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2013蒋军虎基础班语法、基强班长难句总结第一章 总论- 3 -一、基本词类 10类- 3 -二、句子成分 8种- 3 -三、句子基本类型- 3 -四、改错练习- 3 -五、句子结构分析练习- 4 -第二章 词的讲解- 4 -一、名词- 4 -二、代词- 4 -三、动词- 5 -1、动词-主谓一致- 5 -2、时态-填空- 7 -3、时态-选择- 8 -4、时态-改错- 9 -5、动词语态- 10 -6、特殊动词与动词搭配- 10 -7、虚拟语气- 10 -四、连词(见三大从句)- 11 -第三章 三大从句- 11 -一、形容词性质的定语从句:- 11 -1、三类关系词简介- 12 -关系代词:- 12 -关系副词- 12 -关系限定词- 12 -2、关系代词- 12 -3、关系副词- 13 -4、关系限定词- 13 -5、四个关系词选择- 14 -1)11个关系词的选择- 14 -2)关系代词which 与whom 之前介词的选择- 14 -3)定语从句中关系代词与介词的位置- 15 -4)只用关系代词that不用which的情况- 15 -6、四类特殊定语从句- 16 -1)分裂定语从句- 16 -2)并列/复合(嵌入)/递进定语从句- 16 -3)but引导的否定性定语从句- 17 -4)非限制性定语从句- 17 -7、句子写作- 19 -8、自我练习- 19 -二、名词性从句- 20 -三类连词的基本用法- 20 -1、That类从句- 20 -2、Whether/if类- 20 -3、Wh-类- 21 -4、What与How连接名词性从句(感叹句)的注意事项- 21 -5、What/whatever/whoever的特殊用法- 21 -6、名饰分裂的第2种情形名词与同位语从句的分离- 22 -7、名词性同位从句与形容词性定语从句的区别- 22 -8、名词性从句练习- 22 -9、自我练习- 23 -三、副词性质的状语从句- 24 -选择- 24 -自我练习- 25 -第四章 几大结构- 27 -一、非谓语结构- 27 -不定式短语(to do)- 27 -动名词(v. ing)- 27 -分词- 28 -二、独立主格结构(注意独构的6种形式)- 29 -三、倒装结构- 30 -四、强调结构:- 31 -第一章 总论一、基本词类 10类名词与代词、动词、形容词与副词、介词与连词、冠词、数词与感叹词)二、句子成分 8种1.He speaks English well.他英语讲得很好。2.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。3.Einstein went to American because Hitler persecuted the Jews.由于希特勒的迫害,爱因斯坦去了美国。4.I found the explanation wrong.我发现这个解释是错误的。5.We often call him “Mr. right”.我们常叫他“白马王子”6.He died young.他年纪轻轻就死了。7.The bottle was found empty.我们发现瓶子是空的。三、句子基本类型8.He works. S +Vi (副词)他工作。9.He works hard.他努力工作。10.I love grammar. S + Vt + O我喜欢语法。11.I like chatting on the Internet.我喜欢在网上聊天。12.Talking to her brings me a lot of fun. S + Vt + O1 +O2我和她聊天,我感到很开心。13.Put your hands in the air and give me all of your money!举起手来,把你所有的钱都给我。14.Baby, you are driving me crazy. S + Vt + O + C 宾补宝贝,你真让我疯狂。15.Who leaves the door open?是谁开的门?16.Internet dating is popular. S + be + P 表语网恋很普遍。17.He is so yellow.他是如此怯懦。 四、改错练习18.He comes from Shanghai.他来自上海。19.She is very beautiful.她很漂亮。20.She is a beauty.她是个美人。21.Is she beautiful?她美吗?22.What he said is true.他说的是对的吗?23.Your little daughter is so lovely.你的小女儿太可爱了。24.Dont look at me.别看我。25.The baby cried.那个宝贝哭了。26.I kissed you. Or I was kissed.我吻了你。或 我被吻了。27.Play football is my favorite sport.踢足球是我最喜欢的运动。五、句子结构分析练习28.My brother teaches in university.我兄弟在大学教书。29.Most students in my class like playing chess.我们班的很多同学喜欢下棋。30.Old habits die hard.老毛病难改。或 积习难改31.I found grammar interesting.我发现语法有趣。32.Happy families seldom differ.幸福的家庭没差别。33.Last night, Mr. Clinton apologized sincerely to Hilary in his office.昨晚,克林顿先生在他的办公室向希拉里诚恳地道歉。34.They had a full exchange of views on a series of major questions and reached complete agreement on measured to be taken to safeguard peace.他们针对一系列主要问题充分交换了看法,并就采取措施捍卫和平达成了完全共识。35.To make things worse, there was a strong wind.让情况更糟糕的是,风更大了。36.The present question is that many people consider impossible what is really possible if effort is made.当前的问题是许多人认为努力付出是很可能的事是不可能的。第二章 词的讲解一、名词37.I have to do much homework tonight.我今晚不得不完成好多家庭作业。38.After tomorrow, we will be grown-ups.从今以后,我们就是成年人了。39.He is running a furniture business.他正在经营家具生意。40.I know that many friends of Jerrys will turn up in the costume party.我知道将会有许多杰瑞的朋友来参加化妆舞会。41.A car came to a shop outside the Jewelers.有辆车停在了那家珠宝店的门口。42.The old lady hired three men-servants.那个老妇雇佣了3个男仆。43.My grandparents raise chickens and fish, but we usually buy chicken and fish from the supermarkets.我的祖父母养了几只小鸡和一些鱼,但我们通常从超市买鸡肉和鱼肉。Fishes表示一类鱼,44.He climbed this 3600-foot-high mountain on foot.他徒步登上了3600米高的山峰。连词符中的Foot用原型。二、代词45.Alan has scarcely anything left in the house.艾伦几乎没有什么东西留在家里了(艾伦家徒四壁了)。46.He is something of a musician.在一定程度上他算是一个音乐家。something of = to some degree 在某种程度上47.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite another to perform skillfully yourself.喜欢听好的音乐是一回事;而你自己能娴熟地表演它又是另一回事。48.Do you like these shoes, Madam?No, show me some others.夫人,您喜欢这双鞋吗?不喜欢,请给我换另一双。49.To the finalists, Bob and me, the last high jump was the most exciting.对于鲍勃和我这样的决赛选手来说,最后一跳是最令人兴奋的。50.William the conqueror built the Tower of London to protect himself from those he had conquered.征服者威廉建造伦敦塔以保护自己免遭他所征服的人们的袭击。51.Sam admired his friends Frank and Jerry. He imitated every action of theirs.山姆崇拜他的朋友弗兰克和杰瑞,他模仿他们的每一个动作。52.The lunar New Year was always a happy time for us Chinese children.对于我们中国孩子来说,农历新年总是一个快乐的时光。53.These three girls help one another to embroider flowers on the table cloth.这三个女孩相互帮助在桌布上绣花。54.My father asked Tom and me to help.父亲叫我和汤姆去帮忙。55.Our home is finer than yours or his.我们家比你家或他家好。56.When drinking from a well, one mustnt forget those who dug it.当人们喝井水时,人们不能忘记挖井人。三、动词1、动词-主谓一致57.Not only I but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another.不仅是我,还有简和玛丽都厌倦了参加一个又一个的考试。58.A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation as a gift.有人把一个有五千本藏书的图书馆作为礼物捐赠给国家。59.When and where to build the new factory is not decided yet.截止到目前,何时何地建新的工厂尚未做出决定。60.The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them were absent for different reasons.应邀的人数是50人,但他们中有些人由于不同的原因缺席了。61.A good deal of money has been spent on clothes.在买衣服花了许多钱。62.Either you or the headmaster is to hand out the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.要么是你,要么是校长在大会上颁发奖品给这些有天赋的学生们。63.Mr. White as well as his wife years has travelled a number of countries in the past few years.在过去的几年里,怀特先生和他的妻子已经到过许多国家旅行64.A pair of glasses is needed now.现在需要一副眼镜。65.The Himalayas is (are) very famous for its (their) natural beauty.喜马拉雅山脉因为它美丽的自然景观而著名。或喜马拉雅山脉由于其自然风光之美而非常出名。66.Most of the work had been done by the time (that / when) we got there.我们到达那里时大部分的工作已经完成。67.Many a student is busy with their lessons.许多学生忙于自己的功课。68.The audience was/were so large that no seat was left unoccupied in the great hall.听众是如此众多,以至在这个大厅中座无虚席。69.Everybody, men and women, old and young, enjoys sports and games.无论是男人还是女人,老人还是年青人,每个人都喜欢体育比赛。70.Ten minutes seems an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.当一个人正在等电话时,十分钟就像一个小时那样漫长。71.The secretary and principal is speaking at the meeting now.书记兼校长正在会议上讲话。72.It is not Jane but her brothers who are to blame.不是简而是他的兄弟们应该受到批评。73.For some kids, 50 pence is such a big amount that can go a long way.对于小孩子来说,50便士是很大一笔钱,足够他们花上一阵子。74.The quickest means to go there is by air.去那里的最快捷方式是乘飞机。75.The crew of Titanic were/was waiting for the instruction from the captain.泰坦尼克号的全体船员正在等待着船长的命令。76.The total number of victims of the bus bomb in Jerusalem was astonishing.在耶路撒冷发生的汽车炸弹爆炸案的遇难者总人数令人震惊。77.Please make sure (that) all the cattle are well secured in the shed.请确认所有的牛都已经安全进入牛圈。78.To a disabled person, even 50 meters is a long distance to cover.对于残疾人来说,要跨过50米都是很长的一段距离。79.Two years has been spent in learning English.在学英语方面用了两年的时间。80.The rich are not always happy, although the poor pay for all.富人并不总是快乐,尽管穷人为他们支付了一切。81.It is reported that there are going to be heavy storms in the coming month.据报道,下个月将有大的暴风雨。82.Statistics is an optional course in this College.在大学统计学是门选修课。83.The Victoria Falls attract thousands of tourists every year.每年维多利亚瀑布都吸引数以千计的游客。84.More than one student has been reported missing.不止一个学生被报告失踪。85.More students than one have been reported missing.不止一个学生被报告失踪。86.Although many a strong man has got lost before such a temptation, still there are a great many who have managed to resist it.虽然很多意志坚强的男人在这样的诱惑面前迷失了自我,但依然有许多人设法抵制了它。87.It seems that neither Bin Laden nor his followers have anticipated such a drastic turn in the field.似乎宾与他的追随者都没有预料到,在这个领域发生了如此剧烈的转变。88.补2011年讲义中的句子。A certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.某种设定的环境已经使得正义自发地起作用了。2、时态-填空89.My brother has a new car. He bought it last week.我兄弟有辆新车,这是他上个星期买的。90.Before Jane goes to bed, she always brushes her teeth.简在上床睡觉之前总是要刷牙。91.I didnt go to school yesterday. I stayed at home because I didnt feel well.昨天我没有去学校。因为我感觉不舒服,所以我呆在家了92.While I was reading a book, I fell asleep.我在读书的时候睡着了。93.I began to watch TV at eight last night. Mary came at eight thirty. I was watching TV when Mary came.昨晚8点我开始看电视。玛丽是8点半来的。当玛丽来时,我正在看电视。94.Joan has already finished her homework. Now she is playing the piano.琼完成了她的家庭作业。现在她正在弹钢琴。95.The students are playing football on the playground. Do they play football every day?这些学生正在球场踢球。他们每天都踢吗?96.We often use a recorder in our English class. But we will not use it tomorrow, because there is something wrong with it.我们常常在英语课上使用录音机。但明天我们不能用它了,因为它坏了。97.He gave up smoking last month. He has not smoked for about a month.他上个月戒烟了。他差不多连续1个月都不吸烟了。98.The teacher told us that the moon looks bright, but it has no light of its own. It just reflects the light of the sun. 老师告诉我们月亮看起来很亮,但它自己并不发光。它仅仅是反射太阳光。99.He has tried three times so far and he failed each time.迄今他已经试了三次,但都失败了。100.Perhaps it will be a long time before we see you again.或许要过上很长的一段时间之后,我们才可以再次看到你。“Before” 才句型How many roads must a man walk down before they can call him a man?101.While he was in the army, he learnt/learned English, which helped him a lot in his work there.他在部队时学习了英语,并且学习英语也对他的工作帮助很大。102.I am considering accepting your suggestion at present.目前,我正在考虑接受你的建议。103.Since January 1st, here have been a lot of new tasks in the factory.从自1月1号以来,这家工厂已经得到许多新任务。3、时态-选择104.When I arrived at his office, he was speaking on the phone.当我到他办公室时他正在打电话。105.Send for a doctor quickly. The old man is dying.快去叫医生,这位老人快死了。106.Did you check your paper? No, I have checked it for five hours.你检查完试卷了吗。还没有,我已经检查了5个小时。107.I was having my breakfast when the morning post came.当早晨邮差来时我正在吃早餐。我正在吃早餐,突然邮差来了。108.Nobody likes him because he is always criticizing others.之所以没有人喜欢他,是因为他总是喜欢批评别人。109.It has been/is 4 years since I left my country.(自从)我离开祖国已经有4年了。110.If he is still working, dont interrupt him.如果他仍在工作,就不要打扰他。111.James has just arrived, but I didnt know (that) he was coming until yesterday.詹姆士刚刚到了,但我直到昨天才知道他要来。112.Just go ahead, I will cover you.尽管往前走,我将保护你。113.I will set out for Singapore as soon as the ticket is ready.票一准备好,我就出发去新加坡。114.When he comes, Ill let you know.他来的时候,我将会让你知道。115.Mary was making a dress when she cut her finger.当玛丽在做衣服的时候,突然割到了自己的手指。116.Do you like the material? Yes, it feels very soft.你喜欢这样的材料吗?是的,它摸起来感觉很柔软。117.Your phone number again? I didnt catch it.能再告诉你的电话号码吗?我刚才我没记下来。118.Nancy is not coming tonight. But she promised.南希今晚将回不去了。但她答应要回的。119.The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so.价格已经下降了,但我怀疑价格是否能保持这种状态。120.His grandmother has been dead for twenty years.他的奶奶已经去世20年了。121.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。122.Hardly had we started when it began to snow.我们一出发,天就开始下雪了。123.We had just had our dinner when the doorbell rang.当门铃响时,我们刚刚吃过晚饭。124.I decided to go to the library as soon as I finished my work.我决定一完成作业,就去图书馆。125.Water these flowers. Look, they are dying soon.快给花儿浇水。看,他们快死了。126.No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain.他一到天就开始下雨了。127.In the 19th century, it was the most handsome car that had ever been built.截止到19世纪,它是当时做得最漂亮的小车。128.The girl even wont have her lunch before she finishes her homework.在这位女孩完成作业,才会吃午餐。或 这个女孩子在完成家庭作业前是不会吃饭的。129.The Spring Festival is coming/ comes next month. What are you going to do?下个月就到春节了,你打算做些什么?130.I thought (that) he was on a diet.我看他在节食。131.Tom died last summer. Tom always liked reading poem to his family汤姆去年夏天去世了。他生前总是喜欢给他的家人诵读诗歌。132.By the time (that) you read this article tomorrow evening, we shall have left for London.当你明天晚上读到这篇文章时,我们已经出发去伦敦了。133.It has been raining almost every day so far this month.到这个月截止到目前,几乎每天都下雨。4、时态-改错134.The teacher asks us a lot of question in class every day.那个老师每天在课堂上问我们很多问题135.I have been in London (for) two weeks.两周前我就到伦敦了。136.I really dont know if Jane will come to the party this evening if she comes, let me know at once.我真不知道简能否参加今晚的派对。如果她来,请立刻让我知道。137.They were sweating all over because they had played/ had been playing football for over two hours.之所以他们当时汗流浃背,是因为他们当时踢足球已经2个小时了。138.My brother has been in much better health since he joined the army.自从我弟参军以来,他的身体棒多了。139.My friends will meet me when I arrive at the airport.我到机场,我的朋友就会来接我。140.No sooner had she gone to bed than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.她刚上床门铃就响了,而且声音大的足以将死人吵醒。141.When the policeman found the body of that girl, she had been dead for about two days.当警察发现那个女孩的尸体时,她已经死两天了。142.They were sweating all over because they had played / had been playing football for over two hours.之所以他们当时汗流浃背,是因为他们当时踢足球已经2个小时了。143.It is midnight. I have been studying for five hours. No wonder Im getting tired.现在是午夜了,我已经看了五个小时的书,难怪感觉到累。144.I lit up at seven yesterday. It was the first cigarette (that) I had smoked that day.晚上7点我点了根烟,这是我今天吸的第一支烟。145.Since I have been especially invited to speak, it is quite rude of you now to tell me that I cannot.既然我被特邀发言,现在你告诉我不能讲了,你这样太粗鲁了。146.When he retires, Professor Jones will have taught here for over thirty years, but his classes are never dull.到琼斯教授退休时,他就将教书超过三十年了,而且他的课堂从不枯燥。5、动词语态147.The fire could not be put out until the next morning.那场火灾直到第二天才扑灭。148.Those students are often seen playing football in the field.经常见到这些学生在田野里踢足球。149.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen sells well.这种由技艺精湛的工匠做出的眼镜非常好卖。150.The cloth feels much softer.这种布摸起来很柔软。151.A new car will be bought for her as a birthday present.她将获得一辆新车作为生日礼物。152.In order to attend a dinner party, she was well dressed.为了参加晚宴,她装得很漂亮。153.The professor didnt begin his lecture until all the audiences were seated.直到听众们坐好,那位教授才开始演讲。154.After such a long journey, my shoes want mending.经过如此漫长的旅行,我的鞋需要修修了。6、特殊动词与动词搭配155.The naughty boy used to get up early.这个顽皮的男孩过去常常早起。156.This pen can not be his; he was not here in the morning.这支钢笔不可能是他的,因为今天早上他不在这里。157.Dare he come out at night?晚上他敢出来吗?158.He is so wise a king that all the people look up to him.他是如此明智的国王以至所有的人都很敬仰他。159.They have to call off the meeting because of the bad weather.由于恶劣的天气他们不得不取消这次会议。160.The river has risen (for) several feet because of the heavy rain.由于这场大雨,这条河上涨了好几英尺。7、虚拟语气161.But for the fog, we should have reached our destination.若不是因为大雾,我们应该早就到达我们的目的地了。162.Supposing this ship were to sink, do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers?如果这艘船下沉,你认为是否有足够的救生衣给全部的乘客?163.Your secretary told me that you would be coming over. Otherwise I would have felt compelled to call you at home.你的秘书说您将要过来,不然我将要给您家里打电话了。164.Did you go to see the football match yesterday? No. I didnt feel well, but I would have gone if I had (feel well).昨天你去看足球比赛了吗?-没有,我昨天感觉不舒服,如果我没生病,我肯定会去参加比赛的。feel well为了避免重复删去165.He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I would have died of hunger and cold.他告诉我他是如何给我提供庇护的,如果没有这些庇护恐怕我早就饿死和冻死了。166.The idea is that the nation (should) send an unmanned spacecraft to explore the planet first.这个建议是,国家应该首先发射无人太空飞船去勘察这颗行星。167.The management urged that the cost of production (should) be further reduced.管理层一再要求应该进一步降低生产成本。168.What do you think of his proposal that improvements (should) be made in the old type of vacuum cleaner?他建议应该改进这一老款真空吸尘器的制造,您认为他这一建议如何?169.There is a general understanding among the members of the Board of Directors that chief attention should be given to the undertaking that is expected to bring in highest profit.在董事会的成员中有这样的共识:即首要注意力应该放在那些预期能带来最大效益的项目上。170.Frankly, Id rather (that) you didnt make any comment on the issue for the time being.坦率地讲,我希望当前针对这个问题你不要发表任何评论。171.If only I had not been there.要是我不去那里,该多好啊!172.I wish I had gone to Stockholm when I was in Sweden. I hear its a beautiful city.我现在听说斯德哥尔摩是美丽的城市,我真希望在瑞典时就去了斯德哥尔摩。173.He would rather not have kept his promise with his girlfriend.他宁愿当初没有遵守他对女友的诺言。174.Sometimes I wish I were living in a different time a different place.有时我真希望生活在不同的时间、不同的地方。175.The business of each day, be it selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.无论买货,还是运货,每天的生意都进展顺利。176.He is working hard for fear that he (should) fail to pass the exam.他努力学习,以防他不能通过考试。177.All science students, be they future physicists or chemists, should have a good foundation in basic sciences.所有的理科学生无论将来成为物理学家还是化学家,他们都应该在基础科学方面有良好的基础。178.Its high time you started to work.你开始工作的时间到了。179.The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it (should) go wrong on the way.那个司机仔细检查了发动机以防车在路上抛锚。四、连词(见三大从句)第三章 三大从句一、形容词性质的定语从句:性质=形容词;形式=句子。1、三类关系词简介关系代词:Who/which/ThatwhomAs 搭配词指认指物指人与物指人作宾语Such as/ the same as关系副词WhenWhereWhyThat副词作用时间地点原因方式在句子中作用时间状语地点状语原因状语方式状语等同的介宾方式介词+which介词+whichFor + whichIn+ whichWhich替代对象表时间的名词标的点的名词ReasonWay简化方式That或省略不可以That或省略That或省略关系限定词WhoseWhich相当于my,his相当于that, this2、关系代词180.Pumas are large, cat-like animals which / that are found in America. 美洲狮是一种来自美洲大型的体型像猫的动物。关系代词作主语,不可省略。181.The house which / that/ (省) we built last years is very attractive.去年我们一起建造的这栋房子,它非常吸引人。关系代词作宾语,可省。182.The novel with which most of you are familiar has been adapted for the screen.The novel which/that/(省) most of you are familiar with has been adapted for the screen.你们大部分人所熟知的小说已经被改编成了电影搬上荧屏。分开写which和that均可用,作表语,并可省略。连着写,关系代词只能用which。介词只能接which。183.He was no longer the reckless young man which / that/(省) he was two years ago.他不再是2年前那个鲁莽的青年人。Which / that 指代的不是人,表示一种状态,关系代词作从句表语,可省略。184.Migrant works to whom much more attention has been paid strongly desired that their wages should be duly paid.Migrant works whom/who/(省) much more attention has been paid to strongly desired that their wages should be duly paid.那些引起社会广泛关注的民工强烈渴望按时支付给他们工资。分开写who和whom均可用,作介宾,并可省略。连着写,关系代词只能用whom。介词只能后接whom。185.These accommodations which/that/(省) they could find were generally expensive.Such accommodations as they could find were generally expensive.他们能找到的住处通常都是昂贵的。第一句which和that做介宾,可省略,第二句为固定搭配不可省略。186.These inns which/that there were in the mountains were generally poor.Such inns as there were in the mountains were generally poor.山里的这些小酒馆通常很简陋。there be是倒装结构,be后面是主语,因此关系代词which不能省略187.This is the same mosquito as bit you just now.这是刚才咬你的那只蚊子。3、关系副词188.The reason for which/why/that/(省) piracy runs wild here is apparent.for which=why=that=(省)定从句中的原因状语。这里盗版猖獗的原因是明显的。原因状语从句,关系副词表原因,189.The reason for which/why/that/(省) she resigned was not known.她辞职的原因不清楚。190.The day on which/when/that/(省) she arrived was windy and chilly.她到的那一天很冷还刮着风。关系副词做时间状语191.The office in which/where/(不可省) he used to work has been redecorated.那间他曾经工作过的办公室已经被再次装修。关系副词做地点状语192.Could you give me more details on the way in which/that/(省) you handled the crisis?您能给我更多关于处置这场危机的细节吗?关系副词做方式状语4、关系限定词193.The visitors whose visas are about to expire are to have them renewed at an early date.那些签证即将到期的来访者应该尽早续签他们的签证。have st


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