2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2

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2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2_第1页
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2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Unit 1 Cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2_第3页
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第一部分教材知识解读必修2Unit 1Cultural relics栏目导航010203固固考考基基知知识识梳梳理理答案答案design style artist doubt 答案答案worth painting entrance debate select remove sink explode 答案答案doubts designed are debating removed 答案答案artists sank selected exploded 答案答案valuable invaluable survival survivor amazing amazed amazement decoration wooden evident 答案答案evident evidence survived survivor amazement amazing amazed amazed valued valuable 答案答案稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的朝代;王朝 水手 本地的;当地的 审判;审讯;试验 接待;招待会;接收 城堡 群;组;军队 珠宝;宝石 答案答案宝贝;珍贵的东西 意图 渐渐陷入,渐渐进入 答案答案in search of belong to in return think highly of at war less than ess than lat warbelonged to was highly thought of 答案答案serve as look into rather than take apart add.to.by the light of by the light of took apart serves as 答案答案There is no doubt that 答案答案what to learn 析析考考点点重重难难探探究究答案答案on survivors survival 答案答案Having survived 答案答案to test for 答案答案designed to help the students in need which was designed to help the students in need 答案答案拿走 开除;免职 答案答案搬迁 脱去(衣物)had my doubts removed 答案答案well 答案答案watching of being watched/to be watched watching/to watch 答案答案of for 答案答案in search of a job to search for a job 答案答案In return in turn by turns 答案答案in return for the kindness 答案答案to belongings 答案答案 which belongs to belonging to 答案答案There is no doubt that 答案答案that whether that 答案答案There is no doubt that/I have no doubt that I never doubt that 答案答案which not to believe 答案答案to say where to hold whether to accept 提提考考能能素素养养达达标标答案答案evidence sailors paintings 答案答案sank belonging amazed when 答案答案to survive cultural that 答案答案amazedamazingrarerarely 答案答案activelyactiveseeseeing highhighly答案答案amazing for was made But a best 答案答案moved secretly remains studying


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