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新西兰行政改革研究论文提纲 以下为你推荐一份毕业论文信息,论文提纲,广东应届生小编指导;新西兰行政改革研究论文提纲New Zealand administrative reform research/contemporary foreign administrative reform seriesThe first part of the public sector performance? Challenges to traditionalThe first chapter public services reform? Change choiceResearch focusPublic services reform and New Zealands reform backgroundThe second chapter performance Management? overviewThe new public management control theoryThe importance of the control systemThe control system and the public sector performance requirementsThe third chapter research method onePublic administration and management fieldIs the pro blem and not the answerThe new public management reform of the evaluationThe study of management and organizationCase studies of choiceinterview Last wordChapter 7 create quality informationThe annual plans and reports cycleFinancial Management informationBased on output of the budgetCapital chargesOutput agreement information baseThe spread of financial informationThe lack of information about personnelAll kinds of ownership indexHuman resources management informationFormal report system of influenceLast wordChapter 8 of the political responsibility mechanismForm and contentThe political responsibility new distanceFrom the view of the political and management systemCivil servants and cabinet ministers of the distance between the newCongress responsibility mechanismUseful responsibilityA harsh and no logical environmentAn atmosphere of fearLast wordChapter 9 control and controlledThe battle for the siteThe ministry of finance to responsibilityIs the responsibility of the output control, or old of budget cutsDaily financial management responsibility mechanismA harsh environment of the relationshipIncentive and sanctionsNational service committees responsibilitiesLeadership, partners or officer? Role of the definition of the problemEnsure that chief executive responsibleAs a symbol of the chief executive appointedNational service committee of the center of gravity changeThe responsibility control functionsAs effective accountability auditingManagement competitionThe legislative change and enlarged the functionLast wordThe first chapter ten efficiency and effect: the holy grail of public managementReform of the interests of theThe cost of reformThe submissive industry?Service block ofA lack of environment of trustIncentive and sanctionsChallenges and new orthodoxA facing a new doctrine pendulum effectLast wordThe third points summaryhttp:/www.51lunwen.com/MPA/2012/0117/lw201201171011551260-2.htmlChapter 11 beyond the logic thinking of a dAn imbalance of control systemBased on the control of the faithInteractive control of the limited opportunitiesControl the balance of the paradoxThe motives of the thinking a dFor the organization of a d thinkingWith the paradox control of the organizationLast wordAttachment a public department to control all aspects of the systemAnnex ii memorabilia from collectors around the worldreference第一部分 公共部门绩效?挑战传统第一章 公共部门改革?变革的选择调研重点公共部门改革和新西兰的改革背景第二章 绩效管理?概览新公共管理的控制理论控制系统的重要性控制系统和公共部门绩效的要求第三章 研究方法一公共行政与管理领域Last wordThe fourth chapter into commercial control? New Zealand aPublic sector revolutionDesign result-oriented musical sound public departmentPublic services reform theoryManagement control mode of constant temperatureTransformation theoryPublic services what problemsPublic services who problemThe public service in the problem of how toThe new public management means to the criticismPolitical decision to mistrust and to rationalism idolatryPublic service characteristics of simplified understandingOn the public sector employees the misunderstanding of the motivationLast wordThe second part from the perspective of the civil service and politiciansReform realityChapter 5 free restrictionsIn the company management system in the management of freedomManagement free? New Zealand practical experienceFree limitAcademic attack and be simplified freedomThe management of investment spending freedomemployeesconsultantInformation technologyUsed for the freedom of innovationLast wordChapter the clarity of the target A kind of not easy controlIdeal realmTo prioritize the performance Advocates historyTo prioritize the performanceDoubt historySave the environment of the public sector clear performanceActing in a goldfish bowlFuzzy goalThe lack of clarity is many public sector task two characteristicsNew Zealand establish clarity the experience of skillsStructural changeThrough the strategic plan to seek clarityStrategic plan and politicsAs a ceremony of the strategic planThe results as the means of improving clarityThe output as a means for clarity是问题而不是答案对新公共管理改革的评价对管理和组织的研究案例研究的选择访谈结束语第四章 引入商业化控制?新西兰的一场公共部门革命设计以结果为导向韵公共部门公共部门改革论管理控制的恒温模式变革论公共服务中什么;的问题公共服务中谁;的问题公共服务中怎样;的问题对新公共管理手段的批评对政治决策的不信任和对理性主义;的过度崇拜对公共服务特性的简单化认识对公共部门雇员动机的误解结束语第二部分 从公务员和政治家的角度分析改革的现实第五章 自由的限制在公司化管理体制中的管理自由管理自由?新西兰的实践经验自由的限制学术攻击和被简化的自由投入支出的管理自由员工顾问信息技术用于创新的自由结束语第六章 目标的明确性?一种不易掌握的理想境界使绩效清晰化?拥护者的历史使绩效清晰化?怀疑的历史存公共部门的环境中明确绩效在金鱼缸中表演模糊的目标缺乏明确性是许多公共部门任务的二个特征新西兰建立明确性技能的经验结构性改变通过战略计划寻求明确性战略计划和政治作为一种仪式的战略计划把结果当成提高明确性的手段把产出当成获得明确性的手段把指标和测量当作明确性的路径结束语第七章 创建质量信息年度计划和报告周期财务管理信息以产出为基础的预算资本收费产出协议;的信息基础财务信息的泛滥关于人员信息的缺乏各种所有权指标人力资源管理方面的信息正式报告制度的影响力结束语第八章 责任机制中的政治形式还是内容政治性责任的新距离从政治和管理的角度看待责任制公务员和内阁部长之间的新距离国会的责任机制有用的责任一个苛刻而又没有逻辑的环境一种恐惧的氛围结束语第九章 控制与被控制争夺地盘的战斗财政部的责任是产出的责任控制,还是老式的预算削减日常财务管理的责任机制恶劣环境下的关系激励和制裁国家服务委员会的责任领导,伙伴还是警官?角色定义的问题保证首席执行官负责任作为一种象征的首席执行官任命国家服务委员会重心的转变审计署的责任控制职能作为有效责任性的审计管理竞争立法性改变和被扩大的职能结束语第十章 效率和效果:公共管理的圣杯改革的利益改革的成本一种顺从的行业?服务的分块化一个缺乏信任的环境激励和制裁挑战下的新正统一次面向新学说的钟摆效应结束语第三部 分总结第十一章 超越一维化的思维逻辑一种不平衡的控制体系基于信仰的控制互动控制的有限机会控制悖论的平衡有关动机的一维化思考对于组织的一维化思考调和组织控制中的悖论结束语附件一 公共部门控制体系的各个方面附件二 大事记参考文献(责任编辑:1011)


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