金庸群侠传2加强版--攻略(Jin Yong 's Heroes 2 edition - Raiders)

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金庸群侠传2加强版--攻略(Jin Yong 's Heroes 2 edition - Raiders)_第1页
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金庸群侠传2加强版--攻略(Jin Yong 's Heroes 2 edition - Raiders)_第2页
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金庸群侠传2加强版--攻略(Jin Yong 's Heroes 2 edition - Raiders)_第3页
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金庸群侠传2加强版-攻略Jin Yong s Heroes 2 edition - RaidersForeword: a few months ago, I have written a strategy, but a closer look, I feel very detailed. This is the author while playing, while writing, write down the details of the game, I hope to help the new scholars, perhaps typos, please forgive me.First of all, choose and exit rivers and lakes (start the game), begin to choose attributes, understanding is very important, the author will generally choose to understand 99, in this case, practicing martial arts will be very easy. But the low awareness (savvy 50) can learn about Bo (attack by two), and practicing Tai Xuan magic would be easy, got to 10, once destroyed the enemy more than 4000 blood, but the practice of other martial arts will be difficult. Where can I choose? At the bottom, there is a random option, click, life, force, understanding, support and other attributes will change accordingly. Choosing a good attribute will help a lot in your later game. The choice is: 99, body 29, force perception 27, weapon 25, body 29, then, the first and last name to fill, do not use the real name, the best name section, then start, the game began.The protagonists mother fell ill, the protagonist to go to the doctor, but the doctor to 20, two silver, the main characters did not. After returning home, mothers illness aggravating, the protagonist tsaio, met the tiger. Thanks to the monk rescue, then monk will give you a deep breathing heart and gameplay, remember not to choose, can see it again, practicing breathing heart can increase life and force, can learn to practice full of tuna (to restore life, up to 1800, and then restore blood) play a tiger. No martial Arts at this time, can only use normal attack, 6 letter word under a letter word on the right side of the sword pattern, when he will be able to issue a bright point, attack. The damage done by attack is determined by rank and strength. I easily passed up to the first grade, with a little learning (learning is practicing intensive use, when learning, point to practice a dense line), but the outcome does not matter, because this is just a dream, wake up, leading to the doctor found a doctor with the thugs, the protagonist stunned, and monk rescue, after two people some earnest teachings, the protagonist decided to make a living away from home, mother will give you some money. As for how much, I dont know.After the city of Hengyang, will encounter Tian Boguang chase Mt. Hengshan nun plot, to choose to help little nuns, and then beat Tian Boguang, and sometimes add 1 body law. Go to the school to spend 5, two silver Kung Fu 1 Xingyi (Xingyi killing is not big, but still very useful in the early stage, but also add +30 blood, 15 and 8, 5 fists, sword body 10 with 50 internal force), exit, the upper right corner is Wei Xiaobao, his many goods, if there is no commoner, exit, repeatedly, to 25 two silver cloth, buy things at the top left, like a book, click on the cloth, put on the body, plus 25. Go to the inn, upstairs, and he chose to speak, sworn, then let Tian Boguang kill nosy people, Mt. Hengshan nun will send you 3 stars nine to bear snake pill (eat a 80% recovery force). Out of balance to Yangcheng flowers Valley, and the old urchin blows, he can take you more than 3800 blood once lost, she will teach you 2 martial arts boxing empty (Grade 10 to 200 forces, more than 1000 lethality).Now back to the Yangcheng Heng Inn, and the bartender dialogue, sleep, but is free, after waking up from the city of Hengyang, there are four light map, not red, otherwise you will play, points out white light, the enemy has three kinds: Tiger (ultra weak), red hat the bandit (attack points around), the bandit (attack 10 sword points or so), off the back of the inn to rest, to play, play to level 7 to Shaolin Temple. Choose to sneak in, good luck, able to steal and refers to the author muscle-bone strengthening exercise Nianhua, steal to add 5 muscle-bone strengthening exercise, learning, life and internal forces to 5500, then stole 3 Martial Arts (Grade 10 to 500 flowers refers to the internal force, was lethal at 1400 - 1900), bad luck the words,I cant steal it for one or two hours. Be patient.No amount of archive to the cave, knock 100 heads, sometimes 3 martial arts Beiming force and spirit of micro wave (+5 point 100), if not, go to the exit, when to fight and toad, but he also be nothing difficult, the muscle-bone strengthening exercise, win will get him to eat, 100 detoxification. Now back to Heng Yangcheng, the upper left corner of the countdown to the second sign is archived, point, there will be three grid, click any one of them on the OK. Go to Shaolin Temple, choose to take the left side of the apprentice, big brother on practicing Xingyiquan and empty fist, got 10 after training is completed, the flowers, and the right side of the master dialogue, learn martial arts 4 arhat boxing with big brother practice strokes, level 10, and then the master dialogue, learn martial arts 5 Hunyuan palm, then take the first brother practice, grade 10, and master dialogue, learn martial arts 6 three index, OK, now the Shaolin has been useless, back to Hengyang, go to the map and kill off the back of the inn, killing 20 people, they will send you back to the Shaolin Temple. When the cook, who beat him and dialogue, will be out of Shaolin Temple.Now the level is 14, go to the Safeway escort, and Lin Pingzhi dialogue, go to the temple, choose Save, and the hunchback, and then back to the hotel to rest, go, pick their noses, Pharmacist Hwang teach you 7 martial arts fillip theurgy and Li Mochou, and then, with the flowers refers to win after 5. Nine flowers jade dew pill (80% recovery of life, internal force). Back to the inn to sleep, go to the Safeway escort and Lin Pingzhi dialogue, to the school, there will be 4, 5 story building, with Xingyi or fillip theurgy have killed them, with a fillip theurgy of words, can rise to 10, and more than the last fight, this guy too, easily beat win, kill him, and Lin Pingzhi back to the Safeway biaoju dialogue, to ward off evil sword spectrum (he can try out after mid), to wash, to Hengyang City Liu Fu, after a period of dialogue, choose to see with, listening to music and have a dialogue, to come to the rescue, and he also called Fei bin, a dish, after the death of Liu Zhengfeng will give you three pieces of black jade intermittent cream (restore 80% blood), three (60% true jade powder recovery blood) and The Legendary Swordsman music. Spend all the money, go to the Xiangyang city government, and they fight, they will put you in jail, dialogue and win diyun them, choose not to escape the silkworm cocoon (+200 body second days trial) when you choose not to admit, and after a dialogue, choose not to give them away.Hui Heng Yangcheng Inn, at this time on the money, and he beat, won the free live, but it will become bad, it does not matter. Play a few more back to the map, she will find you practicing poison, and he selected his dialogue, picking up the task, and the snake, he is very weak, the rest of life or force is not enough, each win a violet back to you upgrade 1 - 10 points with poison, after the use of poison to 100, choose not to play with her, and she hit, win away, back to the inn to rest, then go to Xiangyang yamen, choose to pack them three runners, 2000 silver, and then repeated until 999 and import the prestige, reputation, to get an invitation, juxianzhuang map Huashan mountain and post, back to the inn was able to free the rest. It should also have 20, to help with the eternal Valley, selected four evil, playing in Yanqing, he is not very strong, after winning the 8 one finger to learn martial arts (10 grade 800, go to lethal) sword, killing python, was selected to help (+185 force), then the sword made of Darksteel and I win 9 blows, learn martial arts Darksteel swordsmanship (level 10, 1700 lethal) sleep to Baihua gu. The first time to win laowantong jiuyinzhenjing (+5 points to the human resource, God claw) with old elf to practice a finger and Darksteel sword, to practice full ferry and Yang Guo, after winning the 10 Martial Arts Association deepblue press (10 1800 2500), back rest jians. Now there should be 15 points, the 25 level learning to Tianlong temple, choose to make this guy pretty powerful, Jiu Mozhi, after winning the master said you cant change (change it can be Six Meridian Swords sword spectrum) name, also the name of the paragraph. Back rest jians,There are now 15 points to learn, distribution: Six Meridian Swords sword spectrum 5 points, 5 points, jiuyinzhenjing evil sword spectrum 5 points, with 11 old men practicing martial arts, martial arts Six Meridian Swords 12 nine God claw, martial arts 13 evil sword. To choose to help Qiao Feng, called juxianzhuang, occupation killer, He Taichong and Nun Killer, then went to Changbai Mountain to learn martial arts 14 Eighteen Stages to Subdue a Dragon (level 10, 3900 lethal) now go to the ferry, and above the human dialogue, dialogue to Knight Island, after two bowls of wax eight porridge (25% increase life, internal force, dialogue and knight) island island, and he notes, there are three options: two, five, ten force success success, take him practicing martial arts, 1 - 3, 4 - two challenge success level 8 challenge five - 10 level 8 success, challenge ten success. After the kung fu training, it has been challenging ten success, upgrade super fast.Such as rose to 40 when there are 15 points of learning, can learn magic taixuan in Knight Island (10 2500), but five learning, and upgrade is very slow, because you love myself, I dont want to. And his dialogue, choose leave Knight Island, take leave, on the back of the map. Go to the Hengyang medical center, chose to study medicine, 100 silver two time, an increase of 1 - 10 points, ranging from medicine to 80 or more, do not need to learn, but I am a perfectionist, spend money to medicine to 100. Go to Xiangyang brothel, find Wei Xiaobao (middle person), always dialogue with him, until he wants to sell luck, 200, 21 times, once 1 - 10 points, and medical skills, to 80 on the line, but the author is added to 100. Put the medicine from Silkworm (there is a resurrection of an item in the option to play, and Yang Guo), let him beat you, dont go to the blood, the Kunlun school, through dialogue, the head of Kunlun will give you 200 two shekels of silver, and then choose to fight him, let him beat you, then fell into the fairyland of Kunlun. Joyoung and Canon two peach (15% increase life, internal force) and go, big white monkey will give you two peach. After going back, plus 5 points to Joyoung Jians, Canon, Wu Kung Fu 15 Jiuyang Magic Power (with old urchin training, 10 2200). Go to Songshan, after the dialogue five token, and then go to Huashan to meet sword cases, beat him, back to Songshan, 500 two silver, then go to Xiangyang city to spend 1000 brothels, two silver jade Isogo (the people), back to Songshan, go to the sword Valley, decided to return to Songshan to defeat all the society 16 ice Qi (martial arts acupuncture, or take the old coach). Now worship Wudang, and master dialogue have Wudang heart (no, dont add), then learn martial arts dialogue 17 cotton palm (10 more than 800), the Wudang, go back to the Guangming Ding, choose help Zoroastrianism, playing Nun Killer, very weak. After winning the election into the passage, choose 1, 2, 3, 1 have the opportunity to enter the cave, choose to see the letters, have great Shift of the universe from the heart, hole, choose help decent, playing Zhang Wuji (even if not enter the cave, beat Zhang Wuji can also get great Shift of the universe heart), back to Wudang, learn martial arts 18 Taijiquan (10 up to 22000), 19 martial arts Tai Chi Sword (10 up to 20000) and weapons (+185 Road), Wuhan real sword hit three and a large, when the Wudang supremo, then the old urchin practice. To choose to worship God, the dark wood cliffs, martial arts 20 (10 more than 500), strengthened by God and the old urchin hit two times will rise to 10, to go out, go back to the dark wood cliffs, dialogue, and imprisoned, win at Canon (+ weapon attributes), and he has been around, until he said the physical discomfort, choose the old things, you can wait until this day! The first hit to the right, and then kill renwoxing. If you want to learn more of the martial arts you can add 5 points to cater to the needs of the heart, get 21 tuna, martial arts and then go to Changbai Mountain, to help the peri, Li Qiushui learned martial arts win 22 Tianshan six Yang palm, Daguai in the wild sometimes encountered GM, holding him 20 times, taking 23 martial arts if the dragon like wave in Wei Xiaobaos work, buy Jinshe suits, learn martial arts 24 Jinshe swordsmanship, buy 15 pieces of nine flowers jade pill, to the summit of Huashan, winning a super weak person, then hit Qiao Feng (with Tai Chi),Then the 3 BOSS of Invincible Eastern, then BOSS is the 3 largest one sweeping shenseng (with a seckill Taijiquan is the 3 largest BOSS), the last one of the GM (first ice frozen him a true legend of Jin Yong), 3 at the beginning of the strongest archive establishment.Its for my own use. Ill give it to youI tried to learn the inside of the work force, so the following opinions for reference only: 1 first, select properties, if you want to easily easily, should pay attention to the general understanding: not too low, or later learning more advanced martial arts is to break through the entrance (from 9-10) will be difficult, I usually choose 90 above. If we learn hands around each stroke, then choose 50 of the following understanding. Taixuan Sutra before going to the Magic Knight island for 5 point learning can learn, but savvy people learn the martial arts seems to be slow. The body in general to choose more than 20, laying the groundwork for future strength and body. Steal muscle-bone strengthening exercise to maintain more than 20, it would be easier to play.2 after the property will begin, after a series of introduction of the old monk teach you spit Na, then there will be a tiger, with just pick the strength and body, kill it should be no problem, so it can accumulate a valuable learning point, then the hero will find that quack, certainly beat. But he can hit one or two out.3 in an old monk and a mothers instructions, to Hengyang City, save the little nun, to the inn of the two floor, accosted (because of the need for future, and if you choose Tian sworn, sworn to kill the Taishan School Road, otherwise you will become notorious sound) are small the nun sent medicine. To learn martial arts XingyiThe 4 left Hengyang City, go to Shaolin Temple, dont steal the apprentice, ha ha, I muscle-bone strengthening exercise first, still keep stealing only two times to steal and Nianhua refers to the muscle-bone strengthening exercise records, of course also have bad luck, also had stolen 40 minutes to steal two things, no patient Comrade for those body below 20 to want to steal is very difficult, this is what I have to emphasize the original body with No. hazel oil Gan Zhan and neon mirage are baked polyester glass Nai Mei th Cen Gang Mao see see I feed center? More than 400). After stealing can join the Shaolin, first just tigers from the accumulation of learning to muscle-bone strengthening exercise, and then beat the big brother, not only reported just dont let you in stealing enemies, and can be very fast learning, great ah! With referring to the flowers. The accumulation of 4 study points to muscle-bone strengthening exercise, then! Remember to file it! No amount of deposit to the cave after kowtow 100 times, may be Ling Bo micro and Beiming force, if not to quit, because there are so afraid of filing. Get back flat Shaolin, big brother, with the flowers. The accumulation of 5 learning points, added one by one to Ling Bo micro. Then in the Shaolin Nianhua refers to the training to the 10 floor, then practice arhart boxing to level 10, here dont go out to fight, or will be grounded. To get your master for the new martial arts Hunyuan palm, then can shaolin.5 go to the Safeway escort, Lin Pingzhi dialogue, left to break temple to come forward to save the forest father, dialogue, and dialogue, to escort, to leave, to help Lin Qingcheng revenge, with 10 layers of flowers, if it is not enough, with a small nun to send medicine. The blood should be no problem, killing more than the sea (must be killed), get back to biaoju evil sword spectrum. Safeway and Qingcheng end plot escort.6 go to the temple (grade 20), choose to wait, of course, can not be used to learn fillip theurgy, it hit Li Mochou, by referring to win after the flowers, nine flowers jade has donated medicine pill. The end of the ruined temple.7 to 2 flowers with eternity Valley, refers to the winning boss, learn a finger. If 1: playing the South China Sea conditions to meet the evil god, can directly trigger the apprentice tasks, without fighting, after the end of the dialogue will abolish all martial arts hero learned earlier,The martial still with the previous, and obtain a muscle-bone strengthening exercise.(2) the condition is not enough to have acquisition muscle-bone strengthening exercise to trigger this event to get the bounty of two, agreed to 2000 after apprentice to the South China Sea, martial art schoolNo other missions may be carried out, and the tasks of the previous faction will also disappear. The previous martial arts is not lost, can not take the muscle-bone strengthening exercise.The end of eternity Valley plot.8 out, will get gold basin wash hands, go to Hengyang Liu Fu, after dialogue, choose 1 to go and see, listen to laugh, Ao River Lake song, to hear, midway leave without plot. After listening to a sound, and killed Fei bin, really jade powder and music. Hengyang city has a peddler Andy No. 1, can buy something. The end of Hengyang.9 to Xiangyang, to the government, was arrested after winning Ding Dian, and they dont escape together, can get the equipment after Ukraine silkworm cocoon, plus the body could reach up to 500. Let the green bamboo Weng identification, identification scores, dont give him (but if you must find Invincible Eastern singled out, give him, get to Blackwood, directly on the dark wood cliffs. Killed Invincible Eastern to Huashan mountain customs). Then go back to the government, killing several officers and men, get 2000, two silver. Zuolengchan is called the task to find the idiot Taishan brothels, advance 1000 two, back left, Xiangyang plot end.10 to help the eagle sword grave killed the snake and win the vulture, get Darksteel sword and sword. In the blood and Qi Zhong sword fill out a red cursor can make a living away from home, small BOSS, money and learning, (the learning points added to evil sword, sword grave after kuanglian, until 10. The money is enough to study medicine in Hengyang City Medical Center, make their own health more than 80) then you can go to the ferry to find Yang Guo, beat him, with evil spirits, get engrossing palm, then fight with him, let him beat you, anyway no loss. Then go to Kunlun Mountains, because of medical and Fuyuan in front have fill enough so you can enter, after the dialogue, and he didnt go to the Taichong, blood is to be beaten by him, or with him? It takes 9000 dozen to kill me. Then hit the cliff, and can get Jiuyang Magic Power, the monkey had to play against, or leave. The end of Kunlun.10 go to the Songshan school, to complete a series of tasks left handed, you can learn the ice of the palm.11 if your reputation can get a high enough invitation juxianzhuang, I help out of danger, then go to Changbai Mountain to get dragon 18 palms. Good martial arts, the highest attack force 3900 ah.12 to Tianlong Temple (level 30) defeat the opponen


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