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First Time Quality一次下线合格率一次下线合格率PPMTIMEFirst Time Quality What First Time Quality Is 一次下线合格率是什么一次下线合格率是什么?Why It Is Important 它的重要性在于它的重要性在于?Why We Need to Measure It 我们为什么要去丈量它我们为什么要去丈量它?How to Calculate It 如何进展计算如何进展计算?FTQ Deployment,Evaluation and Improvement Process FTQ调度调度,评价及改良程序评价及改良程序 Responsibilities 职责职责 The Structured Approach Steps 构造化改提高骤构造化改提高骤 The Basic Quality Tools 根本质量工具根本质量工具 How to Apply the Quality Tools 工具运用方法工具运用方法 Monitoring and Reporting 检测及报告检测及报告 Class Exercise What is First Time Quality?一次下线合格率是什么?First Time Quality is a measure of the number of pieces rejected in a manufacturing process versus the total number of pieces attempted.一次下线合格率是指在一次消费过程中所产生的不合格品与总产量的比值REJECTSFirst Time QualityDefine ALARM LIMITS 确定警戒线确定警戒线Catch and Count Defects 捕捉并计算不良品捕捉并计算不良品React to ALARM LIMITS 对警戒作出反响对警戒作出反响Follow Reaction Plan 根据应对方案根据应对方案Voice of the Customer 客户反响客户反响Reaction PlanFirst Time QualityInitiate Structured Problem Solving 开场构造化问题的处理开场构造化问题的处理ZERO Defects ForwardA structured approach12 FTQ can be viewed as a two phase approach:FTQ可以分为两个步骤 Immediate action and containment 快速反响及处理 Whenever alarm limits are exceeded 一旦超越警戒线,及时做出反响 Helps ensure customer protection 提供协助来维护客户 Continual Improvement 继续的改良 Management objective to reduce quantity of rejects and operational cost 管理目的是不断的减少不良品,降低消费本钱 Leadership MUST ensure,support and follow-up with implementation of FTQ in their facility to be successful 指点者必需保证,支持并遵照FTQ,以使其在工厂胜利运用.First Time Quality Why is FTQ important?FTQ为什么重要?Because if we dont make good parts the first time,we have to“inspect in quality 由于假设我们不能一次产出合格品,我们就必需对产质量量进展多次检验 We know inspection is at best 85%effective 检验至多在85%的情况下是有效的 Therefore,anytime FTQ is greater than 0,we are dependent on inspection to protect the customer 因此,当FTQ不为0时,我们只需依托检验来维护客户的利益 To reduce manufacturing costs and defects through continual improvement(FTQ Tracker or Step Down Chart are tools to utilize)经过运用FTQ追综表或SDC表,继续的改良可以降低消费本钱,减少不良品.To monitor process stability and react quickly to potential issues(Alarm limits and process monitoring sheets)经过警戒线表及过程监控表,我们可以监控过程的稳定性并对潜在问题快速应对First Time Quality FTQ should be viewed as a tool to facilitate operational improvement in:FTQ应被视为用来促进消费改良的工具 Quality 质量 Cost 本钱 PPMTIMEFirst Time QualityPPMTIMEinto this!to turn thisFTQ is Key to our Success FTQ是我们胜利实现财富增值的秘诀First Time QualityF假设我们不能在内部处理质量问题的话,我们也不会有才干去处理外部的客户问题.First Time QualityFilter过滤器Inspection misses some defects检查漏掉了一些不良品检查漏掉了一些不良品Defects not caught漏掉的不良品漏掉的不良品Voice of the Customer客户的埋怨客户的埋怨DDDInspection is like a filter.检查就像过滤器检查就像过滤器The fatal flaw of inspection检查的致命缺陷First Time Quality How is First Time Quality calculated?FTQ如何计算如何计算 FTQ is reported in parts per million(PPM)defective FTQ以每百万产品不良率来报告以每百万产品不良率来报告 It can be measured at any step in the manufacturing process where parts are rejected especially where the defect is originated.它可以在消费过程中产生不合格品的任何一个步骤进展丈量它可以在消费过程中产生不合格品的任何一个步骤进展丈量,尤其是不良品的尤其是不良品的来源来源 It is calculated by counting the number of pieces rejected versus the total number of pieces attempted 它的计算方式是不良品总数与总产量的比它的计算方式是不良品总数与总产量的比 The total number of pieces attempted includes all good pieces produced plus all pieces rejected 总产量包括一切合格品与一切不良品总产量包括一切合格品与一切不良品.Pieces rejected are all parts scrapped or reworked prior to usage by subsequent processes.The actual calculation looks like this:不良品包括一切还未流入下一工序的废料和重工品不良品包括一切还未流入下一工序的废料和重工品.详细计算方式如下详细计算方式如下:Number of Pcs.Rejected 不良品总数不良品总数 Total Number of Pcs.Attempted 总产量总产量X 1,000,000=FTQ PPMFirst Time Quality How is First Time Quality calculated?一次下线合格率如何进展计算一次下线合格率如何进展计算?An example at the cell level:举个电池的例子举个电池的例子 Cell“A has six operations A类电池需求六个工序类电池需求六个工序 Reject data is collected at operations 3 and 6.在工序在工序3和和6中采集到了不良品数据中采集到了不良品数据 Cell“A produced 1040 good pieces during the first hour.在第一个小时内消费了在第一个小时内消费了1040个合格品个合格品 At OP.3,28 pcs.were rejected.在工序在工序3,28件不合格品件不合格品 At OP.6,16 pcs.were rejected.在工序在工序6,16件不合格品件不合格品 What is the FTQ in PPM for Cell A?A类电池的百万一次下线合格率是多少类电池的百万一次下线合格率是多少?28+16 44 1040+28+16 1084 123456=X 1,000,000 =40,590 PPM FTQ2816 O perations 1 H R.2 H R S.3 H R S.4 H R S.5 H R S.6 H R S.7 H R S.8 H R S.1 2 3 28 4 5 6 16 Tally Sheet计数图计数图First Time Quality 一次下线合格率First Time Quality What First Time Quality Is FTQ是什么 Why It Is Important 它为什么重要 Why We Need to Measure It 我们为什么要去丈量它 How to Calculate It 如何进展计算 FTQ Deployment,Evaluation and Improvement Process FTQ的调度,评价及改良程序 Responsibilities 责任 The Structured Approach 构造性方法 The Basic Quality Tools 根本质量工具 How to Apply the Quality Tools 如何运用质量工具 Monitoring and Reporting 检测与报告 Class ExercisePlant A车间车间A Plt B车间车间B Plt C车间车间CCELL1234578N6OPERATOR操作员操作员OPERATOR操作员操作员OPERATOR操作员操作员OPERATOR操作员操作员OPERATOR操作员操作员TEAM LEADER组长组长CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAM独立功能性小组独立功能性小组Potential Members:潜在成员潜在成员 -TEAM LEADER -OPERATIONS/MANUFACTURING 操作指点操作指点/消费消费 -QUALITY ENGINEER 质量工程师质量工程师 -PROCESS ENGINEER 过程工程师过程工程师 -INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER技术工程师技术工程师 -MAINTENANCE维修组维修组 -PRODUCT ENGINEER产品工程师产品工程师 -SUPPLIER QUALITY供应商质量代表供应商质量代表PRODUCTENGINEERING产品工程师产品工程师QUALITY质量监视检验质量监视检验 MAINTENANCE 维修组维修组 OPERATIONS操作指点操作指点 PROCESSENGINEERING消费过程工程师消费过程工程师PLANT MANAGER厂区经理厂区经理PC&L CELL消费单元消费单元FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序Stakeholder involvement投资者参与方式CFTPROCESSQUALITYENGINEER质量工程师质量工程师OPERATIONS 操作指点操作指点PROCESSENGINEER过程工程师过程工程师PRODUCTENGINEER产品工程师产品工程师MAINTENANCE 维修组维修组INDUSTRIALENGINEER技术工程师技术工程师DEFINE REACTIONPLAN&ALARM LIMITS确定反映方案及警戒限IDENTIFY&COUNTDISCREPANT PARTS识别并清点差别品IMPLEMENT ALARMREACTION PLAN(IFEXCEEDED)执行警戒方案(如超出警戒值)RECORD DATA记录数据ANALYZE DATA分析数据SELECT&PLANIMPROVEMENT选择并方案改良IMPLEMENTIMPROVEMENT器具的改良EVALUATE评价INSTITUTIONALIZELESSONS LEARNED制度化课程学习LEADSUPPORTTypical Responsibilities Flowchart 典型的职责流程图FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 SQ or SDE Responsibilities 质量工程师职责 Ensure supplier understands,and if necessary,obtains appropriate training on the FTQ Improvement process 确保供应商明了FTQ,如有必要,要接受关于FTQ改良程序的适当培训 Monitor implementation progress during FTQ activities 在FTQ活动中进展进程的监控 Conduct 5 step site evaluation for FTQ implementation 对FTQ的执行,进展步评价 Set stage for improvement activities 为改良展动奠定根底 Outline plan of attack 批判的大致方案 Document improvement plan(i.e.through an A3)文件改良方案如:经过A3FTQ Implementation FTQ执行IDENTIFY识别识别ANALYZE分析分析PLAN方案方案EVALUATE评价评价IMPLEMENT执行执行 -PROCESS CONTROL PLAN IDENTIFY&COUNT DISCREPANT PARTS识别并清点差别品识别并清点差别品IMPLEMENT IMPROVEMENT器具的改良器具的改良EVALUATE评价评价INSTITUTION-ALIZE LESSONS LEARNED对规范的学习对规范的学习TOOLS FOR IDENTIFICATION:-PROCESS CONTROL PLAN -BOUNDARY SAMPLES TOOLS FOR COUNTING:-PARTS COUNTERS -TALLY SHEETS -SIZED CONTAINERS识别工具:识别工具:-过程控制方案过程控制方案-对比样品对比样品清点工具:清点工具:-计数器计数器-计数表计数表-定容箱定容箱 TOOLS:-PARETO -CAUSE&EFFECT (FISHBONE)-CONCENTRATION DIAGRAM -FLOW CHART -HISTOGRAM -SCATTER DIAGRAM -CHECK SHEET -5 WHYS工具:工具:-柏拉图柏拉图因果图因果图集中图集中图流程图流程图柱状图柱状图分散图分散图报帐单报帐单 WHYSEXAMPLES:-CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TEAMS -CHANGE BOARDS -RPN REDUCTION -STATISTICAL ENGINEERING PROJECTS例如:例如:-独立功能性小组独立功能性小组改动任务台改动任务台值减少值减少统计工程师统计工程师工程工程 ACTION PLAN:-WHAT,WHEN,WHOTOOL:-ACTION PLAN工具工具执行方案执行方案TOOLS:-PFMEA -LOOK-ACROSS-CHART -5 WHYS SELECT&PLAN IMPROVEMENT选择并方案改良选择并方案改良NEW LEVEL OF QUALITY?质量的新水准质量的新水准DEFINE REACTION PLAN&ALARM LIMITS确定反响方案及警戒限确定反响方案及警戒限RECORDDATA记录数据记录数据 TOOLS:-CONTROL CHART工具:工具:-控制表控制表ANALYZE DATA分析数据分析数据 TOOL:-RUN CHART 工具工具跑动图跑动图 -GATE CHART闸门图闸门图ALARMEXCEEDED?超越警戒线超越警戒线IMPLEMENTALARMREACTIONPLAN执行反响方执行反响方 案案YESNONOYESSELECT选择选择CONTAIN抑制抑制CORRECT矫正矫正PREVENT预防预防FTQ Improvement Process Overall 全面的FTQ改良程序 Define ALARM LIMITS 确定警戒限确定警戒限Catch and Count Defects 捕捉并清点不良捕捉并清点不良React to ALARM LIMITS 反响反响Follow Reaction PlanVoice of the Customer客户反响客户反响Reaction Plan反响方案反响方案First Time QualityInitiate Structured Problem Solving开场程式化问题处理开场程式化问题处理ZERO Defects ForwardA structured approach12FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Define alarm limits and reaction plan 确定警戒限及反响方案 Alarm limits must be based on current process reject data or available data from Machine qualification runs,Run at Rate,historical data,etc.警戒必需基于现工序的不良数据或是从机器在一定功率下运转产生的历史数据,等 Need to collect data long enough to ensure you understand the types and quantities of defects that fall out from your current process.Limits for common cause(chronic)rejects may be statistically calculated 必需经过足够长时间的数据搜集,我们才干确定从现运转程序中漏掉的不良品的种类和数量一些共同缘由产生的不良也可经过这些统计被找出 Understand process and expected defects(what types and quantities of defects)了解程序和预估不良不良品的种类和数量 Determine the process normal range of variation by charting the reject data over time经过对不良数据制表认知,确定程序的正常变化幅度FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Define alarm limits and reaction plan 确定警戒限及反响方案 Limits for special cause(non chronic)rejects must be set at one piece 突发缘由产生的不良显示必需在一产生时就做出调整 Limits must be communicated to operators so they can react 限定还必需与操作员交流清楚以便他们能及时反响 If alarm limits are exceeded,there must be a documented reaction plan which includes containment of product and process corrections.假设警戒限被超,要有书面的反响方案包括消费抑制以及程序更正 Employees may find clever ways to identify abnormal process state as the process matures 随着程序的成熟,职工也会发现识别异常的巧妙方法 The immediate action taken is the most important step in containing the problem until it has been eliminated and verified 遏制问题的最重要的步骤是快速采取行动直到问题被消除并核实Quality Alarm Limit:质量警戒限质量警戒限Example:Rejected Parts Counter例:不合格品的计数The counter is flipped for each defect.The color will change from green to yellow to red.在每个不良品上要附上这种卡片颜色有绿黄红三种Yellow indicates action required and red will stop the process.黄色表示要采取行动,而红色表示停顿工序Small white tags are placed with each defective part to identify the specific defect.每个不良品上会有一个白色小标签注明不良缘由 Identify and count rejected parts 识别及清点不良品 Operators must have sufficient tools and skills in order to identify product discrepancies 操作员必需有足够的工具及技艺来识别产品缺陷 It is recommended that rejected parts be removed from the cell station at a defined frequency so they may be counted and categorized by defect or rework code 不良品应定期从任务区移开,以便进展计数并不良品号码登记 Tools to enhance the operators ability to identify product discrepancies include:用来加强操作员识别产品差别的工具包括:Boundary Samples 对比样品 Illustrations 图表 Photographs 照片 Gages 计量器 Tools for counting rejected parts include:清点不良品的工具有:Parts Counters 计数器 Tally Sheets 计数表 Sized Containers 定容器FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Implement Alarm Reaction Plan if Limit Exceeded 假设超越警戒限,执行反响方案 Reaction Plan:反响方案Alarm Limit Exceeded?超出警戒限Contain抑制Investigate调查Implement Containment PlanUntil Problem Fixed执行抑制方案直到问题处理YesContainment Plan消费抑制方案消费抑制方案FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Record Data 记录数据 Data must be recorded and plotted over time:要按时记录数据并绘制数据图 At the cell level,the number of pieces rejected shall be recorded by defect category at a defined frequency.This data must be used to react to abnormal process conditions(process monitoring)每个作业区都必需用不良记录表以一定频次来记录不良品数目数据必需用来对异常程序作出反响程序监测 Since the area of opportunity varies from sample to sample,the reject count must be converted into a rate(FTQ PPM)prior to charting 由于样品与样品的 Each area should have a performance tracking board that would reflect the manufacturing FTQ information by shiftFTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Analyze Data 分析数据 The basic quality tools are:根本的质量工具 Flow Charting流程图 Check Sheets报帐单 Pareto柏拉图 Cause and Effect因果图 Run Chart Histogram柱状图 Scatter Diagram分布图 Control Chart控制图FTQ Improvement ProcessFTQ改良程序Initiate Structured Problem Solving开场程式化问题处理开场程式化问题处理Understand Defects and Decide the Order of Priority:了解不良并确定优先顺序了解不良并确定优先顺序Assign problems toCross-Functional Group:向独立功能性小组提交问题向独立功能性小组提交问题Select and Plan the Improvement:1 Right Information 2 Right Cause 3 Right Timing选择并方案改良选择并方案改良:1 正确的信息正确的信息 2 正确的缘由正确的缘由 3 正确的时间正确的时间Fix the Biggest Problems First:先处理最大的问题先处理最大的问题12A BC DProblems1 2 1 2 ResponsibleTeam WorksProblems担任小组指出问题担任小组指出问题DEFECT1.-2.-3.-4323221111First Time Quality Process一次下线合格率程序Analyze Data分析数据Problem Identification问题识别问题识别Problem Analysis分析问题分析问题Flowchart流程图Brainstorming头脑风暴 Pareto Chart柏拉图Cause&Effect因果图Control Chart控制图Check Sheet报帐图Run Chart趋向图Stratification分层图 Histogram 柱状图 Scatter Diagram 分布图 Process Capability 加工才干Charts can be used for different purposes in various stages of the problem-solving process在问题处理程序中许多阶段,图表都可以用于不同的目的.The tools included in the intersecting portion of this diagram can be used in both the problem identification and problem analysis phase of problem solving位于上图交叉部位的工具既可以用于问题的识别也可用于问题的分析.FTQ Improvement Process FTQ改良程序 Select and Plan Improvement选择和方案改良 After FTQ problems have been identified through data analysis,improvement plans must be developed 经过数据分析FTQ问题被界定后,改良方案必需被制定 A recommended template has been provided to track implementation status of corrective actions(FTQ Tracker or Step Down Chart)跟踪纠正行动执行情况引荐模板被提供FTQ跟踪或趋势图 To be make problem solving truly effective,standard work must be utilized.Standard work is like a recipe:varying method and content will not yield same results!对于被有效处理的制造问题,必需构成任务规范。任务规范就象一个处方:不同的任务方法和内容将得出不同的结果FTQ Improvement Process Implement and Evaluate执行和评价 Once the Corrective Action has been implemented,the data must be evaluated for trends or shifts一旦矫正行动被执行,就运用数据挪动趋势来评价 Did the problem stay“killed?Can you turn the problem on and off?If so,change alarm limits and update the documentation This is one of the reasons it is so important to collect data over time Without data there is no way to evaluate the impact of the corrective action on the process假设没有数据,就没有方法评价实施在过程上矫正行动的效果 If no significant reduction in FTQ PPM is observed,then it is possible the cause was misidentified 假设FTQ PPM没有艰苦减少,阐明能够识别的缘由是错误的FTQ Improvement Process Institutionalize Lessons Learned and Look Across Lessons Learned must be incorporated into all existing documentation.Then Look Across to ensure implementation in all applicable processes,products.DFMEAs设计FMEA Process Flow Diagram过程流程图 PFMEAs 过程FMEA Process Control Plans过程控制方案 Process Routings 过程道路 Operating Instructions操作指点书 Employee Instructions员工指点书 Product Drawings 产品图 Tool Drawings 工具图 Total Productive Maintenance(T.P.M.)TPM Boundary Samples 边境样件FTQ Improvement ProcessClosing Comments-FTQ Improvement ProcessImplement ImprovementWork the Action PlanUpdate plan as requiredDocument improvements


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