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第七节 不良反应不良反应这一项中包括药物的副作用、症状及体征、毒性作用及耐受力、过敏反应、停药等。现分述如下:1.“不良反应”的常用的英语表示法有:Adverse Reaction (s) 不良反应 Unwanted (Untoward) Reaction (s) 不良反应2“副作用”的常用的英语表示法有:Side-effect(s) 副作用 Unwanted( Undesirable) Effects 副作用Side Reaction(s) 副作用 By-effects 副作用3. 常见的霉副反应的症状及体征的词语很多,但记住下列词语很有必要:allergic (hypersensitive,anaphylactic) reaction(s) 过敏反应allergy(hypersensitivity) 过敏 dizzziness 眩晕gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 fever 发热local reaction(s) 局部反应 flush 潮红skin reaction (s)皮肤反应 headache 头痛symptom (s)症状 nausea 恶心systematic 全身的 pruritus 瘙痒anorexia 厌食 rash 皮疹blood count 白细胞计数 spasm 痉挛blood pressure 血压 thirst 口渴coma 昏迷 tiredness 疲倦diarrhea 腹泻 vomiting 呕吐4. “霉性”、“耐受性”的英语表示法:toxicity 毒性tolerance(tolerability) 耐受力,耐药性tolerate(toleration) 耐受5. “停药”的英语表示法举例:abandon 停药discontinue(discontinuance,discontinuation) 停药,中断(治疗)cease (cessation) (stop)停药(停止治疗)dont use 勿使用(停药)suspend 停药terminate 停止,结束withdraw (be withdrawn, withdrawal)停药6. 其他一些常见的基本词汇及短语:acute 急性的 control (be controlled)控制chronic 慢性的 diminish (reduce, reduction)减少common 常见的 disappear 消失irreversible 不可逆的 encounter 遇到,见到mild 轻微的 give rise to 产生normal 正常的 include 包括rare (ly)罕见的(地)lead to导致reverside 可逆的 manifest 表明,显示severe 严重的 observe (be observed)(被)观察到temporary 暂时的 produce 产生transient 一过性的,短暂的 react to 对反应appear (develop, happen, occur) 出现(产生)result from 由引起 be reported (被)报道result in 导致 cause (be caused by) (由)引起treat( treatment) 治疗special care( caution) should be exercised 特别小心(注意)例 1 Ciprofloxactin is generally well tolerated. The most frequently reported adverse reactions are: nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdomina pain, headache, restlessness, rash, dizziness and pruritus.环丙沙星一般耐受良好。最常报道的副作用有:恶心、腹泻、呕吐、消化不良、腹痛 头痛、不安、皮疹、头晕及瘙痒。例 2 Side-effects are rare with slow-K, as any excess potassium is rapidly excreted in the urine.施乐凯的副作用根罕见,因为任何过量的钾都迅速由尿排出。例 3 At the recommended dosage side-effects e.g. venous irritation or hypersensitivity reactions (cutaneous and mucous reactions) are only observed in isolated cases.用推荐剂量治疗时,仅见个别的静脉刺激或过敏反应(皮肤及粘膜反应)病例。例 4 When adverse reactions occur, they are usually reversible and disappear when the hormone is discontinued.当不良反应发生时,它们往往是可逆的,停用激素后副作用即消失。例5 The most serious side-effect is damage to the bone marrow. Because of this, the white blood cell count should be controlled often enough druing the treatment.最严重的副作用是骨髓损害,因此在治疗期间,要经常监测白细胞计数。例6 These unwanted effects usually disappear spontaneously after 7-14 days or following a temporary reduction in the dosage.这些副作用通常在7-14 日之后,或者暂时降低剂量便自行消失。例7 With high dosage continuous infusion (more than 200mg/m2/day) over 5 to 7 days, the gastrointestinal complications are more pronounced and can on occasion lead to ileus. All sideeffects are reversible after cessation of therapy.大剂量连续输注超过57日(超过200mg/m2/日),胃肠道并发症更为明显,偶尔 可导致肠梗阻。停药后副作用皆可逆转。例 8 In some patients nausea, dizziness, and vomiting may occur in the first days of treatment but the treatment need not be discontinued for that. In rare cases a decrease of blood pressure may appear for which a blood pressure check-up is recommended in out-patients before the treatment is initiated. If side-effects persist, lower doses should be administered.服用本品的头几天,有些病人可能会出现恶心、头晕和呕吐,但不必停药。偶有血压下 降的病例,为此,在治疗开始前建议对门诊患者检测血压。若副作用持续不消失,应减少服 用剂量。例9 Major adverse reactions (much less common than the minor adverse reactions) include inhibition of myelopoiesis, drug fever and hepatitis.较重的不良反应(远不及轻度不良反应常见)包括抑制骨髓细胞生成,药物热及肝炎。例 10 Side-effects: Loss of appetite and nausea occur in most cases, sometimes with vomiting. These symptoms are usually confined to the first few days of treatment and then tend to disappear.副作用:多数病例出现食欲减退、恶心,有时呕吐。这些症状通常发生在治疗的最初几 天,以后逐渐消失。allergic 9i9:d5ik adj.对过敏的;对极讨厌的 These in elude the risk of life -threate ning allergic reacti ons . 这些还包括有生命危险的过敏反应。 When I realized that Emily had no symptoms , I suspected she wasnt really allergic . 当我知道艾米丽没有任何症状的时候,我怀疑她不是真的过敏。 Emily told me she was allergic to cats and needed a cat -free bedroom , so I gave her mine.艾米丽告诉我她对猫过敏,需要一间没猫出入的卧室,因此我把我的房间让给了她。hypersensitive Lhaipmsensmtiv adj. 过敏的;高灵敏度的;超感光度的 Some argue that the absence of parasites is leading to hypersensitive immune systems .有些理论认为少了寄生虫的寄生便导致了免疫系统的超敏反应。 This explanation was readily understood by Melanie who hypersensitive about all matters relating to childbirth .媚兰对这样的解释是十分理解的,和生育有关的任何事情她都非常体谅。Whe n pain is un remitt ing , dramatic cha nges follow: spinal cord n eur ons become hypersensitive and start firing in response to weak stimuli .当疼痛持续不消时,会造成显著的变化:脊髓神经元变得极度敏感,对微弱的刺激也产生放电反 应。anaphylactic ,圧n fil圧ktiadj. 过敏的;医 过敏性的;导致过敏的 Among which , 82cases had anaphylactic shocks , which accounted for2.12%of the total.所有病例中发生过敏性休克者 82例,发生率为 2.12%。 An allergic reaction is an overreaction of the immune system , causing everything from rashes to life -threatening anaphylactic shock .过敏反应是免疫系统的过度反应,会引发各种状况,包括疹子与有生命危险的过敏性休克。 An aphylactic reacti ons are mediated by an tibodies that react aga inst a foreig n an tige n, while an aphylactoid reacti ons are not immune mediated (2 ).过敏反应由对抗异物的抗体所介导,而类过敏性反应并非免疫介导2。


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