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办公室和工厂NicoleBeijing Polytechnic CollegeNovember 26,2008A 办公室 files 文件,文件夹 filing cabinet 文件柜 calendar 年历 notice board 布告栏 drawers 抽屉 wastepaper basket 废纸篓 briefcase 公文包 diary 日志,日记,记事本 calculator 计算器 computer 计算机 keyboard 键盘 monitor 显示器B.办公室工作 Brenda works for a company which produces furniture.She works in an office,which is just opposite the factory where the furniture is made.This is how she spends her day:She works at a computer(在电脑上工作)most of the time,where she writes letters and reports.She answers phone calls,mostly from retailers(=shops selling the factorys furniture 零售商).She makes phone calls to retailers,and the factory making the furniture.She sends invoices to customers.(=paper showing products sold and the money to pay 寄出发票)She shows visitors around the factory(带来访者参观).She does general paperwork(做一般性文书工作),e.g.filing reports,writing memos,answering letters.She arranges meetings(安排会议)for her boss and other managers in the company.C.工厂的“生产车间”This is where products are manufactured(=made 生产).Modern factories have fewer workers than in the past this is because of automation(=machines do most of the work 自动化),and most factories use an assembly line(=an arrangement in which each worker makes a part of the product and then passes it on to the next person or machine 生产线).On an assembly line,workers fit/assemble(组装)the different parts,and supervisors(=people in charge/control 监管人员)check/inspect/examine(检验)each stage to make sure the product meets the required standard(=is good enough 达到标准).D 成品 Goods(pl.商品)is the general word used for things that are made to be sold.When the product,e.g.a radio,is finished,it is packaged(=put in plastic and then in a box 包装起来)and stored(=kept 存放)in a warehouse(仓库).When a customer,e.g.an electrical shop,orders some of these goods(订购商品),they are delivered to the shop(=taken to the shop 被运往商店)using road or rail.练习:I.写出可以与下列每个动词连用的三个名词,你可以不止一次使用某个名词,它们并非都在上文中出现过。2.send 3.makeII.用正确的词填空来构成一个复合名词。1.I told him to put the details on the notice .2.She has to check the goods when they come off the assembly .3.Im sure I took the report out of the filing and put them in my brief .4.Its a very boring job and I spend most of my time doing general paper .5.I threw all that stuff in the wastepaper .III.下列各定义分别是上文中的哪个词?1.The place where you store finished products before they are sold.2.The process of using machines to do work that used to be done by men and women.3.A plural noun for things that are made to be sold.4.A thing you often hang on the wall,which tells you the date.5.A book where you often write down all your appointments and things you have to do.6.A piece of paper which shows the products that a customer bought and the money they have to pay.7.A person or business that sells goods to the public.8.A part of a desk where you often keep pens,paper,notes,etcIV.用同义词替换划线部分。1.This particular machine is made in Germany.2.I help them to assemble the different parts.3.The supervisor always inspects our work carefully.4.When the books are printed they are kept in the warehouse.5.The factory said theyll be able to take the furniture to the shops next Monday.V.如果你有工作,你认为针对你的工作下列陈述哪些是符合实际的?(如果你没有工作,你愿意从事下列哪些工作?)1.a lot of the time.2.I do quite a lot of general paperwork.3.I make a lot of phone calls.4.I send faxes occasionally.5.I show people around my workplace.6.I arrange meetings.7.I 1.I work at a computer attend(=go to)quite a lot of meetings.8.I have to write letters and reports.9.I go to conferences.Keys to the exercises:I.写出可以与下列每个动词连用的三个名词,你可以不止一次使用某个名词,它们并非都在上文中出现过。1.write:a letter,a report,a memo,a cheque 2.send:a letter,a report,a fax,an invoice 3.make:phone calls,products,the tea,mistakes 4.arrange:meetings,conferences,visits,training coursesII.用正确的词填空来构成一个复合名词。1.I told him to put the details on the noticeboard.2.She has to check the goods when they come off the assembly line.3.Im sure I took the report out of the filing cabinet and put them in my briefcase.4.Its a very boring job and I spend most of my time doing general paperwork.5.I threw all that stuff in the wastepaper basket/bin.III.下列各定义分别是上文中的哪个词?1.The place where you store finished products before they are sold.warehouse 2.The process of using machines to do work that used to be done by men and women.automation 3.A plural noun for things that are made to be sold.goods 4.A thing you often hang on the wall,which tells you the date.calendar 5.A book where you often write down all your appointments and things you have to do.diary 6.A piece of paper which shows the products that a customer bought and the money they have to pay.Invoice 7.A person or business that sells goods to the public.retailer 8.A part of a desk where you often keep pens,paper,notes,etc.drawerIV.用同义词替换划线部分。1.This particular machine is made in Germany.manufactured 2.I help them to assemble the different parts.fit 3.The supervisor always inspects our work carefully.examines/checks 4.When the books are printed they are kept in the warehouse.stored 5.The factory said theyll be able to take the furniture to the shops next Monday.Deliver(“send”would also be possible)


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