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三年级上学期英语阅读理解摸底专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读小短文,选择正确答案。My name is Bo B. Im a student. I get up at 7:00. I eat breakfast at8:00. Now, its 8:30. Its time to go to school. Its 2:45. Its time for PE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. Wang.1Its _. Its time to get up.( )A.eight oclock B.seven oclock C.six fifteen2She goes to school at _ . ( )A.eight thirty B.seven oclock C.seven twenty3Its 2:45.Its time for _ . ( )A.breakfast B.computer class C.PE class4WhoshisPE teacher? ( )A.Miss Liu B.Miss Wang C.Mr. White5What is Bob?Hes a_ . ( )A.teacher B.student C.farmer2. 阅读理解。In a shopIn a shop, a woman wants to buy a skirt.Shop assistant: may I help you?Woman: yes, please. Id like to buy a skirt.Shop assistant: what colour do you like?Woman: I like red.Shop assistant: ok, here you are.Woman: thank you. how much is it?Shop assistant: ninety yuan.Woman: ok, I will take it.(1)Where is the woman?(2)What does the woman want to buy?(3)What colour does she like?(4)How much is the skirt?(5)Does the woman buy it?3. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。My name is Tim. Im nine years old. This is my sister, Alice. Shes ten years old. Today is my birthday. We have a big birthday cake. Id like some milk and cake. But Alice doesnt like cake. She likes apples and juice. Whats that? Is that a cat? No, it isnt. Its a toy cat. Look at the head. Its white. Look at the body. Its black. How lovely! We like it.(1)How old is Tims sister?( )A. 8. B. 9. C. 10.(2)Today is _ birthday.( )A. Tims B. Alices C. cats(3)Tim likes _ and _.( )A. juice; apples B. milk; cake C. milk; juice(4)Alice doesnt like _.( )A. cake B. juice C. apples(5)What colour is the toy cat?( )A. White. B. Black. C. Black and white.4. 阅读并判断用T或F表示。Hello! My name is Bobby. Im white. I have a big head. My head is round. I have two big eyes. They are red. I have a small nose and a small mouth. My ears are big. They are long. I have four strong legs. So I can run fast and jump high. I have a short tail. I have many friends. Mrs. Bear is our teacher. Do you know, what am I?1Bobby is white.( )2His head is big and round.( )3His nose is big, His mouth is small.( )4He has two long ears and a short tail.( )5Mr. Bear is a teacher.( )6Im a rabbit.( )5. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。John: I have a Chinese friend.Mary: A boy or a girl?John: A boy. He is strong. He likes sports. Guess who he is?Mary: He is Zhang Peng.John: You are right.Mary: I have a friend, too. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She likes painting.Whats her name?John: Her name is Alice.Mary: Yes.1Zhang Peng is _. ( )A.tall B.short C.strong2Zhang Peng likes _.( )A.painting B.sports C.English3Alice has _. ( )A.small eyes and a big mouthB.big eyes and a small mouthC.small nose and a big mouth4Alice likes _. ( )A.drawing B.painting C.writing5Zhang Peng is _.( )A.Chinese B.English C.American6. 阅读理解。My name is Bo B. My favorite day is October 16th, because its my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I dont do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday。1Bobs birthday is_. ( )A.October 8B.October 16C.December 8thD.December 18th2Bobs favorite movies are_. ( )A.comediesB.action moviesC.thrillersD.A and B3Bob goes to bed at_. ( )A.10:30 B.10:13 C.10:00 D.3:104Does Bob do his homework on his birthday? ( )A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesnt.C.No, he isnt.D.I dont know。5How is Bob on his birthday? ( )A.Tired. B.Happy but not tired. C.Tired but happy. D.Happy.7. 阅读短文,判断正误。Look, this is my family. There are five people. There is one man. He is my father. He is a teacher. There is one woman. She is my mother. She is a doctor. There is one boy. He is my brother. He is going to be a policeman. There are two girls. They are my sister and me. Im going to be a pilot. My sister is going to be a nurse.(1)My father is a driver.( )(2)My mother is a doctor.( )(3)I have a brother.( )(4)Im going to be a policeman.( )(5)My sister is going to be a nurse.( )8. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is my new friend, Li Yan. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. She is a good student.(1)I have a new.( )A.teacher B.friend(2)Li Yan is from.( )A.China B.Canada(3)Li Yan isyears old.( )A.ten B.nine(4)Li Yan is a good.( )A.student B.teacher(5)My friend is a.( )A.boy B.girl9. 阅读短文,判断正误,在正确的句子前画“正确”,在错误的句子前画“错误”。Hello! My name is Tom, I am an English boy. Im in Class 1, Grade (3)There are 45 students in my class. Miss Wu is my teacher. She is a good teacher. I like her.( )(1)Tom is an English boy.( )(2)Tom is in Class 3, Grade (1)( )(3)There are 35 students in his class.( )(4)Miss Wu is a good teacher.( )(5)Tom likes Miss Wu.10. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正()误()。 Hello, Im Sara. Im 12 years old. Look! This is my bag. I have twenty pencils in it. I have thirty erasers. I have fifty rulers. I have forty markers. I have ten books. What do you have? Can you tell me?( ) 1. Sara is twelve years old.( ) 2. Sara has ten pencils.( ) 3. Sara has thirty erasers.( ) 4. Sara has forty markers.11. 阅读理解,判断正误。Mike is my friend. He is a student in Sun Primary School. He is a good boy. He often helps the old people on weekends. He studies hard every day. He wants to be a doctor. But his mother wants him to be a singer. His father wants him to be a basketball player. But he wants to stick to (坚持) his dream.(1)Mike is a student.( )(2)Mikes mother wants him to be a doctor.( )(3)Mikes father wants him to be a basketball player.( )(4)Mike often helps the old people after school.( )(5)Mike is a good and kind boy.( )12. 阅读理解。One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts:“What are you doing with my car?”Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.( )(1) Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _.A. fishing B. shopping C. business( )(2) They stop their car _.A. at the parking spot B. near the sea C. near the store( )(3) They want to put the things _.A. in a big bag B. in their car C. in others car( )(4) Mr. White cant open the car, so _.A. they walk home B. they ask a policeman to help C. they call a taxi( )(5) The car _ their car.A. isnt B. is C. are13. 阅读理解。Hello,everyone!Thisismybedroom.Thatismygreenbed.Itsverylovely.Isntit?Canyouseethepinkpillow?Itsmypillow.Ilikeitverymuch.Thedresserisbeside(在旁边)thebed.Itsbrown.Andaclockisonthedresser.Itspinkandpurple.Oh,thisismydesk.Itsblue.Thereisacomputeronthedesk.Iliketousethecomputerverymuch.Ioftenuseittodomyhomework.Mybooksareunderthedesk.Thedeskisbesidethechair.Mychairisblue,too.Ah,mybaseball!Itsonmychair.Ilikemybedroomverymuch!( )1.Whereisthedresser?A. Next to (靠近) the bed. B. Behind the bed C.Nearthedesk.( )2.Istheclockonthedresser?A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C.Idontknow.( )3.Whatcoloristhedesk?A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue.( )4.Wherearethebooks?A. Under the desk. B. Behind the desk. C.Nearthedesk.( )5.Isthereabaseballintheroom?A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. We dont know.14. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。Hello, Im Tom. Look! This is my bedroom. My schoolbag is on the desk. My books are in the schoolbag. My green kite and toys are in the box. My basketball is behind the chair. My blue cap is on the chair. Wheres my dog? Oh, its under my cap.(1)My_is on the desk.A.books B.schoolbag C.kite(2)My toys are in the _.A.box B.bag C.desk(3)My basketball is _ the chair.A.on B.under C.behind(4)My cap is _.A.red B.black C.blue(5)My dog is under my _.A.cap B.chair C.desk15. 阅读理解,选择合适的选项。Hello,mynameisAmy.Igetupatsixforty.Ihavebreakfastat7:10.AndthenIgotoschool.Ihavefourclassesinthemorningandtwoclassesintheafternoon.Ihavelunchinthecanteenatschool.Igohomeatfourfifty.Ihavedinneratsevenoclock.Igotobedatninethirty.( )1.Igetupat_.A.6:40 B.6:30( )2.Ihave_at7:10.A.lunch B.breakfast( )3.Ihave_classesallday.(全天;一整天)A.four B.six( )4.Ihavelunch_.A.atschool B.athome( )5.Igotobedat_.A.sevenoclock B.ninethirty16. 阅读理解。Itseightoclock.Thechildrengotoschoolbycareveryday.Buttheyarewalkingtoschooltoday.Itstenoclock.Mrs.Greenusuallystaysathomeinthemorning.Butsheisgoingtotheshopsthismorning.Itsnineoclock.Mr.Greenusuallyreadshisnewspaperatnight.Butheisreadinganinterestingbookthisevening.( )(1)Whendothechildrencometoschool?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(2)Howaretheycometoschooltoday?A.Bycar. B.Bybus. C.Walking( )(3)WhenisMrs.Greengoingtotheshops?A.At8:00. B.At10:00. C.At9:00.( )(4)WhendoesMr.Greenreadhisnewspaper?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(5)WhatisMrGreendothisevening?A.Readingabook. B.Writingaletter. C.WatchingTV17. 阅读短文,判断正误。Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands about four meters long.If you go to London, you may want to visit the house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the house of the Parliament. The big clock makes a very loud noise. Ding dong. Ding dong -the clock strikes every quarter of an hour.(1)Big Ben is a clock.( )(2)London is the capital of America.( )(3)You can see the face everywhere.( )(4)Youll find the Big Ben in the palace.( )(5)The clock can make a very loud noise.( )18. 对话阅读。Alice:Hi,Peter, is this your pencil?Peter:NoI dont have a pencilAlice:Mary,is this your pencil?Mary:No,it isntMy pencil is yellowAlice:John,is this your pencil?John:NoLook,this is my pencilMy pencil is blueJoe:I cant find(找到)my pencilIts greenDo you see it,Alice?Alice:Is this your pencil?Joe:Yes,it isThank you,Alice(1)doesnt have a pencil( )A.Mary B.John C.Peter(2)Mary has apencil( )A.yellow B.green C.black(3)John has a( )A.green pen B.blue pencil C.red pencil(4)Alice finds a pencilItspencil( )A.Joes B.Marys C.Miss Fangs7 / 7


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