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(易错题)期中复习默写8AU1词组:1.我们的未来计划(两种) our future plan= our plan for the future2.扎着马尾辫的一个小女孩 a little girl with a ponytail3.在所有的中国艺术家中 of/ among all the Chinese artists 4.和某人交朋友 make friends with sb. 5.使我担忧(两种) worry me= make me worried= make me worry a lot 6.说某人的坏话(两种) say a bad word about sb= say bad things about sb7.经过我们的课桌 go/ walk past our desks = pass our desks 8.很有幽默感(两种) have a good sense of humor(humour) = be very humorous9.我最好的朋友之一 one of my best friends 10.相信他说的话(两种) believe what he says= believe his words11.在公共汽车上把座位让给需要的人 give a seat on the bus to someone in need12.数学方面有问题 . have problems with Maths13.和朋友分享我的快乐(两种 share my joy/ happiness with my friend14.为我保守秘密(三种) keep a secret for me=keep my secret=keep a secret to ourselves 15.再要一些食物 want/ need some more food16.有一些喝的东西 have something to drink 17.一个诚实的孩子 an honest child18.漂亮的艺术品 beautiful works of art 19.感到无聊 feel bored20.帮助人们解决问题 help people with their problems21.认真倾听人们的问题 listen carefully to peoples problems8AU1语言点:1.再来一个汉堡; another hamburger; one more hamburger 再来三个汉堡; three more hamburgers/ another three hamburgers再来一些饮料; some more drinks 再来一点肉 some more meat2.冰箱里有什么? 冰箱里什么也没有。 Whats in the fridge? There is nothing/ not anything in the fridge.3. 那个架子上有多少面包? 一个也没有。 How much breaad is there on that shelf? None.4. 谁让你如此伤心? 是他。 Who makes you so sad? Its him.5. 什么让他们那么开心? 那些幽默滑稽的真实的故事。 What makes them so happy? Those funny , humorous and true stories.6. lie: 过去式, 现在分词 (lied/ lay; lying)7. 我们明天需要参加一个重要的会议。 We need to attend an important meeting tomorrow.8. 她是我们中最苗条的。 我不如她苗条。 She is the slimmest of us. I am not as slim as she.9. 请安静!别发出那么大噪音。你能听到外面的声音吗? Be quiet! Dont make so much noise. Can you hear the sound outside?早上鸟儿发出美妙的声音。 她有一个好嗓子。 In the morning birds make beautiful sounds. She has a good voice. 他提高声音为了让学生清楚地听到他的话。 He raised his voice to make the students hear him clearly.10. 唱歌, 歌曲, 歌唱者 sing (过去式, 现在分词) sing; song; singer (sang, singing)11.乏味的会议使大家都感到很无聊。 The boring meeting makes all of us (feel) bored.12. 我的书不能装进盒子的。(两种)(fit, hold) My books cant fit in the box.= The box cant hold my books. 他的腿太长,桌子下面放不下。His legs are too long. They cant fix under the table.= His legs are too long. The table cant hold them.13. 他的话使我很担心。 His words worried me a lot.= His words made me worry a lot.=I was worried about his words.= I worried about his words.14. 他总是很担心他的小儿子因为他还不能照顾自己。 He always worres about(He is always worried about) his little son because he cant look after himself.15. 我们想选Amy作为我们的班长。 We would like to choose Amy as/ to be our monitor.16.当经过我的桌子时,请别把我的杯子撞到地上。 When you go past my desk, dont knock my glasses onto the ground.17.我们班的学生之一来自澳大利亚。 One of the students in our class comes from Australia.18.这个男孩1.75米高。(tall, in height) The boy is 1.75 metres tall.= The boy is 1.75 meters in height. 那是一座200米高的塔。 That is a 200-metre-tall tower. 那塔多高?(两种)How tall is that tower?= Whats the height of the tower?19.那个婴儿有多重?(三种) How much does the baby weigh?= Whats the weight of the baby?= How heavy is the baby?20. 他是两个男孩中个子较高的。He is the taller of the two boys.21. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.22. 在六个学生中,Millie是最慢的游泳者。 Of six students, Millie is the slowest swimmest.= Millie swims the most slowly.23.他长什么样?(两种) Whats he like?= What does he look like?24.Tom留着长长的深褐色头发。 Tom has/ wears long and dark brown hair.25.和你合作我很开心。(have fun) I have fun working together with you.26. 他既聪明又勤奋. He is both clever and hard-working.27.他和他父母都喜欢音乐。Both he and his parents like music.28.我和他都诚实。Both I and he are honest.29.老师面带微笑进来了。The teacher came in with a smile on his face.30.简非常努力地学习她的功课。 Jane works very hard at her lessons.8AU2词组:1.更少的广告 fewer advertisements 2.为某人买某物 buy sth for sb=buy sb sth3.周末计划 (两种) the weekend plan= the plan for the weekend4.在八年级 (三种) in Year 8= in Grade 8= in the 8th grade 5.在我所有的科目中 of/ among all my subjects6.全世界的学校 schools all over the world=schools around the world7.外语foreign languages 8. 这周临近结束时near the end of the week9.时间似乎过得更快 Time seems to go fast. 10.提供某人某物 (两种) offer sth to sb= offer sb sth11.努力训练做某事 practise doing sth hard =practise hard doing sth12.在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon 13.比往常起床更早 get up earlier than usual14.在九月十七号下午 on the afternoon of September 1715.我班上任何一位其他的学生 any other student in my class 16. 进修 further study 17.进一步的信息 further information18.休息两周 have two weeks off 19.做早操 do morning exercises20.半小时从事业余爱好 half an hour for hobbies 23.坚持用英语写作 keep writing in English21.每门功课进行月考 have/ take a monthly test on each subject22.浏览英语报刊杂志 look through English newspapers and magazines 24.进行去如东的学校旅行 go on/ take a school trip to Rudong25.有许多时间做某事 have much time to do sth= have much time for doing sth26.一小时的家作 an hours homework= an hour of homework 27. 有一小时时间吃午饭 have an hour for lunch= have an hour to have luch28.选择科目来学习 choose subjects to study 29. 在阅读周期间 during the Reading Week 30.在比赛中得第二 come second in the race8AU2语言点:1. 你理想中的学校是什么样的?(两种) Whats your ideal school? What does your ideal school look like?2. 一块橡皮 an eraser 3. Jim正在努力学习他的所有科目。 Jim is working hard at all his subjects.4.我要去上海度假. I am going to Shanghai for a holiday.=Im going on holiday in Shanghai.5. 你最好每天努力练习打羽毛球. Youd better practice playing badminton hard every day.6.昨天我为我堂兄买了一个玩具熊作为生日礼物。 Yesterday I bought a toy bear for my cousin as a birthday present.7.我是一个14岁的学生 Im a 14-year-old student. 8. 他们是我的偶像. They are my heroes.9.他经常认真倾听我的问题并给我提供帮助. He often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help,10.上个月我们赢得了两场比赛. Last month we won two games.11.在水里玩排球多么有趣! What fun it is to play volleyball in the water!12.他呆在南通期间,玩得很开心 。He had fun/ had a good time/ enjoyed himself during his stay in Nantong.13.白天下大雨了。 It rained heavly/ hard in the day. (It had a heavy/ big rain in the day.)14.昨天我把自行车借给他了。(两种) Yesterday I lent my bike to him.= I lent him my bike.= He borrowed the bike from me.15.为什么不和你老师讨论一下这个问题呢? Why not discuss the question with your teacher?16. 他好像马上就要哭了. He seems to cry soon,= It seems that he will cry.17.我们应该向他人提供帮助。 We should offer help to others.= We should offer others help.18.男孩子们在努力练习打篮球,女孩子们在练习跳舞。 The boys are practising hard playing basketball and the girls are practising dancing.19. win (过去式,现在分词,获胜者) (won, winning, winner)20. 在课结束时他唱了一首英文歌. He sang an English song at the end of the class.21.在10月1日上午 on the morning of October 1 22.他学数学有困难。 He has problems with Maths.= He has problems in studying Maths.23.Daniel的西红柿比Tom少。 Daniel has fewer tomatoes than Tom.24. Millie有着最少的橙汁。 Millie has the least orange.25.Sandy喝的水比Simon少。 Sandy drank less water than Simon.26.你犯的错误越少,你会得到越高的分数。 The fewer mistakes you make, the more points you can get.27.你学习越来越努力了. You study harder and harder. 28. 第二长河 the second longest river29.长江是中国最长的河流。 The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.30.他在班上学习最用功. He studies hardest in his class.31.劳动节/中秋节我们放三天假。 We will have three days off on May Day/ the Mid-Autumn Festival.32.下个月底学生约休息两天。 Students will have two days off at the end of next month.33.每年年初,我们通常有一周的假期。 We always have a week off at the beginning of every year.34.这些学生每天花两个小时在家庭作业上。 The students spend two hours on homework/ in doing their homework.every day. It takes the students two hours to do their homework every day.35.我每天有一个小时的时间下棋。 I have an hour for playing chess every day./ I have an hour to play chess every day. / I spend an hour playing chess.36.中国学生学习最努力。 The Chinese students study hardest.37.你每天在业余爱好上花多少时间? How much time/ How long do you spend on your hobbies?38.我叔叔没有时间看报纸。 My uncle has no time to read newspapers.39.我们希望选一个较大的房间住。 We hope to choose a bigger room to live in.40.每个月,我们都会参加去博物馆或剧院的学校旅行。 Every month, we will go on school trip to the museum or the theatre.41.这位老人有很多时间做他感兴趣的事。(for his interest) The old man has much time for his interest.42.有很多时间做课外活动 have much time to do (=for) after-school activities43.今年秋天我们学校足球队有一个重要的比赛要参加。 This autumn our school football team will have an important match to take part in.(join in)44.学外语是真的很有趣的。(两种) Learning foreign languages is really fun.= It is really fun to learn foreign languages.45.当我们看有趣书的时候,时间好像过得很快。 When we read interesting books, time seems to go fast.46.你的学校生活是什么样子? Whats your school life is like?=What does your school life look like?47.你对狼山还知道什么? What else do you know about the Wolf Hill?48.他每天花多少时间打网球? How long/ How much time does he spend playing tennis every day?49.他每周至多有一个半小时打网球,另外半小时进行课外活动。 He has at most one and a half hours to play tennis every week, and another half an hour for after-school activites.50. I have never seen a better film. 我从没有看过更好的电影。 I cant agree more. 我非常同意。 He couldnt be better.他是最好的。用like的正确形式填空:1.-What subject _do_ you _like_ best? -I _like_ French.2. -What _is/ does_ Yao Ming _like/ look like _? -Hes tall and strong.3. -What _would_ you _like_ to do on the coming holiday? -Id _like to go to Korea for a visit.4. -What _is_ his daughter _like_? -Shes lovely and very clever.5.Millie, _like_ her mother, _likes_ watching TV.6. I _dislike_ her because she always tells lies.写出下列形容词的副词形式或名词的形容词形式:1.heavy 2.real 3.usual 4.quick 5.week6.careful 7.quiet 8.slow 9.happy 10.gentle 11.straight 12.fast 13.cheap 14. late 15.brother 16.early 17.good 18. mother 19.friend 20.noisy 21. ideal 22.possible 23.heavy 24.excited 25.simple 26. polite 27.bright 28.nice 29.lucky 30.bad 31.month 32.year 33.day 34.slow 35.love 36.easy 37.true 38.wide 8AU3词组:1.经过某地 go/ walk past sp = pass sp 2.美国的总统 the President of the USA3.小心/保重 take care4.邀请某人去某地/去做某事 invite sb to sp; invite sb to do sth5.参加学校去世界公园的旅行 go on/ take a school trip to the World Park6.迫不及待的做某事 cant wait to do sth7.名胜 places of interest8.上/下车 get on/ off the bus 9.变得兴奋 become excited10.歌舞表演 the song and dance shows11.了解不同的文化 learn/ know a lot about different cultures12.努力攀登岩石 pull oneself up the rocks= climb up the rocks13.暗自保密 keep the secret to oneself14.进入决赛 be in the final= get into the final15.需要你们的支持 need your support16. 忘记做某事 forget to do sth17.旅行的费用 the cost of the trip18. 30人或更多人的群体/组团 groups of 30 or more people19.今天的计划 todays plan= the plan for today20.回到 go/ come back to sp 21.乘地铁 by underground; take the underground22. 在网络上 on the Internet8AU3语言点:1.这个大桥由钢做成。它重达10万多吨。 The bridge is made of steel. It weighs over 100,000 tons.2. 昨天我乘船去澳大利亚旅行了。 Yesterday I took a boat trip to Australia.3.上个月,父亲带我去参观了江苏的许多名胜。 Last month, my father took me to visit many places of interest of Jiangsu.4.他们终于在天黑前到达了海港大桥。 Finally they arrived at the Harbour Bridge before it was dark. 5.我花了相当长的时间来理解这个句子。 I spent quite a long time understanding this sentence.=It took me a long time to understand this sentence.6.这两个女孩不如吴先生高。(两种) The two girls are not as tall as Mr Wu.= The two girls are shorter than Mr Wu.= Mr Wu is taller than the two girls.7.Simon正在努力地攀爬岩石。 Simon is trying to pull himself up the rocks.8.不要告诉任何人这件事。 -我不会的。 Dont tell anyone about it. -Ok, I wont.9.你很幸运没有伤到自己。 You are lucky enough not to hurt yourself.= Luckily, you didnt hurt yourself.+ It is lucky for you not to hurt yourself.10.他们保守着这个秘密。 They keep the secret to themselves.11.到达长江(三种) reach/ get to/ arrive at the Changjiang River 12.这座桥多长?(两种)How long is the bridge?= Whats the length of the bridge?13.这桥长达2千米(两种)。The bridge is 2 kilometres long (in length)14.这是一座长达2千米的桥。This is a 2-kilometre-long bridge.15.这塔多高?(两种) How talaal/high is the tower?= Whats the height of the tower? 16.黄河多宽?(两种) How wide is the Yellow River?= Whats the width of the Yellow River?17.这大象多重?(两种) How heavy is the elephant?=How much does the elephant weigh?= Whats the weight of the elephant?18.我对物理很感兴趣。Im very interested in Physics.19.请随便喝点咖啡。 Please help yourself to some coffee.20.她十岁时自学了物理。(两种)She taught herself Physice= She learned Physics by herself at the age of 10. (at age 10; at 10; at age ten when she was ten years old)21.昨晚那幢大楼发生了一场大火。 A big fire happened to that house last night.22. 上周他们发生什么事了? What happened to them last week?23. 本周我们学校将举行运动会。(两种) This week we will hold/ have a school sports meet.= This week a sports meet will take place in our school.= Our school will have/ hold a sports meet this week.24.上周我们进行了去如东的学校旅行.(两种) Last week we went on/ took a school trip to Rudong.= A school trip took place in our school last week.25. 没有老师的帮助,他考试没有通过. Without the teachers help, he failed to pass the exam/ he didnt pass the exam.26.每个学生旅行的费用是300元. The cost of the trip is 300 yuan (for) each student.27. 你们这次去如东的旅行费用是多少? What is the cost of your trip to Rudong this time?28.那个参观对于50或更多人的组团是免费的. The visit is free for groups of 50 or more people.29. 中场休息就是一段10分钟的时间供运动员休息. Half-time is a period of 10 minutes for players to rest.= Half-time is a 10-minute period for players to rest.30.乘地铁到世界公园花了我们大约两小时. It took us about two hours to get to the World Park by underground. =It took us about two hours to take the underground to the World Park. = We spent about two hours getting to the World Park by underground.31.很快整个世界呈现在我们面前. Soon the whole world was there in front of us.32. 有来自全世界的一百多个名胜的模型. There are models of more than one hundred places of interest from all over the world.33.我们对世界不同文化了解了许多. We learned a lot about different cultures of the world.34. 我们很想对中国文化有更多的了解. We would like to learn more about the culture of China.35. 南通的天气比北京要好很多. The weather in Nantong is much better than that in Beijing.36. 桌上的苹果比你手里的要大一点. The apple is a little bigger than that(=the one) in your hand.37. 我认为那个想法不好. I dont think thats a good idea.38. 北京是世界上最好的城市之一. Beijing is one of the best cities in the world.8AU4单词:1.指示 2.工具 3.胶水 4.剪刀 5.确切地,精确地 6.装饰 7.着迷的,狂热的;发疯的 8.可怕的9.供电中断;停电 10.天花板 11.课程;过程 12.反而,却 13.出席 14.句子 15.葡萄 16.草莓 17.匙,调羹 18.增加,补充 19.例子;榜样 20.调味汁,酱21. 正确的 22. 完成 23.确定的 24.积极的;主动的 25.可能的 26.拼写 27.气球 28.粘住,钉住 29.封面;盖子,罩 30.家具 31.颜料 8AU4词组:1.代表/象征 stand for 2.看清楚的说明 read clear instructions3.代替, 而不是 instead of 4.付钱给某人做某事 pay someone to do sth5.对着迷 be crazy about 6.在他卧室里安装一盏更明亮的灯 put in a brighter light in his bedroom7.把客厅刷成蓝色 paint the living room blue 8. 建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb (not) to do sth9.选修课程 take a course in 10.去上课 go to lessons= attend lessons11.出席一个重要的会议 attend an important meeting 12.安装一盏新灯失败了 fail to put in a new light13.用一把剪刀剪出一张张卡片 cut out pieces of card with a pair of scissors14.触摸湿油漆 touch the wet paint 15.在卡片的另一面 on the other side of the card 16.放弃做某事 give up doing sth 17.坚持努力 keep trying 18.上学迟到 . be late for school 19.一本有用的书 a useful book 20. 把一些大一点的水果切成小块 cut some of the larger/ bigger fruit into small pieces21.把它留在空气中一段时间 leave it in the air for some time22.另一片面包 another piece of bread 23.我们的隔壁邻居 our neighbout next door24.遍布整个地板 all over the floor 25.把它/它们整理好 tidy it/ them up26.决定做某事 decide to do sth 27.合作得很愉快 have fun working together28.用旧衣服制作东西 make things from old clothes 29. 当令水果 fruit in season30. 不同颜色的水果 fruit of different colors 31. 停止打扫房子stop cleaning the house32. 确保 make sure 33. 做水果沙拉的提示 tips for making a fruit salad34. 在顶端 on the top of 35. 出错了,出故障了 sth go wrong36. 把单词拼错 spell the word wrong 37. 把它粘贴在封面上 stick it on the cover38. 游戏结束了.(finish) Game is over/ finished. 39. 一件家具 a piece of furniture40.合作愉快 have fun working together 41. 工具箱 a tool box8AU4语言点:1.看,公交车来了。 Look! Here comes the bus.2.请先看看用法说明那一页 Please read the instruction page first.3.你们最好独立制作主页。 Youd better make a home page by yourself/ alone/ on your own.4.你最好不要晚睡觉。 Youd better not go to bed late.5.他没有呆在家里,而是去看电影了。 He went to see a film instead of staying at home. = He didnt stay at home. Instead, he went to see a film. =He didnt stay at home. He went to see a film instead.6.昨天我在家看电视而没打篮球。Yesterday I watched TV at home instead of playing basketball. =Yesterday I didnt play basketball. Instead, I watched TV at home.7.你最好不要单独在河里游泳,太危险了。 Youd better not swim in the river alone. Its too dangerous.8.这个瓶子充满了水。(两种)This bottle is full of water.= This bottle is filled with water.9.昨天我搞错了拿了你的雨伞。 Yesterday I took your umbrella by mistake.10.再给我一个汉堡。 Give me another hamburger.= Give me one more hamburger.11.他一直工作到午夜。 He kept working until/ till midnight. = He didnt stop working until it was midnight.12.不仅你而且我痴迷于进行户外活动。 Not only you but also I am crazy about doing outdoor activities.13.她成天打网球,而从不学习。(两种) She plays tennis all day instead of studying. = She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis the whole day.14.我需要参加一个重要的会议。 I need to attend an important meeting.15. 我们在运动会上没拿到第一。(fail) We failed to come first at the sports meeting. = We didnt get the first place at the sports meeting.16.现在你最好别打棒球了。Youd better not play baseball now.17.不要把金鱼放在阳光下。Dont put goldfish in the sun.18.她上学从不迟到。 She is never late for school.19.请别放弃.继续努力,你就会发现你能更好地记住事。 Dont give up. Keep trying, and youll find you can remember things better.20.说明很重要,你不应该没有阅读就开始工作. Instructions are very important. You shouldnt begin your work without reading them.21.有时做DIY时要花费很长时间,你应该有耐心. Sometimes doing DIY takes a long time. You should be patient.22. 你应该多吃健康的食品. You should eat more healthy food.23.你最好不要吃太多的肉. Youd better not eat too much meat.24. 你不应该这么粗心. You shouldnt be so careless.25.做三明治既快又容易。(三种) It is quick and easy to make sandwiches.= Making sandwiches is quick and easy.= Sandwiches are quick and easy to make.26.对于我来说,整天呆在家里是很不寻常的。 It is unusual to stay at home all day/ the whole day.27.停止说话。让我们开始上课。 Stop talking. Lets begin to have class.28.当她六岁的时候,她就会说英语了。 She was able to ( =could) speak English when she was six (years old).29.他明天肯定会来出席会议的。 It is certain that he will attend the meeting tomorrow.30.我做完作业了(finished) My homework is finished/ over. =I finished doing my homework.= I completed my homework.31.不要把她一个人留在外面雨中。 Dont leave her alome outside in the rain.32.让门关着/开着。 Leave/ Keep the door closed/ open.33.制作完这张卡片花了我两个半小时。 It took me two hours and a half to finish making this card.34.许多事情出错了。 Lots o


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