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20132014学年度第一学期学科竞赛小学六年级英语科试卷(全卷满分100分 测试时间60分钟) 成绩: 听力部分 一听读句子,选出句中的单词或词组,把编号写在前面的括号里,每小题读两遍。(10分) ( )1. A. B. C.班别: 姓名: 学号: ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. 装 钉 线 内 不 要 答 题 ( )5. A. B. C. ( )6. A. B. C. ( )7. A. Jul 1st B. Aug 3rd C. Feb 22nd ( )8. A. once B. twice C. nice ( )9. A. Later B. waiter C. winter ( )10. A. 35 B. 73 C. 45 二听音,请根据听到的先后顺序给下列图片重新编号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三听音,判断听到的内容与图意是否相符,相符的写“Y”,否则写“N”。(5分) 1 2. 3. 4. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四1-7小题,听问句选答语,把编号写在前面的括号里,每小题读两遍;8-10小题听到的是一段对话,请根据内容和给出的问题选择相应的答案,把编号写在括号里,每小题读两遍。(10分)( )1. A. Its black and white. B. It is sunny. C. Its short.( )2. A. I need some sugar. B. I was at home. C.I bought some fruit.( )3. A. Go on foot. B.Take a bus. C. Dive a car .( )4. A. Its expensive. B. Its more expensive C. Its seven( )5. A. Therere 24. B. Therere 7. C. Therere 14.( )6. A. Yes, here you are. B. Im using it. C. No, I dont.( )7. A. Jun 1st . B. .Sept 10th C. May 12th .( )8. There are . A. three B. four C . five ( )9. Jims mother is _ years old . A. forty B. thirty-two C. thirty-four( )10.Jim is _ than Helen. A. older B. shorter C. younger 五. 听读短文,在横线上补写缺漏的单词,一共读三遍。(6分) Kenny is a school boy , he is years old , he is the in the class. he walks to school. Last Friday he went to a store , he some chips and some carton of ice cream . weekend he is going to go swimming with his father , his father is good at swimming , he swims than Kenny . 笔试部分六单项选择。选择最佳答案,把编号写在括号里。(21分)( )1.Which is _, an elephant or a hippo?-A hippo. A smaller B bigger C fast( )2.She often rides a bike _ school. A .for B . from C . to( )3.Gogo ate all the cookies . A. tomorrow B this morning C. Every day ( )4. Im sure ! Your younger brother must _ good at singing. A. is . B. be C. are( )5.Aunt Lee surf the net _ twice a day. A. about . B. in C. at( ) 6.Are you _ a letter to your uncle next Sunday? A. write B. writing c. going to write ( )7. Tony eats fish everyday, but I am , I eat fish once a week . A. Not very often B. often C. not ( )8. He often _ a car _ work. A. take , to B. takes , to C. drives , for( )9.: _ is Nancy going to buy? : A roll of toilet paper.A. What B. How C. Where( )10.You should read English _, then Youll do a good job in it . A. often. B. every day C. never ( )11. Look ! everyone waiting for you , hurry up !. A. are. B. is . C. was.( )12.What _ his mother and father going to do next week?A. is B. are C. were( )13. Im hungry . Can you give me _?A. some food B. some coffee C. some water( )14.Does your father _ in the hospital? A. work B. works C. working( )15.He a monkey , every body calls him Monkey King . A. looks B. likes C. looks like ( )16.We can wear shorts and T-shirt in . Because the weather is so hot. A. fall B. summer C. spring( )17.General(一般地), there are days in February . A. 28 B. 29 C. 31( )18.My home is far from my school. I _ go to school by bus.A. every day B. never C. often( )19. Its twelve oclock. Its _ .A. Its time for school. B. lunch time. C. Its time to have breakfast.( )20.This Sunday is Lilys birthday . Im going to send _ e-card to her. A. the B, an C. a( )21.We can buy food in the _.A. bookstore B. supermarket C. hospital 七看图,找出相应的单词或短语,把编号写在括号里。(12分) A. ninety B. take a bus C. see the dentist D. a carton of ice cream E. snail F. a bottle of shampoo G. yucky H. go hiking I. chicken J. kitchen K. living room L. have a hair-cut ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 八完成下列题目(23分)(A) 读句子, 找出与句意相符的图画,把编号写在括号里( 8分)( )1. My shoes are twenty-five dollars. A B. ( )2. The turtle is faster than the snail. A. B. ( )3. She goes dancing once a week. A. B. ( )4. My father always takes a bus to work. A. B. ( )5. I bought a piece of candy yesterday. A B ( )6.The elephant is faster than the hippo. A. B. ( )7. My brother watches TV on Sundays. A. B. ( )8.We visited Hongkong last weekend . A. B. B. 读短文,根据上下文的意思选择正确的选项,把编号写在横线上。( 7分)班别: 姓名: 学号: We ( A.went B. go) to Thailand last month, we went there by (A. Ship B. plane), the ticket was 2500. that was ( A. cheap B, expensive ) . We went to a market and I bought a new pet dog, The new pet is ( A. biggest B. bigger ) than my old ( A. One B. one). We came (A. back B. in ) on ( A. 21st B. 21). C. 根据句意在横线填上适当的单词,使句子通顺合理。每空一词,有些单词的首字 母已给出(8分) 1.Fourteen and sixteen is _.2. Changjiang River is the river in China.3.Sunday is the day of the week . 4. He bought two _ of tissues. 5.Its in winter , but it doesnt s_ in Taishan.6.April is March and it is before .十阅读理解(23分)A. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文是否相符,相符的请写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)装 钉 线 内 不 要 答 题 Dolphins(海豚)are small whales and they live in the sea. They may fish, but theyre not. Theyre mammals(哺乳动物), like us. A dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.2 meters long and weighs about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to (重量达到)450kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers (千米) an hour. They move their big tails up and down when they swim. Dolphins have smiling faces. They look friendly, and people love them. Dolphins usually make their home near land(陆地). They will sometimes come up to people. They enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them too. ( )1. Dolphins are fish. ( )2. Dolphins are good at jumping. ( )3. Dolphins can swim 5 meters an hour. ( )4.Dolphins move their tails right and left when they swim.( )5. Dolphins enjoy playing with people. B. 阅读短文,按要求完成下列题目。 Mike comes from America. He is twelve. His father, Mr. Brown works in a big Shop in Beijing. Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is fourteen. It is Saturday. Mikes family are all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and watching TV. Mrs. Brown is out of the house, she is planting flowers. Is Mike working with his mother? No, he is making a model plane. Where is Kate? She is in her small room. She is playing the piano. What a happy family!(一)阅读短文,根据内容出现的先后给图画排序。(4分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (二)在短文中找出两对反义词。(4分)1._ and _ 2. _and _(三)在短文里找出含有划线部分发音的单词。(4分)1. sit _ _2.name _ _(四)根据短文内容回答下列问题(6分)1. How old is Mikes sister? _.2. What is Mike doing? _.3.Does Mike have a happy family? _.十、小作文(5分)同学们,周末你一定过得很开心吧?把你上个周末所做的事写出来,和同学们一起分享吧。(不少于五句话。) Last weekend 2009-2010学年度第一学期六年级英语中段考试卷听力部分一听读句子,选出句中的单词或词组,把编号写在前面的括号里,每小题读两遍。(10分)1 Im going to a grocery store to get some bags of chips.2 I bought a box of tissues yesterday morning.3 My father usually takes a bike to work.4 Look at that elephant , it is one of the bigger animal in the zoo .5 Jimmy is my good friend , he like sports very much , He usually plays badminton after school.6 Lucy is a girl student, she is 8 years old , she is short . But she is so lovely.7 My grandmothers birthday is Aug 3rd .8 We do sports once a day . Its good for us .9 My mother is a waiter .she works in a restaurant .10 Tony did a good job in the game , he got 45 stickers. 二 听音,请根据听到的先后顺序给下列图片重新编号。(5分) We had fun this summer holiday , we went to Sand-flying Beach , the weather is sunny and hot, We went swimming there . I wore a bath suit. We drank a lot of water. We bought sunglass and play Ball games in the beach . In the evening, we went to a restaurant and we ate vegetable salad . That was great ! 三听音,判断听到的内容与图意是否相符,相符的写“Y”,否则写“N”。(5分) 1.We are going to visit a new park next Saturday, and we are going to go fishing there. 2. I bought a new desk on the net yesterday, It was 100 yuan. That was cheap. 3.Mr tortoise goes slower than the snail , but it is bigger than the snail . 4. Today is a good day . But tomorrow will be rainy and windy . We should stay at home. 5. My mother goes dancing with her friends once a day . 四1-7小题,听问句选答语,把编号写在前面的括号里,每小题读两遍;8-10小题听到的是一段对话, 请根据内容和给出的问题选择相应的答案,把编号写在括号里,每小题读两遍。(10分) 1.What color is a panda ? 2.Where were you this morning ? 3.How do you go to the school playground ? 4.How much is that coat ? 5.How many days are there in two weeks ? 6.Excuse me , can I use your phone call ? 7. When is Teachers Day?请听第8至10小题,根据短文内容选择正确的答案(读3遍)Hello, every body, Im Jim .There are 4 people in my family, My father is 37 years old, my mother is 3 years younger than my father. My father is 180 cm . My mother is 168cm . Im 10 years old. Im 160cm. Helen is my brother , he is older and shorter and I .六. 听读短文,在横线上补写缺漏的单词,一共读三遍。(6分) Kenny is a school boy , he is fifteen years old , he is the best in the class. Sometimes he walks to school. Last Friday he went to a store , he got some chips and some carton of ice cream . Next weekend he is going to go swimming with his father , his father is good at swimming , he swims faster than Kenny . 答案: 一、1-5 A A C A A 6-10 B B A A C 二、4 1 3 5 2 三、N N N Y N 四、1-5 A B A A C 6-10 A B B C C 五、 Kenny is a school boy , he is fifteen years old , he is the best in the class. Sometimes he walks to school. Last Friday he went to a store , he got some chips and some carton of ice cream . Next weekend he is going to go swimming with his father , his father is good at swimming , he swims faster than Kenny . 六、1-5 A C B B A 6-10 C A A B 11-15 B B A A C 16-21 B A C B B B七、 (按图片行次顺序) B D F J L H C I K E A G八、 A) 1-8 B B A B B A A B B) A B B B A A A C) 1-6 thirty longest boxes cold snow after May 九、A)1-5 F T F F T B)(一) 2 4 1 3 (二)big - small in- out (三) sit: his big name: game make (四) 1、 She is fourteen (years old ). 2、 He is making a model plane . 3、 Yes , he does . 十、(略) 1、时间必须是last weekend 2、必须要用过去时态进行描写 3、必须要用两到三个句子进行描述 4、语句通顺合理,凡是错别单词扣0.2分,错句扣0.5至1分。 5


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