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初中英语小题集练连词1、 I wonder _ or not the animal signs are kept in a fixed order. Oh, they should be. AifBwhetherCthatDhow2、 Were you chosen to be the hosts of the party, Denny? Oh, what a terrible experience! _ Sarah _ I was, because we were much too nervous. ABoth; andBNot only; but alsoCEither; orDNeither; nor3、I think basketball is interesting, _ he thinks it is _. Aand; difficultBbut ; boringCand; boringDbut; fun4、This is a new pencil case, _ I like its colour very much. AbutBtooCandDalso5、He wants to knowyou will help not Aif ; orBif ;andCwhether ;orDwhether ;and6、_ you he likes eating dumplings because they are delicious ANot only ,but alsoBBoth ,andC , andDNeither ,nor7、Scientists say it may be a few years _ it is possible to test the new medicine on patients AbecauseBafterCsinceDbefore8、How was your climbing Mount Huang?-I didnt believe I could do it _I got to the top. AuntilBwhileCafterDbecause9、Work harder, _ you will get more grades in the coming exam. AandBsoCorDbut10、You can _ stay at home _ go out to playIt doesnt matter. Aeither, orBneither, norCboth, andDnot only, but also11、The mobile phone has changed peoples life a lot _ it was invented. AuntilBsinceCbeforeDafter12、_ the phone is old, it still works well.AButBIfCAlthough13、_ exercising, _ youll be healthier. AKeeping, orBTo keep, andCKeep, andDKept, or14、I dont know _he will come tomorrow_he comes, Ill tell you.Thats a deal! Aif, WhetherBwhether, WhetherCif, ThatDif, If15、Jim is a taxi driver, _he really wants to be a doctor. AorBandCsoDbut16、my father my mother believes what star signs say, but I do. ANeither, norBEither, orCBoth, andDNot only, but also17、People all want to be noticed in a new place. _ they have to try to prove that theyre better.Its not a bad thing. Thanks to this competition, the world is becoming better and better. ABesides BTherefore CHowever18、_ he is in poor health, _ he is still busy working all day and all night AAlthough; but BAlthough; / CAlthough; and19、Mo Yans books have been sold out in many bookstores _ his winning of the Noble Prize in Literature. AbecauseBsinceCasDbecause of20、I like apples _ bananas, but I dont like pears. AorBandCsoDbecause21、we were walking along the river, we heard a cry for help. AWhileBUntilCAfterDBefore22、Why didnt Luo Ji go with them then?_ he was too tired. ASinceBAsCBecauseDAlthough23、We cant be successful _ we keep working hard.I agree with you. AifBunlessCbecauseDas24、_ you _ your brother can join us. We want one of you. ANeither; norBBoth; andCEither; or DNot only, but also25、- Why didnt you follow us to get on the underground?- I tried to, but it started moving _ I could get on it. AwhileBbeforeCas soon asDafter26、My parents want me to get further study to be _ an engineer _ a scientist, _ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor. Aneither; nor; andBeither; or; butCnot only; but; soDboth; and; or27、 Were you chosen to be the hosts of the party, Denny? Oh, what a terrible experience! _ Sarah _ I was, because we were muchtoo nervous. ABoth; andBNot only; but alsoCEither; orDNeither; nor28、_ it is raining, _ he is still working outside. AAlthough; butBAlthough; / CBut; althoughD/; although29、His schoolbag _ his baseball are on the sofa,_ his clock is not. Aand ,andBbut, but Cand ,butDbut, and30、- Did you go to the cinema last night?- No, I didnt. _, I just stayed at home and listened to music. AButBSoCInsteadDFor example 答案1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、


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