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人教新目标七年级英语下册教学设计Unit 3 How do you get to school?第二课时Section A2a 3c教学目标1能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己如何到达某地;读懂简单的路线说明。2学习完成任务所需要的语言:词汇:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway , how far, kilometer, mile句子:How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does he get to school? He walks to school.How do they get to school? They take the train.How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.How far is it from your home to school? Its only about five kilometers.3.复习基数词即时间的表示方法。4.情感态度价值观目标:理解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全,加深对交通知识的理解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。理解交通的发展,培养创新精神。教学内容1.学会使用表示文体活动的动词或动词短语:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway , how far, kilometer, mile2.复习基数词即时间的表示方法。3.学会询问交通方式的句型:How do you get to school? How does he get to school?4.学会询问时间花费:How long does it take?5.准确表达自己如何到达某地;读懂简单的路线说明。重点难点1、熟练拼写和使用单词:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway , how far, kilometer, mile2、掌握和使用以下句型:How does he get to school? He walks to school.How do they get to school? They take the train.How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.How far is it from your home to school? Its only about five kilometers.教学思路本课时的教学内容是人教版七年级下册英语第三单元的第二课时,重点在于引导学生观看图片,理解语境,从表示交通工具的名词词组开始(bus stop, bus station, train station, subway , how far, kilometer, mile),自然地导入够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己如何到达某地;读懂简单的路线说明。How do you get to school? How does he get to school? How long does it take?以活动和任务引起学生的听说兴趣,训练学生的听力和口语表达水平。利用动作、手势和图片学习英语单词,同时在对话中反复使用新学的单词和短语。所以,教师能够将知识目标定为掌握本课时新出现的动词和短语,询问和回答水平的句型。情感目标定为通过话题的学习,培养学生的学习习惯和兴趣,使学生对课外活动感兴趣。理解东西方不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全,加深对交通知识的理解。教学准备设计教学PPT,录音机,多媒体,相对应的插图,表示一些活动的图片和单词卡片。教学方法listening and speaking methods. groupwork pairwork教学过程Step1. Warming upandLead inLeading in【情景1】1.Warming up by talking aboutages and the dates:T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you back at school.Ss: Good morning, Mr./ Ms. XX. Nice to see you.T:How old are you?S1:I am 14.T:How old is he?S1:He is 13.设计意图:利用学生学过的内容,从谈论“年龄”话题开始引出数词复习,为2a听力教学扫清障碍。Leading in【情景2】1、教师寻问学生是任何上学的,协助他们回答以下问题,并将出现的新词、短语及句子写在黑版上。T: (Showing thepptand teaching the verbs)利用多媒体课件创设情境,实行问答:T:How does he get to school?S1:He walks to school.T:How do they get to school?S1:They take the train.T:How long does it take?S1:It takes about forty minutes.T:How far is it from your home to school?S1:Its only about five kilometers.The teacher uses pictures or performs the actions to teach thenew words. And write the words and teach their pronunciations and spellings.2、Presentation:Show a picture on the ppt and explain these are your home and school.Teach: home-school How long 10 minutes How far two kilometersThen make up a dialogue to practice.A: How do you get to school?B: I usually take the bus.A: How far is it from your home to school?B: Its about two kilometers.A: How long does it take?B: It takes 30 minutes by bus设计意图:利用学生学过的内容,从谈论“日常交通方式”话题开始,轻松进入语境,进而介绍生词,利用多媒体课件创设情境将词汇的音、形、意融为一体,促动理解,加深记忆。使动词学习更加形象直观,自然地进入新话题。为2a、2b听力教学扫清词汇和语言障碍。Step2.Listening活动2a.2b的听力练习是以听的方式实行目标语言的输入活动,让学生从输入的语言中获取信息,并实行加工、整合,复习本课的重点词汇、句式的同时,也为后面的目标语言的输出活动做好了准备。1. Before listeningRevise the numbers, first, zeronine, next, tennineteen, then, twenty, thirty, fortyfinally, twenty-one, twenty-twoTeach the new word hundred.2.While listeningPlay the tape for the students to finish 2a. Then play again and check the answers播放录音。第一遍要求学生只听并跟读;完成2a。听第二遍时,完成2a;边播放第三遍录音,边让学生核对答案,假如错了,重听该句子,直到学生听懂为止。设计意图:创设情境是为了使学生能在真实的语境中学习目标语言,并通过听、读的方式来获取信息,完成相对应练习。Step3.pairwork:2dT: Good! Now look at activity 2d.Can you ask your partner the same questions?Ss practice asking and answering the questions about transportation.T:Will you present your conversations to the class? Lets have four pairs.(Four pairs of students present their conversations to theclass. Ss listen carefully and reflect on what they said.)设计意图:利用图片创设情境,巩固训练目标语言。学生在听了细节之后,朗读巩固,训练学生的语言语调;再模仿2b的对话,编出自己的对话,培养学生使用目标语言实行交际的水平。Step4Role-play:1、Read the dialogue and find the answer to these questions:1.How does Jane get to school every day?2.How does Lisa get to school every day?3.How far is it from Lisas home to school?4.How long does it take Lisa from her home to school by bus?5.How long does it take Jane from her home to school by bike?2、Ss read the conversations and then find the answers to the questions.3、Check the answers with the class.4、Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat.5、Ss read the conversation then role-play the conversation.6、Let some pairs act out the conversation.设计意图:利用教材创设情境,巩固训练目标语言。使学生大胆发言,表达思想,培养学生的阅读、合作水平、口语表达及语言使用水平。Step5.Grammar Focus:The teacher summarizes this activity and points out common mistakes:1. T: We made some mistakes in our own conversations. Lets look at the grammar focus of this unit here. Can you find out the difference between the sentences here and the sentences we used just now? Do you know how to ask and answer correctly now?2. The teacher points out the sentence pattern. Explain the following to the students:We can take a bus or take a train,. and we also use take to talk about a length of time. For example, we say something takes five minutes or takes one hour. So we use the same word, take, in two different ways.Can you find more examples from this unit?3.Ss compare the sentences listed in the book and their own conversations.4.Ss look for more examples from the book and speak up.设计意图:总结规律、学生对所学目标语言实行内化、巩固、提升。Step6.Practice 3a方法指导:首先,应重点读左面的五个疑问句,分清它们是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句;其次,要明确特殊疑问词的用法:how是对出行方式提问;how long是对行程所用的时间提问;how far是对距离提问。然后,再读答语。依次给每个问句找到准确的答语。1.T: Now lets look at 3a. What questions do we have here? Can someone read the questions for us?A student volunteers to read the questions in 3a.2. T: Now please read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions.Students read the passage.学生们按教师说的方法,认真阅读找答语,提升阅读理解的水平。3. T: Can you share your answers?The teacher asks a couple of students to give their answers to the questions.Students give answers.4.The teacher checks the answerswith the class.Step7.Practice3b1. Look at 3b. Tell Ss to use these words below to make questions. Then answer them.2.方法指导:首先,应分清它们是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句,看所给的词汇,假如含有特殊疑问词应是特殊疑问句,假如没有则应是一般疑问句;其次,要明确特殊疑问词的句式结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。然后,再根据自己的实际情况,回答这些问题。最后,再通读一遍自己造的问句与答语,确保没有语法上的错误。3.学生们按教师说的方法,分析每句话中所给的提示词,并造成一个准确的问句,然后给出一个合理的答语。4. Check the answers with the partners.For example:How do you get to school? I take a bus to school. 设计意图:通过语言训练、培养学生对所学目标语言的实际使用水平。Step8. Game (Find someone who)1. Now, look at the chart below. Can you tell the meaning of each sentence?2. Let some Ss say the meaning of the sentences.3. Make sure Ss know how to do this game.4. Ss ask and answer these questions with their classmates:S1: How far is it from your home to school, S2?S2: Its about ten kilometers.S1: Oh, no. How far is it from your home to school, S3?S3: Its about five kilometers.S1: Oh, yeah. 5.提示:对局部水平的较差的学生,能够给他们以下问题提示:How far is it from your home to school?How do you get to school?How long does it take you to get to school?6.看谁能最先完成调查,并找到与表格中数据相一致的同学。设计意图:通过任务活动,联系实际,实行语言训练、培养学生对所学目标语言的实际使用水平。教材知识点解读1、注意:take和by都有“乘、坐”之意。take是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而by是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。by短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。例如:格林先生经常乘火车去上班。Mr Green often goes to work by train.Mr Green often takes a train to work.2、How far用于询问两地间的距离,答语要用表示两地间的距离的词语。例如:How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?About several thousandkilometers。在回答how far的提问时,有3种情形:(1)有具体的数字时,应与away from连用,表具体距离。(2)可用模糊的概念回答,即far或near。(3)可用“数字+minutes”回答。Eg: How far is it from the zoo to the park?Its about 2 kilometers.大约2公里。【知识链接】由how构成的常用词组词组用法例句how far(多远)提问路程和距离How far is it from your home to your school?how often(多久一次)表频度,意为“多长时间一次”“多久一次”How oftendoes your mother exercise?Three times a week.how soon(再过多久)常用于将来时,“多久以后”How soonwill he be back?In two months.how long(多久,多长)对时间提问,“多长时间”How longdoes she live here?how many(多少)后加可数名词How manytrees are there in front of the house ?how much(多少)后加不可数名词How much milk is there in the glass?Step9.SummarySum up what you have learnt in this class!The teacher calls students attention again to grammar focus and highlight the functions of the structures.设计意图:结合多媒体课件,反思、归纳本节课语法项目,使之系统化。是学生对所学知识实行内化、提升的过程。巩固本节课的目标语言。Step10. ExercisesI.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. My uncle has a car, he usually d_ to work.2. What time do you go to school b_ bus?3. I walk to school e_ day.4. There are nine _ (百)students in our school.5. My home is about 15 k_ from the school.6. It usually takes us two hours _ (do) our homework.II.用适当的特殊疑问词填空。(每空一词)1. -_ does Tom go to bed ?-At half past eight .2. - _ can you do ?- I can dance .3. -_ do you go to the bookstore ?-By bus.4. -_is it from your home to school?- Its about 2 kilometers.5. -_does it take to get to school?-It takes about 15minutes .III.句型转换.1. Jane walks to school.(变为一般疑问句)_ Jane _ to school?2. I go to schoolby bus.(划线局部提问)_ _ you _ to school?3. Itake the busto school.(划线局部提问)_ do you _ to work?3. My sister often goes to work by bus. (改为同义句)My sister often _ the bus_ _.4. It takesabout 15 minutesto get to school._ _ _ it _ to get to school?5. Itsonly about two kilometersfrom my home to school._ _ _ _ from your home to school?【Keys】I. 1. drive2. by 3. every 4. hundred 5.kilometers6. to doII.1.When2.What 3. How 4. How far 5.How long III.1.Dose work2.How do go 3. takes to work 4. How long dose take5.How far is it设计意图以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,逐渐减少表现对话中的信息,让学生补充,让他们得到充分的训练。Step11.Homework1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2. Make a survey. How does your father get to work?设计意图口头练习和实际应用相结合,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累。培养学生对所学目标语言的实际使用水平。


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