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British Tourist Attractions伦敦的主要景点有:白金汉宫、唐宁街10号、大英博物馆、威斯敏斯特宫、伦敦塔、海德公园、格林尼治天文台、福尔摩斯博物馆、大本钟、伦敦塔桥、伦敦等。英格兰:伦敦London伯明翰Birmingham布里斯托Bristol 曼彻斯特Manchester 纽卡斯尔Newcastle 利兹Leeds利物浦Liverpool诺丁汉Nottingham 谢菲尔德Sheffield 剑桥Cambridge 牛津Oxfod等推荐景点一:爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh castle Edinburgh castle is the symbol of Edinburgh, Scotland spirit even standing at the top, high in death volcanic rocks overlooking Edinburgh city, every August in this FenLieShi (Military Tattoo held marching) and, more will be Edinburgh castle solemn majestic atmosphere shows. To Edinburgh tourist would not miss Edinburgh castle, because in Edinburgh castle volcano in granite top, Edinburgh castle in downtown every corner can be seen. Edinburgh castle in the 6th century became the royal fort, Edinburgh castle thenceforth become important royal residence and the state 推荐景点二:白金汉宫Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the monarchs present London home,facing St. Jamespark. It as built for the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy John Sheffield in 1703. Buckingham House was bought by George III for his wife at the price of 28,000 pounds in 1761 and the royal family moved there from St. JamesPalace. It was enlarged in the Palladian (帕拉弟奥的)style by John Nash in the reign Of George IV and then the building became known as Buckingham Palace. When Victoria came to the throne,she made it the royal palace. In the palace can be found the Marble Hall, Sculpture Gallery,the Picture Gallery,the Throne Room, the Drawing Room,the Library,the Royal Stamp-Collecting Room,the Grand Staircase (楼梯)and Vestibule (门廊),over 600 rooms and halls in all. The grounds cover 40 acres and there are collections of famous paintings and of furniture,most of which are works dating from George IVs time. Since 1993,Buckingham Palace has been open to the public during the summer months only. 推荐景点三:国会大楼parliament building与大笨钟big ben Big Ben is the colloquial name of the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster in London and an informal name for the Great Bell of Westminster, part of the Great Clock of Westminster. The clock tower is located at the northwestern end of the building, the home of the Houses of Parliament, and contains the famous striking clock and bell. The new Parliament was built in a Neo-gothic style. Although Barry was the chief architect of the Palace, he turned to Augustus Pugin for the design of the clock tower, which resembles earlier Pugin designs, including one for Scarisbrick Hall. The design for the Clock Tower was Pugins last design before his final descent into madness and death, and Pugin himself wrote, at the time of Barrys last visit to him to collect the drawings: I never worked so hard in my life for Mr Barry for tomorrow I render all the designs for finishing his bell tower & it is beautiful.6 The tower is designed in Pugins celebrated Gothic Revival style, and is 96.3 metres (315.9 ft) high. 推荐景点四:海德公园Hyde ParkOne of Londons finest historic landscapes covering 142 hectares (350 acres). There is something for everyone in Hyde Park. With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow, horse rides and more it is easy to forget youre in the middle of London. About the Park When King Henry VIII and his court were thundering across Hyde Park in 1536 in pursuit of deer and wild boar, it would have been difficult to visualise that years later the noble art of tai chi would be peacefully performed among the trees in the early morning, and the Italianate tenor of Pavarotti would echo across the park, applauded by vast audiences.推荐景点五:格拉斯哥大教堂 Glasgow Cathedral Glasgow Cathedral is Christ in 1136 to dedicated to the patron saint of Glasgow St.Mungo built, after the completion of 300 years, is a model of Gothic buildings prior to the Reformation, is also the United Kingdom the only reformed preserved cathedrals in Scotland. At present, most of the building have been built since the 15th century, only the West Tower were destroyed in the unrest. In the late 15th century, increases in the middle of the Cathedral has a stone altars surrounding screen, interval is divided into two parts of the Church. Surrounding screen next to the 7 pairs of stone decoration, used to represent the seven sins. The most interesting place is the church there is a staircase leading to the dwarf. Massed pillars create a momentum, surrounded by tombstones of the Holy Mount Al Gore. 3 aidehuayishi in 1301 had visited this temple.St.Mungo museums left in front of the Church, on religious life and art collection on display. Here something not only Catholic, Hindu Shiva like Zen or round also has a place in this Chamber. Opposite the Museum is the old building of the citys oldest Provands Lordship, faithful live appearance of Christ in 15th century wealthy tycoons, from Christ 1471 saved to date.推荐景点六:布雷尔收藏馆 Burrell Collection The collection was put together over many years by Sir William Burrell, a wealthy industrialist, ship owner and art collector who then gifted it to thecityof Glasgow in 1944.1 The gift was made on the condition that thecollectionwas to be housed in a building 16 miles (26 km) from the centreof Glasgow,to show the works to their greatest advantage, and to avoid the damaging effects of air pollution at the time. The trustees spent over 20 years trying to findasuitable home for the collection, one which met all the criteria set out in the Trust Deed, without success. 推荐景点七伦敦大桥 London Bridge London Bridge is a bridge between the City of London and Southwark in London, England, over the River Thames. Situated between Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge, it forms the western end of the Pool of London. On the south side of the bridge are Southwark Cathedral and London Bridge station; on the north side are the Monument to the Great Fire of London and Monument tube station. 伦敦塔桥 推荐景点九:温彻斯特大教堂 Winchester Cathedral Winchester in Hampshire is one of the largest cathedrals in England, with the longest nave and overall length of any Gothic cathedral in Europe.1 Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and Saint Swithun, it is the seat of the Bishop of Winchester and centre of the Diocese of Winchester. The cathedral was originally founded in 642 on an immediately adjoining site to the north. This building became known as the Old Minster. It became part of a monastic settlement in 971. Saint Swithun was buried near the Old Minster and then in it, before being moved to the new Norman cathedral. So-called mortuary chests said to contain the remains of Saxon kings such as King Eadwig of England, first buried in the Old Minster, and his wife lfgifu, are also housed in the present cathedral.citation needed The Old Minster was demolished in 1093 推荐景点十:大英博物馆 The British Museum.The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington in 1887. Until 1997, when the British Library opened to the public, the British Museum was unique in that it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national library in the same building. Its present chairman is Sir John Boyd and its director is Neil MacGregor.As with all other national museums and art galleries in Britain, the Museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions.The construction of tower bridge began in 1885 and it was opened 9yrs later by edward vii the then prince of wales, amidst pomp and ceremony. it is the only bridge in london that can be raised to allow ships to pass. since the thames is no longer used much as a trade and shipping route, the complex lifting mechanism is only used 4 or 5 times a week. the tower bridge is often mistaken for london bridge which is dull in comparison.The Tower was finished twenty years later, rising nearly one hundred feet high, with its walls fifteen feet thick in certain places. Inside was a chapel, apartments, guardrooms, and crypts. The Tower was protected by a wide ditch, a new stone wall, the old Roman wall, and the river. This was done to secure the fact that this tower was a prison that no prisoner would escape from. The Bishop of Durham was probably the Towers first distinguished prisoner. He was very fat, greedy, and unpopular. He was dragged to the prison by his brother with his servants and bags of money. But the Bishop lived very well inside the Tower because he could bribe the guards with gold. One night in February,1101, he gave a huge banquet with a lot of food and liquor. When he had gotten the guards very drunk, he pushed his bags through a window and slid down a rope to freedom.


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