_。段尾段尾分分-总总What is the passage mainly about?后后7 3.Some people like reading,and some people like swimming.I have many hobbies,such as reading,skating,and traveling.In fact,different people have different hobbies.My friend Ann studies very hard.So her hobby is reading all kinds of books.Tony loves working with her hands,and his hobby is gardening.总结:该段为总结:该段为_ _ _结构,主题句往往在结构,主题句往往在_ _,如果段落中出现如果段落中出现however,but,in fact,actually等时,所在的句子往往就是等时,所在的句子往往就是_。中间中间主题句主题句分分-总总-分分What does this paragraph mainly talk about?8如何归纳主旨大意如何归纳主旨大意第一招:第一招:可通过寻找可通过寻找_ _ _ _ _的方式归纳主旨大意的方式归纳主旨大意,主题句可能在文章或段落主题句可能在文章或段落_ _,_ _,中间或中间或_ _,_ _,所以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾所以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和段或段落的首句和_ _,_ _,弄清文章或段落弄清文章或段落的的_ _ _搜索主题信息。搜索主题信息。主题句主题句开头开头结尾结尾结构结构尾句尾句9What is the main idea of the passage?A.Smoking is bad for health.B.Smoking will increase pollution.C.Smoking should be banned.D.Smoking can cause fire.Smoking in indoor public places including public workingplaces,public transport vehicles and some other special outdoor working places has been banned(禁止禁止)in China since January 2011.Should smoking be banned in public places?Of course,it should be.First,banning smoking will not only help in saving smokers from health problems and diseases,but will also be good for passive smokers.Next,banning smoking will put stress on smokers to give up.Since a smoker is prevented from smoking.At last,smoking cigarettes adds to the pollution of the air,so if it isbanned,it will help in saving the environment from further deterioration(恶化恶化).10 Everyone can experience anger sometimes.But not everyone can control it properly.To some people,controlling anger seems like the hardest thing in the world to do.Control these by talking to yourself in your own mind,when you experience unwanted feelings.By talking it over in your own head you can work out how you will best deal with the situation.Anger control can also be achieved by communicating with others with honesty.You can effectively train yourself to respond to situations without getting annoyed about things.It is important to remember it is possible for everyone to get angry and therefore,controlling it is the real challenge.What is the best title of the passage?A.Not everyone can control anger.B.How to control anger.C.Communicating with others is helpful.D.Controlling anger is challenging.文中重复出现的词为文中重复出现的词为关键词,一般与关键词,一般与主旨相关主旨相关11如何归纳主旨大意如何归纳主旨大意第一招:第一招:可通过寻找可通过寻找_ _ _ _ _的方式归纳主旨大意的方式归纳主旨大意,主题主题句可能在文章或段落句可能在文章或段落_ _,_ _,中间或中间或_ _,_ _,所所以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和和_ _,_ _,弄清文章或段落的弄清文章或段落的_ _ _搜索主题搜索主题信息。信息。主题句主题句开头开头结尾结尾结构结构尾句尾句第二招:第二招:当找不到全文的当找不到全文的_ _ _ _ _时时,抓住每段的抓住每段的_ _ _,_ _ _,和全文和全文_ _词,词,概括出全文中心思概括出全文中心思想。想。主题句主题句主题句主题句高频高频12 There is no difficulty in the world if you put your heart into it.13 Mothers Day was coming,a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired(电邮给电邮给)to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.As he got out of his car,he noticed a young girl sobbing(啜泣啜泣).He asked her what was wrong with her and she replied,“I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother.But I only have seventy-five cents,and a rose costs two dollars.”The man smiled and said,“Come on in with me.Ill buy you a rose.”After they went in,he bought a rose for the little girl and ordered flowers for his own mother.As they were leaving,he offered to ride the girl home.She said,“Yes,please!But can you take me to my mother?”“To your mother?”the man was a little puzzled but didnt say anything.She directed him to a cemetery(公墓公墓),where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave(新坟新坟).The man was shocked and returned to the flower shop,canceled(取消取消)the wire order,picked up a bunch of flowers and drove the two hundred miles to his mothers house.He planned to wire some roses for his mother.He helped a girl buy a flower for her mother.He found her flower was for her dead mother.He sent the flowers for his mother himself.What is the passage mainly about?Moved by the girl,the man sent his mother the flowers himself on Mothers Day.A man helped a girl to buy a flower for her mother.We should often help others.We should love our mothers.14如何归纳主旨大意如何归纳主旨大意第一招:第一招:可通过寻找可通过寻找_ _ _的方式归纳主旨大意的方式归纳主旨大意,主题句可能主题句可能在文章或段落在文章或段落_ _,中间或中间或_ _,所以我们可以扫读所以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和_ _,弄清文章或段弄清文章或段落的落的_ _搜索主题信息。搜索主题信息。主题句主题句开头开头结尾结尾结构结构尾句尾句第二招:第二招:当找不到全文的当找不到全文的_ _ _时时,抓住每段的抓住每段的_ _ _,和和全文全文_ _词,概括出全文中心思想。词,概括出全文中心思想。主题句主题句主题句主题句第三招:第三招:当找不到全文的当找不到全文的_ _ _,而且段落的也没有而且段落的也没有_ _ _ 时时,就要概括出就要概括出_ _主题,从而推导出文章的主题,从而推导出文章的_ _。主题句主题句主题句主题句段落段落主旨主旨高频高频15What is the main idea?The panda is a popular animal.Cold is serious for children.C.Cold has obvious symptoms.D.Cold should be cured at once.The panda is a popular animal.Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts.Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children,and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.16 People have different tastes in food.Some feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat.Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal.Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains.Others could live on what were called fast food:a hamburger or hot dog,French fries and a soft drink.What is the main idea?_A.Some people like steak or other red meat.B.Some people like fast food.C.People have different tastes in food.D.People should eat healthy food.17 Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health.Experiments show that cigarette smoking can cause cancer.Besides the most serious and terrible disease(illness),cancer,cigarette smoking also can cause other health problems.Finally,studies have shown it is easy for cigarette smokers to catch colds.What is the main idea?A.Cigarette smoking can cause cancer.B.Smoking can cause the most serious and terrible disease.C.Smoking also can cause other health problemsD.Smoking is harmful.18 Often no one looks more guilty than the innocent.On the other hand,nobody may look more innocent than a professional criminal.And the man who knows“everything”may really only be trying to hide his own weakness.So,it is foolish to try to judge a person only by his appearanceWhat does the writher want to tell us?A.The innocent looks more guilty.B.The professional criminal looks innocent.C.A man knows everything likes to hide his weekness.D.We shouldnt judge a person only by his appearance.19WeChat(微信微信)is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent in China,first released in January 2011.With WeChat,we can communicate with friends by sending text messages,voice messages,we can share our photos or videos,share our location,we can even chat with lots of friends at the same time.More important,it is free for the users.The main idea of this paragraph is that _.A.The tools of chatting.B.We can use Wechat to chat with lots of friends.C.The functions of Wechat.D.We should often communicate with friends.20Tom studied four years at the University of Paris and decided to leave before his graduation.He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors.Harvard Law School and,later,Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background.He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami,Florida.The main idea of this paragraph is that _.A.Tom had studied at Paris Universities for four years.B.Tom became a lawyer since his graduation from Harvard Law School and later from Boston College.C.Tom was an excellent student when he studied at Berlin university.D.Tom received an excellent education.21For adults a cold is not that serious.However,this is not the case for children.Cold symptoms in children may be signs of more serious diseases and should be given prompt medical attention.What does the paragraph mainly talk about?A.Cold is not serious for adults.B.Cold is serious for children.C.Cold has obvious symptoms.D.Cold should be cured at once.22Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do.Others prefer to be left to work on their own.Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.No one teaching method can satisfy all students at the same time.What is the main idea?A.Some students prefer a strict teacher.B.No one teaching method can satisfy all students at the same time.C.Some students prefer to do work on their own.D.Students should respect teachers.23 Nothing is as useful as a flashlight in a dark night if a tire(轮胎轮胎)goes flat.Few inventions are so helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark.In fact,the modern flashlight brings light to many dark situations.Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand.A camper(野营者野营者)also needs one after the light of the campfire has been out.What is the main idea?A.A flashlight is useful every day.B.A flashlight is useful in dark situations.C.Children are afraind of darkness.D.A camper needs a flashlight when the campfire is out.24 Magellans(麦哲伦麦哲伦)men were the first to make the trip around the world.It took them more than two years to do so by ship.Magellan was from Portugal,but he sailed for the King of Spain.On September 20,1519,he left Spain with five ships and 240 men.After passing the tip of South America,they reached the Pacific Ocean,on which they sailed more than one year.Very often they could not see a piece of land for months and they suffered greatly from the lack of food and fresh water.Many of them died of hunger and diseases.They even had to live on sawdust.Finally in April 1521,Magellan got to the Philippine Islands,where he was killed.His men fled and continued their voyage across the Indian Ocean.It was with the greatest difficulty that they passed the Cape of Good Hope.By the time they returned to Spain on December 21,1521,seven out of every eight men had died.Magellans voyage proved that men could sail around the world and that our earth is but a huge ball.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A.Magellans death B.Going Around The World C.The World Is Round D.Magellans Voyage25There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices.It is called the law of supply and demand.Supply means the amount of,or access to,certain goods.Demand represents the number of people who want those goods.If there are more goods than wanted,the price of them falls.On the other hand,if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply,then price rises.Of course manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices.What is the main idea?Economic Principles Law of Supply and Demand C.More Goods,Lower Prices D.Fewer Goods,Higher Prices 26If you are robbed,keep calm.If you cannot cry for help or run away,give the robber your money.Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police.If it is raining hard and there is lightning.Dont stay in high places and keep away from trees.When there is a fire,get away as fast as you can.Put wet things on your body and try and find an exit.Do not take the lift!If someone is drowning(溺水溺水),If you cant swim,dont get into the water.Cry out for help.Remember that danger is never as far away as you think.We should take care of ourselves.What is the best title?A.Danger everywhere.B.Take care of ourselves.C.How to save othersD.Dont stay under the tree when raining.27Step Step 5 5.Summary.Summary第一招:第一招:可通过寻找可通过寻找_ _ _的方式归纳主旨大意的方式归纳主旨大意,主题句可能主题句可能在文章或段落在文章或段落_ _,中间或中间或_ _,所以我们可以扫读所以我们可以扫读文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和文章的首段和尾段或段落的首句和_ _,弄清文章或段弄清文章或段落的落的_ _搜索主题信息。搜索主题信息。主题句主题句开头开头结尾结尾结构结构尾句尾句第二招:第二招:当找不到全文的当找不到全文的_ _ _时时,抓住每段的抓住每段的_ _ _,和和全文全文_ _词,概括出全文中心思想。词,概括出全文中心思想。主题句主题句主题句主题句第三招:第三招:当找不到全文的当找不到全文的_ _ _,而且段落的也没有而且段落的也没有_ _ _ 时时,就要概括出就要概括出_ _主题,从而推导出文章的主题,从而推导出文章的_ _。主题句主题句主题句主题句段落段落主旨主旨高频高频


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