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Step One Show Studying Aims (目标展示目标展示)Knowledge aims:New words:wish luck museum twice picnic once Useful expressions:visit the museum twice a month go on picnics once a weekAbility aims:To learn how to listen and read.Emotion aims:To train the students talk with each each other about activities.Step Two Check the Preview(检查预习)1.wishwish3.museummuseum4.twicetwice5.onceonce 希望,祝愿希望,祝愿2.luckluck 好运,幸运好运,幸运博物馆博物馆一次一次两次两次1.visit the museumvisit the museum3.go on picnicsgo on picnics4.once a weekonce a week5.Wish our team good luck!Wish our team good luck!参观博物馆参观博物馆2.twice a monthtwice a month 每月两次每月两次去野餐去野餐祝我们队好运!祝我们队好运!每周一次每周一次6.Thats great.Thats great.太好了。太好了。Step Three Personalized display(个性展示个性展示)Sunshine Middle School&Moonlight Middle SchoolSaturday,17NovemberSunshine Sports Center7 p.m.Moonlight Middle SchoolSunshine Middle School17November7p.m.7p.m.by busSunshine Sports CenterSaturdayPersonalized display(2)This Saturday,Simons class will watchThis Saturday,Simons class will watchthe volleyball match.What about you?the volleyball match.What about you?What do you like to do at the weekends?What do you like to do at the weekends?go on a picnicgo on a picnicvisit a museumvisit a museumWhat does Tommy often do at the weekend?What does Tommy often do at the weekend?He goes on picnics.He goes on picnics.S1:What do you like to do at the weekend?S2:I like to see films with my parents.S1:how often do you see a film?S2:About twice a month.What about you?S1:I like watch TVS2:I like to see films with my parents.S1:Of course not.Sometimes I play football with my friends.S2:Thats great.Step ThreeCooperative inquiry(合作探究合作探究)1.对对once a week提问用什么疑问词?提问用什么疑问词?2.hope和和wish有何区别?有何区别?3.where对什么句子成分提问?对什么句子成分提问?小组合作探究小组合作探究:探究点探究点(1):once a week意为意为“_”。对。对once a week提问用提问用_。指点迷津指点迷津 once a week意为意为“一周一次一周一次”;对;对once a week提问用提问用how often。-How often do you go to see your grandparents?你多长时间去看你的爷爷奶奶一次?你多长时间去看你的爷爷奶奶一次?-Once a week.一周一次。一周一次。()-_do you watch TV?-Twice a week.A.How B.How often C.When D.WhereB探究点(2):wish和hope有何区别?指点迷津 wish意为“希望”,既可用作动词又可用作既可用作动词又可用作名词。名词。I wish you a happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。Best wishes!最好的祝愿!辨析 hope与wish (1)hope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句,但不但不能接能接“宾语不定式宾语不定式”。We hope to see you again.We hope we can see you again.我们希望能再次见到你。I hope you can help me with my Maths.希望你能帮助我学数学。(不能说(不能说I hope you to help me with my Maths.)(2)wish后面接不定式或“宾语不定式”都可以,其意义相当于“想要”“希望”(相当于would like或want)。I wish to go home now.我想现在回家。I wish him to be happy.我希望他取得进步。(3)wish还可表示良好的“祝愿”,后面接“宾语十宾补(形容词或名词)”。而hope无此用法。I wish you happy.祝你幸福。I wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快。(4)在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说I hope not,而不说I dont hope so。()I hope you _a good time.A.to have B.having C.to having D.have ()I _you a happy new year.A.wish B.hope C.want D.likeDA 探究点(3):where对句子中的_提问。指点迷津 where意为“在哪里”,对句子中的地点状语提问。Where do you study?你在哪儿学习?根据汉语提示完成句子 他在哪儿看书?_ _he_ books?Where does readStep Five Integration of the Promotion(整合提升整合提升)1.once a week意为意为“一周一次一周一次”;对;对once a week提提问用问用how often。2.where意为“在哪里”,对句子中的地点状语提问。3.(1)hope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句但不能接但不能接“宾语不定式宾语不定式”。(2)wish后面接不定式或“宾语不定式”都可以,其意义相当于“想要”“希望”(相当于would like或want。(3)wish还可表示良好的“祝愿”,后面接“宾语十宾补(形容词或名词)”。而hope无此用法。Try to remember the phrases and sentencesa volleyball match 一场排球比赛at weekends 在周末go on picnics 进行野餐visit the museum 参观博物馆 once a week 一周一次twice a month 一个月两次Thats great!太棒了Wish our team luck!祝我们的队好运What do you like to do at weekends?How often do you go on a picnic?Step Six Detection Feedback(检测反馈检测反馈)We hope (see)you again.我希望能再次见到你。I hope(that)you can my maths 我希望你能帮助我学数学。I hope his dream (come)true.我希望他的梦想成真。I Wish at weekends.我希望周末看电视。I wish him to 我希望他努力学习。I wish you .(我祝你好运)tohelp me with comesto watch TVseework hardgood luckhope用作动词时,用作动词时,后面可接不定式后面可接不定式或或that从句,但从句,但不能接不能接“宾语宾语+不不定式定式”。wish后面接不定式后面接不定式或或“宾语宾语+不定式不定式”都可以,都可以,“想要想要”,“希望希望”(=would like或或want)。)。wish可表示良好可表示良好的的“祝愿祝愿”,后,后面接面接“宾语宾语+宾补宾补(形容词或名(形容词或名词)。而词)。而hope不不能这样用能这样用 二、单项选择题二、单项选择题。()1.-I will take an important test tomorrow.-Oh,really?_!A.Good luck B.Congratulations C.Well done D.What a pity()2.-How often do you play football?-_ a week.A.One B.Two C.Once D.Two times()3.-Where do you sit?-I sit _and.A.from B.between C.among D.with()4.More and more young people in China celebrate Christmas Day _ December 25th.A.at B.on C.in D.for()5.-Good luck with your trip!-_!A.What a pity B.Well done C.Thank you D.CongratulationsACBBCHomeworkHomework 1.Revise the words and phrases.2.Complete the Exercises.(同步配套练同步配套练习)习).3.Preview Task.


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