Chap011 Management Decision and ControlInternational Management Culture , Strategy and Beha

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Management Decision and Controlchapter elevenMcGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All Rights Reserved.11-3Chapter Objectives:1.PROVIDE comparative examples of decision-making in different countries.2.PRESENT some of the major factors affecting the degree of decision-making authority given to overseas units.3.COMPARE and CONTRAST direct controls with indirect controls.4.DESCRIBE some of the major differences in the ways that MNCs control operations.5.DISCUSS some of the specific performance measures that are used to control international operations.11-4Decision-Making Processes and Challenges Managerial decision-making processes:method of choosing a course of action among alternatives Process is often linear Looping back is common Managerial involvement in procedure depends on structure of subsidiaries and locus of decision-making 11-5Decision-Making Process11-6Factors Affecting Decision Making Authority11-7Comparative Examples of Decision Making Decision-making philosophies and practices from country to country:Do international operations use similar decision-making norms?French and Danish managers used different approaches to decision-making;each more adept at different stages of the process.French do not value time as much as counterparts German co-determination:managers focus more on productivity and quality of goods/services than on managing subordinates.11-8Comparative Examples of Decision Making Most evidence indicates overall decision-making approaches used around the world favor centralization MNCs based in U.S.Use fairly centralized decision making in managing overseas units Ensure that all units are operating according to overall strategic plan Provide necessary control for developing a worldwide strategy11-9Total Quality Management(TQM)Organizational strategy and accompanying techniques resulting in delivery of high quality products or services to customers Critical to achieve world-class competitiveness Manufacturing is primary area U.S.automakers have greatly improved quality of their cars in recent years Japanese have continuously improved quality and still have the industry lead11-10Total Quality Management Concurrent engineering/inter-functional teams Designers,engineers,production specialists,and customers work together to develop new products Empowerment Give individuals and teams resources,information,authority needed to develop ideas and effectively implement them Many successful TQM techniques applied to manufacturing MNCs use TQM techniques Tailor output to customer needs Require suppliers use same approach11-11Total Quality Management ISO 9000 Certification Indirectly related to TQM International Standards Organization(ISO)to ensure quality products and services Areas examined include design,process control,purchasing,service,inspection and testing,and training.Ongoing Training Wide variety of forms such as statistical quality control and team meetings-designed to generate ideas Objective is to apply kaizen(Japanese term for continuous improvement)11-12Quality Concerns11-13Comparative Examples(continued)Japanese make heavy use of ringisei(decision making by consensus)Other Japanese decision-making terms:Tatemae:“doing the right thing”according to the norm Honne:“what one really wants to do”11-14The Control Process MNC methods to control overseas operations Most combine direct and indirect controls Some prefer heavily quantifiable methods;some prefer qualitative approaches Some prefer decentralized approaches;others greater centralization11-15Control Process Three common performance measures:Financial performance:typically measured by profit and return on investment Quality performance:often controlled through quality circles Personnel performance:typically judged through performance evaluation techniques.11-16Three Models of PC Manufacturing:11-17Models of PC Manufacturing11-18Models of PC Manufacturing11-19The Controlling Process MNCs may experience control problems Objectives of overseas operation and MNC may conflict Objectives of joint venture partners and corporate management may not agree Degree of experience and competence in planning vary widely among managers running overseas units Basic philosophic disagreements about objectives and polices of international operations may exist11-20Types of ControlTwo common complementary types:1.Internal or external control in devising overall strategy2.Looking at ways organization uses direct and indirect controls11-21Types of Control:External/Internal:Internal and external perspectives of control one is often given more attention than the other.External control focus needed to find out what customers want and be prepared to respond appropriately Management wants to ensure market for goods and services exist11-22Types of Control:External/Internal11-23Types of Control:Direct Controls Use of face-to-face personal meetings for purpose of monitoring operations Examples:top executives visit overseas affiliates to learn of problems and challenges;design structure that makes unit highly responsive to home-office requests and communications11-24Types of Control:Indirect Use of reports and other written forms of communication to control operations at subsidiaries Financial statements Financial statement prepared to meet national accounting standards prescribed by host country Statement prepared to comply with accounting principles and standards required by home country Statement prepared to meet financial consolidation requirements of home country11-25The Controlling Process Differences across countries:Great Britain Financial records are sophisticated and heavily emphasized Top management tends to focus on major problem areas;not involved in specific matters of control Control used for general guidance more than surveillance Operating units have large amount of marketing autonomy 11-26The Controlling Process(continued)France Managers employ control systems closer to that of German than British Control used more for surveillance than guidance Process centrally administered Less systematic and sophisticated than in German companies11-27The Controlling Process U.S.vs.Europeans:U.S.firms rely much more on reports and other performance-related data Americans make greater use of output control;Europeans rely more heavily on behavioral control Control in U.S.MNCs focus more on quantifiable,objective aspects of foreign subsidiary;control in European MNCs used to measure more qualitative aspects.11-28Planning and Control11-29Control Techniques Financial performance Most important part of ROI calculation is profit;often manipulated by management Amount of profit directly related to how well or poorly a unit is judged to perform11-30Control Techniques Financial performance(continued):Bottom line(i.e.,profit)performance of subsidiaries can be affected by a devaluation or revaluation of local currency If a country devalues its currency,subsidiary export sales will increase Price of goods will be lower for foreign buyers with currencies that have greater purchasing power If country revalues its currency,export sales will decline Price of goods for foreign buyers rises since currencies now have less purchasing power in subsidiarys country 11-31Control Techniques Quality performance:Why Japanese goods of higher quality than goods of many other countries:Quality control circle(QCC)Japanese firms train people carefully Staying on technological cutting edge Focus on developing and bringing to market competitively priced goods Design,engineer,and supply people to ensure product produced at prices customers can bear Fostering continuous cost-reduction efforts(kaizen)11-32U.S.vs.Japan-owned Auto Plants11-33Most Admired Global Companies 11-34Most Admired Global Companies11-35Review and Discuss1.Which cultures are more likely to focus on external controls?Which cultures would consider direct controls more important than indirect?2.How would you explain a companys decision to use centralized decision-making processes and decentralized control processes,considering the two are so interconnected?Provide an industry example.


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