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New CollegeNew College EnglishEnglishUnit EightI PreparationII Reading ActivitiesIII Further Development IV Translation&Writing Part I Preparation 1.Talking About Twins2.Proverbs and SayingsActivity 1 Talking About TwinsDirections:Work in groups to the following questions.Do you know any twins?What can you say about them?Why are people curious about twins?How do you think it feels to be twins?Activity 1 Talking About TwinsSampleLook alike and usually dress alikeEasy to mix them upDifferent personalitiesNot manu twins around usUsual resemblingActivity 1 Talking About TwinsSampleTwins must be proud because they are different from othersThey may feel happy because they can enjoy each others companyThey may feel lonely because it is difficult to make friends with othr peopleThey may feel bored and discouraged because every day they will see the mirror image of themselves.Activity 2 Proverbs and SayingsGenius without education is like silver in the mine.Benjamin Franklin 未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。富兰克林富兰克林Genius only means hard-working all ones life.Mendeleyer天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。门捷列耶夫门捷列耶夫Activity 2 Proverbs and SayingsThe people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them,they make them.Bernard Shaw 在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。肖伯纳肖伯纳Part II Reading Activities1.Pre-reading Questions2.Text Organization3.Sentence Study4.Words&Phrases1.Many identical twins are much alike in both appearance and behavior,even when raised apart.Does it suggest that the genes play a more important role in ones development?Pre-reading QuestionsNo,it only suggests the power of the genes and the limitation of the effect of environment.In the study,these identical twins were raised in the same physical environment.Even when raised apart,they were put in homes with a similar background.Therefore,its not surprising that these twins developed similarly.2.What criticism would you make of the study designed to observe the relative effects of heredity andenvironment?Pre-reading QuestionsThe conclusion is not justified because the sets of twins studied shared not only the same genes but also the same environment.The similarities are not due entirely to genes since environment also plays a role.Text OrganizationIntroduction:Conclusion:Research on the relative effects of heredity and environmentPara.1Para.2-8Para.9Sentence Studynowithout 我们就会明白,我们就会明白,没有没有与其相互作用的环境,与其相互作用的环境,就就不可能不可能有任何个人的发展。有任何个人的发展。【译文】【句型】no+NP+without 构成双重否定,表达肯定构成双重否定,表达肯定意义。意义。其中其中no修饰的名词短语可作主语。修饰的名词短语可作主语。Sentence Study【例句】No other reproduction in any form is permitted without未经未经出版社同意出版社同意不得以任何形式进行复制不得以任何形式进行复制。no major business is conductedwithout在有些国家里在有些国家里,没有没有当面接触当面接触就做不成大生意就做不成大生意,需要面需要面对面的交谈。对面的交谈。Sentence StudyThe relative effects ofaremost clearly observable 遗传和环境的遗传和环境的相对影响相对影响在同卵双胞胎中在同卵双胞胎中最易观到最易观到。【译文】【句型】The(relative)effects of are(most clearly)observable.效果效果/影响是显而易见的影响是显而易见的 完全可以看出完全可以看出的影响的影响Sentence Study【例句】The environmental effect ofmost clearly observable在周围的田地和河流中在周围的田地和河流中完全可以看到完全可以看到这个新工厂这个新工厂对环对环境的影响。境的影响。The effect of culture shock is most clearly observableSentence Studyno morethan【译文】双胞胎之间的差异双胞胎之间的差异并不比并不比一起长一起长大的双胞胎之间的差异大的双胞胎之间的差异更更显著。显著。Sentence Study【句型】no morethan 和和一样不;比一样不;比更不;非常不更不;非常不no more than(=only)不过,仅仅不过,仅仅【例句】no morethan他和我们他和我们一样不是一样不是上帝。上帝。Sentence Study【例句】no more than金钱金钱不过是不过是我们的仆人。我们的仆人。No place in China morethan Guilin中国没有其它地方像桂林一样中国没有其它地方像桂林一样可以让人记可以让人记住你们美丽的国家。住你们美丽的国家。Sentence Studyas【译文】尽管尽管基因基因非常重要非常重要,但是基因本身决不能完,但是基因本身决不能完全决定任何一个特点。全决定任何一个特点。【句型】这是这是as 引导的让步状语从句,从句要倒装。引导的让步状语从句,从句要倒装。该句相当于:该句相当于:Though they are important,.“形容词形容词/副词副词/名词名词+as/though+主语主语+谓语谓语”句型,引导让步状语从句。句型,引导让步状语从句。Sentence Study【例句】asthoughasWords&Phrases1.interact v.(+on/with)have an effect on each other or something else 互相作用,互相影响互相作用,互相影响【例句】We college students should actively interact with the society.We college students should be in active interaction with the society.Words&Phrases2.identical adj.1.(+with/to)exactly alike 完全相同的,完全一样的完全相同的,完全一样的 2.the same 同一的同一的【例句】Your voice is identical to your brothers.You and your brother have almost identical voices.声音相同声音相同Words&Phrases3.resemblance n.the fact or an instance of being like or similar to another person or thing 相似,类似相似,类似resemble(v.)look or be like 像,似像,似【例句】The identical twins resemble each other in appearance but not in character.这对同卵双胞胎这对同卵双胞胎(the identical twins)长相长相相似相似但性但性格不同。格不同。Words&Phrases4.substantially adv.quite a lot 相当大地相当大地 substance n.1.(C)a material;type of matter 物;物质物;物质 2.(the+,U)the important part;the real meaning 实质;本质;实质;本质;主旨;大意主旨;大意substantial adj.1.solid;strongly made 牢固的;结实的牢固的;结实的 2.noticeable;important;of some size or value 显著的;重要的;有价值的显著的;重要的;有价值的Words&Phrases【例句】Student:What is water?Teacher:Water is a _.(生命必须的物质生命必须的物质)substance vital to lifeWords&Phrases【例句】Though young,he has substantially contributed to the project.尽管年轻,他已为这个工程尽管年轻,他已为这个工程作出了相当大的贡献作出了相当大的贡献。出国留学意味着在生活上出国留学意味着在生活上作出重大改变作出重大改变。Words&Phrases5.illustrate v.1.(+by/with)make the meaning (of something)clearer by giving related examples 阐明,说明阐明,说明 2.(+with)put pictures in a book,article,etc.给给作插图说明作插图说明【例句】他通过讲述自身的体验来他通过讲述自身的体验来阐明他的论点阐明他的论点。He _ by relating his own experience.illustrated his point Words&Phrases6.resume v.1)start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted(中断之后中断之后)继续继续 2)take again 重新占用重新占用他的脸上很快就又他的脸上很快就又露出自信的露出自信的神情神情。His face quickly _ _.【例句】resumed itsconfident expressionWords&Phrases7.distinguish v.1)hear,see,or recognize 辨认出;辨认出;看清楚;听清楚看清楚;听清楚 2)(+from/between)make or recognize differences 辨别;区别;辨别;区别;3)behave(oneself)noticeably well 使出众,使扬名使出众,使扬名【例句】有时人们无法谨慎地有时人们无法谨慎地区别事实和传言区别事实和传言。Words&Phrasesdistinguished adj.marked by excellent quality or deserved fame 著名著名 的,杰出的的,杰出的distinguishable adj.that can be clearly seen,heard,or recognized as different 清晰可见的;可辨别的清晰可见的;可辨别的1.Case Study2.DebatePart III Further DevelopmentDirections:Work in groups to respond to the following case study.Case Study You are young parents.You have a beautiful eight-year-old daughter.Like all parents you want your child to be happy and healthy.You want to give her all the love and support you can.What are most important things you would do to keep her healthy physically,intellectually and emotionally?Share your ideas with other groups.Case StudySamplePhysicallyTake part in sports with herTake her out on walksGive her good food that helps her to be strong and healthKeep her clean and properly dressedLet her do some houseworkSend her to a dance schoolCase StudySampleIntellectuallySing songs with herTell her stories about human ancestorsSend her to extra classesLet her watch educational programs on TVTake her to famous historic places,museumsInvolve her in making decisions when possibleCase StudySampleEmotionallyBe kind to her,but also strictEncourage her or praise her when necessaryTeach her moral valuesVoice our feelings frequentlyRespect her own judgementTeach her how to face failureEncourage her to be kind to living creaturesDirections:Work in 2 groups to debate which has a stronger influence,heredity or environment.DebateWhich has a stronger influence,heredity or environment?SampleExercise,sports and good food can make you grow taller and strongerPhysical traits and certain diseases can be inherited,such as cancer or high blood pressureDebateSampleIntelligent professionals children are not necessarily intelligent,so intelligence is not inheritedIf heredity is more important,why do we study for tests?The son of a thief is not necessarily a thief.A person with very low IQ can never become a scientist no matter how hard he/she triesBoth my parents are practical,and thats why I lack imaginationA person without a“music gene”can never be a musician1.Translation Skills2.Writing PracticePart IV Translation&WritingTranslation SkillsTranslation Skills 状语从句也称为副词性从句,与名词性从状语从句也称为副词性从句,与名词性从句和形容词性从句(即定语从句)共同构句和形容词性从句(即定语从句)共同构成英语从句体系。状语从句在全句中的作成英语从句体系。状语从句在全句中的作用类似副词,因此,像副词一样,状语从用类似副词,因此,像副词一样,状语从句在译文中的位置也较为灵活,可采用直句在译文中的位置也较为灵活,可采用直译法、倒译法,将其放在全句之前或全句译法、倒译法,将其放在全句之前或全句之后。此外,还可将状语从句转变为其他之后。此外,还可将状语从句转变为其他从句类型,使中文译文表达更地道。从句类型,使中文译文表达更地道。:Translation Skills(一)状语从句的直译法(一)状语从句的直译法【例句】Once human beings stand up and become masters of their own fate,there will be no difficulties they may not overcome.一旦人站起来,成为自己命运的主宰一旦人站起来,成为自己命运的主宰,就不会就不会有他们克服不了的困难。有他们克服不了的困难。Translation Skills(二)状语从句的倒译法(二)状语从句的倒译法The local government will set up more paper mills if they can get more raw materials.【例句】如果能够得到更多的原材料如果能够得到更多的原材料,当地政府将兴建更多的造纸,当地政府将兴建更多的造纸厂。厂。Translation Skills(三)状语从句的转译法(三)状语从句的转译法【例句】New things always have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow.任何新生事物的任何新生事物的成长成长都要经过艰难曲折。都要经过艰难曲折。(状语从句转译为作为主语的名词(状语从句转译为作为主语的名词“成长成长”)。)。.Writing Practice Directions:Write a composition on the topic:Which has a stronger influence,heredity or environment?Your composition should be no less than 120 words according to the outline g i v e n b e l o w i n C h i n e s e:1)1)父母遗传很重要;父母遗传很重要;2)2)后天环境影响起关键作用;后天环境影响起关键作用;3)3)我们是先天遗传与后天环我们是先天遗传与后天环境的综合产物。境的综合产物。Writing PracticeSampleWhich has a stronger influence,heredity or environment?Which is more important in shaping a persons character,heredity or environment?First,let us examine the influence of heredity.A kind-hearted mother may expect a child who is also gentle and kind.An engineer father who used to get high marks in mathematics tests is very likely to have a son or daughter who is also good at math and plans to be an engineer,maybe because the child inherits the“math gene”from the father.Stubborn(顽固的顽固的)parents are likely to have children who are as hard to turn as a donkey(犟牛般的子女犟牛般的子女).Writing PracticeSample However,the environment also plays a key role in molding many of a childs characteristics.Environment can change a person no matter what one inherits from parents.Exercise,sports and good food,for example,can make a person grow taller and stronger,which explains the reason why young Chinese are obviously bigger and taller than their grandparents.Intelligent professionals children are not necessarily intelligent,so intelligence is not inherited.On the other hand,the son of a thief is not necessarily a thief.Writing PracticeSample In conclusion,we are the product of nature and nurture.It is family,schools,and society that work together to shape who we are.Therefore,both heredity and environment have great influence on a persons personality.Heredity creates a person,but environment can create an improved one.


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