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第四章第四章 动词和时态动词和时态第三节第三节 如今进展时如今进展时 知识梳理知识梳理一、如今进展时的用法如今进展时表示如今正在进展或正在发生的动作,也可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进展的动作。句型构造是:be+ving方式如今分词。标志时间词:now,look,listen,over there,look at,Its+时间等。二、如今分词的变化规那么1普通情况下,在动词词尾加ing。如:gogoing,playplaying,eateating 2.以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加ing。如:writewriting,comecoming,taketaking 3.以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只需一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后这个辅音字母再加ing。如:runrunning,swimswimming,shopshopping 4.以ie结尾的动词,将ie改为y,再加ing。如:diedying,lielying三、如今进展时的句型构造1一定句:主语+be动词(am/are/is)+ving+其他.如:I am washing my hands now.Look!Jack is listening to music.Tom and his brother are doing their homework.It is nine oclock.The children are having class.2.否认句:主语+be动词(am/are/is)+not+ving+其他.如:I am not(Im not)washing my hands now.The children are not(arent)playing over there.Its six past ten.Tom is not(isnt)having dinner.3.普通疑问句:Is/Are/Am+主语+ving+其他?如:Are you watching TV now?Yes,I am./No,I am not.Is the girl playing the piano?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.Are the children swimming in the river?Yes,they are./No,they arent.4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+普通疑问句?如:I am watching TV now.What are you doing now?Uncle Wang is drinking tea in the living room.Where is Uncle Wang drinking tea?考点精析考点精析考点考点1 调查如今进展时的用法调查如今进展时的用法【例【例1】用所给动词的适当方式填空。用所给动词的适当方式填空。1.She(draw)a map now.2.Listen!The boys(sing).解析解析:此题调查填动词的适当方式,必需求弄清楚此题调查填动词的适当方式,必需求弄清楚句子的时态。第句子的时态。第1小题中的时间词小题中的时间词now,第,第2小题中的小题中的Listen 都表示动作正在发生,都要用如今进展时;同都表示动作正在发生,都要用如今进展时;同时,留意时,留意ving 之前一定要根据主语的方式加上相应之前一定要根据主语的方式加上相应的的be动词。动词。答案:答案:1.is drawing 2.are singing举一反三 1.写出以下动词的如今分词方式。(1)sing _ (2)dance _ (3)write _(4)shop _ (5)put _ (6)die _ 2.单项填空。()(1)Mum and I housework now.A.doingB.am doingC.are doing()(2)All the people a football match.Everybody is excited.A.watch B.is watching C.are watching()(3)they their stamps at the corner?A.Does;show B.Are;showing C.Do;showing dyingsingingdancingwritingshoppingputtingCCB考点考点2 调查有关如今进展时句子的句型转换调查有关如今进展时句子的句型转换【例【例2】按要求改写以下句子。】按要求改写以下句子。1.Sarah is answering the phone.(改为否认句改为否认句)_2.They are riding a bike.(就画线部分提问就画线部分提问)_ 3.She cleans her desk in the classroom.改为如今改为如今进展时进展时 _ 解析:此题调查如今进展时的句型转换,要以be动词为中心进展变化。第1小题改否认句,只需在be动词之后加not;第2小题是对进展时形状下的活动提问,用“What doing?,留意be动词要与主语的数坚持一致。第3小题要将原句中的谓语动词换成“is+如今分词,由于这才是如今进展时的正确方式。答案:1.Sarah is not(isnt)answering the phone.2.What are they doing?3.She is cleaning her desk in the classroom.举一反三 按要求改写以下句子。1.Kenny often plays the guitar on the weekend.(用now 改写句子)_ 2.We are watching cartoons on TV now.(改为否认句)_ 3.My grandpa is writing a letter.(就画线部分提问)_ 4.我正在和父母亲议论我的生日。汉译英 _Kenny is playing the guitar now.We arent watching cartoons on TV now.What is your grandpa doing?Im talking about my birthday with my parents.过关检测过关检测一、写出以下动词的如今分词方式。1.play _ 2.look _ 3.study _ 4.watch _ 5.fight _ 6.wait _ 7.sing _ 8.paint _ 9.go _ 10.wash _ 11.cut _ 12.run _playinglookingstudyingwatchingfightingwaitingsingingpaintinggoing washingcuttingrunning13.sit _ 14.begin _15.put _ 16.get _17.shop _ 18.swim _19.take _ 20.make _21.write _sittingbeginningputtinggettingshoppingswimmingtakingmakingwriting二、单项填空。()1.Look!I _ a red hat now.A.wearing B.am wearing C.is wearing ()2.Tom _ TV in the room now.A.are watching B.is watching C.is watch ()3.Look!Jane _ housework.A.is do B.doing C.is doing ()4.Some of the girls _.A.sing B.is singing C.are singingBBCC()5.Hes _ basketball now.A.play B.is playing C.playing()6.They _ birds in the sky now.A.are looking at B.look at C.looking at()7.“Dont talk in class,the teacher _.A.is speaking B.is saying C.says()8._ you _ ball games with your friends now?A.Is;playing B.Are;playing C.Do;playCACB三、用所给动词的适当方式填空。1.My mum _(cook)dinner for us now.2.Sam _(not listen to)English.He is listening to music.3._they _(sleep)now?Yes,they are.4.Listen!Who _(read)English?5.Look at those old people.They are _(sing)and _(dance).6.The children _(swim)in the lake now.7.Look!Kate and Mary _(clean)the windows now.8.Joan likes _(paint)very much.is cookingisnt listening toAresleepingis readingsingingdancingare swimmingare cleaningpainting四、按要求改写以下句子。1.They are making dumplings.(改为普通疑问句)_ 2.Tom is listening to the teacher.(改为否认句)_ 3.He is drinking tea under the tree.(就画线部分提问)_Are they making dumplings?Tom isnt listening to the teacher.What is he doing under the tree?4.Is Ken climbing the tree in the garden?(作一定回答)_5.Tom is reading a book in his room.(就画线部分提问)_6.I am waiting for a bus.(就画线部分提问)_Yes,he is.Where is Tom reading a book?What are you doing?五、汉译英。1.汤姆正在写一封信。_ 2.我正在游泳。_ 3.他们正在听音乐。_ 4.小猫正在跑。_ 5.妈妈正在看书。_Tom is writing a letter.Im swimming.They are listening to music.The cat is running.My mother is reading a book.


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