外文翻译--CIP-SIP 警告

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附录: 外文资料及翻译CIP/SIP Alarms The following alarms apply to the CIP/SIP process. For detailed information about the CIP/SIP process, see “CIP(Clean-in-Place)”on page159 and “SIP(Steam-in-place)” on page 161.General Alarms The following alarms apply to both webs and will appear in the center alarm box (third from left) at the top of the CIP/SIP screen.AlarmTo clearPossible CausesCIP/SIP Cycle cancelledPress STOP CIP or STOP SIP button at end of cycleCANCEL CIP/SIP CYCLE button pressed WEB-Specific Alarms The following alarms will apply to either Web1 or Web 2and will appear on either the lest side or the right side of the CIP/SIP screen.AlarmsTo clearPossible cause on web 1Possible cause on web2Filler 1 CIP/SIP InterruptedPress STOP CIP or SIP button at end of cycleSTOP CIP/SIP FILLER1 button pressedCANCEL CIP/SIPCYCLE button pressedDoes not appear on Web1Filler 2 CIP/SIP InterruptedPress STOP CIP or SIP button at end of cycleSTOP CIP/SIP FILLER2 button pressedCANCEL CIP/SIPCYCLE button pressedDoes not appear on Web2Filler 3CIP/SIP InterruptedPress STOP CIP or SIP button at end of cycleDoes not appear on Web1STOP CIP/SIP FILLER3 button pressedCANCEL CIP/SIPCYCLE button pressedFiller 4CIP/SIP InterruptedPress STOP CIP or SIP button at end of cycleDoes not appear on Web2STOP CIP/SIP FILLER4 button pressedCANCEL CIP/SIPCYCLE button pressed Trackers Alarms The following alarms apply to the trackers module. they will pertain to either web 1 or web 2 and will appear on either the left side or the right side of the Trackers screen. For detailed information about the trackers, see” Input Trackers Modules” on page 93 and “Output Tracker modules” on page 124.AlarmTo clearPossible cause on web 1Possible cause on web 1Input Tracker In Limit Press the alarm touch buttonWEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2Input Tracker out Limit Press the alarm touch buttonWEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2Input Tracker Faulted Press the alarm touch buttonWEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2Output Tracker In Limit Press the alarm touch buttonWEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4Output Tracker Out LimitPress the alarm touch buttonWEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4Output Tracker FaultedPress the alarm touch buttonWEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4Side Seal Alarms The following alarms apply to the Side Seal modules. For detailed information about the Side Seal modules, see ”Side Seal Module” on page 94. General Alarms The following alarms apply to both webs and will appear in the center alarm box (third from left) at the top of the Side Seal screen. AlarmTo clearPossible CausesUpper Platten Not Open Press the alarm touch buttonCS 3848SOL 4005Upper Platten CylindersUpper Platten Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3853SOL 4005Upper Platten CylindersUpper Platten Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3856SOL 4007Lower Platten CylindersUpper Platten Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3860SOL 4007Lower Platten CylindersWeb-Specific Alarms The following alarms will apply to either Web 1 or Web 2and will appear on either the left side or the right side the Side Seal screen.AlarmTo clearPossible Causes on Web1Possible Causes on Web2Upper Left Heater OpenCorrect the faultUpper Left Heater OpenSSR 1INS 1Upper Left Heater OpenSSR 5INS 5Upper Left ThermocoupleOpenCorrect the faultTC 1INS 1TC 5INS 5Upper Right Heater OpenCorrect the faultUpper Right Heater OpenSSR 2INS 2Upper Right Heater OpenSSR 6INS 6Upper Right ThermocoupleOpenCorrect the faultTC 2INS 2TC 6INS 6AlarmTo clearPossible Causes on Web1Possible Causes on Web2Lower Left Heater OpenCorrect the faultLower Left Heater OpenSSR 3INS 3Lower Left Heater OpenSSR 7INS 7Lower Left ThermocoupleCorrect the faultTC 3INS 3TC 7INS 7Lower Right Heater OpenCorrect the faultLower Right Heater OpenSSR 4INS 4Lower Right Heater OpenSSR 8INS 8Lower Left ThermocoupleCorrect the faultTC 4INS 4TC 8INS 8Printer Alarms The following alarms apply to the Printer module. For detailed information about the Printer module, see “Printer Module” on page 106. General Alarms The following alarms apply to both webs and will appear in the center alarm box (third from left) at the top of the Printer screen.AlarmTo clearPossible CausesPrinter Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3863SOL 4017Printer Platten CylindersPrinter Not ClosedPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3863SOL 4017Printer Platten Cylinders Web-Specific Alarms The following alarms apply to either Web 1 or Web 2and will appear on either the left side or the right side of the Printer screen.AlarmTo clear Possible Causes on Web1Possible Causes on Web1Heater OpenCorrect the faultPrinter Heater OpenINS 9SSR 9Printer Heater OpenINS 10SSR 10Thermocouple OpenCorrect the faultTC 9INS 9TC 10INS 10Print Media Move Not completedPress the alarm touch buttonDRV 739OB 1201DRV 839OB 1220Print Media Move Not EnabledPress the alarm touch buttonDRV 739OB 1201DRV 839OB 1220Print media Unwind ChuckCorrect the faultPS 3910SOL 3953PS 3916SOL 3953Print media Rewind ChuckCorrect the faultPS 3918SOL 3955PS 3921SOL 3960Print media Empty or BrokenPress the alarm touch buttonPROX 3904PROX 3908Top Seal Alarms The following alarms apply to the Top Seal module. For detailed information about the Top Seal module, see “Top Seal Module” on page 115. General Alarms The following alarms apply to both webs and will appear in the center alarm box (third from left) at the top of Top Seal screen.AlarmTo clearPossible CausesUpper Platten Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3923SOL 4019Upper Platten CylindersUpper Platten Not ClosedPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3927SOL 4019Upper Platten CylindersLower Platten Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3930SOL 4019Upper Platten CylindersLower Platten Not ClosedPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3934SOL 4019Upper Platten Cylinders Web-specific Alarms The following alarms apply to either Web 1 or Web 2 and will appear on either the left side or the right side of the Top Seal screen.AlarmTo clear Possible Causes on Web1Possible Causes on Web1Upper Heater OpenCorrect the faultOne of the UpperHeaters is OpenINS 11SRR 11One of the UpperHeaters is OpenINS 13SRR 13Upper Thermocouple OpenCorrect the faultTC 11INS 11TC 13INS 13Lower Heater OpenCorrect the faultOne of the LowerHeaters is OpenINS 12SRR 12One of the LowerHeaters is OpenINS 14SRR 14AlarmTo clearPossible Causes on Web1Possible Causes on Web1Lower Thermocouple OpenCorrect the faultTC 12INS 12TC 14INS 14Film Feed Alarms The following alarms apply to the Film Feed module. They pertain to either Web 1 or Web 2 and will appear on either the left side or the right side of the Film Feed screen. For detailed information about the Film Feed module, see “Film Feed Module” on page 125.AlarmTo clear Possible Causes on Web2 Possible Causes on Web2 Film Feed Move Not completePress the alarm touch buttonDRV 1000OB 1201DRV 1139OB 1220Film Feed Servo Not EnabledPress the alarm touch buttonDRV 1000OB 1201DRV 1139OB 1220Film Feed Roller Open Press the alarm touch buttonPROX 3117SOL 3732PROX 3119SOL 3730Film Jammed at Die CutPress the alarm touch buttonPE 3112PE 3114 Die Cut Alarms The following alarms apply to the Die CUT module. They pertain to both webs and will appear in the center alarm box at the top of the Die Cut screen. For detailed information about the Die Cut module, see “Die Cut Module” on page 126.AlarmTo clear Possible causesCutting Die Not OpenPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3124SOL 3744Cutting Die CylindersCutting Die Not ClosedPress the alarm touch buttonCS 3127SOL 3744Cutting Die CylindersBag Clamp Open at Die CutPress the alarm touch buttonPROX 3140A or PROX 314OBSOL 3547Cutting Die Cylinders 翻译中文:CIP/SIP 警告 以下警告用于CIP/SIP处理过程,关于此过程详细信息参照159页“CIP(clean-in-place)”161页“SIP (steam-in-place)” 总体警告 以下警告用于两个网格,它将出现CIP/SIP屏幕顶部的中心警告窗口(左数第三个)警告清除可能原因CIP/SIP循环被取消在循环结束按下STOP CIP按钮或STOP SIP按钮CANCEL CIP/SIP CYCLE 按钮被按下具体网格警告 以下警告适用于网格1或网格2,它将出现在CIP/SIP屏幕的左侧或右侧警告清除网格1上的可能原因网格2上的可能原因CIP/SIP装填1被打断在循环结束时按下STOP CIP按钮或STOP SIP按钮STOP CIP/SIP 装填1被按下 CANCEL CIP/SIP 循环按钮被按下不出现在网格1上CIP/SIP装填2被打断在循环结束时按下STOP CIP按钮或STOP SIP按钮STOP CIP/SIP 装填2被按下 CANCEL CIP/SIP 循环按钮被按下不出现在网格2上CIP/SIP装填3被打断在循环结束时按下STOP CIP按钮或STOP SIP按钮不出现在网格1上STOP CIP/SIP 装填3被按下 CANCEL CIP/SIP 循环按钮被按下CIP/SIP装填4被打断在循环结束时按下STOP CIP按钮或STOP SIP按钮不出现在网格2上STOP CIP/SIP 装填4被按下 CANCEL CIP/SIP 循环按钮被按下跟踪器警告 以下警告适用于跟踪器模块,它与网格1或网格2有关,指出现在跟踪屏幕的左侧或右侧,关于跟踪器的详细信息,参看93页“Input Tracker Modules”和124页“Output Tracker Modules”警告清除网格1上的可能原因网格2上的可能原因输入跟踪器限制中 按下警告按钮WEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2输入跟踪器无限制按下警告按钮WEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2输入跟踪器错误 按下警告按钮WEB 411AccuWeb#1WEB 450AccuWeb#2输出跟踪器限制中 按下警告按钮WEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4输出跟踪器无限制按下警告按钮WEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4输出跟踪器错误按下警告按钮WEB 1011AccuWeb#3WEB 1050AccuWeb#4侧封警告 以下警告适用于侧封模板,详细信息参看94页“Side Seal Module”总体警告 以下警告适用于两个窗口,将会出现侧封屏幕顶部的中心警告框里(左边第三个)警告清除可能原因上盘未开 按下警告按钮CS 3848SOL 4005Upper Platten Cylinders下盘未关按下警告按钮CS 3853SOL 4005Upper Platten Cylinders下盘未开按下警告按钮CS 3856SOL 4007Lower Platten Cylinders具体网格警告 以下警告适用于网格1或网格2,将出现在侧封窗口左侧或右侧警告清除网格1上可能原因网格2上可能原因上左加热器开改正错误上左加热器开SSR 1INS 1上左加热器开SSR 5INS 5上左电偶开改正错误TC 1INS 1TC 5INS 5上右加热器开改正错误上右加热器开SSR 2INS 2上右加热器开SSR 6INS 6上右电偶开改正错误TC 2INS 2TC 6INS 6警告清除网格1上可能原因网格2上可能原因下左加热器开改正错误下左加热器开SSR 3INS 3下左加热器开SSR 7INS 7下左电偶开改正错误TC 3INS 3TC 7INS 7下右加热器开改正错误下右加热器开SSR 4INS 4下右加热器开SSR 8INS 8下右电偶开改正错误TC 4INS 4TC 8INS 8 打印机警告 以下警告适用于打印机模块,详情参考106页“打印机模块” 总体警告 以下警告适用于两个窗口,将会出现在打印机屏幕的顶部警告清除可能原因打印机未开按下警告触摸按钮CS 3863SOL 4017打印机滚筒打印机未关按下警告触摸按钮CS 3863SOL 4017打印机滚筒 具体网格警告 以下警告适用于网格1或网格2,将出现在打印机屏幕的左侧或右侧警告清除网格1上可能原因网格2上可能原因加热器开改正错误打印机加热器开INS 9SSR 9打印机加热器开INS 10SSR 10电偶开改正错误TC 9INS 9TC 10INS 10打印介质驱动未完成按下警告按钮DRV 739OB 1201DRV 839OB 1220打印介质驱动未使用按下警告按钮DRV 739OB 1201DRV 839OB 1220打印介质脱离夹盘改正错误PS 3910SOL 3953PS 3916SOL 3953打印介质缠绕夹盘改正错误PS 3918SOL 3955PS 3921SOL 3960打印介质空或损坏按下警告按钮PROX 3904PROX 3908顶封警告以下警告适用于顶封模块,详情参考115页“Top Seal Module” 总体警告 以下警告适用于两个窗口,将出现在顶封屏幕的顶部警告清除可能原因上盘未开按下警告按钮CS 3923SOL 4019上盘滚筒上盘未关按下警告按钮CS 3927SOL 4019上盘滚筒下盘未开按下警告按钮CS 3930SOL 4019下盘滚筒下盘未关按下警告按钮CS 3934SOL 4019下盘滚筒 具体警告 以下警告适用于网格1或网格2,将出现在顶封屏幕的左侧或右侧警告清除网格1可能原因网格2可能原因上加热器开改正错误一个上加热器被开INS 11SRR 11一个上加热器被开INS 13SRR 13上电偶开改正错误TC 11INS 11TC 13INS 13下加热开改正错误一个下加热器被开INS 12SRR 12一个下加热器被开INS 14SRR 14下电偶开改正错误TC 12INS 12TC 14INS 14 胶片供应警告 以下警告适用于胶片模块,与网格1或网格2有关,它将出现在胶片供给屏幕的左侧或右侧,详情参考125页“Film Feed Module”警告清除网格1上可能原因网格2上可能原因胶片供应驱动未完成按下警告按钮DRV 1000OB 1201DRV 1139OB 1220胶片进给伺服不能用按下警告按钮DRV 1000OB 1201DRV 1139OB 1220胶片进给滚轮开按下警告按钮PROX 3117SOL 3732PROX 3119SOL 3730胶片被堵在切口出按下警告按钮PE 3112PE 3114 冲切警告 以下警告适用于冲切模块,它们与两个网格有关,将在冲切屏幕的中心警告窗口内显示,详细信息参考126页冲切模块警告 清除可能原因切刀未开按下警告按钮CS 3124SOL 3744冲切滚轮切刀未关按下警告按钮CS 3127SOL 3744冲切滚轮袋夹在冲切处开按下警告按钮PROX 3140A or PROX 314OBSOL 3547冲切滚轮


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